البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي

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07-28-2013, 06:50 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي

    Boxing great Muhammad Ali may not last the summer, according to brother Rahman
    The Greatest: Muhammad Ali may not last the summer, according to brother Rahman
    The family of Muhammad Ali is embroiled in a bitter feud over the former heavyweight boxing champion as his life slips away, his brother claimed yesterday.
    Rahman Ali said his sister-in-law Lonnie has cut off the sporting legend from his family and is ‘draining’ him as his mental and physical faculties are eroded by Parkinson’s disease.
    The boxer’s brother lives in poverty in a small flat in his family’s hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, where Muhammad Ali owns one of his three mansion homes.
    He said he and his family had been barred from visiting the three-time heavyweight world champion and could only speak to him on the phone.
    ‘We’ve all been pushed out. The only time I get to see him is at public events,’ said Mr Ali, himself an ex-boxer. ‘She and her family are draining him. It’s so sad. There’s nothing I can do, they’ve blocked us all off.’
    He said his 71-year-old brother was so crippled by Parkinson’s, the degenerative brain condition that has afflicted many ex-boxers, he might not survive until the summer.
    ‘My brother can’t speak – he doesn’t recognise me. He’s in a bad way. He’s very sick,’ he told a Sunday newspaper. ‘It could be months, it could be days.’
    Mr Ali, 69, who retired from boxing after suffering several strokes, said he last saw his famous brother in July last year at the Sports for Peace Gala in London.
    Brother: Rahman Ali, pictured at a fundraising Ball in July, where he says he last saw Muhammad Ali
    Brother: Rahman Ali, pictured at a fundraising Ball in July, where he says he last saw Muhammad Ali
    Ali, pictured with wife Lonnie, was very frail during his appearance at the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony
    Ali, pictured with wife Lonnie, was very frail during his appearance at the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony
    Ali, pictured with wife Lonnie, left, was very frail during his appearance at the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony, pictured right with Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti
    He said that in the days when his brother could still communicate, he had told him he was not in pain, adding: ‘I’ve achieved everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish. Don’t cry for me, I’m in no pain.’
    He also claims that his brother, estimated to be worth more than £50million, told him he had set up a trust fund for him. But his sister-in-law had ‘put a stop to it’.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-22727...r.html#ixzz2aMcDe58y
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07-28-2013, 07:34 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Osman Musa)

    لأسطورة محمد كلاي يحتفل بعيد ميلاده السبعين وسط الصمود والتحدي في مواجهة المرض
    هامبورج : الألمانية

    من المؤكد أن الملاكم الأمريكي الأسطورة محمد علي كلاي لا يستطيع توجيه ضربة قاضية إلى مرض باركنسون الذي يعاني منه منذ سنوات ، ولكن صراعه مع المرض على مدار هذه السنوات الطويلة الماضية يؤكد أنه ما زال يتمتع بالإصرار والتصميم الذي كان أهم مميزاته على حلبة الملاكمة خلال مسيرته الرياضية البراقة.

    ويحتفل كلاي "الأعظم"، الذي فرض نفسه كأحد أبرز الرياضيين على مدار التاريخ ، غدا الثلاثاء بعيد ميلاده السبعين في مدينة لويفيل بولاية كنتاكي الأمريكية. ورغم معاناته من المرض لفترة طويلة ، نجح كلاي في أسر اهتمام الجميع مثلما كان دائما خلال مسيرته الرياضية وبالتحديد منذ فوزه بالميدالية الذهبية في أولمبياد روما 1960 والتي كانت البداية الحقيقية لمسيرة ساطعة امتدت على مدار نحو عقدين من الزمان وتوجها بأكثر من لقب عالمي في الوزن الثقيل. وكان شعار كلاي خلال مسيرته الرياضية الرائعة على حلبة الملاكمة "يحوم كالفراشة ويلسع كالنحلة".

