«آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا

الفاتح جبرا .. في ذمة الله
نعى اليم ...... سودانيز اون لاين دوت كم تحتسب د. الفاتح يوسف جبرا فى رحمه الله
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12-23-2014, 02:07 PM

حيدر حسن ميرغني
<aحيدر حسن ميرغني
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-19-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 26901

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
«آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا

    د. هيا إبراهيم الجوهر
    في منتصف السبعينيات الميلادية صرخت امرأة يابانية من العاصمة السودانية بآهة من ألم في بطنها، وصل صدى صرختها اليابان، كيف لا وهي زوجة السفير الياباني في السودان وابنة إمبراطور اليابان!
    لذا استنجد زوجها بالخارجية اليابانية لمساعدته على إيجاد حل عاجل لحالتها، خصوصا مع ضعف الإمكانات هناك، فما كان منهم إلا أن وجّهوه إلى "مستشفى بحري"، وهو مستشفى متواضع يفتقر لأبسط المستلزمات الطبية، لكنه غني ببشر فاق طموحهم إمكانات البلد، انطلق السفير بزوجته حيث أُمر، وزاد رعبه رعباً حين رأى حال المستشفى، وطلب من الطبيب أن يسكن آلامها فقط حتى يتمكن من نقلها خارج السودان لعمل اللازم، ولكن الطبيب السوداني الشاب "زاكي الدين أحمد حسين" ردَّ عليه بكل هدوء وثقة بالنفس، رغم الوضع من حوله قائلاً: معذرة المرأة هذه بقي لها ساعتان، إما الجراحة أو الموت!
    زاد ذلك من فزع السفير وحيرته، فهذه ابنة الإمبراطور، ولم يجد حلاً سوى أن يجعلها تقرر مصيرها، فقالت له والألم يعتصرها: أخضع للجراحة!
    وقف السفير على باب غرفة العمليات المتواضعة منتظراً سماع نبأ وفاتها، ولكن تمر الساعات وتنتهي العملية والقلق يعتصر قلبه منتظراً سماع النبأ السيئ، وتكون المفاجأة وتخرج زوجته على قدميها بعد يومين من إجراء العملية، ليطير بها إلى أضخم وأفخم مستشفيات اليابان، وهناك أخضعوها والجراحة نفسها لفحوص واختبارات ليتأكدوا من سلامة ما حدث لها، وخرجوا والدهشة تعلو وجوههم والسؤال الذي على ألسنتهم: مَن أجرى لها العملية وأين أُجريت؟ فما حدث لها معجزة!
    فقال السفير: أُجريت لها في بلد اسمه السودان، وعلى يد الطبيب زاكي. فأصرّوا على دعوة الطبيب السوداني المعجزة للتعرُّف عليه، وما هي إلا فترة وجيزة ويُؤتى بالطبيب بناءً على دعوة شخصية من الإمبراطور نفسه، ليسأله: ماذا تتمنى؟ وهنا حدث ما لم يكن في الحسبان، وصنع الطبيب الشاب المعجزة الحقيقية، فلم يطلب مالاً ولا جاهاً ولا إقامة دائمة هناك! كان حبه لوطنه وشعبه أكبر، فطلب إقامة مستشفى للسودان! مستشفى حديث متطور يضاهي مستشفيات اليابان. وكان له ما أراد، فبعد تسع سنوات وفي بداية الثمانينيات الميلادية ظهر على أرض السودان "مستشفى ابن سينا" بمعدات حديثة ومتطورة، وتعهد بتجديده كل عام من اليابان. هكذا يتصرف العظماء، وحق علينا أن نذكره وندعو له بالرحمة، فقد تُوفي هذا الجرّاح الفذ تاركاً خلفه إرثاً عظيماً ودروساً لكل الأجيال العربية اليائسة، فعلمه وإيمانه بقدراته وتغليب حبه لشعبه ووطنه خلّدت ذكراه.. فرحمه الله رحمة واسعة.

    رحم الله الدكتور زاكي الدين أحمد حسين واحسن اليه

12-23-2014, 03:04 PM

مجاهد محمد الهادي
<aمجاهد محمد الهادي
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-14-2013
مجموع المشاركات: 1665

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: حيدر حسن ميرغني)

    يا له من موقف

    رحم الله الدكتور زاكي الدين أحمد حسين واحسن اليه

12-23-2014, 03:30 PM

Asim Fageary
<aAsim Fageary
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-25-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 7810

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: مجاهد محمد الهادي)

    رحمه الله رحة واسعة .. نفس الطبيب قد أجرى عملية حصوة في المرارة لوالدتي في الثمانينيات وفي مستشفى إبن سينا هذا !


