المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ال 50 ولاية بصورة قانونية .. ما هو السر؟

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10-05-2015, 01:29 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ال 50 ولاية بصورة قانونية .. ما هو السر؟

10-05-2015, 02:04 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ا (Re: بريمة محمد)

    النقل التالي من صفحة المليشيات .. وهو عبارة عن مدخلات لأعضاء المليشيات .. يتحدثون عن مخاوفهم التى جعلتهم يحملون السلاح ..
    هناك طريقتين لقراءة هذه المداخلات .. بواسطة الذهاب إلي الصفحة المرفقة فى المداخلة السابقة ومتابعة المداخلات ..

    أو هنا .. ودائماً تجدون إسم المتداخل ثم التأريخ .. ثم مداخلته .. يعنى وجود أي تأريخ يعنى أنها مداخلة جديدة .. ويسبق التأريخ أسم المتداخل .. أنقل ثانى أخر مداخلة
    Quote: SSG Jack Simpson U.S. Army (RET)
    June 9, 2015 at 10:35 am · Reply

    This quote was found on an ammo bunker in VietNam and I adopted it as my families motto:
    To be born free was an accident.
    To live free is a privilege.
    To die free is an obligation.

    God bless the U.S.A. and God damn Obama

    - See more at: http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-militia-groups/#sthash.qb1MluOF.dpufhttp://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-militia-groups/#sthash.qb1MluOF.dpufhttp://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-militia-groups/#sthash.qb1MluOF.dpufhttp://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-militia-gr...sthash.qb1MluOF.dpuf
    صاحب هذه المداخلة يقول: ويبارك الرب أمريكا ويخزي الرئيس أوباما ..
    ومن مخاوف هذه المليشيات .. هى قيام حرب أهلية جديدة فى أمريكا بين الشمال والجنوب الأمريكى .. الخوف من الأرهاب .. الخوف من غزو المهاجرين .. والجماعات الدينية المتطرفة علي سبيل المسلمين وأستيلائهم علي أمريكا .. ولكن معظم المليشيات تتخوف من الحكومة الأمريكية نفسها ويعتبرونها ضد الشعب وضد حقوقه المدنية فى حمل السلاح والدفاع عن النفس .. أقروا وأقفوا علي الحقائق بأنفسكم ..
    Quote: isaac james
    December 19, 2011 at 5:53 pm · Reply

    im very sketical of our current goverment and i dont believe the 911 official account i believe there will be

    more staged terror attacks in 2012 as well and im looking

    to be a part of something bigger than me

    (the US Constitution)

    June 16, 2013 at 12:04 pm · Reply

    Look at Sandy Hook, STAGGED all actors
    June 7, 2015 at 5:36 pm · Reply

    Many of these spree shootings are suspected to be the result of counterintelligence stalking. AKA Cointelpro stalking or organized stalking. To learn more, go to http://WWW.FIGHTGANGSTALKING.COMhttp://WWW.FIGHTGANGSTALKING.COMhttp://WWW.FIGHTGANGSTALKING.COMhttp://WWW.FIGHTGANGSTALKING.COM
    November 21, 2014 at 1:00 pm · Reply

    Oh, I uh made a mistake I meant 2013, 2014….oh hell I don`t know!!! But I did find a whole lot of things bigger than me!

    citizen kane
    December 28, 2011 at 9:26 pm · Reply

    Join NOTHING!Be an Army of one.Prepare your self to defend the Constitution.Pack your field gear and oil your rifle.Do not join or publicaly express any negative opinions about the Feds.Join acorn,register Democrat,Throw enemy off track.Keep abreast of what they are up to.NEVER reveal yourself to your enemy until you are ready to strike.Be carefull to whom and especialy where(cell phones are 2 way devices!) you discuss politics.I imagine when they declare military law to stop the elections ,our 2nd of two ways we are protected in the 2nd amendment will be abolished and a legal basis will exist to prove a Tyrannical and oppressive goverment exists.Then our duty as citizens under 2nd A. to "insurrect" or "take up arms against it" will be warranted.I hope this does not come about ,I have been in military and feel that we are WAY OUTGUNNED!Pray 4 Peace!

    April 18, 2013 at 3:48 am · Reply

    The number of American, civilian, gun holding citizens outweights the number of active, even reserved, military in numbers. Yes, the military has the hardware. But do not underestimate the poewr of the free thinker. Just because they wear a uniform doesn't mean the Gov't controls every aspect of who they are. They still think and they still feel. I, for one, am not as worried as some others may be. Don't get me wrong. I am scared things could get ugly and I would never wish that to pass. I just hope that if it DOES come down to it, we have the support of, not only some of our military, but from other countries as well. On some level at least.
    June 16, 2013 at 12:08 pm · Reply

    Sure there are a lot of gun out there , but how many SHEEPLE, will use them for their freedom؟ NONE they want their welfare check.
    Very little will be done .
    August 22, 2013 at 9:13 pm · Reply

    My brothers in Arms, the Military is compromised of Citizens like you and I, When I took my Oath, "I, *******, will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same" I took it very Serious , And I will keep my Promise and many brothers and sisters will keep it as well. Just because we are in the Military it does not mean we are asleep. AMERICA is Waking up! Rest assured that we are on your side!
    Sheeple Hearder
    February 27, 2015 at 4:06 pm · Reply

    Citizen Kane –

    Being a veteran you know you HAVE to always both BE and DO your absolute best…

    This will and should include a personal high level of sniper marksmanship and warfare awareness.

    It has been PROVEN that time and time again that ONE HIGHLY TRAINED MAN such as a Navy Seal, JSOP personnel, Green Berets, etc. have shown that complete and total destruction can be both implemented ans achieved by just one man.

    So BE your best and DO your best… guaranteed the enemy will wish you never came along…. and this INCLUDES the U.S. government.

    It’s good to remember that the WORLD’S LARGEST ARMY is the American Hunter ! And hunter’s are snipers too …..

    This goes for EVERYONE !

    September 17, 2012 at 11:45 pm · Reply


    July 4, 2014 at 1:10 am · Reply

    I hope they kill me. Death is much better than the other things they do to people.
    Rob McMillan
    February 27, 2015 at 10:42 pm · Reply

    If your talking about the mysterious thoughts and ideas that come into your head and something you just can’t explain that has changed then you are right. death is better. I will tell you , it’s not the afterlife or purgatory –that’s just part of the “code” I keep telling people about.

    September 25, 2012 at 4:51 pm · Reply

    Contact Us In Colorado http://coloradofrontrangemilitia.comhttp://coloradofrontrangemilitia.comhttp://coloradofrontrangemilitia.comhttp://coloradofrontrangemilitia.com
    Andrew Webber
    October 11, 2012 at 2:16 pm · Reply

    The only way militia groups have a chance against the government is if they fully unite under one name!

    November 10, 2012 at 8:55 pm · Reply

    your right that is what im trying to do get all groups and people to unite in one force so join with us !! the confederation and help defend freedom
    April 18, 2013 at 3:51 am · Reply

    That wuold be an army. We don't need another army. We need stand alone cells working together to get the job done. If one group falls, it doesn't cripple the entire operation. Communication is key. As already stated. No need to throw around a name and banner. We have a job to do. I don't give a #### what color my car is. As long as it's running.
    June 8, 2013 at 1:58 pm · Reply

    i am very worried about what is going to happen in the next few years and need info on what i need to do to get into a group willing to fight
    June 26, 2013 at 3:07 pm · Reply

    how do u think USA came about. if gov. get to in our life's we have the right to up raise the gov. and fight so its well over time to up raise
    October 5, 2013 at 10:47 am · Reply

    The name is easy PATRIOTS. I like the name, like Mel Gibson in The Patriot movie – he really kicked some serious a#%. The hard part is coming up with an effective and very discrete form of communication (snail mail in code maybe, or in WWII we used American Indians to message with radio), and probably some form of effective screening for each other (like a tattoo symbol would be really cool), and also other measures I'm sure. Tattoo idea – Don't Tread On Me snake curling up to form the letter "P," or to show loyalty, maybe just a simple letter "P" in a tender spot؟ Time is running out, I believe my time is running out also so I don't give a dam what they think. Learn and think of ways for tanks to be immobilized and/or their tracks to be broken. Also, we'll probably have trouble from the air – where are their most vulnerable places؟ Please Save Our Families, Please Save Our Home…
    November 29, 2013 at 11:19 pm · Reply

    Never will work as you claim! The cell group trained how to shoot well as snipers and learn fieldcraft skills will be the ONLY way to win the next civil war!
    Sheeple Hearder
    February 27, 2015 at 4:10 pm · Reply

    You are exactly correct….
    April 14, 2014 at 2:57 pm · Reply

    and then the army navy air force and marines will blow the militia groups to bits!

