Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة

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01-20-2003, 06:52 PM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة

    ما سيأتي ادناه سوف نلحقه بترجمة عربية
    We sadly inform our troubled Sudanese fellow countrymen and women that the Sudan government has returned to its old ways of oppression in a large scale. It was clear to us that it never departed the grounds of oppression as it wanted to let the world to believe anyway. But because we wanted peace, we tried o believe our terribly dishonest government. Now the fanatic government of the Sudan has eroded our goodwill for genuine peace.
    We know better. And we want the world, especially the friends of the Sudanese people, who want peace to prevail in the Sudan that the government has detained the prominent Sudanese pacifist, Republican Brother, and engineer, Abdalla Fadalla, for celebrating the life of Al-Ustaz Mahmoud Mohamed Taha. On Jan. 17, 2003, Abdalla opened to the public an exhibit of Ustaz Mahmoud’s ideas and Islamic reformist thought. He was detained and released on bond on the 18th, the day of the 18th Anniversary of the execution of the martyr of freedom by Muslim fundamentalists, whose worldview still govern Sudan today with some of the old faces of oppression still in high places, including the office of First Vice President of the country.
    Abdalla was detained again on the same day and charged with insulting creed under article 125 of the Sudan Penal Code, a shadow from the Sept. Laws under whish Al-Ustaz Mahmoud was executed. This dangerous precedence is invoking a return to the old days of blind fanaticism that resulted in the demise of Numeir and his regime.
    Thus, the government is invoking a mighty revolution against all forms of oppression in our country, which was made home for the King of Terror Osama bin Laden for five years, by this very present government, which wants to deceive the U.S. and the rest of the world by selling it limited intelligence information that could have been obtained from other sources, in return for the blessings of the American government.
    The present government has dug its own grave by detaining this peaceful man, and disciple of the most respected Islamic pacifist and reformist known today in the world. We invite our people, in the Sudan, and in the Diaspora, to arise to over throw this regime, because it will never be as peaceful as it claims to be. We, as every free woman and man in our country, and every free man and woman in the world, want to prevent the coming tragedy that may harm the free and peaceful people of our country such as Abdalla.
    Abdalla is one of millions in our country and the world who have suffered, and who are suffering, from the menace of terrorism and fanaticism. We ask the government of the Sudan to free all political detainees and negotiate for peace with goodwill and in good faith. If it doesn’t, we remind it of the will of our nation, and the mighty will of the world to rid itself of the likes of Osma bin Laden, who govern the Sudan today. EITHER THIS, OR THE FLOOD OF REVOLUTION.

    We ask all to join the three of us to this noble cause.

    Yousif Elmosley
    Haydar Badawi Sadig
    Hasib Osman


01-20-2003, 10:28 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 34683

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    نطالب الحكومه السودانيه باطلاق سراح المعتقلين فورا

01-21-2003, 02:40 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 34683

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Elmosley)

    أصدرت المجموعة السودانية لحقوق الإنسان برئاسة الأستاذ غازي سليمان المحامي بياناً بتاريخ 18 يناير 2003 أعلنت فيه عن إعتقال الأخ عبد الله فضل الله وناشدت فيه كافة المنظمات المحلية والإقليمية والعالمية المهتمة بحقوق الإنسان بالتدخل للدفاع عن حرية التعبير وحرية الإعتقاد اللتين يمثل إعتقال الأخ عبد الله إنتهاكاً لهما .. ويلاحظ أن هذا البيان قد صدر قبل المستجدات الأخيرة المتمثلة في إعتقال الأخ عبد الله للمرة الثانية بواسطة سلطات الأمن ، ولذلك لم يذكر البيان سوى إعتقاله الأول ، بواسطة الشرطة ، والإجراءات الجنائية التي تواجهه فقط ، فلم يذكر إعتقاله بواسطة سلطات الأمن ، ومن المتوقع أن ينشر هذا البيان بالصحف غداً .. وفيما يلي نصه :