12-23-2014, 04:07 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 1348

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: Asim Fageary)

    تحياتي للمنداخلين
    فقط أحب أن أشير أن هذه القصة خيالية و مصنوعة و لا تمت إلى حقيقة إنشاء مستشفى ابن سينا بصلة

    أتمنى أن يجتهد الناس في الكتابة و نقل المعلومة الصحيحة حتى لا يتحور المعنى إلى شيء غير صحيح و قد ينتقص من قدر المعنيين

    القصة الحقيقية كما رواها الدكتور زاكي الدين لا علاقة لها بهذه الخزعبلات

12-23-2014, 04:56 PM

عوض محمد احمد

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 5566

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: malik_aljack)

    الحبيب حيدر

    للاسف رغم ان هذه القصة جميلة و رومانسية الا انها ليست حقيقية
    و القصة المختلقة هذه تهدر جهود خرافية بذلها زاكي الدين وحده لا شريك له من بين
    اطباء السودان. و قد نشر الزاكي قصة بناء المستشفى كاملة و ليس فيها حكاية نجلة امبراطور اليابان
    كما ان اليابانيين يقدسون امبراطورهم و له مكانة تقترب من مكانة الاله و يصعب تخيل ان كريمته تتزوج
    دبلوماسي و كمان في دولة نامية
    انتهز الفرصة للدعوة لاعادة تسمية المستشفى باسم زاكي الدين. فابن سينا لم يقر اهلوه الفرس
    و العرب في تكريمه بمئات المنشات.

12-23-2014, 05:10 PM

حيدر حسن ميرغني
<aحيدر حسن ميرغني
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-19-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 26901

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: عوض محمد احمد)

    مشكورين ياشباب على التنوير المهم ده
    القصة عجبتني خاصة وان كاتبتها غير سودانية على مايبدو فلذلك اعتقدت انها حقيقية
    الرحمة والمغفرة للدكتور الزاكي

12-23-2014, 05:17 PM

حيدر حسن ميرغني
<aحيدر حسن ميرغني
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-19-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 26901

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: حيدر حسن ميرغني)

    sudansudansudansudan40.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

    ده الموقع اللي نشر هذه القصة

12-23-2014, 05:22 PM

محمد إبراهيم علي
<aمحمد إبراهيم علي
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-10-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 10032

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: حيدر حسن ميرغني)

    دي القصة الحقيقية لبناء مستشفى بن سيناء بقلم الراحل دكتور زاكي الدين
    Quote: In May 1975 I went to Japan on a scholarship offered by the Japan Internation Cooperation Agency (JICA) for two months. It offered very intensive training with lectures, endoscopy sessions and pathological counseling in GI problems. It was very stimulating to me and it made me realize two important facts. The first was that I need to establish a special centre dedicated to the study and management of Gastro-Intestinal disease. The second was that I needed somehow to obtain the support of Japan for this project.

    When I was back in the Sudan I kept pondering on how to establish the GI centre. The ministry of health was receptive but had no significant fund. However they made a very important commitment, they agree to have this centre built on the ground where Ibn Sina now stands.

    It is remarkable that this area had been designated for a hospital when Ammarat was first planned in 1959. The Ministry of Health held on to this piece of land for twenty years as an open space in spite of several attempts from other government agencies to acquire it for other purposes.

    Now armed with the promise of this prime piece of real estate I felt I had a huge bargaining chip. Soon I had the chance to play my strong hand. I was visited in my now very active endoscopy department by one of the directors of Esai Pharmaceutical company. Esai was also very influential in Japan. I knew this particular director, Mr. Mucai from previous visits to Sudan. He seemed impressed by the work we were doing and this encouraged me to tell him about my idea for the GI centre and my hope that Japan would be interested to help. I was happily surprised when he became really excited about the project. He advised me that the best was to enlist Japanese help was to involve the University of Okayama in japan. He went on to say that the way to involve Okayama was to write to them inviting them for sisterly cooperation with my department in KNTH.