    October 19, 2012 at 7:26 am · Reply

    Uniting under purpose is enough Andrew. Communication is the key

    February 14, 2013 at 12:39 am · Reply

    You are correct sir. Communication must be formulated and standardized. And it must be done quickly, efficiently, and without delay, NOT over the internet.

    October 31, 2012 at 8:12 pm · Reply

    Don't unite under one name, one of the greatest advantages a guerrilla force can have is decentralized leadership,, unite in purpose, not name

    August 3, 2013 at 11:06 am · Reply

    Hell yeah that's what the Nazis did and they kicked #######!

    MN cowboy
    November 1, 2012 at 11:24 am · Reply

    My partner and I drive truck otr. We want to know what signs should we be looking forin our day to day lives that will tell us “it’s time to drop what we’re doing , the time has come to go home and lock n load”

    #ucked over American
    November 10, 2012 at 9:54 pm · Reply

    When one of the 65,000 newly hired IRS agents (AKA: B. Hussein Obama's Gistapo) comes knocken at your door…Take
    December 28, 2012 at 12:31 pm · Reply

    November 29, 2013 at 11:23 pm · Reply

    Concealed carry will protect you from the black "Knockout Game" and as the economy fails the so called "game" will become a civil war at some point!
    There is nothing civil about a civil war!
    April 14, 2014 at 3:11 am · Reply

    STEALTH the Marine Corps has taught to be silent and vengeful. Only “one mouth piece”
    For communication.

    A Chen
    November 14, 2012 at 8:56 am · Reply

    TEX IS RIGHT . If you are serious about defending America DO NOT JOIN these milita’s. They know who you are and will come for you. The 1st step is security. DO NOT communicate via the net, DO NOT rant and rave in public , be paranold , be low-key.Form a group of no more than 6 people you are positive you can trust-tell NO ONE else.Each member should have a special knowledge — ie , gunsmith ,basic explosives and medical,communications,etc.Learn to live in the wild.Establish a back-up location that is well stocked.Learn gerrilla tactives and read Sun Tze . the French resistance, start looking for your enemies weaknesses and work out how to take advantage of them .

    June 8, 2013 at 2:00 pm · Reply

    newsflash they have drones how do you expect people to hide؟
    January 13, 2014 at 2:46 pm · Reply

    It's already been proven that drones can be hacked.
    November 29, 2013 at 11:25 pm · Reply

    A Chen,
    Thank YOU !
    You are right on the money!
    Rich Pea
    January 30, 2014 at 4:11 pm · Reply

    Sorry, but strength in numbers, you ###########. Stop telling people to run and ####### hide. YOU can sit in the closet while the rest of us take back our country.
    Rob McMillan
    February 27, 2015 at 10:38 pm · Reply

    Dear Sir, it’s not running and Hiding it’s the fact that something deep in their frontal lobe keeps saying to bug out.
    July 4, 2014 at 1:07 am · Reply

    I don't care who the hell comes after me. People are already after me. Jewel K. Washington attacked me on an elevator and framed me for assault. She was yelling and practically roaring a jibberish language at me, like a demon possessed person. Then she called me a "snitch," probably because I stated on tv that there was a satanic car with "666" on the license plate stalking me and my friend. She attacked me and I used jiu jitsu to knock her down. It would be against my religion not to, since she would have killed me and then killed my friend. After I knocked her down I ran off the elevator but a guy tackled me and sat on my back and held me there until the cops arrived, and my friend was too scared to do anything, and he'd just gotten out of the hospital for a head injury. Then both the guy and the crazy lady lied and got me arrested. And the police won't investigate it, because they say "Satanists have a right to practice their religion."
    July 4, 2014 at 1:07 am · Reply

    That is just ridiculous. It makes me hate this country. Nazi-ism is legal, crimes in the name of Satan are legal, etc. But it's not legal for me to defend myself؟ I got attacked by 2 government employees before this incident and I had to plead guilty because my lawyer was incompetent. He wasn't ready for trial and said I had to either sign a speedy trial waiver or do a plea bargain. Jail was worse than rape, because I was on solitary confinement and the guards were abusing me and there was a sociopathic classifications lady that did MKUltra methods just to torment people, and I was on of the unlucky people she chose to torment. I sued the government in Superior Court and they won by committing fraud, even though I proved to the judge that they were committing fraud. I don't care who comes after me. I don't care who guns me down. I don't care how gruesomely they kill me. Anything is better than what the government did to me.
    Rob McMillan
    February 27, 2015 at 10:36 pm · Reply

    Can we talk؟ I need help gathering evidence for something big. Please reply. I think we can help each other.

    December 28, 2012 at 4:36 am · Reply

    how the do i join california 2000
    December 28, 2012 at 4:45 am · Reply

    anyone tell me
    james melvin
    January 7, 2013 at 8:46 pm · Reply

    Had enuff of living under a tyranical government run by the jews raping our constitution. Any one know of any anti government militias in florida؟

    October 5, 2013 at 10:57 am · Reply

    Militia of Florida is listed at the top of this page.
    November 29, 2013 at 11:29 pm · Reply

    You need to first read a few books and learn about the "what-If's"
    Start with Lights Out, One second After, and Enemies foreign and Domestic.
    Now go find a gun club with a safe shooting range.
    Learn about fieldcraft skills too.
    January 20, 2014 at 11:44 am · Reply

    Tread lightly. This us not about race. It's about FREEDOM. There is no need for a person who blames an entire race for the problems of the world. .
    Rob McMillan
    February 27, 2015 at 10:34 pm · Reply

    Your right, it’s not just about race, it’s about education, who has been coded, who hasn’t, who’s following the patterns in place , who isn’t. I know more than you could ever imagine and I know I know this because everyday the code plays out.
    April 16, 2014 at 3:12 pm · Reply

    Bro,the "so-called" illuminati banker Jews 'ARE NOT JEWS'!!! Look at the Rothchilds,Rockefellers,Royal Family,and so on.Now do they look like Jews؟ Jesus even says THEY are not Jews,they are the synagogue of Satan-Revelations 3:9! The illuminati bloodlines are of Satan/father of Cain,Adam of Abel-heteropaternalfecundation twins.David Rockefeller and one of the Rothchilds even admitted to people that they are the sons of Cain!

    January 10, 2013 at 11:00 pm · Reply

    You missed the Illinois Sons of Liberty. We’ve been active for a while and have been increasing training and preparedness.

    You’d be surprised how many volunteers from Crook County/Chicago too.

    March 6, 2013 at 12:07 am · Reply

    i used to be in ILSL, VERY GOOD GUYS! and Tom is AWESOME. Very Good commander.. I am now in Wisconsin trying to Start my own Militia__Contact on FB or Twitter "Wisconsin Constitutional Militia" @WiscoMilitia
    April 16, 2014 at 3:23 pm · Reply

    Good deal,glad to see you all a state over fighting back on your 2nd! Especially with the Obama admin coming from Chi-town,lol! Im from the Indiana Volunteer Militia under Col.Nantz.We're getting a tri-state thing going with some groups from Ohio and KY.To bad we couldn't get you guys and some groups from Michigan.It would look like a cross,lol!

