اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات المتحدة يستضيف فيصل محمد صالح في ندوة بواشنطن

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05-09-2018, 06:29 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات المتحدة يستضيف فيصل محمد صالح في ندوة بواشنطن


05-09-2018, 06:32 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-09-2018, 06:33 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)

    يستضيف اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات المتحدة ندوة عن "مجريات الأوضاع في السودان" والتي يقدمها الأستاذ فيصل محمد صالح والذي يقوم بزيارة هذه الأيام للولايات المتحدة، والدعوة عامة.

    الزمان: السادسة مساء يوم الجمعة 11 مايو 2018
    المكان: دار الجالية السودانية

    9006B Crownwood CT Burke VA 22015

05-09-2018, 07:00 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)

    Sudanese reporter to be honored in Washington, DC, Oct. 24

    Oct 07, 2013, 14:06 ET from Peter Mackler Award

    NEW YORK, Oct. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Sudanese Faisal Mohamed Salih will receive the 2013 Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism on October 24th, at 6 pm, at the National Press Club in Washington DC.

    The keynote speaker will be longtime Africa expert Ambassador Princeton N. Lyman.

    Faisal Salih, 53, a reporter, editor, and columnist now with the Al Khartoum Daily, has demonstrated exemplary courage in a country ranked 170th out of 179 countries in the World Press Freedom Index published by Reporters without Borders.

    Salih, harassed, arrested and imprisoned for his writings, has been a steadfast critic of the human rights record of his government.

    Salih not only continues to work in his country, but also teaches journalism. He is director of Programs for Teeba Press at the Media Training, Advocacy, and Consultancy Center in Khartoum.

    Ambassador Lyman was United States special envoy for Sudan in 2011-2013. He also served as U.S. senior advisor on North-South Negotiations, where he led the U.S. team focused on supporting negotiations between the parties to Sudan's 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

    Ambassador Lyman's previous career in government included assignments as deputy assistant secretary of state for African affairs, U.S. ambassador to Nigeria, director of refugee programs, U.S. ambassador to South Africa, and assistant secretary of state for international organization affairs.

    The Peter Mackler award rewards journalists who fight courageously and ethically to report news in countries where independent media is not tolerated. The Award is administered by the Mackler family in collaboration with Reporters Without Borders.

    The ceremony is open to the public. Advance tickets are $25 ($10 with student ID) and can be purchased at http://http://www.pmaward.orgwww.pmaward.org. Ticket purchases include one free drink. All proceeds directly benefit the Peter Mackler Award Fund.

    Camille J. Mackler
    Project Director, Peter Mackler Award
    Tel: +1-202 247 5186
    Email: mailto:[email protected]@globalmediaforum.com

    SOURCE Peter Mackler Award

05-09-2018, 07:17 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 39980

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)

    National Press Club, Washington DC, October 24th, 2013

    Honourable guests,
    Dear Sirs and Madams,


    It is a great honour for me to be standing in front of you today, here in the National Press Club in Washington, to accept the prestigious Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism.
    Allow me first to thank the PETER MACKLER AWARD, The Global media Forum, and the American Branch of Reporters without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières) for honouring me with this Award. An award that I would never have imagined I would receive.

    In a very hot day, as usual in Khartoum summer days, I received an email from Camille Mackler from the Peter Mackler Award, telling me that I have been selected to receive the 2013 award. To be honest with you, it was the first time for me to hear of the Award, so it was a double surprise. But my real feeling at that time was more than just a surprise; that there are some people in this world who monitor and commend our efforts, and know something about us. It is that we are not alone.
    It is true, ladies and gentlemen that, all too often we, the Sudanese people, have the feeling that we are left alone.

    I come from a devastated, war torn country, divided by social, political, and security crises. And sadly none of this is new, for our beloved Sudan has suffered these afflictions since its independence in January 1956, with the continuous failure of the national state.

    For years, all these failures and crisis were connected in our minds with North-South divisions, but we discovered after the secession of South Sudan in 2011, that these divisions were deeper still, that they did not stop at the borders of the South, and instead cut fiercely and tragically across the sundered land.
    The civil wars continue… in Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile, and the cruelties of political and social injustice stalking the rest of the land.