    المجموعة السودانية لحقوق الإنسان

    منظمة أهلية طوعية

    إعـلان ومناشـدة

    علمت المجموعة السودانية لحقوق الإنسان بأنه ، وفي حوالي العاشرة مساء الجمعة 17/1/2003 ، داهم أفراد من قوات الشرطة ، وجهاز الأمن ، وما يسمى بأفراد الدعوة ، منزل المهندس عبد الله فضل الله ، بمنطقة ود البخيت شمال أمدرمان ، وذلك أثناء دعوة خاصة كان يعقدها داخل منزله إحتفاءً بالذكرى الثامنة عشر لاستشهاد الأستاذ محمود محمد طه ، وقد تم إقتياده إلى مركز شرطة الحارة 18 المهدية أمدرمان ، وقُـيّـِد في مواجهته بلاغ تحت المادة 125 من القانون الجنائي لسنة 1991 ـ إهانة العقيدة .

    تنبه المجموعة السودانية لحقوق الإنسان بأن قيد دعوى جنائية في مواجهة المذكـور فيه إنتهـاك واضح لحـرية التعبير والتجـمع السلمي وحرية الإعتقـاد

    المنصوص عليهم في المواثيق الدولية التي صادقت عليها حكومة السودان في 1986

    مناشدة :

    تناشد المجموعة السودانية لحقوق الإنسان كافة الأفراد والمنظمات المحلية والإقليمية

    والعالمية للكتابة للسيد رئيس الجمهورية ووزير العدل للأمر بإطلاق سراح المذكور

    وشطب البلاغ في مواجهته لأنه لم يرتكب أية جريمة يحاكم بموجبها .

    غازي سليمان

01-21-2003, 12:21 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 34683

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Elmosley)

    العزيز د حيدر ارجو ان تضيف لجنة استقبال الاستاذه المناضله فاطمه احمد ابراهيم الي هذا البيان

01-21-2003, 02:39 PM

اسامة الخاتم
<aاسامة الخاتم
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 2340

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    اطلقوا سراح المعتقلين السياسين

01-22-2003, 01:40 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 34683

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: اسامة الخاتم)

    نعم ياعزيزي اسامه اطلقوهم كفي اذلال

01-22-2003, 04:55 AM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Elmosley)

    Dear Yousif,

    Please add names as you see fit. I am very busy dealing with the Sudan, Abdalla, and other detainees issues in other fronts, including official ones. I spoke with Aballa and Ustaz Abellatif today at length on the phone. This issue may become the stepping-stone upon which our people, the Sudanese people, shall step to over throw the present government, if it doesn't yield and negotiate for peace in good faith and with goodwill. The security forces have told Abdalla that they have only "the sword" verse or "aya" for him. They are planning for an dangerous and painful tragedy such as that of January 18th, 1985. They have to be removed from power, if they don't return to being peaceful Sudanese human beings again. They haven't learned their lesson yet. We, the Sudanese people, will teach them that lesson over and over again.

    We ask all free Sudanese movements, especially the Sudan Liberation Movement to suspend both talks with the Sudan and military operations, and join with us in our struggle for a free and peaceful Sudan. Peace can not be attained through the gun. The Sudan Liberation Army had done its fair share of struggle, and its unfair share of damage and destruction. Now is the time for civilian and civilized work. Now is the time for the Sudan Liberation Movement, which I declare to join today. I don't share the military aspect, because I think we have had enough killing, enough blood, and enough suffering. I join in the liberation movement, because it is about liberating Sudan. I think Al-Ustaz Mahmoud, whose 18th Anniversary we have celebrated this past Saturday would be blessing my move to join any movement engaged in the LIBERATION OF THE SUDAN. I join hands with Dr. John Garang, my dear brother, and one of the great founding fathers of a NEW SUDAN.
    And I am still a REPUBLICAN who works for liberty, equality, and justice, as Al-USTAZ, and french revolutionists would want me to be.