    Albert Clark
    January 14, 2013 at 2:35 pm · Reply

    "The Price of Peace" by Albert Clark, on Amazon.com

    My future history of World War III – Why we need to be prepared. A strong military backed by a strong citizenry.

    It starts with an EMP attack that eliminates our electronics.
    Advocato del Diablo
    January 16, 2013 at 7:54 am · Reply

    Could someone please provide a list of rights/freedoms that have been lost. Concrete evidence is at the root of all successful movements. Thank you.

    February 18, 2013 at 11:30 pm · Reply

    the bill of rights are your first 10 Amendments.
    March 9, 2013 at 12:54 pm · Reply

    16 year old American boy droned in Yenimi. What did he do. Where is his justice. Is my house next for the drone؟
    April 14, 2013 at 2:47 pm · Reply

    Our FREEDOM of choice has been taken from us with Obamacare.

    We can no longer CHOOSE if we can AFFORD to purchase health insurance; by law, we are FORCED to pay for it even if our finances do not allow it. If we DO NOT purchase health insurance, we will be FINED (taxed as the SCOTUS put it) and we will still NOT HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE!

    I choose to pay cash to my rural county doctors. I have a family of 5. By paying cash and visiting the doctor only when we need to, I spend less than $400 per year on visits and prescriptions.

    The CHEAPEST health insurance my family can get is $500 PER MONTH, with a $10,000 deductible BEFORE I can even use any benefits! Basically, I'll be paying another mortgage to an insurance company that won't provide anything for me until I pay another $10,000. Since I only spend $400 per year, we're NEVER going to hit $10,000 unless there is a MAJOR medical emergency!

    I could put $500 per month into a medical savings account and pay CASH for any major medical emergencies! But, this law won't allow me to do that.

    So, my FREEDOM of choice has been taken from me.
    July 4, 2014 at 1:13 am · Reply

    I posted a comparison of the official Bill of Rights and a more accurate version of how the Bill of Rights really is on my blog.

    Here's the blog…. http://ridiculousmilitia.wordpress.com/2014/07/03…http://ridiculousmilitia.wordpress.com/2014/07/03…http://ridiculousmilitia.wordpress.com/2014/07/03…http://ridiculousmilitia.wordpress.com/2014/07/03…

    And here's the official Bill of Rights…. http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of…http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of…http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of…http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of…

    January 20, 2013 at 9:03 pm · Reply

    I be in a state where there was a terriost attack in 95 so there is a set and fed law no milita groups allowed our your committing a act of terriost against the us. What would u do؟

    February 18, 2013 at 11:35 pm · Reply

    Just be quiet about what you are doing. Then do it anyway because when has the Government been honest wit you؟
    June 16, 2013 at 12:11 pm · Reply

    Attack them first.before they get out to their, armor personnel carriers.
    October 5, 2013 at 11:03 am · Reply

    The scoundrels that made that law is not our government. They are tyrants that have taken over our government.
    July 4, 2014 at 1:13 am · Reply

    I'm not scared of terrorists. The worst they could do is kill you. The government can lock you in a room by yourself and torture you for the rest of your miserable life.

    February 9, 2013 at 7:40 pm · Reply

    DHS has just purchased another 1.5 MILION rounds of ammunition.
    DHS(Dept.Of Homeland Security) Sounds nazi don't it؟ Is also purchasing Russia/chinese versions of hollow point/FMJ, 7.62 x 39 ammo and weapons.
    Russians/Germans/Guirka's, etc, have been reported in the USA training with US troops under DHS and FEMA auspices/Authority under executive directive(Unconstitutional because of seperation of powers clauses under lawful USC).

    Question: Why؟ Why all of a sudden the Huge urgency to have enough ammo to supply an ARMY؟ Whilde at the same time؟ Huge mass shootings and a MSM attack at 2nd amendment rights…all at the same time.

    I'm Not stupid. I knbow how congress was muscled into giving the banks a bail-out for criminality that brought us this depression.
    Time to wake up Your neighbors. This isn't a joke.
    The Country is being sold out.

    February 18, 2013 at 11:32 pm · Reply

    Already been sold, Tim. Buckle up!
    October 5, 2013 at 11:07 am · Reply

    The country is under SIEGE!
    April 16, 2014 at 3:29 pm · Reply

    This country was sold out when the illuminati infiltrating this country from Washingtons own hand writing had Congress pass the Columbus Act of 1871,then the Federal Reserve Act of 1913!
    April 16, 2014 at 3:34 pm · Reply

    About mentioning Washington,not him about those 2 Bills.I'm referring to Washington realizing the illuminati infiltrating the government in a letter he wrote to another member in Congress 1798.A year before I believe he was poisoned by his Freemasonic doctor a year later because of that letter and him resigning his Masonic ranks for refusing to sit in lodges when he found out they infiltrated the lodges as well!

    February 23, 2013 at 2:27 pm · Reply

    Was member of a 2nd amendment group in Montana few years ago. At our monthly meetings, every few months a new face or two would show up give a gung ho talk, then we would never see them again. Or they'd come to a meeting for half of the session, and disappear. We knew they were gov't spies. Same advice as fellow above. Don't join anything. With Obama's gun grab the fed's are probably infiltrating every small, or large group. Don't tell anybody how many guns, ammo you have or, how much food you've stockpiled.Montana Mike

    Roger Meshberger
    June 17, 2014 at 4:04 pm · Reply

    Is my friend john trochmann from Noxon still active in Mom؟ I'm old friend from prep days in Florida

    March 6, 2013 at 12:10 am · Reply

    Anyone In Wisconsin Looking for an Active Militia, I have started one and I am VERY much for real, I am an Army Combat Veteran and I am trying to build up. Please Contact me if your interested, All of the other WI militas won't respond.

    Facebook: Wisconsin Constitutional Militia
    Twitter: @WiscoMilitia
    Email mailto:mailto:[email protected]@ymail.commailto:[email protected]@ymail.com

    Spread the Word Ladies and Gentlemen, All this stuff going on is REAL and we need to be prepared.

    June 18, 2014 at 10:37 pm · Reply

    I am looking to join a militia

    April 2, 2013 at 5:53 pm · Reply

    Here is what is going to happen instead of gun control. Today, I am going to write a letter to congress telling them that we as americans are going to form a citizen's army, allowing anyone who passes a few tests and/or background checks to carry weapons around with them in public. Random shootings are starting to become the new fad, so what we need to do is arm our regular citizens who fall victim to these shootings. These shootings will quickly come to an end when they all know that wherever they go, they are quickly going to be shot down.
    I know this will work because I saw a video where a robber actually tried to rob a gun store, and everyone (including the little old lady that was there) quickly pulled out their mags and gunned him down on the spot.)

    July 4, 2014 at 1:15 am · Reply

    That's nothing new. Anyone who passes a few tests and/or background checks already CAN carry around weapons. But what's so great about a background check, in a country where there are more people in prison than Russia and China combined, and many of them are innocent people who couldn't afford a good lawyer, so they got an idiot public defender and had to plead guilty؟

    April 11, 2013 at 1:01 pm · Reply

    MTDF (Montana State 1st irregulars) exists within the Northwestern section of Montana and is operational
    MTDF @ Facebook
    June 6, 2013 at 8:36 pm · Reply

    California Free Militia is active and operates out of Southern California. http://socalmilitia.ning.comhttp://socalmilitia.ning.comhttp://socalmilitia.ning.comhttp://socalmilitia.ning.com

    Joe Luis Nuno Jr.
    June 19, 2013 at 6:04 pm · Reply

    My name is Joe Luis Nuno Jr. Served in the military 1990-1999 i have a duty and im answering the call.

    danny toro
    June 16, 2013 at 3:00 pm · Reply

    long live the revolution
    Free Thinker
    June 29, 2013 at 4:17 pm · Reply

    Why is this not shoved down our throats؟
    YouTube: "Jews Killed Millions of White Christians Part 1" https://http://http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=NwqIPV-Iuaowww.youtube.com/watch؟v=NwqIPV-Iuaohttp://http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=NwqIPV-Iuaowww.youtube.com/watch؟v=NwqIPV-Iuao
    Also look for Part 2 over there.

