ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل وقف المجازر الأثنية في السودان

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12-02-2017, 08:04 AM

Biraima M Adam
<aBiraima M Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-05-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 29339

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل وقف المجازر الأثنية في السودان

    07:04 AM December, 02 2017

    سودانيز اون لاين
    Biraima M Adam-أمريكا الشمالية
    رابط مختصر

    من باب التنوير .. والعلم بالشيئ .. أخوتكم النوير في جنوب الوطن وحول العالم .. سوف يقومون بأحياء ذكري مذبحة النوير في جوبا في يوم 15 ديسمبر الجاري .. التي راح ضحيتها أكثر من 20000 ألف نسمة (عشرون ألف نسمة) .. علي مرأي ومسمع وتحت أنظار الأمم المتحدة في مدينة جوبا وحدها عاصمة جنوب السودان.

    لم تكن المذبحة هي الأولي ضد النوير .. فقد سبق تمت إبادة 5 أو أكثر من قري النوير جيكاني في أعالي النيل عام 1991م حينما أنشق القائد ونائب الرئيس رياك مشار ودكتور لام أكول عن دكتور جون قرنق .. فقد مسحت قوات جون قرنق حوالي 5 قري من قري النوير من وجه البسيطة .. تم سحق الأنسان والحيوان علي حد سواء.
    Quote: 2nd Commemoration of Juba’s Nuer Massacre For December 15, The Darkest And Saddest Day in South Sudan History

    December 15, 2015 .

    By Daniel Buom Met,


    Dec 15, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- December 15, 2013 is the darkest and saddest day in South Sudan history since the government of South Sudan under President Salva Kiir massacred thousands of innocent Nuer civilians mostly children, women and elderly in capital Juba . The killings were incited and motivated by the government elites. These killings of Nuer civilians were miserable and misfortune as human tragedy. Many concerning citizens of South Sudan are feeling sorrow for December 15 as the darkest and saddest day in our history. To remember this horrible day of December 15 , is extremely shockable and unacceptable day when people ruminate the love ones who lost their lives in Juba massacre .This day is the day all south Sudanese should stand and join hands together to commemorate and remember helpless victims who were massacred in Juba without causes.

    This killings of Nuer civilians across the country was being incited by Juba government who supervised the killings and death toll were inexpressible since the well-planned killings got explosion and death toll had risen to thousands and thousands of innocent civilians mostly children, women and elderly. The people are remembering and mourning our companions’ brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children and relatives who lost their lives in December 15.

    We will always reassure that you were not died in vain and justice will pursue to investigate those culprits, who carried out these atrocities against you, and they should be held accountable for what they have done, possibly they will be brought to book of law. You were not supposed to die at these times while we have incurred our independence and your deaths are heartbreaking to the extent of human catastrophic .I personally feel shock when Nuer people were burned and dismembered, the survivors were forced to eat the flesh body of the dead relatives which had never been happened in our history and also these killings brought massive social dislocations and misery which is absolutely despondent and massive destruction in our society on a scale of social fabric.

    Likewise, the targeting killing of Nuer in our capital Juba and ransacked of them around the city will take some years for the people to restore trust and peace among the communities, and also the president of republic of south Sudan president Salva Kiir has shown a lack of compassion with other diverse communities as the president is narrowly compassionate and empathetic within only his own tribe as a Dinka not interest of all citizens of the south Sudan. If the president Salva Kiir has sympathized about the love ones who lost their lives in December 15, he should come out and condemned the massacres by sympathized and empathised the death of innocent civilians; however, he had never expressed any pitied words about the death of the people in Juba.

    He just keeps saying that people who ran to UNMISS are lack and blessed as they are survived from the massacres. I concluded that south Sudan has a long way to go under this Juba regime. It is unbelievable the president should not articulate fortunate for the people who ran and sought the refuge in the various UNMISS compounds across the country as the killings become rampage in the capital Juba and elsewhere. I completely lost trust of south Sudan president who pronounced above harshly statement and his followers who carried out these atrocities of killing of Nuer who were not even connected to any political affiliations .although there are some Nuer who are side with government for their personal gain are still continued to repudiate the genocide, but thank goes to many nationalists and patriots of south Sudan community members who witnessed an atrocities and spoke out the truth loudly about what were happened in Juba , they have exhibited their nationalism and patriotism in our country .