    Seeing my apparent surprise he asked me to write a letter to the Dean of the medical school of Okayama University inviting him to accept this scientific union. He said he would take the letter himself and deliver it to the dean. He went on to explain that Okayama University was the main advisor to the Japanese government in its international medical aid. I was very excited and duly wrote the letter and gave it to Mr. Mucai.

    To my great happiness two months later the Dean of Okayama University came to Sudan. I was contacted by the Japanese Embassy of his visit. He came and visited us in Khartoum North and made a programme for him to meet the Dean of our Medical School and Vice Chancellor of the University. I explained to him my ambition of building a GI unit and showed him the area in Ammarat where it will be built. A few days later he went back apparently very supportive of the idea.

    I continued my contact with Mr. Mucai in his visits to Khartoum which happened regularly and he became very much dedicated to the project. He arranged for the Sudanese Ambassador in Japan to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo to discuss the proposed GI centre in Khartoum. On my advice our Minister of Health also visited the Japanese Ambassador in Khartoum and told him that the project would be a great help to the Sudanese people.

    By 1981 I had the first feeling of a positive response from Japan. A group of three Japanese officials came to Khartoum. One from JICA, one from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and one form the Ministry of Health. I was asked to come and meet them at the Japanese Embassy in Khartoum. We had a cordial meeting but it was difficult to tell what conclusion they came to.

    However a few months later yet another group came and they looked more senior. We had a meeting with them at the Japanese Embassy and this was a lengthy meeting. They offered they would be prepared to recommend a small medical centre but not a hospital. I became very angry and said that I wanted a hospital and that I shall somehow with or without their help build it. They were not prepared for my outburst of temper and therefore after some silence they said that would I be able to run the hospital well if they should build it. In the same vein of anger I told them I shall run it and run it well. We adjourned the meeting and suggested that we meet the following day.

    The next day we had a short meeting and asked us to take them to visit the various medical facilities in Khartoum. So for the following four days we toured all the main hospitals in the three towns, Khartoum Hospital, Omdurman Hospital, Khartoum North Hospital, Soba Hospital and Ibrahim Malik Hospital. In each hospital we spent hours visiting wards, operating theatres, kitchens and bathrooms. They were taking notes and photographs and at the end of their visits I thought they had a bad impression.

    The night before they left I invited them to a big dinner party at my house in their honour. To impress them as much as possible I invited the minister of finance, Sayed Ibrahim Moniem, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and the managing director of Kenana Sugar Company and several other dignitaries and doctors. I thought they were very impressed. When we said farewell I had a feeling that their body language was very positive and encouraging.

    Things then moved very fast and in a forward direction. In December 1982 I was invited to go to Tokyo and supervise the bidding for the contract to build the hospital. I was supported by a Japanese architectural firm appointed by the Japanese government. Seven firms produced bids and eventually Konike Company won the contract to build and equip the hospital. On Christmas day (December 25) 1982 at the offices of the Sudanese Embassy in Tokyo I signed the contract with the company. By mid march 1983 Konike started digging the foundation. They promised that in two years time they will finish. True to their word the building was completed in May 1985 and all furnishings and equipment were in place.

    I was then faced with the fulfillment of the Sudanese commitment, building the perimeter wall the inside roads and the garden. This turned out to be more hard work than we bargained for. Step one was to write the Ministry of Health and get their approval. Step two was to get the approval of the Ministry of Planning. Step three was to the approval of the Ministry of Health specifying the money necessary and step four you had to contact the Ministry of Finance to obtain the necessary funds. These steps were to be repeated for the perimeter wall the roads and the garden. The perimeter wall was the most demanding because I had to spend hours touring the three towns for a big building surrounded by such a wall. One afternoon I passed the Parliament building and was immediately impressed by it perimeter wall. The next day we sat with the architect and spent hours sketching and drawing until we came up with the present wall which I believe to be quite acceptable.

    I was fortunate that in dealing with the Ministries of Health, Planning and Finance I was dealing with people of my generation, people I met at Hantoub or the University and in various aspects of public life. I don’t remember having any difficulty in meeting any minister or senior civil servant or difficulty in obtaining approval for funds. However building by nature is a slow process and it was not until the end of 1985 that Ibn Sina reached the shape it is now in.