    August 3, 2013 at 1:17 pm · Reply

    Lol so what؟ white Christians killed millions of jews, and muslims, and turks and pretty much everyone who wasn't a friggin white Christian. Besides that video is the lowest quality of bull #### and shouldn't be posted on a page concerning the real freedoms of the American people.

    Judgment Day
    August 30, 2013 at 8:11 pm · Reply

    This country has reached critical mass and will eventually become irrelevent. It is no longer the god-fearing country it once was and our ancestors would be ashamed of what the deviant reprobates have done to it in less than 40 years. I am no longer willing to fight for the USA and am sure it will reap what it has sown. Try to find the USA mentioned in the book of Revelations

    Women (the supposedly more compassionate of the 2 sexes) in this country have killed more human life in 40 years through abortions than the men in this country have killed in all the wars we have fought in combined and multiplied by 10. At least them men can claim to have killed in the name of liberty and freedom. Women kill in the name of choice؟
    September 21, 2013 at 12:32 am · Reply

    I recomend one take a bold fearless approach.

    Be vocal, educate others to the tyranny.

    Prepare wisely, God guns n grub. An army runs on it's stomach. Stock a deep pantry. Think charity.

    Network with those who have eye's to see. There is strength in numbers, and the economy of scale ( we all don't need a generator, etc., money can be used in many area's due to coordination).

    When the time comes we will unite under an obvious common cause. The fight for freedom in a totalitarian onslaught will be obvious to the informed. So be sure to keep informing people. This next world war will be here as well, know thy enemy. It's not the black man, it's the communist, it's the blue helmets…….the list is quite long, and informed people probably know some in their area who created the crisis….

    Rob McMillan
    February 27, 2015 at 10:28 pm · Reply

    Dear sir, what you describe is called the change in Paridigm- The Scottish Matrix was discussed at a world ######### meeting a while back- There is so much more to explain and so little understanding of where it all came from.

    October 1, 2013 at 3:41 pm · Reply

    raised 6 boys, two have been thru the military. all are hunkered down and ready. I will follow up on the contacts mentioned in the most descreet way I can But the post above is correct, we are all being monitored

    October 5, 2013 at 11:46 am · Reply

    Were all sitting ducks. They have trucks and tanks hidden underground, under our own soil, just waiting for orders to invade. We've been asleep and now the enemy will strike us from within. Watch "DHS Armored Vehicles, Russian DHS Troops with uniforms, Tn.State Militia – K Army – Fema Camp" at
    http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=sVvvV2VSgewhttp://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=sVvvV2VSgewhttp://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=sVvvV2VSgewhttp://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=sVvvV2VSgew. It's too late to do nothing. Unless your ready to be shot, or take a train ride to a FEMA camp, or worse yet – loose your soul by giving in to them. We've got to come up with good communication – land line phones؟ I'm just trying to brainstorm.
    October 8, 2013 at 1:52 pm · Reply

    Rick, thank you, to you and your 6 boys.

    October 1, 2013 at 3:46 pm · Reply

    no blue helmets in my town without crosshairs on them
    October 8, 2013 at 1:44 pm · Reply

    What I fear are these hot ######### with no patience not using their head and ready to cause civil disobedience at the wrong time in the wrong way because they somehow think it's cool and glorified. I think people like that hurt "the cause" more than they help. The cause is not because some gov person did me wrong, they crossed the line, and I'm not going to let them get by with it. The cause is about tyranny, gov. oppression, and the Constitution and our rights being openly violated and purposely stepped on. I believe the method and timing are crucial, as well as who we trust. I also think there needs to be different words used for certain words like militia, guns, locations, people, etc. because it's already obvious they do searches for certain words like constitutional, tea party, government, and associated words to sniff out opposition. These post have been very helpful and enlightening to me. Thank you all.
    October 8, 2013 at 3:14 pm · Reply

    What does everyone think of the new show "Revolution" on WRCB with all the talk about the patriots, government, and rebels fighting against each other؟ I think the timing is strange and that it may be designed by the opposition to try to put pre-conceived ideas in our head to respond in a certain way they want, or something, when things do go down. It just seems fishy somehow.
    ashamed in lib. or.
    October 12, 2013 at 4:01 pm · Reply

    not gold! rather food, ammo water those3 are true bartering tools
    November 21, 2013 at 3:56 pm · Reply

    Has anyone noticed in the past three years or more, the US Police State has been attempting to assign all National Guards over seas duties؟ That is to be sure there is No Resistance or experienced troops to fight the Fascist US Soldier. This Civil War and Martial Law has already begun.

    Phoenix Residents Freak Out Over DoD Military Exercises
    The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show podcastPrison Planet TVInfowars.com TwitterAlex Jones' FacebookInfowars store
    Nothing to see here… DoD trains for “urban operations”
    Adan Salazar
    November 20, 2013
    The Department of Defense has been conducting training exercises in several cities in Arizona in preparation for “urban operations,” unbeknownst to its citizens.

    Phoenix residents were so alarmed to hear swarms of military helicopters flying overhead that they phoned their local news outlet to ask if they had somehow crossed over into a warzone.
    “Right now the military is in the middle of a big training exercise over Phoenix for the second night in a row. People are calling the 3TV News room wondering what’s happening,” claimed the 3TV news anchor.
    “They were very close to the buildings,” one witness told 3TV News. “…they would go back up and they would take off and just fly and then they would stop and then go again.” The interviewee was unable to tell what type of helicopters were used as the exercises were conducted under cover of night.
    Phoenix PD confirmed to 3TV News that the DoD was indeed conducting training exercises “trying to get military personnel certified in urban operations so that when they go overseas they are prepared.”
    That the military owns plenty of abandoned buildings and mock towns for training purposes was not questioned by local news.
    As Infowars has exhaustively documented, military exercises are routinely conducted in residential and urban areas as a way to acclimate citizens into accepting a constant military presence in lieu of local law enforcement, and in order to soften the gradual dissolving of posse comitatus, the law that supposedly bars federal military personnel from enforcing state laws.
    This type of training also desensitizes soldiers to the notion that they may soon have to conduct similar operations domestically.
    In Alex Jones’ film Police State 2000, Alex exposed several federal drills that took place in Texas in total disregard of public safety and in defiance of local law enforcement. Alex also details how Russian troops were allowed to join in on terrorizing the public.
    KTVK says other Arizona cities should expect military helicopters in the near future, as locations in Glendale, Scottsdale, Mesa, and Tempe have also been chosen as training grounds.
    This article was posted: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 12:18 pm
    Tags: police state, war

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    November 29, 2013 at 11:38 pm · Reply


    This may help explain a few things…
    January 12, 2014 at 9:27 am · Reply

    Wish I could join a US militia, but I Live in Europe. Thanks for all this info.
    Lance James Stinson
    January 12, 2014 at 9:27 pm · Reply

    So you feel powerless in this world؟ Wondering what you can do to help your family, community and Republic؟ If you live in the southeast one thing you can do is check out SECOM.

    Get involved with a Community based Org where most everyone can get involved and make a difference.
    SECOM is a Constitutional Militia with the focus of reaching out to our communities and arming our communities with the tools for education , defense , prepping and Survival.

    SECOM is looking to reinstate the sense of community within our communities.
    Get involved locally!

    What is SECOM؟
    We are the
    Southeast Constitutional Militia.
    We The People-In Full Support of Constitutional Ideals.

    Who We Are!
    We are simply… American. Our ancestry might be African, Bulgarian, Columbian, Danish, Ethiopian, French, German, Haitian, Irish, etc…. but yeah, American

    As Americans we believe in one simple, undeniable TRUTH. That TRUTH is that rights are bestowed on ALL people at the moment they are perceived as such.

    We Americans have a true and sincere love of the country our thinking, researching, struggling and truly honorable founding fathers envisioned and ultimately designed for us. We believe in the truths that they found during spirited and often heated discussions of the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. We believe and we love.