    The numerous of the communities’ members included some Dinka community who have sense of nationalistic and compassionated about south Sudan stood up and spoke out the truth about evil acts which carried out by Juba government. I did salute those courageous individuals from various communities who spoke out very loudly when the country is under crises. They have promptly responded on behalf of the Nuer victims and they condemned the government. However, these massive devastations that occurred in December 15, 2013 in our young nation have brought an enormous destruction which the government was unaware of before the inception of the genocide and ordered of rampant killings of innocent Nuer people with purpose of extinguished of Nuer as a dream of Salva Kiir and his followers. The voice of the helpless civilians who were killed as they are being Nuer could have an effect to culminate Nuer. This man-made tragedy turns this beautiful country into turmoil which is difficult to avert the crisis, so innocents’ civilians were killed daily in south Sudan and their children are remained behind wailing and crying as they lost their guardians and nobody are taking care and nurturing them. People of south Sudan will sympathize to commemorate the love ones who died guiltless.

    Therefore, the maltreatment of Nuer people by forcing them to eat the flesh of the dead body has reached the climaxes which will take a time to heal as December 15 has nothings similar like since we fought with the north Sudan, but it occurred in south Sudan government as we are one nation who shares the same cultural background as black people who have the same cultural heritage, social and political entity are interconnected with each other’s. I am extremely shockable whenever we approach to December 15, the second commemoration of Juba Massacre as it is a saddest and pitiable ,as the government turned and killed their own people instead to delivers services, but the government designs loathe among the communities in south Sudan as Juba government massacred Nuer shamelessly, but I articulate the Nuer armies and white armies stood firmly to rescue the remained victims by responding so instantly.

    December 15 is loomed and closed to remember Juba’s massacres victims who were slaughtered by Salva Kiir’s regime. The Nuer and entire people of south Sudan will remember the victims and People will never forget you although you died in hand of the reckless government. South Sudan is closed to incur a peace by giving a peace chance to embrace peace among the communities, but Juba massacres are seriously tragedies that will not be forgotten in our history, therefore; the people would still need peace. Let we appreciate and recognize the hard work of the chairman of SPLM/SPLA -IO commander in chief Dr. Riek Machar Teny for accepting peace as a solution to end this human suffering in our country. The war is not option as we fought with north Sudan at end we compromised and sat at the table and brought peace to the nation. I personally salute Dr. Machar for embracing peace and brings change to our nation even though the Juba are still dragging and putting many obstacles to derail the peace, but SPLM/SPLA –IO are persuaded peace in the region to end this absurd war that was instigated by president Salva Kiir and his followers to eliminate his opponents which was the genesis of this conflict.

    The 2nd commemoration, people of south Sudan would mark December 15, 2013 to honour victims of Juba massacre as the day of misfortune and calamity that brought this suffering of our people. As a people, we should always have honoured and commemorated them. They were our love ones who massacred in Juba. People will light candles and wear the black T-shirts to symbolise and remember the darkest and saddest day in our country history. As many lives lost and properties in this conflict between brothers and sisters, but the accountability will go to president of republic of south Sudan Salva Kiir who instigated this conflict in the young nation, nevertheless; the justice will prevail to bring the culprits to book of law. Brothers and sisters who died in Juba massacre rest in peace. The survivors and the nation will remember you on this day of December 15 as memorials days ever and ever in our history.

    Daniel Buom Met is a South Sudanese concerned citizen living in Canada and he can be reached at [email protected]

    معاً لمنع المجازر الأثنية في السودان.