    وعانى المنافسون كثيرا من هذا الملاكم العنيد الذي جرد من لقبه العالمى عام 1967 لرفضه المشاركة مع الجيش الأمريكي في حرب فيتنام بعد اعتناقه الإسلام. واعتزل كلاي اللعب قبل 30 عاما ولكنه ظل في أذهان الجميع بمن فيهم هؤلاء الذين كرهوه في الماضي قبل أن يعم الوئام والحب بينهم وبين كلاي منذ أن أوقد الشعلة الأولمبية لأولمبياد أتلانتا 1996 . وكانت الميدالية الذهبية في أولمبياد 1960 أول إنجاز في مسيرة كلاي الرياضية حيث أحرزها وهو في الثامنة عشر من عمره علما بأنه بدأ ممارسة اللعب قبلها بست سنوات لرغبته في معاقبة هؤلاء الذين يسرقون دراجته.

    وذهبت هذه الميدالية أدراج الرياح سريعا بعدما ألقى بها الأسطورة كلاي في نهر أوهايو احتجاجا على ما أسماه بالعنصرية الفجة بعد منعه من الدخول إلى أحد المطاعم بسبب لون بشرته السمراء. وبعدها ، دخل كلاي حياة الاحتراف وفجر مفاجأة من العيار الثقيل عندما أسقط منافسه سوني ليستون من فوق عرش العالم لملاكمة الوزن الثقيل بالتغلب عليه والفوز باللقب العالمي الأول له.

    وفجر كلاي مفاجأة أخرى من العيار الثقيل بإعلان اعتناقه الإسلام في عام 1965 وتغيير اسمه من كاسيوس مارسيلوس كلاي جونيور إلى محمد علي كلاي. وكان لكلاي أسلوب خاص في الملاكمة يختلف عن الأسلوب المعتاد حيث كان يحوم في أرجاء الحلبة حول منافسه ويحاول أن تذهب معظم لكماته إلى رأس منافسه.

    وتوقفت مسيرة كلاي مؤقتا وبشكل مفاجئ في عام 1967 بعد تجريده من لقبه العالمي ومن رخصة مزاولة الملاكمة لرفضه المشاركة مع الجيش الأمريكي في حرب فيتنام. وأدلى كلاي بمقولته الشهيرة "لن أحارب فيت كونج (الجيش الشيوعي لفيتنام)" ولكنه أفلت من السجن.

    وأوضح كلاي رفضه المشاركة في هذه الحرب بأنه يعارض هذه الحرب لأنها ضد تعاليم الإسلام قائلا "ليس من المفترض أن نخوض حروبا إلا إذا كانت في سبيل الله ورسوله. إننا لا نشارك في حروب المسيحيين أو الكافرين". واستمر هذا الحظر على كلاي لمدة ثلاث سنوات قبل أن تبدأ المرحلة الثانية من مسيرته الاحترافية والتي كانت السبب الرئيسي في أن يصبح أسطورة رياضية يصعب نسيانها.

    وعاد كلاي للملاكمة من خلال مباراة عرفت بلقب "مباراة القرن" أمام الملاكم الشهير جو فريزر ، الذي توفي في تشرين ثان/نوفمبر الماضي ، والتي شهدت الهزيمة الأولى لكلاي قبل أن يثأر لنفسه بالفوز على فريزر لاحقا. واستعاد كلاي لقبه العالمي بالفوز على جورج فورمان عام 1974 في كينشاسا بزائير.

    وكانت هذه المباراة بمثابة التمهيد لمباراة الإثارة والمتعة التاريخية أمام فريزر في العاصمة الفلبينية مانيلا والتي أقيمت في أول أكتوبر 1975 . وعلى مدار 14 جولة ظل التعادل قائما بين الملاكمين الرائعين قبل أن يخسر فريزر في النهاية بالانسحاب من اللقاء.

    ووصف كلاي هذه المباراة بأنها "أقرب شيء إلى الموت شاهده في حياته" وأوضح في تصريحات صحفية "ذهبنا ، أنا وجو ، إلى مانيلا كأبطال وعدنا ككهلين". وفقد كلاي اللقب واستعاده في عام 1978 أمام ليون سبينكس قبل أن يعتزل في عام 1981 بعد هزيمته أمام الملاكم الصاعد تريفور بوربانك في مباراة كان فيها كلاي شبحا لما كان عليه في السنوات التي سبقت هذه المواجهة وإن لم يتضح حتى الآن ما إذا كانت اللكمات العديدة التي تلقاها في رأسه هي السبب وراء ترنحه في هذه المباراة.