    While I was dealing with the physical construction I was also developing my ideas about the staffing and administrative sides. I am pleased to say that I introduced for the first time the following concepts:

    i- Nursing to be limited to the graduates of the Khartoum Nursing College

    ii- Food catering was to be on the basis of cooked individual meals designed and supervised by hospital dieticians

    iii- Cleaning the building should be by private contractors

    To achieve this and do it well I needed financial and administrative independence. Luckily the Minister of Health happened to be a surgeon, Mr. Suleiman Abu Saleh. It was tough to convince him but he agreed that Ibn Sina although part of the Min

12-23-2014, 05:11 PM

عوض محمد احمد

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 5566

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: عوض محمد احمد)

    قصة بناء و تاسيس مستشفى ابن سينا كما رواها زاكي الدين

    القصة الصحيحة الكاملة لملابسات بناء مستشفى ابن سينا بالسودان، كما أوردها صاحب فكرتها الراحل بروفسر زاكي الدين.
    نقلاً من صفحة بروفسر Awad Mohamed Ahmed
    Awad Mohamed Ahmed
    In May 1975 I went to Japan on a scholarship...
    offered by the Japan Internation Cooperation
    Agency (JICA) for two months. It offered very
    intensive training with lectures, endoscopy
    sessions and pathological counseling in GI
    problems. It was very stimulating to me and it
    made me realize two important facts. The first
    was that I need to establish a special centre
    dedicated to the study and management of
    Gastro-Intestinal disease. The second was that
    I needed somehow to obtain the support of
    Japan for this project.
    When I was back in the Sudan I kept pondering
    on how to establish the GI centre. The ministry
    of health was receptive but had no significant
    fund. However they made a very important
    commitment, they agree to have this centre built
    on the ground where Ibn Sina now stands.
    It is remarkable that this area had been
    designated for a hospital when Ammarat was
    first planned in 1959. The Ministry of Health
    held on to this piece of land for twenty years as
    an open space in spite of several attempts from
    other government agencies to acquire it for
    other purposes.
    Now armed with the promise of this prime piece
    of real estate I felt I had a huge bargaining
    chip. Soon I had the chance to play my strong
    hand. I was visited in my now very active
    endoscopy department by one of the directors
    of Esai Pharmaceutical company. Esai was also
    very influential in Japan. I knew this particular
    director, Mr. Mucai from previous visits to
    Sudan. He seemed impressed by the work we
    were doing and this encouraged me to tell him
    about my idea for the GI centre and my hope
    that Japan would be interested to help. I was
    happily surprised when he became really
    excited about the project. He advised me that
    the best was to enlist Japanese help was to
    involve the University of Okayama in japan. He
    went on to say that the way to involve Okayama
    was to write to them inviting them for sisterly
    cooperation with my department in KNTH.
    Seeing my apparent surprise he asked me to
    write a letter to the Dean of the medical school
    of Okayama University inviting him to accept
    this scientific union. He said he would take the
    letter himself and deliver it to the dean. He went
    on to explain that Okayama University was the
    main advisor to the Japanese government in its
    international medical aid. I was very excited
    and duly wrote the letter and gave it to Mr.
    To my great happiness two months later the
    Dean of Okayama University came to Sudan. I
    was contacted by the Japanese Embassy of his
    visit. He came and visited us in Khartoum North
    and made a programme for him to meet the
    Dean of our Medical School and Vice Chancellor
    of the University. I explained to him my
    ambition of building a GI unit and showed him
    the area in Ammarat where it will be built. A few
    days later he went back apparently very
    supportive of the idea.
    I continued my contact with Mr. Mucai in his
    visits to Khartoum which happened regularly
    and he became very much dedicated to the
    project. He arranged for the Sudanese
    Ambassador in Japan to visit the Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs in Tokyo to discuss the
    proposed GI centre in Khartoum. On my advice
    our Minister of Health also visited the Japanese
    Ambassador in Khartoum and told him that the
    project would be a great help to the Sudanese
    By 1981 I had the first feeling of a positive
    response from Japan. A group of three
    Japanese officials came to Khartoum. One from
    JICA, one from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    and one form the Ministry of Health. I was
    asked to come and meet them at the Japanese