    Our people have historically taught dictators that they maybe patient, but they can be mighty angry when and if need be. Ali Osman Mohamed Taha knows well. But he is acting as if the October and April uprising haven't happened at all. If he continues to ignore the good conscience of our people, he should prepare himself for the wrath of the Almighty, and the wrath of our mighty people, the Sudanese people. The wrath of our good people have always expressed the wrath of God as well. We are fed up with fanaticism, terrorism, sectarianisms, and dictatorships. If Ali Osman, and his protégés, as Osama bin Laden, or President Bashir have not learned the lesson, they will learn it too late, and soon. Where is Numeiri today?

    Al-Bashir should ask himself this question, especially if he continues to get his governing ideas and decisions from a sick fanatic, like Ali Osman Mohamed Taha. And to Ali, the sick man, we say: " We are a very good bunch of human beings, we can care for the sick. Please step down and let us help you rid yourself from fanaticism. We genuinely want you to become a healthy Sudanese again, if you willfully and courageously step down. Let Al-Bashir, Dr. Garang, and other free and healthy people do the job of transition from fanaticism and painful dictatorial rule to democracy, from sickness to health, or else you will be removed, and you will be put to trial. THIS, OR, THE FLOOD!

    The choice is yours. So chose wisely. And always remember where Numeiri is now. You will be put in his very unfortunate shoes. Or maybe you will be put in a worse place such as that of the leader you have forsaken, Dr. Al-Turabi. Or maybe you will be put to death, if you chose the route that would put you through the wrath of revolution and trial, that would most certainly lead to conviction. The choice is yours. Again, this message is from a very peaceful bunch, who are most interested in curing you from sickness. Please chose wisely.

    Dear Yousif, please work with all free people in the world, Including our beloved freedom advocate Fatma Ahmed Ibrahim, and her reception committee to prevent the coming tragedy. We have had enough tragedies. We need to unite in the face of terror, and in the face of terrorists such as Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, who is carefully monitoring the Abdalla case from the Palace, our Palace, the Sudanese People's Palace. We shouldn't allow a tragedy to occur again.

    Please forgive me for writing in English. On second thought, I have decided to continue to write in English, because I want our western brothers and sisters to support us in this noble march toward freedom. I want the West to know what the rest is doing to us. We need to unite in this world against all forms of oppression, including the dual oppression that we face in the West as well. The march for freedom has begun. So let us invoke a world-side revolution! We accept nothing less than VICTORY!

    THIS, OR, THE FLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Salaaaaaaaaaamun Salaaaaaaaaaaaam!

01-22-2003, 05:10 AM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    We ask all free people in the world to join us in our noble cause for freedom in the Sudan, and around the globe. Please submit your names to Ustaz Yousif Almosely, to me, or to Ustaz Hasib to be addeded to the list.

    We ask all people, especially the oppressed women of the Sudan, our oppressed and brutally treated Southern brethren, and to all free people in the North, East, West, and all corners Sudan and the world to join us. We need the support of every soul, every man, and every woman on every nook on Earth. Let us generate a list of as many people as we can get to sign on around the globe.

    Anyone who reads this and the posts above should excereicse the honour of working for freedom by distributing it to as many people and as many web-sites as he/she can. Let us not rest until we attain freedom, in our country, and in the world at large.


01-22-2003, 06:02 AM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    Dear Yousif,

    Please work on a translation for the above pieces with anyone who can afford to help in this regard. My time is very limited and my speed, and access to a good working station with Arabic software, is limited. And frankly, I feel that I need all the hands, minds, and souls that we can get, to have this march come to its successful conclusion. VICTORY is the only option we have.

    Please ask any translator to help in translating all documents that were written in English, and that can be useful in our March for Freedom, and to our Invocation for Revolution. We need to overwhelm all Sudanese Embassies around the globe with well-organized protests against transgressions in the Sudan. We need to march to the White House, Congress, and the State Department here in the U.S. to make the plight of our people known to all. We need to contact our congressmen and senators in our respect states though various means, including letters and e-mails to ask them to move toward a tougher stance against our terrible Sudanese government. We need to contact our neighbors and friends to join this cause as well. All our fellow Sudanese and non-Sudanese American country-men-and-women need to be informed and asked to act upon the information we give them. The Sudanese-Americans, such as myself, have a greater responsibility in organizing this world-wide protest because they have more resources and freedom of movement than others do. Please let us spare every minute, every dollar, and everything possible in our reach to reach our goal of over throwing fanatics from power, lest they covert and become human beings again.