    وبعد ثلاث سنوات من اعتزاله ، أكد الأطباء إصابة كلاي بمرض باركنسون ومن أعراضه الشلل الرعاش. وقال كلاي ، الذي تزوج أربع مرات وأنجب تسع مرات ، أن هذا المرض اختبار وابتلاء من الله ولكن هذا المرض لم يمنعه من المشاركة مرارا في الجهود والأعمال الخيرية.

    ( منقول )

07-28-2013, 07:58 PM

Mirghani Taitawi
<aMirghani Taitawi
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-26-2013
مجموع المشاركات: 2056

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Osman Musa)

    اسأل الله أن يمتعه بالصحة والعافية ويعجل بشفائه.

07-28-2013, 09:33 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Mirghani Taitawi)

07-28-2013, 09:35 PM

حسام عبد الرحيم
<aحسام عبد الرحيم
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-24-2011
مجموع المشاركات: 721

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Osman Musa)

    اللهم من عليه بالشفاء

    واذا كانت النفوس كبارا تعبت فى مراداها الأجسام

    كلاى و مانديلا و بوب مارلى ظواهر لن تتكرر ..

    تحياتى عثمان موسى ..

07-28-2013, 10:16 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: حسام عبد الرحيم)

    عزيزنا أستاذ تيتاوي
    تابع في الرأبط التحت عرأكو مع الحجر الأصم جو فريزر بحلبة الميدسون أسكوير بنيويورك .
    ده العرأك المحمد علي قال فيهو شاف الموت بي عينو .
    شوف الفن وشوف التضحية من أجل أمتاع العالم .
    وشوف حالة البطل الليلة وين .
    نكرر معاك الدعوأت بالعافية لعزيزنا البطل محمد علي

07-29-2013, 02:12 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Osman Musa)

    عزيزنا حسام
    ألف شكر علي المرور الكريم والدعوات له بالعافية
    وأرجو التكرم بمتابعة رحلة الرجل الاسطورة

07-29-2013, 03:59 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Osman Musa)

07-30-2013, 03:23 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Osman Musa)

    دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN)-- عندما يذكر عظماء رياضة الملاكمة حول العالم، يذيع أسم محمد علي كلاي، الذي أعتبره العديد من الرياضيين والنقاد وحتى منافسيه بأنه أعظم ملاكم ليس فقط على مستوى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بل على مستوى العالم بأسره.
    وفيما يلي تستعرض CNN أبرز مقتطفات من تاريخه:
    ولد محمد علي وأسمه قبل الإسلام، كاسيوس كلاي، في ولاية كنتاكي في 17 من يناير/ كانون الثاني عام 1942، تزوج أربع مرات وله من تسعة من الأبناء.
    أول مرة تعرف فيها على رياضة الملاكمة كانت عندما توجه لتقديم بلاغ عن سرقة دراجته الهوائية لأحد أفراد الشرطة الذي كان يقوم بتدريب مجموعة على تقنيات الملاكمة، لينخرط بعدها في هذه الرياضة محققا 100 انتصار من أصل 108 مباريات خاضها كملاهم هاو قبل مسيرته الاحترافية.
    مسيرته الإحترافيه:
    1959: فاز ببطولة القفاز الذهبي الوطنية عن فئة الوزن الخفيف، وتأهل ليمثل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بالأولمبياد.
    1960: فاز بذهبية رياضة الملاكمة في الأولمبياد وعاد للاحتراف ببلاده.
    1964: أعتنق الإسلام وحول أسمه من كاسيوس إلى محمد علي.
    25 فبراير/ شباط 1964: تغلب على سوني ليستون وفاز بلقب بطل العالم بالملاكمة عن الوزن الثقيل.
    28أبريل/ نيسان 1976: جرد من لقبه العالمي من قبل الإتحاد الدولي لرياضة الملاكمة بسبب رفضه للحرب الأمريكية على فيتنام.
    20 يونيو/ حزيران: حكم عليه بالسجن خمسة أعوام بعد إدانته بخرق بعض القوانين وتغريمه مبلغ عشرة آلاف دولار.
    8 مارس/ آذار 1971: أول خسارة يتلقاها محمد علي في مسيرته الإحترافية على يد جو فرايزر.
    26 يوليو/ تموز 1971: فاز على الملاكم جيمي اليس ونال لقب لقب بطل الوزن الثقيل بإتحاد أمريكا الشمالية للملاكمة.
    20 سبتمبر/ أيلول 1972: حافظ على لقب بطل الوزن الثقيل بإتحاد أمريكا الشمالية للملاكمة، للسنة الثانية على التوالي بعد أن تغلب على الملاكم فلويد باتيرسون.
    مارس/ آذار 1973 حافظ على لقب بطل الوزن الثقيل بإتحاد أمريكا الشمالية للملاكمة للمرة الثالثة بعد أن انتزعه منه الملاكم كين نورتون لمدة أشهر قليلة.
    28 يناير/ كانون الثاني 1974: حافظ على لقب بطل الوزن الثقيل بإتحاد أمريكا الشمالية للملاكمة للمرة الرابعة بعد أن تغلب جو فرايزر.
    1987: خسر لقب الوزن الثقيل على مستوى العالم في فبراير/ شباط، واستعاده في سبتمبر/ أيلول من العام ذاته بعد إعادة المباراة مع ليون سبينكس.
    26 يونيو/ حزيران 1979: تقاعد من ممارسة الملاكمة كمحترف.
    1980: عاد للإحتراف وخوض مباراة ضد الملاكم لاري هولمز الا أنه خسرها وخسر جائزتها المقدرة بثمانية ملايين دولار.
    1984: محمد علي كلاي يعلن للعلن أنه مصاب بمتلازمة باركينسون (فشل في عمل الجهاز العصبي المركزي).