12-02-2017, 08:10 AM

Biraima M Adam
<aBiraima M Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-05-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 29339

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل � (Re: Biraima M Adam)

    Quote: Dec 1, 2017(Nyamilepedia) — Nuer Community Global Board (NCGB) is a universal body comprises of Nuer Community Leadership across the globe. On this date, the NCGB Organisation is hereby informing the Nuer community leadership and its members, as well as the general public about the upcoming December 15, 2017 commemoration. The fourth anniversary of Juba Nuer GENOCIDE, “December 15, 2013, is the day when the Nuer Genocide and other ethnic cleansing among South Sudanese nationals were introduced in South Sudan” by the very government. From December 15th – 19th, 2013, the Nuer tribe of South Sudan had straightaway lost more than twenty thousand 20,000 innocent lives including children, women, unarmed men and elderly people from the hand of South Sudanese President in Capital Juba. Nuer as a tribe was targeted according to their ethnicity and identity (i.e. their traditional six marks on the forehead and Language).

    It was very destructive for President Kiir to train a private militia from his own Dinka tribe without the knowledge of other government officials that held from other 63 tribes, simply to use them against Nuer and other minor tribe.

    December 15, 2013 Juba Nuer Genocide is beyond description, it was not only an evil act; it was an event that was full of atrocities similar to the “1994 of The Rwandan Genocide”. Chalk and Jonassohn defined Genocide as murder, attempted murder, sexual violence, torture, impaling, slicing tendons, cutting off breasts, and disemboweling pregnant women, among other acts of brutality”. Whereas the Nuer tribe were brutally killed in a very humiliating way, including burning children alive, people buried alive, women being forced to eat their husband’s dead flesh, gang rapes and boys being castrated. Additionally, their bodies were being collected around the city using trucks to be dumped into the river and into mass graves.

    The evidence above indicated that the AU report was unfair and due to the fact they defined this brutality as a “massacre”, while many reports indicate this as exceeding the level of “massacre” and reached that of ”genocide”. Moreover, the main purpose of this statement is to increase awareness and instruct the community on how the fourth anniversary of December 15, 2017 will be globally commemorated. The NCGB is urging its members from all corners of the world to wisely follow these instructions in accordance. Significantly, the commemoration will take place in two consecutive days, which will be Friday of December 15, 2017 and Saturday of December 16, 2017, where these two days will be for prayers, and services ceremony respectively.


    In addition, our global leaders have agreed to use the same logo (new logo) on the commemoration dates. It is therefore recommended that every Nuer community member that is attending the ceremony wear a print T-shirt that has the new logo both in the front and back printed.

    Our ultimate goal is to educate South Sudanese nationals, and the entire world about the “December 15, 2013, Juba Nuer Genocide” and feasibly recognize it as a national ceremonial’s day for South Sudan and calling for it’s amendment into the constitution. Because, once it’s put into the constitution, it will help in preventing further atrocities by the government from being practiced on other tribes or groups in the future. As this ‘GENOCIDE’ will be used by other countries in the continent, as well as the world in general as a reference. Last but not least, the NCGB leadership is sending its condolences to the families of victims who had been brutally slaughtered by the Government of South Sudan in Juba December 15, 2013.



    Yours Sincerely;

    Signed by;
    ◾Maduk Muon Kuony, both Chairman of NCGB and National Nuer Community of Australia.
    ◾John Gatloth Madeng, deputy Chairman of NCGB and National Chairman of Nuer Community in Sudan.
    ◾Sam Simon Mayen, Chairman of Nuer Community in South Sudan.
    ◾Mai Kaway Deng, Chairman of Nuer Community in Uganda.
    ◾James Gatwech Deng, Chairman of Nuer Community in Egypt.
    ◾Bol Duop Nyout, Chairman of Nuer Community in Kenya.
    ◾William Deng Chang, Chairman of Nuer Community in UK.
    ◾Wal Bichiok Wur, Chairman of Nuer Community in Netherlands.
    ◾Dak Pal, Chairman of Nuer Community in Norway.
    ◾Koat Diw Gach, Chairman of Nuer Community in Belgium.
    ◾Simon Tairdor Mach, Chairman of Nuer Community in Canada.
    ◾Puoch Jal Nyien, Chairman of Nuer Community in Ethiopia.
    ◾Simon Dang Mathiang, Chairman of Nuer Community in Denmark.