    I ask all board members to contact NEWS AGENCIES, and HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS around the globe in all languages possible to make them aware of our March to Freedom, from fanaticism and terrorism of any kind. These agencies and organizations should be informed of the daily, thousands upon thousands, of transgressions against human rights in the Sudan, especially in the South.

    Abdalla Fadlalla's case is a good trigger for such an interest in the Sudan, because the regime seems to want to repeat THE TRAGEDY of January 18th, 1985, because Abdalla lacks the support of a big political party that has teeth. Our current rulers only fear violence. They, especially, fear violence that comes from parties such as Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi's. This man took up arms against this regime, and his party has participated in the tragedies our people have been suffering since and after he became Prime Minister in the sixties. Yet he is now living very peacefully in the Sudan.

    I hope Al-Sadig Al-Mahdi has learned his lessons. We need him and his party to join us, if he did learn any lesson from his own unfortunate history. If he didn't learn any lesson from his distant past, and very recent confused past, then we, as Sudanese, have no choice but to cast him into the wastebasket of history. And the regret will be his, not ours, if he doesn't join. We need his support. But we can definitely do without it!

    Our Sudanese brothers and sisters in the Sudan should provide us with all daily details. This board and other forums are open to all so that we can make the world aware of how great our Sudanese people are, and how unfortunate they have been under the rule of brutal fanatics and sectarians.

    Don't spare any detail, and don’t spare any resource and source of information. We can win this peaceful march against terror through the Internet and other means, especially the mass media. Let us work hard, and let us deprive ourselves of just a little bit of sleep if need be, for the sake of our country. This is very little to ask for the sake of a great country and a great people, who have given us life, and everything beyond.

    Our Revolution should completely and fully depend on the wonderful technological revolution that God has blessed us with. This has accorded us far more freedom than the fanatics and sectarians in the Sudan, and around the world, would bear and put up with. Let us work on saving even the terrorists, fanatics, and sectarians, from themselves, and from terrorism.

    Let us move on. Please join. This is a call to everyone with a soul on Earth. If you don’t have a soul, you don’t have to join. We only need people with souls fired with the flames and the SPIRIT OF FREEDOM.

    (عدل بواسطة Haydar Badawi Sadig on 01-22-2003, 06:34 AM)


01-22-2003, 06:11 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 48990

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    إليكم ملخصا لما يتم في السودان من محاولات للإحتفال بذكرى مقتل الأستاذ محمود بصفتها رمزا للإحتفال بحقوق الإنسان ومطالبة بحرية الفكر والتعبير
    محاولات إحياء الذكرى بالسودان
    ما زالت المجموعة السودانية لحقوق الإنسان وبعض المنظمات الأخرى التي يطلق عليها إسم ( منظمات المجتمع المدني ) يواصلون جهودهم لتصعيد المواجهة والمقاومة ضد التسلط عن طريق الإصرار على إحياء ذكرى الثامن عشر من يناير ، وذلك رغم العوائق والصعوبات التي تضعها سلطات الأمن .. وفيما يلي تقرير مقتضب عن آخر إجتماع للمجموعة ، عقد مساء اليوم بمنزل الأستاذ غازي سليمان المحامي ، حيث تقرر ما يلي :
    1ـ الإعلان عن محاضرة بعنوان : ( معايير المحاكمة العادلة ) تقام بدار المحامين ( ولو بغير إذن النقابة التابعة للحكومة ) في 27 يناير الجاري ، وتتخذ فيها محاكمة الأستاذ محمود كنموذج للمحاكمات الجائرة التي يستغل فيها القضاء للأغراض السياسية .. وفي حالة إغلاق دار المحامين بواسطة الشرطة ، كما هو متوقع ، يحال مكان المحاضرة إلى مكتب أو منزل أحد الأعضاء .
    2 ـ الإعلان عن ندوة جامعة بمناسبة الإحتفاء بذكرى الأستاذ محمود تقام بمركز عبد المجيد إمام بالخرطوم بحري في 30 يناير الجاري .
    3 ـ يكون الإعلان عن الندوة الأخيرة بلصق ملصقات البوستر التي تحمل صورة مكبرة للأستاذ محمود في الأماكن العامة في صبيحة يوم الندوة .
    4 ـ حيث تعذر نشر الملف الخاص بالذكرى بصحيفة الحرية بسبب تخوف رئيس تحريرها ، سعد الدين إبراهيم ، فقد تقرر نشره في كتيب يوزع على الحاضرين في محاضرة الدار وفى الندوة ، وذلك فضلاً عن محاولة نشره بصحيفة الصحافة .
    5 ـ تقرر أيضاً الحديث في المحاضرة وفي الندوة عن إنتهاكات الدستور والمواثيق الدولية فيما يختص بحرية الفكر والتعبير وإتخاذ موضوع عبد الله فضل الله كنموذج لذلك .. ودعوة ممثلي اللجنة الأوربية ومنظمة العفو الدولية الموجودين حالياً بالخرطوم لحضور المحاضرة والندوة .