    Embassy in Khartoum. We had a cordial
    meeting but it was difficult to tell what
    conclusion they came to.
    However a few months later yet another group
    came and they looked more senior. We had a
    meeting with them at the Japanese Embassy
    and this was a lengthy meeting. They offered
    they would be prepared to recommend a small
    medical centre but not a hospital. I became
    very angry and said that I wanted a hospital and
    that I shall somehow with or without their help
    build it. They were not prepared for my outburst
    of temper and therefore after some silence they
    said that would I be able to run the hospital
    well if they should build it. In the same vein of
    anger I told them I shall run it and run it well.
    We adjourned the meeting and suggested that
    we meet the following day.
    The next day we had a short meeting and asked
    us to take them to visit the various medical
    facilities in Khartoum. So for the following four
    days we toured all the main hospitals in the
    three towns, Khartoum Hospital, Omdurman
    Hospital, Khartoum North Hospital, Soba
    Hospital and Ibrahim Malik Hospital. In each
    hospital we spent hours visiting wards,
    operating theatres, kitchens and bathrooms.
    They were taking notes and photographs and at
    the end of their visits I thought they had a bad
    The night before they left I invited them to a big
    dinner party at my house in their honour. To
    impress them as much as possible I invited the
    minister of finance, Sayed Ibrahim Moniem, the
    Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and the
    managing director of Kenana Sugar Company
    and several other dignitaries and doctors. I
    thought they were very impressed. When we
    said farewell I had a feeling that their body
    language was very positive and encouraging.
    Things then moved very fast and in a forward
    direction. In December 1982 I was invited to go
    to Tokyo and supervise the bidding for the
    contract to build the hospital. I was supported
    by a Japanese architectural firm appointed by
    the Japanese government. Seven firms
    produced bids and eventually Konike Company
    won the contract to build and equip the
    hospital. On Christmas day (December 25) 1982
    at the offices of the Sudanese Embassy in
    Tokyo I signed the contract with the company.
    By mid march 1983 Konike started digging the
    foundation. They promised that in two years
    time they will finish. True to their word the
    building was completed in May 1985 and all
    furnishings and equipment were in place.
    I was then faced with the fulfillment of the
    Sudanese commitment, building the perimeter
    wall the inside roads and the garden. This
    turned out to be more hard work than we
    bargained for. Step one was to write the
    Ministry of Health and get their approval. Step
    two was to get the approval of the Ministry of
    Planning. Step three was to the approval of the
    Ministry of Health specifying the money
    necessary and step four you had to contact the
    Ministry of Finance to obtain the necessary
    funds. These steps were to be repeated for the
    perimeter wall the roads and the garden. The
    perimeter wall was the most demanding
    because I had to spend hours touring the three
    towns for a big building surrounded by such a
    wall. One afternoon I passed the Parliament
    building and was immediately impressed by it
    perimeter wall. The next day we sat with the
    architect and spent hours sketching and
    drawing until we came up with the present wall
    which I believe to be quite acceptable.
    I was fortunate that in dealing with the
    Ministries of Health, Planning and Finance I was
    dealing with people of my generation, people I
    met at Hantoub or the University and in various
    aspects of public life. I don’t remember having
    any difficulty in meeting any minister or senior
    civil servant or difficulty in obtaining approval
    for funds. However building by nature is a slow
    process and it was not until the end of 1985
    that Ibn Sina reached the shape it is now in.
    While I was dealing with the physical
    construction I was also developing my ideas
    about the staffing and administrative sides. I
    am pleased to say that I introduced for the first
    time the following concepts:
    i- Nursing to be limited to the graduates of the
    Khartoum Nursing College
    ii- Food catering was to be on the basis of
    cooked individual meals designed and
    supervised by hospital dieticians
    iii- Cleaning the building should be by private
    To achieve this and do it well I needed financial
    and administrative independence. Luckily the
    Minister of Health happened to be a surgeon,
    Mr. Suleiman Abu Saleh. It was tough to
    convince him but he agreed that Ibn Sina
    although part of the Min