    As such, we do not view the multiple violations of these truths as minor infractions to be continuously tolerated or excused. We will no longer be fooled by the flash and flame of well spoken liars bent on the intoxicant of power.

    We pledge our lives to protect "We the People" whenever and wherever it is called for by natural law. We sternly caution those that have forgotten that we have agreed to be ruled only by consent and see themselves as our masters.

    Violence is contrary to natural law, except in survival and defense. We do not offer violence as a solution to anything and will not accept members that do! We train fervently only in order to survive the violence so often offered by others.

    Check the content here and judge for yourself.

    Welcome to a home for thinking patriots. …

    SECOM on facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Southeast-Constitut…http://www.facebook.com/pages/Southeast-Constitut…http://www.facebook.com/pages/Southeast-Constitut…http://www.facebook.com/pages/Southeast-Constitut…

    We are SECOM http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=XOa0XBrOlI8http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=XOa0XBrOlI8http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=XOa0XBrOlI8http://www.youtube.com/watch؟v=XOa0XBrOlI8

    SECOM http://www.secom.spruz.comhttp://www.secom.spruz.comhttp://www.secom.spruz.comhttp://www.secom.spruz.com
    January 18, 2014 at 3:05 am · Reply

    8th Liberation
    mailto:mailto:[email protected]@gmail.commailto:[email protected]@gmail.com
    February 12, 2014 at 4:24 pm · Reply

    All able-bodied Missourians aged 16 to 50 ARE the Missouri Militia.
    March 14, 2014 at 12:01 am · Reply

    Minnesota militia http://8thlib.proboards.com/http://8thlib.proboards.com/http://8thlib.proboards.com/http://8thlib.proboards.com/
    March 19, 2014 at 9:04 pm · Reply

    This listing needs to be updated; severial of the groups listed are no loner in service and the one listed for NV is one of the faded militias and yet the Las Vegas Desert Militia is not listed.

    If the webmaster would be so kind please verify those sites listed and include the LVDM in youre directory.

    Thank you
    Las Vegas Desert Militia http://www.LVDM.ushttp://www.LVDM.ushttp://www.LVDM.ushttp://www.LVDM.us
    Joseph Butler
    April 2, 2014 at 9:31 pm · Reply

    How do you join؟ Feel the time is getting closer every month for us to join in arms, to protect our constitution. Seem we loose more rights weekly, and in cases dayly. Don't know how else to protect our rights as american citizens other than to join , and help rebuild the faith in this country
    John Joseph Hall
    April 8, 2014 at 10:38 am · Reply

    http://www.missouricitizenmilitia.comhttp://www.missouricitizenmilitia.comhttp://www.missouricitizenmilitia.comhttp://www.missouricitizenmilitia.com You also forgot http://www.missourimilitia.comhttp://www.missourimilitia.comhttp://www.missourimilitia.comhttp://www.missourimilitia.com which is recognized by the state.
    Derrick Campbell
    April 11, 2014 at 6:25 pm · Reply

    cant find anything for florida. South Florida
    May 19, 2014 at 1:41 am · Reply

    How come none of the links on this page work for the Connecticut sites؟ Does anyone know of any groups in support of the Constitution/Militia in Connecticut. We are the Constitution State…it's hard to imagine there isn't a Militia in CT….
    joe b.
    May 23, 2014 at 10:26 pm · Reply

    our forefathers are rolling over in their graves over this governments policies of taking away the freedoms that so many died for. i am a vietnam veteran and would do anything to take my country back from these greedy socialist #######s who want to destroy America as we once knew it. i live in maryland but will stand with anyone who aids in this noble sacrifice. we will prevail!
    Just call me Bill
    June 7, 2014 at 8:49 pm · Reply

    Looking to talk to a militia group. I am mobile, so the state doesn't matter. I see a ####-storm heading towards America and would like to make a difference when it happens. I have a few ideas and would like to share with people that are of like mind. I am not a plant and would be willing to be vetted when requested. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I would like the group I join to be true believers in the USA and everything it stands for, or should I say, what it used to stand for before our last ………well, you get the point.
    June 24, 2014 at 1:58 am · Reply

    why, why, why. somebody please tell me why there are all these militias. i see tons of them on various websites. i see them in the news every now and then being arrested for illegal firearms, or something of that nature. i see them on msnbc being interviewed about what they do and there purpose. heres what else i see. my rights and freedoms being taken away from me and not one person doing a damn thing about it. they do it little by little and before you know it ill have to ask permision to take a leak in my own home. id happily join a militia, stand on the front line and give my life so my wife and children could have there freedoms back if i thought one of these so called ” freedom fighting militias “, would actually grow a set and do something. unfortunately, i have no faith in any of these groups. i would laugh at these posts on here if it wasnt so sad. should any of you ever decide you want to prove me wrong, feel free to ask for my help. ill happily drop whatever im doing, pack up the family, and give 110% of whatever patriotism i have left in me. ill be waiting…… mailto:mailto:[email protected][email protected]:[email protected][email protected]
    July 4, 2014 at 12:52 am · Reply

    You should add this militia!
    September 12, 2014 at 9:22 pm · Reply

    Patriot Citizen Militia has been born.
    September 23, 2014 at 4:54 pm · Reply

    This Saturday, 9/27/2014, the 2nd Annual 'Second Amendment Poker Run' presented by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League
    Poker Run forecast: 83 degrees and sunny for Saturday!!! Should be a perfect day.

    * Registration is at Woodbridge Firearms from 9:30-10:30.
    * Cost is $20/bike/driver and $15 per passenger.
    * NSSF is providing gift bags for the first 300 entries.

    ** 1st prize: $500 Cabela's gift card (from NSSF)
    ** 2nd Prize: $200 Gift cert. to Doc's Motorcycles.

    Stops include Bozzuto's Trucking, City Limits Cafe and Yankee Harley Davidson.

    Join us at Cadillac Ranch for the HUGE party whether you ride or not with great food, entertainment, GUN RAFFLES and of course, the Haymond Girls! A great mix of classic and southern fried rock will be provided by the Screamin' Eagles Band and Jay Roberts.

    Our generous sponsors include: NSSF, CT Cruise News, Haymond Law, Bachand and Bachand, Yankee Harley, Doc's Motorcycles, Woodbridge Firearms and Cadillac Ranch. Let us know your coming on facebook: https://http://http://www.facebook.com/events/1517783938457729/www.facebook.com/events/1517783938457729/http://http://www.facebook.com/events/1517783938457729/www.facebook.com/events/1517783938457729/

    Make a Donation to the Shew v. Malloy Litigation Fund

    We are off to a good start raising the needed funds for the lawsuit against the State of CT's new gun laws, but it is critical that we keep going if we intend to achieve our objective: full restoration of 2nd Amendment rights in Connecticut. To donate* online to the litigation fund, click here to donate through paypal.

    If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to: “CCDL” and note on the memo of the check that it is for the “2A Litigation Fund”. Checks should be mailed to: CCDL, P.O. Box 642, Groton, CT 06340.

    *Contributions and gifts to CCDL or the Litigation Fund are not tax deductible.
    Featured Sponsor: Connecticut Sporting Arms, LLC
    Next Meeting October 14th, 7-9 pm
    Join us in Middletown for our next monthly meeting. This meeting is open to all Members! As usual, we will be collecting canned goods/non-perishables at our meetings.

    The Connecticut Citizens Defense League strives for hands on activism from our members. We want an organization for us all to be proud of as we put forth effort to fight for our 2nd Amendment rights in our beautiful State. See you there!