01-22-2003, 06:56 AM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    Thank you Dr. Yasir,

    This is exaclty the kind of information that we want from everyone, to provide us, so that we can make the world aware of what is going on in the Sudan. We should make clear to the world that our present government is only buying time by talking about democracy and peace.

    It will never be peaceful and it will never espouse democracy, unless and untill it rids itself of fanaticims, and until it genuinely work toward protecting people like Abdalla Fadalla, from people like Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, and Mustafa Osman Isamial.

    If Al-Bashir is genuine about peace he should remove Ali Osman Mohamed Taha from power, because he is the one who is directing the security forces to do what they have been doing all along. The present Minister of Foreign Affairs should also be removed, because he was, and still is one of the most valubale security officer that Al-Turabi has inside the cabinet of the government of the Sudan. If Al-Bashir doesn't know this, he should know it now!!!!!

    President Bashir, please join us in this cause. This man, the Minister of Foreign Afffairs, is working with Ali Osman against you, from the inside-ouit. If you don't know, we do. Don't let these people decieve you and the Sudanese people again. A smart Sudanese man wouldn't let himself be decieved twice!!!! If he does then the wrath of people would take him where Numeiri is, or worse. Chose for yourself, and chose wisely. We know what we are talking about, you don't.

    Salamun Salaaaaaaaaaaam!

01-22-2003, 07:05 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 48990

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    عزيزي حيدر

    This government should be removed, not improved.

    I see no wisdom in calling Albasheeir to join us.

    Quote: If Al-Bashir is genuine about peace he should remove Ali Osman Mohamed Taha from power, because he is the one who is directing the security forces to do what they have been doing all along. The present Minister of Foreign Affairs should also be removed, because he was, and still is one of the most valubale security officer that Al-Turabi has inside the cabinet of the government of the Sudan. If Al-Bashir doesn't know this, he should know it now!!!!!

    President Bashir, please join us in this cause. This man, the Minister of Foreign Afffairs, is working with Ali Osman against you, from the inside-ouit. If you don't know, we do. Don't let these people decieve you and the Sudanese people again. A smart Sudanese man wouldn't let himself be decieved twice!!!! If he does then the wrath of people would take him where Numeiri is, or worse. Chose for yourself, and chose wisely. We know what we are talking about, you don't.

01-22-2003, 07:50 AM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    Dear Dr. Yasir,

    We should not forget that Al-Bashir is an officer in the Sudanese Military Forces, who has been seduced into being a fanatic. He may be regretting his decision to have done so. I think he still has one LAST chance to join us, if he choses to stop the bloodshed in the Sudan. He, if we like it or not, is the one who was used by the fanatics to stage the coup. He now has his only chance to correct his historical mistake by joining hand with Dr. John Garang, and removing hands from Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, Mustafa Osamn, SIKHA, Ghazi Salah Al-Din, and all other fanatics. This is his only chance! I hope he listens.