12-23-2014, 05:17 PM

Gaafar Ismail
<aGaafar Ismail
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-27-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 4942

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: malik_aljack)

    Quote: فقط أحب أن أشير أن هذه القصة خيالية و مصنوعة و لا تمت إلى حقيقة إنشاء مستشفى ابن سينا بصلة

    أتمنى أن يجتهد الناس في الكتابة و نقل المعلومة الصحيحة حتى لا يتحور المعنى إلى شيء غير صحيح و قد ينتقص من قدر المعنيين

    القصة الحقيقية كما رواها الدكتور زاكي الدين لا علاقة لها بهذه الخزعبلات

    حبيبنا حيدر
    لعلك والأسرة الكريمة بخير
    ما اورده الأستاذ مالك الجاك في الاقتباس أعلاه صحيح
    في زياراته العديدة لليابان لم يذكر لي الراحل العزيز زاكي الدين هذه القصة وقد اقام معي حوالي اسبوعين في احدى زياراته لطوكيو لمتابعة إنشاء مستشفى ابن سيناء
    والإشراف على المعدات الطبية المهداة من اليابان للمستشفى ..الخ ، وكنا (نتونس) كثيرا حتى منتصف الليل .
    إمبراطور اليابان السابق هيروهيتو بناته متزوجات من داخل الأسرة الإمبراطورية عدا بنت واحدة متزوجة خارج الأسرة الإمبراطورية فهي تقيم وزوجها خارج القصر الإمبراطوري في منطقة هيرو القريبة من المعهد العربي.
    وحسب تقاليدالأسرة الإمبراطورية فإن من تتزوج من بنات الإمبراطور من خارج الأسرة الإمبراطورية تعتبر من عامة الشعب وبالتالي تسكن مع زوجها خارج القصر الإمبراطوري .. الإمبراطور الحالي أكيهيتو عنده بنت واحدة
    فقط تزوجت من موظف باحد البنوك قبل سنوات وبالتالي فهي تعيش أيضا خارج القصر الإمبراطوري
    عليه تبقى قصة زواج السفير الياباني بالخرطوم آنذاك من احدى بنات الإمبراطور السابق قصة خيالية فقط .
    تحياتي ووافر احترامي

12-23-2014, 06:37 PM

Abdlaziz Eisa
<aAbdlaziz Eisa
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-03-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 22291

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: Gaafar Ismail)

    Quote: وفي بداية الثمانينيات الميلادية ظهر على أرض السودان "مستشفى ابن سينا" بمعدات حديثة ومتطورة، وتعهد بتجديده كل عام من اليابان. هكذا يتصرف العظماء،
    وحق علينا أن نذكره وندعو له بالرحمة، فقد تُوفي هذا الجرّاح الفذ تاركاً خلفه إرثاً عظيماً ودروساً لكل الأجيال

    الاخ العزيز/ حيدر

    رحم الله الطبيب الفذ زاكي الدين

    لاول مرة أعرف هذه المعلومة..

    لك التحية

12-23-2014, 07:32 PM

الطيب شيقوق
<aالطيب شيقوق
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-31-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 28804

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: Abdlaziz Eisa)

    الأخ حيدر

    مساء الخير

    رغم التشكيك في روايتك ولكنك يا صديقي قد افلحت في جلب المعلومة الحقيقة

    الشكر كل الشكر للاخ محمد إبراهيم لايراد الخبر مية ما تخرش منو

    رحم الله الطبيب الفذ زاكي الدين


12-23-2014, 09:30 PM

محمد المرتضى حامد
<aمحمد المرتضى حامد
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 10832

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: الطيب شيقوق)

    وصلتني هذه الرواية كما أتى بها عزيزنا حيدر من بعض الإخوة العمانيين وكذا
    وصلتني منهم قصة كتبها - وفقا للمرسل- الأخ زهير السراج عن لواء إسمه الزيبق
    رفض أن يحمل جنوده هدايا من الكويت وأيضا رواية عن إدريس جماع وسبب أبياته
    شعره المشهورة .. إلخ. وعرفت أن تلك القصص يتم تداولها على نطاق واسع بين من يظن
    بنا خيرا من أهل الخليج بل يفرحوا بها ولايتوانوا في إرسالها لنا جزاهم الله خيرا..
    لا أدري مدى صحة الرواية في كل حالة وعلى الأقل ابان لنا بعض الإخوة هنا حقيقة ابن سينا
    وأظن أن أستاذنا جعفر اسماعيل كان في مداخلته كجهينة عنده الخبر اليقين وكجهيزة قطع
    قول كل خطيب والفضل للأخ حيدر أن ألقى بحجر في بركة الرواية الساكنة فعرفنا الحقيقة..
    أرجو أن نجد من يبين لنا حقيقة بقية الروايات المتداولة..
    شكرا أخي حيدر.

12-23-2014, 10:37 PM

معاوية المدير
<aمعاوية المدير
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-24-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 14411

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: «آهة» يابانية وطبيب سوداني .. وقصة مستشفى ابن سينا .. رائعة جدا جدا (Re: محمد المرتضى حامد)

    جميل جداً هذا البوست.

    رحم الله الدكتور زاكي الدين،
    وألف شكر لك حبيبنا الحنين...

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