    We sometimes look back to our history, to the magnificence of the ancient Nubian Kingdoms and States, Kerma, Meroe and Kush founded by our great ancestors, and ask ourselves: why did they succeeded long time ago, and we live in total failure today؟ How is that we have failed where once greatness flourished؟

    I don’t have a concrete answer to this crucial question. But the only thing coming to my mind is that we fail to know ourselves, and to appreciate and invest in our diversity and multi-cultural identities.

    Our late great writer and world renowned novelist Altayeb Salih once wrote a very memorable article titled Where do they come from؟ trying to argue that those people who are governing Sudan today by the politics of division and exclusion, don’t relate to us, they don’t have the same genetics like us. It was an inspiring article which led us to volunteer an answer that they actually came from us, from our faults and mistakes, lack of understanding and lack of will of social and political coexistence and for our inability to accept our diversity.

    Our crisis is rooted deep in our history, and though it is true that it was widened and expanded by the current regime. But they cannot bear the blame alone. We failed to preserve and protect a democracy born out of a long struggle and so we lost it again in June 1989 , as we did in 1958 and 1969, and have since that time lived under totalitarian regime that has escalated civil war in Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile and exacerbated poverty and inequality and injustice throughout the rest of the country.

    The Sudanese people are struggling to achieve real change, and they know that they are the only one who can achieve this change, to open doors for social, political reconciliation that could lead to peace, social justice, and democracy. All that our people need from the world is to put an eye on Sudan, and to monitor the situation there.

    The media in Sudan faces many problems and challenges; it operates in a difficult and harsh atmosphere. We are among very few countries in the world which still practice pre-printing censorship, and with few exceptions, the Radio and TV stations are under full government ownership and control.

    All newspapers are privately owned, but government hands are playing everywhere. Newspapers and journalists face much suppression, all types of harassment, censorship, detention and are all too often banned from writing. Newspapers are regularly confiscated, after printing, closed and licenses withdrawn. All these practices are legalized under the National Security Act of 2010, which gives security organs free hand over the media.

    During last September mass demonstrations, around 200 civilians died, hundreds were injured, and over 1200 activists and demonstrators were detained without trial. Due to censorship, these events were portrayed in the media, from the viewpoint of the government only, who did everything they could to underplay the scale of what had happened and the violence that it inflicted. It was thanks to the new media – internet and satellite channels that, the Sudanese people where able to discover the truth.

    In spite of all of this, Sudanese journalists are not giving up. They face harassment, detention and threat of violence with great courage and honesty. They are doing all they can to serve their citizens right to know.
    I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words of appreciation and thanks.
    I would like to thank the courageous pioneers of Sudanese journalists whose names ring through the halls of Sudanese history, from our great founder and first Sudanese journalist Hussien Shariff to the dean of the modern Sudanese press, Mahjoub Mohamed Salih, and their colleagues.

    Together, we have learned and are still learning that the media should continue, in any circumstances, to play its sacred role, serving the right of the public to know. We stand together and fight together, and gain strength from our unity and solidarity.

    My appreciation and thanks are extended to my colleagues in the Sudanese media, the Sudanese Journalists Network, Journalists for Human Rights and the Confederation of the Sudanese Civil Societies Organizations.

    I came from a very different culture, where we think that we shouldn’t thank people, who deserve thanks and appreciation, in their presence, but in their absence, where words become more strong and trustworthy. But here today I will mix the tradition of the two cultures; so, thank you here, and I will continue to thank you in your absence, when I go back home.

    Thank you again to the PETER MACKLER AWARD, The Global media Forum, and the American Branch of the Reporters without Boarders (Reporters Sans Frontiers), for selecting me for this year’s Award and special thanks to the Peter Mackler family; Catherine , Camille, and Lauren for their tireless efforts to bring me here, and to Ambassador Princeton Lyman for honouring this ceremony by his presence and speech.