    Location : Middletown Elks Lodge 771, 44 Maynard St
    View Map or Get Driving Directions

    This message brought to you by Connecticut Sporting Arms, LLC

    Our mailing address is:
    Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Inc.
    P.O. Box 642
    Groton, CT 06340
    CCDL (Connecticut Citizens Defense League)'s photo.
    Second Amendment CCDL Poker Run
    Saturday, September 27 at 9:30am
    Woodbridge Firearms Trading Post, LLC in Woodbridge, Connecticut
    October 23, 2014 at 1:25 am · Reply

    Alex the governemnt is going to laugh at you, untill you have over 1000 members signed up and all of them are gathering arms once that happens the Us will do one of two things Come in and kill you or flag you down to be watched at that point once you hit the watch list for this so called Citizens army, That is when the fun really starts to happen. Cuz then they need no reason to tap your phones sit on your house watch your job and that is when the satalites come into play they will know when you pick your ####### when you #### piss eat it won't matter they will know about it. Hell they will be able to tell you the smell of your #### before you can smell it. By the time I made my post they probly aready bugged your house, taped your phone your wifes phone and have satilites watching your every move listting to every phone call. #### there probly even watching me for making this post.
    Mark Land
    November 26, 2014 at 10:19 am · Reply

    Read Dave Hodges "The Common Sense Show" on the internet. He connects many critical events and provides the information which every American needs in order to defend the republic. PASS THIS ON TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE.
    cera tłusta
    December 16, 2014 at 6:27 pm · Reply

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on skóra tłusta.
    Joe Veteran
    January 28, 2015 at 9:13 pm · Reply

    I served 24 years active Army, I have been unemployed for 2 years.
    I am a nuclear, biological and chemical specialist. Instructor for 1o years. now I don’t mean a thing to this country, The things I have done and seen for this country. many years of combat experience.

    Rob McMillan
    February 27, 2015 at 10:22 pm · Reply

    Dear Sir, In order to make things right, please explain what the code in the matrix means. Ps. I live in vermont and I’m tired of the survivalist code bull####-it is killing off more people than you could ever imagine.

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    March 5, 2015 at 1:26 pm · Reply

    Alǥunos post me enganchɑгon algo mas ,que conste!
    John Adams
    May 5, 2015 at 11:07 pm · Reply

    The Virginia Independent Militia is a organization authorized by the Constitution of Virginia. Many of our nations founding fathers were officers in the Virginia Militia. By Virginia’s Constitution, all male citizens between ages 16 and 55 were considered to be members of the Militia. We continue this tradition and invite all central Virginians of good moral standing, regardless of race, age eighteen and older who believe in the Judeo-Christian traditions of our forefathers, the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. If you live within a 50 mile radius of Richmond, and want to make a difference, get in contact with us at Virginia Independent Militia [dot]com.
    Sujoy Dhar Made Fortricks
    May 9, 2015 at 9:25 am · Reply

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    Parviz Hamedanian
    May 13, 2015 at 8:44 pm · Reply

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    May 22, 2015 at 8:21 am · Reply

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    SSG Jack Simpson U.S. Army (RET)
    June 9, 2015 at 10:35 am · Reply

    This quote was found on an ammo bunker in VietNam and I adopted it as my families motto:
    To be born free was an accident.
    To live free is a privilege.
    To die free is an obligation.

    God bless the U.S.A. and God damn Obama
    allen wallace
    June 20, 2015 at 11:29 pm · Reply

    - See more at: http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-militia-groups/#sthash.qb1MluOF.dpuf[/QUOTEhttp://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-militia-groups/#sthash.qb1MluOF.dpufhttp://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-militia-groups/#sthash.qb1MluOF.dpuf[/QUOTEhttp://www.darkgovernment.com/news/list-of-u-s-mil...sthash.qb1MluOF.dpuf

    نسأل الله أن يحفظنا وأبناءنا وإياكم إينما كنتم .. هذا العالم أصبح عالم مخيف!


    (عدل بواسطة بريمة محمد on 10-05-2015, 02:07 AM)


10-05-2015, 02:20 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ا (Re: بريمة محمد)

    الملاحظة أن المليشيات فى ال 50 ولاية تدعو إلي قيام مليشيا ذات قيادة موحدة .. تسمى Army of One .. أو تسمى BE .. أو تسمى DO

    ومن سياق المداخلات تجدون أي جنس أمريكي يقف خلف المليشيات دون الأجناس الأمريكية الأخري .. واضح أنتماء المليشيات إلي الشعوب القوقازية .. وأحتافظهم بالسلاح أحتفاظ تأريخي بسبب هجرتهم إلي الولايات المتحدة وإمتلاكهم السلاح كوسيلة للحماية ضد الشعوب المستوطنة ..

    فى ذلك الوقت، كانت المستعمرات .. Colonies .. لها جيوشها التى تخوض حروب البقاء ضد الهنود الحمر .. المستوطنون الأصليون ..

    ثم أنتقلت تلك المخاوف بعد توطين أنفسهم وأمتلاكهم لزمام المبادرة فى الأمور .. إلي مخاوف الحرب الأهلية ... ثم أنتقلت تلك المخاوف إلي المخاوف من السود الذين تحرروا ويريدون حقوقهم غير منقوصه أو أخذ ثأرهم ..

    وهكذا تستمر مخاوف هذه الشعوب وتتوالد بأستمرار .. وتتغير تلك المخاوف .. ولكن يظل السلاح وأمتلاكه وسليتهم ..

    اليوم كمية السلاح فى أيدي الناس بالولايات المتحدة يعادل عدد سكان أمريكا نفسها ..


10-05-2015, 02:44 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

للتواصل معنا

تويتر Twitter

20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ا (Re: بريمة محمد)

    نواصل معكم من صفحة أخبار المليشيات ..
    هنا المليشيات تريد أن تكون أمريكا دولة نصرانية يهودية .. وترفض الديانات الأخري وتطالب المهاجرين والمجوعات الأخري بالتمسك بالثقافة الأمريكية .. والمليشيات لا تهدف إلي ذلك بالحوار بل تميل إلي فرض أمر واقع علي المجموعات المهاجرة .. فى هذه المداخلات النقاش يدور حول تزايد عدد المسلمين ..
    Is it important for America to be a Judeo-Christian nation؟
    September 16, 2015 God And Country 11 Comments
    Judeo-Christian Nation

    When I heard that Obama had let in 280,000 Muslims into the United States in the last year alone, I didn’t think refugees. I thought population transfer. At that rate, Muslims, already a sizeable presence in places like Dearborn, Michigan and Paterson, NJ, will create metropolitan caliphates all across the US before long.

    Which started me thinking: is it important for America to be still a Judeo-Christian nation؟ Our founding was not based on the teachings of the Koran. Sharia law was not embedded in our Constitution. The basis of our Constitution, as well as the Declaration of Independence, is Judeo-Christian values. That means a respect for private property, individual liberties, freedom of choice, and above all, religious tolerance.

    That’s why in America, while Protestants were killing Catholics in Europe and vice-versa, both groups lived in peace in the 18th and 19th century. That’s why, while Jews were being exterminated in Europe in the 20th century, as they are again in the 21st, they are free to live their lives in peace in America and are valued contributors to society. We have no state religion which forces people to believe anything, and we do not kill people who fail to believe in any particular religion.

    Because we have equality of the sexes, and respect for the individual, women can work if they choose and wear whatever they like. They don’t have to cover up their bodies for fear of being raped.

    A free market economy was another benefit of Judeo-Christian values, celebrating the right of the individual to engage in livelihood without government intervention. Private property rights provide more protection for the individual, and the rule of law provides stability that enables millions of people to seek better lives.

    Sadly, the free market barely exists in most Muslim countries, keeping millions in poverty. Incitement is the rule, whether it is incitement against Jews, or Christians, or even different kinds of Muslims.

    And now we are admitting millions of Muslims; 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 since the year 2000 alone, and that is only the legal immigrants. We are expected to have 6.2 million or more by 2030.

    Will these new citizens respect our traditions؟ We have seen the results in Europe, the no-go zones in Great Britain, the hunting down of Jews in France, the assassination of politicians in the Netherlands and cartoonists in Denmark. We have already seen a number engage in terrorism here in America, like the Boston bombers. If we are to continue being an open, tolerant nation, is that compatible with admitting large numbers of Muslims؟ If not, why won’t any candidate speak out on that؟ None have. The closest we’ve gotten is Donald Trump vaguely calling for other countries to take in more refugees. All he says about America, though, is that “we have our own problems.” For a straight talking guy, he won’t speak frankly about the dangers of Muslim immigration.