    ( منقول )


07-30-2013, 11:40 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: البطل محمد علي كلاي الليلة حالتو تبكي (Re: Osman Musa)

    oe Frazier dies
    Updated: November 8, 2011, 5:18 PM ET
    ESPN.com news services

    Fight Of The Century

    OTL looks back on the 40th anniversary of Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight at Madison Square Garden.
    Tags: Boxing, OTL, Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali, Bob Arum, Thomas Hauser, Dr. Ferdie Pacheco, Bob Costas, Bert Sugar, Angelo Dundee, John Schulian, Joyce Carol Oates, Bryant Gumbel, MSG
    NEXT VIDEO video
    40th Anniversary Of Ali-Frazier I
    PHILADELPHIA -- He beat Muhammad Ali in the Fight of the Century, battled him nearly to the death in the Thrilla in Manila. Then Joe Frazier spent the rest of his life trying to fight his way out of Ali's shadow.

    That was one fight Frazier never could win.

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    Rafael Joe Frazier will be forever linked with Muhammad Ali, but Smokin' Joe was so much more than Ali's foil, writes Dan Rafael. Story

    simmonsJoe Frazier and Muhammad Ali all but fought to the death in Manila. Mark Kram's book "Ghosts of Manila" explores that epic bout, writes Grantland.com editor in chief Bill Simmons. Story

    MacGregorJoe Frazier was everything Muhammad Ali wasn't. And he never got the affection and respect he deserved, writes Jeff MacGregor. Story

    Wallace Matthews writes that he was lucky enough to know Joe Frazier -- a Philly fighter who was also a New York legend. Story
    • Mulvaney: The "Fight of the Century"
    • Fan memories of Frazier
    • Photos: Frazier through the years Photo Gallery
    • Topics: Joe Frazier | Thrilla in Manila
    • Sporting world remembers Frazier

    He once was a heavyweight champion, and a great one at that. Ali would say as much after Frazier knocked him down in the 15th round en route to becoming the first man to beat Ali at Madison Square Garden in March 1971.

    But he bore the burden of being Ali's foil, and he paid the price. Bitter for years about the taunts his former nemesis once threw his way, Frazier only in recent times came to terms with what happened in the past and said he had forgiven Ali for everything he said.

    Frazier, who died Monday night after a brief battle with liver cancer at the age of 67, forever will be linked to Ali. But no one in boxing would ever dream of anointing Ali as "The Greatest" unless he, too, was linked to Smokin' Joe.

    "I will always remember Joe with respect and admiration," Ali said in a statement. "My sympathy goes out to his family and loved ones."

    They fought three times, twice in the heart of New York City and once in the morning in a steamy arena in the Philippines. They went 41 rounds together, with neither giving an inch and both giving it their all.

