إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها

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طه جعفر
<aطه جعفر
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها (Re: طه جعفر)


    مصدر مقترح للاستزادة و مصدر الترجمة مثبت بالبوست

    MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2008
    Woman of the Sea
    The woman of the Sea

    One summer night a young man was walking on the sand by the sea on the Isle of Unst.

    He had been all day in the hay fields and was come down to the shore to cool himself for the full moon was shining and the wind was blowing fresh of the water.
    As the young man came to the shore he saw the sand shining white in the moonlight and on it the sea people dancing.

    He had never seen them before for they show themselves like seals by day; but on this night, because it was midsummer and a full moon they were dancing for joy.

    Here and there he saw dark patches where they had flung down their sealskins, but they themselves wee as clear as the moon itself, and they cast no shadow.

    He crept a little closer and his own shadow moved before him and all of a sudden one of these people danced upon it.
    The dance was broken.
    They looked about and saw him and with a cry they fled totheir sealskins and dived into eeh waves.
    The air was full of their soft crying and splaching.

    But one of the faerie people ran hither and thither on the sands wringing her hands as if she has lost something.
    They young man looked and saw a patch of darkness in his own shadow.
    It was the sealskin.

    Quickly he threw it behind a rock and watched to see what the sea faerie would do.
    she ran down to the edge of the sea and stood with her feet in the foam, crying to her people to wait for her, but they had gone too far to hear.
    The moon shone on her and the young man thoguht she was the loveliest creature he had ever seen.

    Then she began to weep softly to herself and the sound of it was so pitiful that he could bear it no longer.
    He stood upright and went down to her.

    What have you lost woman of the sea?
    he asked her.
    She turned at the sound of his voice and looked at him terified.

    For a moment he thought she was going to dive into the sea.
    Than she came a step nearer and held up her two hands to him.

    Sir she said give it back to me and my people will give you the treasure of the sea.
    Her voice was like the waves singing in a shell.

    I would rather have you than the trasure of the sea said the young man.
    Although she hid her face in her hands and fell again to crying, more hopeless than ever, he was not moved.

    It is my wife you shall be he said.
    Come with me now to the priest and we will go home to our own house, and it is yourself shall be mistress of all I have.
    It is warm you will be in the long winter nights sitting at your own hearthstone and the peat burning red instead of swimming in the cold green sea.

    She tried to tell him of the bottom of the sea where there comes neither snow nor darkness of night and the waves are as warm as a river in summer, but he would not listen.

    Than he threw his cloak around her and lifted her in his arms and they were married in the prists house.

    He brought her home to his little thatched cottage and into the kitchen with its earthern floor,and he set her down before the hearth in the read glow of the peat.
    She cried out when she saw the fire, for she thought it a stange crimson jewel.

    Have you anything as bonny as that inthe sea?
    he asked her, kneeling down beside her.

    And she said so fainly that he could saccely her
    I know not what there is in the sea he said but there is nothing on land as bonny as you.

    For the first time she ceased her crying and sat looking into the heart of the fire.
    It ws the first thing that made he forget for a moment the sea that was her home.

    woman pg 2

    All these days she was in the young mans house she never lost the wonder of the fire, and it was the first thing she brought her childen to see.
    For she had 3 children in the twice seven years she lived with him.
    She was a good wife to him.
    She baked his bread and she spun the wool from the fleece of his Shetland sheep.
    He never spoke of the sealskin to her nor she to him and he thought she was content, for he loved her dearly and she was happy with her chilren.

    Once when he wa plowing on the headlands above the bay he looked down and saw her standing on the rocks and crying in mornful voice to a great seal in the water.
    He said nothing when he came home for he thought to himself it was not to wonder at if she was lonely for the sight of her own people.

    As for the sealskin he had hidden it well.

    There came a September evening and she was busy in the house and the children were playing hide and seek in the stacks of the gloaming.
    She heard them shouting and went out to them.