    If a candidate, any candidate, spoke about the dangers of Muslim immigration, is there any doubt in your mind that he would shoot up in the polls as Trump has؟

    Written by Ed Straker.
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    11 Responses to Is it important for America to be a Judeo-Christian nation؟

    Thomas Masty says:
    September 16, 2015 at 1:56 pm

    Deuteronomy tells us that the covenant is for the Jews and the strangers among us….which applies to the pagans living with the Jews. God told us that immigrants must accept our laws and customs or our society will fall. Jeremiah teaches us how to live in a society where we are not the dominant power…and we will need to relearn those lessons. But the key is that immigrants need to be forced to assimilate or Western Civilization is dead. The multiculturalism will have killed us off…along with catering to the minority religions and ignoring the rights of the majority.
    sara paola says:
    October 1, 2015 at 9:19 pm

    Yes, but your not at that moment anymore Thomas. The prophet Jeremias had also foretold you about the point of the diamond time. That it would take place. It has. Thats a communist star on the flag. Its upside down point is peircing the Holy Trinity, which is what has happened already. The US gov pays their own priests now, but, they are not valid priests at all. Windswept House. Anotherwords, its a bogus church. The devil of cesar. Believe me, there are no sacraments there now at all. So do not folly yourself. They are all gone. Only way for those kind of people to come back to reality, is to understand that what they have done of, yes is evil. Some of those, cannot go to heaven. It is not possible now. The space travel was part of the mistake of this nation. It is against God’s precepts, even with an ultimatum that He forewarned us of it. And, it is this above now. The loss of the church ultimatum. But the real Church, is still here, because, Jesus himself had said, the church is not a building. Occupy. I get so depressed when I see another idiot pastor building another money taker peice of materialism building, instead of giving it to the church. Including the Novus Ordo. For they charge the folly of the people for it. It is a very sad world today. And, very wrong indeed. Especially when most are poor now. The only way to correct wrongs, is to apologize to God for them. And plead with Him for His help and acceptance. Yes, the answer is. It is important, because, that is the declare of its independence the United States of America. To follow the church in Her true law,Under GOD – then go to work under a us constitution which is for the cival part of her the church. And without that proper order, all you have left is the communism. And that happens through the socialism. Which, the catholic church has already explained this in all her true documents. You just have to read them. This is not the first time Communism has been a problem. Socialism has no sacraments at all. In the days of the older, the Catholic Church had said, excommunicated communism yes. It would be thrown from the church pale. Always. It did throw it quite often. Today, they tell you to accept all of it. This is not true at all. FACT. SO You cannot. Because, once you do, you loose the democracy through the apologetic not existing of, then the repent has to include the pay back, this is what flucuates prices in the market making them all different of, instead of all in the same. By doing the penance itself. So, its up to you so called democracy. Did you do your penance today؟ JFK. For your sins؟ In the case of Novus Ordo, they have not. Of course, that includes a muslim Obama for He is not true to the real true of the Church. FACT… That is quite obvious. Its the declaration of independence obeying to God first, that means, the very first commandment, of that, it made the USA independent yes. And, a democracy. Yes It shifts gears. It goes from the dissobedience which is a sin, to the confessional, removing the guilt, to the penance, which is the pay back, which eliminates the same pricing. (Communism) Then forgivness. Giving to the poor, a place to go and get it for less yes even. But, it does not eliminate the poor. Just helps to them. But today, it does not happen at all… No help at all. Thats why, you see all the fuel pumps the same price in the corporate communism of the United States. And, none has done their penance at all. Especially Obama. For they do not even believe in Him My Jesus. Nor do Republicans. Its a different world when it is mostly pagan. But still so, it will not change the outcome of God’s true Holy Book and new Jerusalem. Unless they do their penances, they will not get to His Heaven. Nor will they make justified laws that protect the church laws of Her truths. And I do mean, the real ones, not the fake ones. Novus Ordo, your not in His Church. odious idiot. For hell is down there, and the dot gov knows it. Pictures. And so do I.
    Gordon says:
    September 16, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    Why do both the establishment clause of the Constitution and the first amendment tell us we are a secular state and not a theocracy؟ Because enlightened people learn from history–while idiot-######### like the one who wrote this article can’t tell their ######### from a hole in the ground.
    Eric Pearson says:
    September 16, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    Gordon is wrong. We are not a theocracy. We are not a Christian nation in the way an Islamic State can call itself a Muslim Nation. Christianity is not the established church, nor should be. Being a Christian is not a requirement to be an elected official, and adherence to the Word of God (Holy Bible) is not necessary in order for a person to retain their citizenship. We are not a theocracy, and for the most part, Christians have never called for our country to be one. An oligarchy where a few powerful people control the many is not in line with the principles of freedom, regardless of what kind of oligarchy it may be.
    sara paola says:
    October 1, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    You do not have a choice to be rid of communism, it is only in Christianity that it can happen. For Christ Himself said, there are only pagans, and Christians. The rest, is lies. KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Your kind, I know of. As God Knows All things. so be it. Unless you comply with that Declare of Independence, you have not done so. And your kind, did not read it, let alone absorbe it. And its likely because you oppose it. Same as what is written by you is full of ####. You have just denounced the true Declaration of Independence of my country. Get the hell out of it if you dont like what it says. There are more countries to go live in. Pick one.
    William J. Dager says:
    September 25, 2015 at 5:28 am

    Although we are not a theocracy, it is a know fact that our Constitution and the Bill of Rights and our system of jurisprudence most certainly are based on the Judeo-Christian model of Biblical origins. Are we to bend and twist our system which has served us so well to allow the laws of other systems to dilute it so as to make it adhere to third-world standards or lack thereof؟ Our system has made our nation the most powerful, admired and respected this world has ever seen. Other nations after throwing off the shackles to allow freedom have patterned their constitutions after ours, to allow their respective nations to become economic powerhouses in their own right. It is only where other countries abandon the model in favor of socialism and communism that they become despotic dictatorships or aristocracies that suppress the human spirit, examples being Argentina, North Korea, North Vietnam, Cuba and others. There is nothing wrong with Do Not Murder, do not bear false witness, do not steal, remain faithful to a spouse, limiting the scope and power of a federal government to prevent tyranny, and far more. And the most important advantage is that no one in government is permitted to force anyone to believe anything they want, or do not want for that matter. We are free to practice any belief structure we desire, as long as in fits within the Constitution and does not violate laws against murder and torture, such as in human sacrifice. The writer of the article is correct in his observations and assessment.
    sara paola says:
    October 1, 2015 at 9:30 pm

    good question, good answer
    Gerri says:
    September 16, 2015 at 5:01 pm

    Though the Foundation is Judeo-Christian it DOES NOT mandate a particular religious belief for this Country. This is what is important to consider, because if a religion DOES mandate a particular religious belief for a Nation, then there will be serious conflict and even war wherever Freedom Loving people are. It does us no good to be hateful of individual people, but if they come in demanding a change to their selective ways which then harm Freedom, what they do and stand for will appear quite hateful, and vise versa. And who should be surprised؟! It is ridiculous to expect any different…
    sara paola says:
    October 1, 2015 at 10:23 pm

    You, obvioulsy do not follow what is a true Christian؟ As it would not be ridiculous for the whole world, to be of the one culture yes, as God Himself Declares this is what He really trully wants yes Jesus. Go ask them the same thing in theirs. Only One Culture.؟؟ FAIR IS FAIR, But it must be through the system that removes communism, for freedom has its price yes idiot, and this is it pal. Jesus paid that. You either accept it, or you dont. Communism is all there was before the building of the United States of America. FACT… But, i suppose, your just to stupid to understand that about a pagan.