12-02-2017, 01:17 PM

Biraima M Adam
<aBiraima M Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-05-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 29339

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل � (Re: Biraima M Adam)

    لا للمجازر البشرية في السودان.


12-02-2017, 02:21 PM

محمد نور عودو
<aمحمد نور عودو
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-08-2013
مجموع المشاركات: 6296

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل � (Re: Biraima M Adam)

    ده بوست لتغطية مجاز و مذابح وجرايم الجنجويد في السودان...

12-02-2017, 08:59 PM

Biraima M Adam
<aBiraima M Adam
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-05-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 29339

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل � (Re: محمد نور عودو)

    الأخ محمد نور
    Quote: ده بوست لتغطية مجاز و مذابح وجرايم الجنجويد في السودان...

    البوست تنويري .. مفروض الناس تأ×ذ حذرها .. وأنتم في الحركات نطالبكم بالمسألة الأخلاقية في الحروب إن كان لابد من الحرب .. مرعاة العجزة وكبار السن .. والأطفال والنساء .. وأمكان تجمعات السكان غير المحاربين ..


12-02-2017, 09:28 PM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل � (Re: Biraima M Adam)

    الحكومة السودانية هي التي تقتل المدنيين من عجزة واطفال

    وتغتصب النساء

    وتحرق القرى

    ندينها أولاً

    وندين كل إبادة.. في جنوبنا الحبيب

    وفي كل مكان في العالم

    الباقر موسى

12-15-2017, 08:06 PM

محمد حمزة الحسين
<aمحمد حمزة الحسين
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-22-2013
مجموع المشاركات: 1437

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: ذكري مذبحة النوير .. في جوبا .. معاً من أجل � (Re: Elbagir Osman)

    2nd Commemoration of Juba’s Nuer Massacre For December 15, The Darkest And Saddest Day in South Sudan History

    December 15, 2015 .

    By Daniel Buom Met,


    Dec 15, 2015(Nyamilepedia) —- December 15, 2013 is the darkest and saddest day in South Sudan history since the government of South Sudan under President Salva Kiir massacred thousands of innocent Nuer civilians mostly children, women and elderly in capital Juba . The killings were incited and motivated by the government elites. These killings of Nuer civilians were miserable and misfortune as human tragedy. Many concerning citizens of South Sudan are feeling sorrow for December 15 as the darkest and saddest day in our history. To remember this horrible day of December 15 , is extremely shockable and unacceptable day when people ruminate the love ones who lost their lives in Juba massacre .This day is the day all south Sudanese should stand and join hands together to commemorate and remember helpless victims who were massacred in Juba without causes.

    This killings of Nuer civilians across the country was being incited by Juba government who supervised the killings and death toll were inexpressible since the well-planned killings got explosion and death toll had risen to thousands and thousands of innocent civilians mostly children, women and elderly. The people are remembering and mourning our companions’ brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children and relatives who lost their lives in December 15.

    We will always reassure that you were not died in vain and justice will pursue to investigate those culprits, who carried out these atrocities against you, and they should be held accountable for what they have done, possibly they will be brought to book of law. You were not supposed to die at these times while we have incurred our independence and your deaths are heartbreaking to the extent of human catastrophic .I personally feel shock when Nuer people were burned and dismembered, the survivors were forced to eat the flesh body of the dead relatives which had never been happened in our history and also these killings brought massive social dislocations and misery which is absolutely despondent and massive destruction in our society on a scale of social fabric.

    Likewise, the targeting killing of Nuer in our capital Juba and ransacked of them around the city will take some years for the people to restore trust and peace among the communities, and also the president of republic of south Sudan president Salva Kiir has shown a lack of compassion with other diverse communities as the president is narrowly compassionate and empathetic within only his own tribe as a Dinka not interest of all citizens of the south Sudan. If the president Salva Kiir has sympathized about the love ones who lost their lives in December 15, he should come out and condemned the massacres by sympathized and empathised the death of innocent civilians; however, he had never expressed any pitied words about the death of the people in Juba.