    What have you found? she said.
    The childen came running to her
    It is a like a big cat they said but it is softer than a cat

    She looked and saw her sealskin that was hidden under last years hay.

    She gazed at it and for a long time she stood still.
    It was warm dusk and the air was yellow with the afterglow of the sunset.

    The children had run away again and their voices among the stacks sounded like the voices of birds.
    The hens here on the roost already and now and then one of them clucked in its sleep.
    The air was full of little friendly noises from the sleepy talking of the swallows under the thatch.
    The door was open and the warm smell of the baking of bread came out to her.

    She tuned to go in but a small breath of wind rustled over the stacks and she stopped again.
    It brought the sound that she had heard so long she never seemed to hear it at all.
    It was the sea wispering down on the sand.

    Far out on the rocks the great waves broke in a boom and close in on the sand the liitle waves slipped racing back.
    She took up the sealskin and went swiftly down the path that led to the sands.
    The children saw her and cried to her to wait for them but she did not hear them.
    She was just out of sight when their father came in from the byre and they ran to tell him.

    Which road did she take? he asked.
    The low road to the sea they answered, but already their father was runing to the shore.
    The childen tried to follow him but their voices died away behind him so fast did he run.

    As he ran across the hard sands, he saw her dive to join the big seal who was waiting for her and he gave a loud cry to stop her.

    For a moment she rested on the surface of the sea then she cried with her voice that was like the waves singing in a shell.

    'Fare ye well and all good befall you for you were a good man to me.'

    Than she dived to the faerie places that lie at the bottom of the sea and the big seal dived with her.

    For a long time her husband watched for her to come back to him and the children but she came no more.

    Tales of Wonder and Magic, Berlie Doherty
    as told by Helen Waddell from the Shetland Islands

    The story again captures the mystery of the sea creatures and their relationship with the land creatures.
    It also captures the reflective nature of trying to combine different types from one environment to another and the pull of the separation taking precidence over other affections.
    The sea took the mother even though her children called her back and the husband could not hold her when the urge to return to her faerie home came into her control.
    Tt also reflects the long term realationship between man and their women when some even though they seem content and willing, long for something more or something distant or something of wonder that ordinay life does not fullfill.
    It also reflect the nature of man as being most content and happy with himself with a woman in his daily life and the great pain and shock imposed upon him when she is suddenly gone.
    The introduction of the priest indicates the tale is told in the christain era with christain motifs of cottages and hay flieds but it also reflects the past connection to the faery world and the great treasure of the ocean.

    presented by

    judi donnelly

    Oct 25 2008

العنوان الكاتب Date
إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-22-14, 00:54 AM
  Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-22-14, 00:56 AM
    Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-22-14, 00:59 AM
      Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها عبدالعزيز عثمان04-22-14, 01:42 AM
  Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها osama elkhawad04-22-14, 03:19 AM
    Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-22-14, 12:36 PM
      Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها عبدالكريم الاحمر04-22-14, 01:22 PM
        Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها osama elkhawad04-23-14, 03:15 AM
          Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها Abdel Aati04-23-14, 08:00 AM
            Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها بله محمد الفاضل04-23-14, 08:18 AM
            Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-23-14, 01:34 PM
              Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-23-14, 01:36 PM
          Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-23-14, 01:18 PM
        Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-23-14, 01:22 PM
          Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها osama elkhawad04-24-14, 06:44 AM
            Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها مني عمسيب04-24-14, 10:57 AM
              Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-24-14, 12:12 PM
            Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-24-14, 12:10 PM
              Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها osama elkhawad04-26-14, 01:28 AM
                Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها mustafa mudathir04-27-14, 00:12 AM
                  Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها osama elkhawad04-27-14, 08:10 AM
                    Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر04-27-14, 05:31 PM
                      Re: إمرأةٌ من أهلِ البحر..حكاية شعبية اسكتلندية ترجَمْتُها طه جعفر05-09-14, 02:16 AM

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