    It does not matter if you do not agree with my God Jesus or me. It is still His Law. And for certain, you have not changed my mind. One Culture. For talking through folly words helps no one but just postpones the outcome of. War only happens when you pull the trigger in your sin. And, since God says, fourfold punishment, you better think 3 more times before, you start with such a thing again, true Catholic, because you will pay in pain in your purgatory gerri, the sins of your own yes, I promise you, 4 times if not 7 times.. Unless you dont go to heaven؟؟؟ Then you can suffer all of them forever instead in your hell. And if I listen to your kind, and your doing that what you say as that of above have said here, then I am not obeying the true Christian religion or the only My God. Again, cannot listen to you at all, your wrong. Free Will is not Freedom of Religion. FACT. Same as a true christian does not force anyone to be in the same Church, same as that Church, is not anything of a building. FACT. So theft of those buildings idiot, does not you any good whatsoever to destroy her or them, the true Catholic Church. She will still be here PAL, TEACHING. the sames truths about communism, and the more of herself the true Church. Same as His Book Says she will. Dummy. To say all religions are ok with our declare of independence, is the same as to say to God, to hell with your first commandment. Get that straight. Sure hope you can find a true priest to absolve those your sins. I dont think you know how to do it all by yourself.
    Ted says:
    September 20, 2015 at 2:00 pm

    All anyone has to do to figure out where our country is heading is to look at any European country today that has a large Muslim minority.
    Does anyone think that once the Muslim population reaches a certain level we will be the exception؟
    Make no mistake Islamic doctrine is one of conquest and violence. The Islamic text has 190 verses that speak of killing the infidels.
    And by allowing millions of Muslim refugees here in the United States from war ravaged areas we are importing their holy war here, it’s only a matter of time.

    نسأل الله الحفظ والرعاية ..


10-05-2015, 02:58 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
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Re: المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ا (Re: بريمة محمد)

    صفحة أخبار المليشيات ..


10-05-2015, 03:00 AM

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<aبريمة محمد
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Re: المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ا (Re: بريمة محمد)

    من صفحة المليشيات ..
    مقال يتحدث عن أن أمريكا تجلب وسائل هدمها .. أقرأوا الأتي:
    Quote: mporting Our Own Destruction
    September 24, 2015 Enemies Foreign and Domestic 1 Comment
    Importing Our Own Destruction

    The 1,400-year-long cycle of Islamic violence is fed not by injustice or fresh new assaults on sovereignty. Rather, it pre-exists the rise of Western capitalism by several centuries, and it constitutes the heart of the Muslim world. The cycle is fueled by Muslims’ fundamental organizing principle: Islam.

    There is no place on Earth where a significant population of Muslims are present that does not also live with regular Islamic-inspired violence and disruption. This applies to both Muslim enclaves in Western democracies and Muslim-dominated nations around the world. Where Islam is, violence and civil tension follow.

    Are all Muslims like this؟ No, they aren’t. Just as all Catholics don’t abstain from eating meat on Fridays during Lent, there is a continuum of adherence to religious principles found in Islam. However, every religion has its universally accepted core elements – shared tenets that are foundational to the faith.

    It is the “supremacist” core element of Islam (note: this is an aspect of Islam, not a perversion or interpretation) that ensures the reliability of the cycle. The battle is the aim – the jihad that cannot rest until the Earth has submitted entirely to Islam.

    What does this mean for the United States؟ The Obama administration is pledging to accept tens of thousands of “refugees” from Syria and Iraq. Recent reports indicate that this number may rise exponentially in coming months.

    The United States has already accepted hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants from around the world, and to date, their assimilation into American society is proceeding at a snail’s pace, if at all.

    Warnings have been issued by European governments that terrorists (elements of ISIS and al-Qaeda) have inserted themselves into the stream of Muslim migrants currently invading Europe.

    This warning, while important, misses the larger issue entirely: that the importation (en masse) of Muslims brings with it an ideology bent on the destruction of the host nation. Islam arrives not to “blend in.” It arrives to take over.

    By some estimates, the composition of the “refugee” arrivals is upwards of 70% males of military age. War refugees flee their countries with wives and children, while migrants traveling for economic opportunity or other reasons typically send a father or son ahead to prepare the way for the rest of the family to follow.

    There are certainly some war refugees amid the masses currently flooding Europe, but they are just as certainly a minority of the whole, and the likelihood that these Muslim men, coming from Muslim-dominated nations, intend to culturally assimilate into the societies of Europe is statistically nil.

    Over the coming months, America will be asked (then told!) to accept “our share” of “refugees.” Incomprehensibly, these “refugees” will be almost entirely Muslim, despite the fact that it is the Christian and other non-Muslim residents of the region who are truly in danger, with tens of thousands already slaughtered and enslaved as a part of the current pogrom of subjugation under the heel of Islam.

    It has been said that just because a group of Sunni Muslims is fleeing extermination from a group of Shia Muslims – or vice versa – that doesn’t mean that either is innocent in the conflict. Should the pursued become more numerous than the pursuers, they will immediately turn and put their former tormenters to the sword. Each flees from each other, but neither is really a “refugee.”

    It is important to ask, if this is indeed a refugee crisis with hundreds of thousands fleeing their war-torn homelands, why now؟ The Syrian civil war has been going on for years. ISIS has been operating for nearly as long. It seems reasonable to conclude that the genesis of this migration lies elsewhere.

    If you are a well-informed reader, then you have heard the term “civilizational jihad,” the process by which Muslims seek to overwhelm host nations through immigration and the exploitation of Western values of religious tolerance and liberty.

    The present surge of Muslims into Europe is not a spontaneous response to deteriorating conditions in the Middle East. Instead, it is a carefully orchestrated migration to swell the populations of existing Muslim enclaves in Europe to the breaking point.

    The subsequent social disruptions will have native Europeans calling for action to bring the migration to a halt by any means necessary. In the mind of the Muslim Brotherhood (at whose behest this “migration” began), it is a win-win.

    Ideally, the Europeans will grow so uncomfortable with the influx of Islamists that they’ll support increased action to remove Assad, thereby restarting the “Arab Spring” and handing the Brotherhood an essential jewel for their planned caliphate crown.

    At the very least, the cause of civilizational jihad will be advanced more in a matter of months than it would have progressed in decades of orderly immigration and high birth rates.

    Either scenario is catastrophic for the West and is functionally #####alent to giving Typhoid Mary an unlimited EuroRail pass.

    We screen new arrivals at the border for diseases because we don’t want to permit the importation of infections to which we have little or no natural immunity. In the case of Islam, we are indeed importing the infection itself, subsequently refusing to quarantine the carriers from the native population out of a misguided sense of tolerance.

    Germany has committed to accepting millions of Islamic “refugees” over the next ten years – 800,000 this year alone, followed by half a million more each year thereafter – in the hopes that the infusion of new laborers can offset the ridiculously anemic birth rate of native Germans. Combine migration at such extreme levels with a government so enamored of multiculturalism that they will prosecute their own citizens for speaking against the policy, and you have the stuff of an invasion.

    Under what circumstances has any nation permitted an influx of a different culture at such extreme levels and remained sovereign؟ I’ll give you a hint…it hasn’t ever happened. Ever.

    Unless Germany reverses course, it will become a Muslim nation within 15 years, and native Germans will live under the rule of their new Muslim overlords, dhimmis in their own land.

    Remember, someone asking for political asylum is not guaranteed to be deserving. Each of the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was an asylum seeker when they arrived on our shores. How’d that work out؟

    Written by Joe Herring.
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    One Response to Importing Our Own Destruction

    TheSouthernNationalist says:
    September 26, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    I believe this so called “migration” is nothing more than a Trojan horse to allow our country to be over ran with these people.

    Furthermore, I believe these people were “prepped” with instructions to enter a western country set up a residence then wait for the call to action against that country (sleeper cells) wake up America, the enemy is here!


10-05-2015, 03:03 AM

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<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
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Re: المليشيات في الولايات المتحدة .. توجد فى ا (Re: بريمة محمد)

    صفحة المليشيات فى الفيس بوك ..


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