يوسف الموصلي و زهيراته

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12-24-2013, 11:16 AM

هاشم نوريت
<aهاشم نوريت
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مجموع المشاركات: 13622

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: يوسف الموصلي و زهيراته (Re: AMNA MUKHTAR)

    Yousif Elmosley, his two daughters Hadel and Arig and friend Mahmoud visited Euphonic Studio to record overdubs onto some backing tracks that had been composed and arranged by Yousif in another studio. The song, “Kida La”, is a pop song written in north African idioms. It’s basically about a man and woman who are having a relationship problem, and the man is attempting to coax the woman to change something. It’s sung in a dialect of Arabic, so I’m relying on my memory of what Yousif explained to me about the song during the session.

    We did the backup vocals, djembe, violin tracks, and the lead vocal that night. I am very impressed with Yousif’s abilities as a musician and producer. Besides performing on djembe and singing the lead vocal, he came prepared with charts where needed, and he had a clear vision of what things should sound like and a keen ear for when we needed to retake. That’s how we were able to get a lot of work done in just a short time.

    Yousif and his family are originally from the Sudan, which borders Egypt in north Africa. They are the second African group that we’ve had record at Euphonic Studio, and we love the cultural diversity. We really enjoy the world music here and we like to get to know about people and cultures from other parts of the world.

    Enjoy the music!

    Kida La

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العنوان الكاتب Date
يوسف الموصلي و زهيراته هاشم نوريت12-24-13, 10:48 AM
  Re: يوسف الموصلي و زهيراته AMNA MUKHTAR12-24-13, 11:12 AM
    Re: يوسف الموصلي و زهيراته هاشم نوريت12-24-13, 11:16 AM
    Re: يوسف الموصلي و زهيراته هاشم نوريت12-25-13, 03:38 PM

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