    Finally my thanks to my family and friends who gathered here today, my wife Somaya for her loyal backing and continuous support, my relatives and friends for coming from different states to be here.

    And, of course, to all of you for reserving some of your valuable time to attend this ceremony]

05-09-2018, 07:24 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 39980

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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-09-2018, 07:38 AM

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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-09-2018, 07:41 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-09-2018, 09:53 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-09-2018, 09:59 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-09-2018, 10:07 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)

    “I am not giving up,” and again “We are not giving up.”

    The National Intelligence and Security Service of Sudan has given journalist Faisal Mohamed Salih frequent cause to express his determination to see a free press unafraid to document government repression take root in his homeland.

    As the Sudan Tribune noted, “He is no stranger to confrontations with the security apparatus.” Reporters Without Borders said that “In the face of harsh oppression, Salih remains a steadfast figure of free speech.”

    The U.S. State Department singled out Sudan’s efforts to silence Salih in its 2012 report on human rights abuses worldwide.

    “The government, including NISS, continued to arrest and torture journalists and harass vocal critics of the government,” the report said. “Authorities continued to target aggressively journalists and publications through contrived legal proceedings, politicized criminal charges, and confiscations.”

    “For example, in April (2012) the NISS compelled Al Adwa newspaper Editor in Chief Faisal Mohamed Salih to appear for daily questioning after he criticized the president during an interview on Al-Jazeera. Saleh was arrested and interrogated for nine hours after he failed to appear for a 12th day of questioning,” the State Department report said.

    The 53-year-old Salih, a reporter, editor, columnist and teacher now with the Al Khartoum Daily, most notably came to the defense of Safia Ishaq, an artist and activist with the pro-democracy Girifna (We Are Fed Up) group. She charged that in 2011 she was beaten and gang-raped after being dragged off the streets of Khartoum by government agents.

    “All I wrote is that I called for an independent investigation of that case,” Salih said, but he was subjected to another round of NISS interrogations and court appearances.

    Safia Ishaq had angered the authorities with an exhibit on the plight of women in Sudan. She said later that her captors accused her of being a “communist” and said of her short hair that “this is the style of communist girls.” She vowed to continue to “speak out against these people with my art and send a message – I will be strong.”

    Salih, with a degree in journalism from al-Azhar University in Cairo and a master’s from the University of Wales in Cardiff, has worked for 25 years for various Sudanese newspapers and also is director of Programs for Teeba Press at the Media Training, Advocacy, and Consultancy Center.

    The struggle to present the news accurately and fairly has been a constant. Sudan is currently ranked 170th out of 179 countries in the World Press Freedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders.

    “The African nation is known for its widespread use of intimidation and violence to censor journalists,” Reporters Without Borders said. “The result is a media landscape crippled by state censorship, and self-censorship is practiced by many of the country’s professional journalists.”

    Salih has pledged to continue to work across that difficult landscape. “Of course, it’s not safe to speak in Sudan. We are trying to speak out and we are paying the price for it,” he said. The NISS continues daily visits to newsrooms “to decide what is published and what is not allowed,” he said.

    On learning that he would receive the Peter Mackler Award, Salih wrote that “it is an honor for me to receive this award which carries the name of a courageous man and renowned journalist.”

    “I look to it as an award to all Sudanese journalists, who are working in difficult circumstances, and all journalists around the world who are facing same situation.”

    Richard Sisk

    “The Press, Transformation, and Lasting Peace in Sudan” – Keynote Address by Ambassador Princeton N. Lyman

    “We are not alone” – Acceptance speech by Faisal Mohamed Salih


    In The News
    Watch the event on YouTube – Video courtesy of Nasr Haggam
    The Voice of America’s Africa 54 covers the event.
    Read Faisal Mohamed Salih’s columns published on Alrakoba.net
    Media Freedom Blog: Paying the price for speaking out in Sudan[]

05-11-2018, 07:48 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-13-2018, 10:04 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-17-2018, 10:59 AM

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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


05-24-2018, 06:06 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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Re: اتحاد الصحافيين السودانيين في الولايات ا (Re: Kostawi)


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