    In their last fight in Manila in 1975, they traded punches with a fervor that seemed unimaginable among heavyweights. Frazier gave almost as good as he got for 14 rounds, then had to be held back by trainer Eddie Futch as he tried to go out for the final round, unable to see.

    "Closest thing to dying that I know of," Ali said afterward.

    Ali was as merciless with Frazier out of the ring as he was inside it. He called him a gorilla, and mocked him as an Uncle Tom. But he respected him as a fighter, especially after Frazier won a decision to defend his heavyweight title against the then-unbeaten Ali, in a fight that was so big Frank Sinatra was shooting pictures at ringside and both fighters earned a then-astonishing $2.5 million.

    The night at the Garden 40 years ago remained fresh in Frazier's mind as he talked about his life, career and relationship with Ali a few months before he died.

    "I can't go nowhere where it's not mentioned," he told The Associated Press. "That was the greatest thing that ever happened in my life."

    I thought he was as honest and as real a fighter as there ever was. He followed in a tradition of (Jack) Dempsey and (Rocky) Marciano as the 'Warrior King.'

    -- HBO broadcaster Larry Merchant
    on Joe Frazier's fighting prowess
    Bob Arum, who once promoted Ali, said he was saddened by Frazier's passing.

    "He was such an inspirational guy. A decent guy. A man of his word," Arum said. "I'm torn up by Joe dying at this relatively young age. I can't say enough about Joe."

    Frazier's death was announced in a statement by his family, who asked to be able to grieve privately and said they would announce "our father's homecoming celebration" as soon as possible.

    Manny Pacquiao learned of it shortly after he arrived in Las Vegas for his fight Saturday night with Juan Manuel Marquez. Like Frazier in his prime, Pacquiao has a powerful left hook that he has used in his remarkable run to stardom.

    "Boxing lost a great champion, and the sport lost a great ambassador," Pacquiao said.

    Don King, who promoted the Thrilla in Manila, said in a statement issued Tuesday that Frazier was "the embodiment of what a great heavyweight champion and person should be."

    "Not only was he a great fighter but also a great man. He lived as he fought with courage and commitment at a time when African-Americans in all spheres of life were engaged in a struggle for emancipation and respect," King said of Frazier. "Smokin' Joe brought honor, dignity and pride for his people, the AMERICAN people, and brought the nation together as only sports can do."

    Though slowed in his later years and his speech slurred by the toll of punches taken in the ring, Frazier still was active on the autograph circuit in the months before he died. In September he went to Las Vegas, where he signed autographs in the lobby of the MGM Grand hotel-casino shortly before Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s fight against Victor Ortiz.

    An old friend, Gene Kilroy, visited with him and watched Frazier work the crowd.

    "He was so nice to everybody," Kilroy said. "He would say to each of them, 'Joe Frazier, sharp as a razor, what's your name?' "

    Frazier was small for a heavyweight, weighing just 205 pounds when he won the title by stopping Jimmy Ellis in the fifth round of their 1970 fight at Madison Square Garden. But he fought every minute of every round going forward behind a vicious left hook, and there were few fighters who could withstand his constant pressure.

    Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier
    AP Photo
    Joe Frazier's decision victory over Muhammad Ali in 1971 was the first in a trio of legendary fights.
    His reign as heavyweight champion lasted only four fights -- including the win over Ali -- before he ran into an even more fearsome slugger than himself. George Foreman responded to Frazier's constant attack by dropping him three times in the first round (the first giving birth to Howard Cosell's iconic "Down goes Frazier!" call) and three more in the second before their 1973 fight in Jamaica was waved to a close and the world had a new heavyweight champion.

    "Good night Joe Frazier. I love you dear friend. George Foreman" read Foreman's Twitter page.

    "He would not back up from King Kong," Foreman said later Tuesday. "I know, I knocked Joe down six times. When our fight was over, Joe was on his feet looking for me."

    Two fights later, Frazier met Ali in a rematch of their first fight, only this time the outcome was different. Ali won a 12-round decision, and later that year stopped Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle in Zaire.

    There had to be a third fight, though, and what a fight it was. With Ali's heavyweight title at stake, the two met in Manila in a bout that long will be seared in boxing history.