    I just wanted us to be as peaceful as possible, and to make our trasition to democracy as bloodless as possinle. We hope this unfortuante man, put in the very unfortunate position of governing the Sudan through fantics and fanaticism. He should ask God for forgiven for the lives we have lost during his terrible years in power, and the damage that disabled a very able people, and a very rich land. He should ask God for forgiveness, because the wealth of the nation was looted infront of his blurred vision. He should go back to being a genuine Sudanese, or else we have nothing for him other than what we did to Numeiri and Abboud before him. But this time there is not graceful desecnt from power, if an equally gracful stance is not taken by this very unfortunate man.

    He needs to like a president for once, and remove those who have been presiding over the country from behind the seens. He has this choice. If he doesn't act upon it, he will miss yet another chance to go gracefully and peacefully into civilian life. We need his hand to stop the bloodletting, but if he refuses his blood will be fare game for freedom fighters, and for the trials that will follow the triumph of freedom.

    If he doesn't, we only say, THIS, OR, THE FLOOD. He should go back to our recent history to know what these words brought upon Numeiri!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-22-2003, 08:52 AM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 48990

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    البشير أسوأ من الأشخاص الذين ذكرتهم

    وهو الآن غاطس في الفضائح المالية إلى أذنيه

    لا خير فيه ولا خير في أي عسكري

    وأرجو أن تتابع نتائج الاستفتاء لتعرف أن المشكلة ليست في البشير وليست في النميري وإنما في عقلية الشعب السوداني الذي لا يفتأ يخرج أمثال البشير والترابي وغيرهم

    أقرأ بوست مهيرة الأخير أيضا لتعرف أين نحن من الديمقراطية
    من حوش--------- الفكرة(دراسة نقدية )تحت الطبع-1

    (عدل بواسطة Yasir Elsharif on 01-22-2003, 09:03 AM)


01-22-2003, 03:51 PM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Yasir Elsharif)

    Dear Dr. Yasir,

    I am just hoping that Al-Baisr will ask God for forgiveness and will act upon a genuine redemtion, by switching to the side of the Sudanse people from the fanatic side of its enemies. Let us hope that he will do so. God is forgiving. He even made a killer one of the most beloved prophets. Let us not deal with our enemies by having grudges against them. They are also victims of fanaticism and the fanatics who are around them.

    Let us just hope that, Al-Bashir will become a genuine Sudanese, and will become on our side by chosing genuine peace with SPLA/M. If he doesn't, Numeiri's example, or even worse, will be what he should expect to follow very soon.

    (عدل بواسطة Haydar Badawi Sadig on 01-22-2003, 04:05 PM)


01-22-2003, 03:54 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    عزيزي دكتور حيدر
    ماذا سيفعل البشير
    اليس هو علي راس الذين انقلبوا علي الديموقراطية
    لك الله ياشعبنا

01-22-2003, 04:17 PM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Elmosley)

    Dear Yousif,

    Let us just hope that, Al-Bashir will become a genuine Sudanese, and will become on our side by chosing genuine peace with SPLA/M. He still has this opportunity, If he doesn't chose to recant his fanaticisim, Numeiri's example, or even worse, will be what he should expect to follow very soon.

    I don't expect much from this very unfortunate man, but let us just hope that he will have some left over of his "Sudaneseness." If he choses not to be a genuine and honest Sudnaese by admitting mistakes and acting upon that admission, his time in power is limited, and he will lose the handle of power.

    This will be either by a coup from the fanatics themseleves who are working hard to get rid of him, or by the Sudanese people who will get rid of him and the fanaitcs around him for ever. Let us work toward the latter, if Al-Bashir choses anything less than genuine peace with the Sudanese people's terms, not the terms of the fanatic terrorists, especially in the peace talks with SPLM.

01-22-2003, 04:08 PM

Yasir Elsharif
<aYasir Elsharif
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-09-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 48990

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    عزيزي حيدر


    لسنا في حاجة أن نأمل في أن يتغير البشير يا أخي.. والمقارنة بينه وبين حالة سيدنا موسى غير سليمة.. البشير الآن في السلطة منذ 14 سنة.. وهو يزايد الترابي على التمسك بالدولة الإسلامية لأنه يعلم بأن زعماء الأحزاب لا يجرؤون على معارضة القوانين الإسلامية..