    He just keeps saying that people who ran to UNMISS are lack and blessed as they are survived from the massacres. I concluded that south Sudan has a long way to go under this Juba regime. It is unbelievable the president should not articulate fortunate for the people who ran and sought the refuge in the various UNMISS compounds across the country as the killings become rampage in the capital Juba and elsewhere. I completely lost trust of south Sudan president who pronounced above harshly statement and his followers who carried out these atrocities of killing of Nuer who were not even connected to any political affiliations .although there are some Nuer who are side with government for their personal gain are still continued to repudiate the genocide, but thank goes to many nationalists and patriots of south Sudan community members who witnessed an atrocities and spoke out the truth loudly about what were happened in Juba , they have exhibited their nationalism and patriotism in our country .

    The numerous of the communities’ members included some Dinka community who have sense of nationalistic and compassionated about south Sudan stood up and spoke out the truth about evil acts which carried out by Juba government. I did salute those courageous individuals from various communities who spoke out very loudly when the country is under crises. They have promptly responded on behalf of the Nuer victims and they condemned the government. However, these massive devastations that occurred in December 15, 2013 in our young nation have brought an enormous destruction which the government was unaware of before the inception of the genocide and ordered of rampant killings of innocent Nuer people with purpose of extinguished of Nuer as a dream of Salva Kiir and his followers. The voice of the helpless civilians who were killed as they are being Nuer could have an effect to culminate Nuer. This man-made tragedy turns this beautiful country into turmoil which is difficult to avert the crisis, so innocents’ civilians were killed daily in south Sudan and their children are remained behind wailing and crying as they lost their guardians and nobody are taking care and nurturing them. People of south Sudan will sympathize to commemorate the love ones who died guiltless.

    Therefore, the maltreatment of Nuer people by forcing them to eat the flesh of the dead body has reached the climaxes which will take a time to heal as December 15 has nothings similar like since we fought with the north Sudan, but it occurred in south Sudan government as we are one nation who shares the same cultural background as black people who have the same cultural heritage, social and political entity are interconnected with each other’s. I am extremely shockable whenever we approach to December 15, the second commemoration of Juba Massacre as it is a saddest and pitiable ,as the government turned and killed their own people instead to delivers services, but the government designs loathe among the communities in south Sudan as Juba government massacred Nuer shamelessly, but I articulate the Nuer armies and white armies stood firmly to rescue the remained victims by responding so instantly.

    December 15 is loomed and closed to remember Juba’s massacres victims who were slaughtered by Salva Kiir’s regime. The Nuer and entire people of south Sudan will remember the victims and People will never forget you although you died in hand of the reckless government. South Sudan is closed to incur a peace by giving a peace chance to embrace peace among the communities, but Juba massacres are seriously tragedies that will not be forgotten in our history, therefore; the people would still need peace. Let we appreciate and recognize the hard work of the chairman of SPLM/SPLA -IO commander in chief Dr. Riek Machar Teny for accepting peace as a solution to end this human suffering in our country. The war is not option as we fought with north Sudan at end we compromised and sat at the table and brought peace to the nation. I personally salute Dr. Machar for embracing peace and brings change to our nation even though the Juba are still dragging and putting many obstacles to derail the peace, but SPLM/SPLA –IO are persuaded peace in the region to end this absurd war that was instigated by president Salva Kiir and his followers to eliminate his opponents which was the genesis of this conflict.

    The 2nd commemoration, people of south Sudan would mark December 15, 2013 to honour victims of Juba massacre as the day of misfortune and calamity that brought this suffering of our people. As a people, we should always have honoured and commemorated them. They were our love ones who massacred in Juba. People will light candles and wear the black T-shirts to symbolise and remember the darkest and saddest day in our country history. As many lives lost and properties in this conflict between brothers and sisters, but the accountability will go to president of republic of south Sudan Salva Kiir who instigated this conflict in the young nation, nevertheless; the justice will prevail to bring the culprits to book of law. Brothers and sisters who died in Juba massacre rest in peace. The survivors and the nation will remember you on this day of December 15 as memorials days ever and ever in our history.

    Daniel Buom Met is a South Sudanese concerned citizen living in Canada and he can be reached at [email protected]

    I condemneds genocide any where any time

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