ضرب نافع بالجزمة فى مناسبة اجتماعية

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10-15-2013, 04:47 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
ضرب نافع بالجزمة فى مناسبة اجتماعية

    October 13, 2013 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie had a shoe thrown at him during a social event in al-Halaliya town in central Sudan, according to a news report.
    JPEG - 30.5 kbSudanese presidential assistant and vice chairman of the ruling National Congress Party, Nafie Ali Nafie (Photo: FILE)
    The Dubai-based al-Arabiya TV quoted an eyewitness by the name of Yusuf al-Hadi Kabashi as saying that a 20-something-year-old male became aggravated when he saw Nafie at a ceremony to honour al-Amin Dafalla, a leading figure in the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

    Dafalla saw his house burned during the recent protests which erupted over the government’s decision to cut fuel subsidies.

    The unidentified assailant slammed Nafie as a “thief” and a “murderer” then threw a shoe at him before the Sudanese official reached the podium.

    Kabashi said that Nafie, who appeared visibly angry after the incident, had been caught by surprise and failed to avoid the flying shoe.

    A few weeks ago, Nafie was forced to rush out from a memorial ceremony after a group of mourners surrounded him, calling for him to leave.

    The memorial ceremony was being held in memory of Salah Sanhoori, a pharmacist who was shot dead during last month’s protests.

    The bizarre incident mirrored that of another notorious show-throwing incident in which an Iraqi man threw his footwear at George W Bush at a 2008 press conference, narrowly missing the then-US president.

    In a separate incident in 2010, one angry audience member took aim at then-Australian prime minister John Howard during a live television appearance.

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