    الخط الرئيسي هو المداومة على مقاومة القوانين الإسلامية وعلى رأسها قانون الردة.. هذا هو الاتجاه الذي يرغم الحكومة على التنازل والرجوع عن غيها..

    مساندة البشير أو التفاؤل بأن يغير موقفه لا تجد سندا من الواقع ..

    هذا هو الطريق الذي يغني الناس عن استخدام الكفاح المسلح كالذي يقوم به جون قرنق..

    الحركة الشعبية قبلت بالتفاوض مع الحكومة لأنها ضمنت حق تقرير المصير، وضمنت أكثر من ذلك استنثناء الجنوب من حكم الشريعة.. يجب أن نستفيد من دروس الماضي فلا يكون همنا الأول هو إسقاط الحكومة، وإنما يكون همنا توفير ضمان لاحترام حقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية التي تؤسس للديمقراطية من الدستور الصحيح.. وهذا لا يأتي بالمراهنة على البشير بأي حال من الأحوال، ولا بالمراهنة على جون قرنق بأي حال من الأحوال..

    ولك شكري

01-22-2003, 06:38 PM

Omer Abdalla
<aOmer Abdalla
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-03-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3083

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Haydar Badawi Sadig)

    I am in full agreement with you Dr. Yasir. We can only hope that Elbashir will change to the extent that Ali Osman and Turabi will change because they are all from the same mold and mentality. Looking at some of the postings in this board you can clearly see that Turabi's supporters are now complaining about Elbashir dictatorship and cricising the barbaric and violant behaviour of his security forces, as if Turabi has not contributed in establishing these forces in the first place. These are the same people who still support the "Ridha" article. We do indeed need a change in the minds and perceptions of these folks not just to overthrough Elbashir or Ali Osman because if September laws are there, and the simple minds that accept and promote them are active, then it does not matter who implement them: Numeiri, Turabi, Bashir, Ali Osman, or Elsadiq. They are all the same and equally wrong unless they denounce these laws and declare their repentance and when they do that they should not be leading the counry but take responsiblity for their past crimes. Elbashir has been bragging about the so-called Shari3a laws and insiting on the call for "Jihad" even after he signed the agreement with John Garang. I do not see a hope for a sudden reform in his mentality any time soon.

01-22-2003, 08:47 PM

Haydar Badawi Sadig
<aHaydar Badawi Sadig
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-04-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 8270

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Invocation For Revolution- دعوة للثورة (Re: Omer Abdalla)

    Thanks Omer,

    I partially agree with both of you and Dr. Yasir. But I am mostly concerned with the bloodleting that will result if things continue to unfold the way they are unfolding right now. Al-Bashir is not an innocent victim of fanaticism, but he is a victim that wicked minds of Al-JABHA has used. He was never, and he is not today, the real ruler of the Sudan.

    The real rulers are hiding behind him, and behind his military uniform. This explains the rift that we hear about every now and then between Al-Bashir and Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, who is very domineering and wickedly clever in passing his decisions as though they are Al-Bashir's. When they acutely disagree, we hear of rifts, that would quickly be contained by equallay wicked mediators, like Mustafa Osman Ismail, who still secretly works for Turabi as well, from within the cabinet.

    These people have put themselves in a real mess. That is why they seem confused in almost anything they do. Look at the way they are handlingl the negotiatioans in Kenya these days. You will immediately sense that there are many power centers in the governmnet, which give different singnals to different people at different places, and at the same time.

    Al-Bashir needs to save himself first, before helping in saving others. This is what I am trying to say. Is it not true that anyone, including redemed sinners, will be saved if they show remorse in due time, and if they learn from mistakes.

    We shouldn't be full of hate toward our enemies in a manner that would not make us see them as human beings. This is especially true when you have got a mind sick with fanaticism, from which we hope all our Sudanese brethern, and all people who has it, will be cured!

    I hope my point is not misunderstood and decontextualized by some, as always is the case!!!

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