    Frazier went after Ali round after round, landing his left hook with regularity as he made Ali backpedal around the ring. But Ali responded with left jabs and right hands that found their mark again and again. Even the intense heat inside the arena couldn't stop the two as they fought every minute of every round, with neither willing to concede the other one second of the round.

    "They told me Joe Frazier was through," Ali told Frazier at one point during the fight.

    "They lied," Frazier said, before hitting Ali with a left hook.

    Finally, though, Frazier simply couldn't see and Futch would not let him go out for the 15th round. Ali won the fight while on his stool, exhausted and contemplating himself whether to go on.

    It was one of the greatest fights ever, but it took a toll. Frazier would fight only two more times, getting knocked out in a rematch with Foreman eight months later before coming back in 1981 for an ill-advised fight with Jumbo Cummings.

    "They should have both retired after the Manila fight," former AP boxing writer Ed Schuyler Jr. said. "They left every bit of talent they had in the ring that day."

    "The courage Smokin' Joe showed in The Thrilla in Manila -- answering every Ali onslaught with an equally withering response -- will remain in the hearts and minds of boxing fans around the globe forever," King said of the third fight in the trilogy.

    "One cannot underestimate the contribution Smokin' Joe and Ali made to progress and change by creating the space, through their talent, for black men to be seen, visible and relevant. The Thrilla in Manila helped make America better," King said.

    Born in Beaufort, S.C., on Jan. 12, 1944, Frazier took up boxing early after watching weekly fights on the black-and-white television on his family's small farm. He was a top amateur for several years, and became the only American fighter to win a gold medal in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo despite fighting in the final bout with an injured left thumb.

    Heavy Hitting Boxing Podcast

    Kieran Mulvaney reflects on the legacy of boxing legend Joe Frazier.

    More Podcasts »
    "Joe Frazier should be remembered as one of the greatest fighters of all time and a real man," Arum told the AP in a telephone interview Monday night. "He's a guy that stood up for himself. He didn't compromise and always gave 100 percent in the ring. There was never a fight in the ring where Joe didn't give 100 percent."

    After turning pro in 1965, Frazier quickly became known for his punching power, stopping his first 11 opponents. Within three years he was fighting world-class opposition and, in 1970, beat Ellis to win the heavyweight title that he would hold for more than two years.

    A woman who answered Ellis' phone in Kentucky said the former champion suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but she wanted to pass along the family's condolences.

    In Frazier's adopted hometown of Philadelphia, a fellow Philly fighter, longtime middleweight champion Bernard Hopkins, said Frazier was so big in the city that he should have his own shadow, like the fictional Rocky character.

    "I saw him at one of my car washes a few weeks ago. He was in a car, just hollering at us, 'They're trying to get me!' That was his, hi," Hopkins said. "I'm glad I got to see him in the last couple of months. At the end of the day, I respect the man. I believe at the end of his life, he was fighting to get that respect."

    HBO broadcaster Larry Merchant, who became close with Frazier after covering him as a reporter in Philadelphia, was crushed by the news.

    "This is a body blow to me because I knew him personally as well as professionally," Merchant told ESPN.com's Dan Rafael. "I thought he was as honest and as real a fighter as there ever was. He followed in a tradition of (Jack) Dempsey and (Rocky) Marciano as the 'Warrior King.' "

    It was his fights with Ali that would define Frazier. Though Ali was gracious in defeat in the first fight, he was as vicious with his words as he was with his punches in promoting all three fights -- and he never missed a chance to get a jab in at Frazier.

    Frazier, who in his later years would have financial trouble and end up running a gym in Philadelphia, took the jabs personally. He felt Ali made fun of him by calling him names and said things that were not true just to get under his skin. Those feelings were only magnified as Ali went from being an icon in the ring to one of the most beloved people in the world.

    After a trembling Ali lit the Olympic torch in 1996 in Atlanta, Frazier was asked by a reporter what he thought about it.

    "They should have thrown him in," Frazier responded.

    He mellowed, though, in recent years, preferring to remember the good from his fights with Ali rather than the bad. Just before the 40th anniversary of his win over Ali earlier this year -- a day Frazier celebrated with parties in New York -- he said he no longer felt any bitterness toward Ali, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and is mostly mute.

    "I forgive him," Frazier. "He's in a bad way."

    Information from The Associated Press contributed to this report.


07-31-2013, 02:45 AM

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