Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، لا ال

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02-18-2013, 10:06 AM

محمود سيد أحمد

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-25-2013
مجموع المشاركات: 147

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل (Re: محمود سيد أحمد)

    نص المقال عاليه
    Quote: Working 8am - 5pm with a full hour of lunch every day, seems to be a thing of the past. At least, that's what I've come to realize in most of the companies where I've worked.
    As employees, we're expected to not be "clock-watchers". We need to get in early, work through lunch if there's work to do (which never ends), and then stay late to tie up loose ends, finish off projects, attend a staff meeting or assist a client who decides to call in at 17h01.

    Not so?

    It's sort of like an unwritten rule sometimes that if you dare to take your full-hour lunch, or happen to arrive or leave on time, then you're seen as someone who isn't a team player.Someone who's just "skating by" and not putting everything into their job.

    Here's a personal example:

    At one company where I worked, in an open-plan office of four females, our boss sat in the one end of the office and watched us continuously behind his glass wall. You couldn't cough without him looking up at you. I felt like I was on Big Brother. One day, I decided to take my full hour for lunch (something that is entitled to each person working by law) - regardless of the fact that the rest of my colleagues simply didn't eat, and remained "chained" to their desks for the entire day.

    When I got back after lunch, I was treated like a piece of rubbish by my boss, and overloaded with work. It happened on more than one occasion, and eventually, I too stopped going out for lunch. It's almost as though I was being punished for having the audacity to take my lunch hour!

    I'm not saying that all bosses are like this. I've had some outstanding bosses who have treated me with the same amount of respect that I have given to them.

    My question is, don't bosses realize that by giving their staff room to breathe, that they would be allowing for their business to succeed and grow to enormous potential?

    Think about it. Staff are a company's greatest asset. If you treat your staff well, they won't mind coming in a little earlier, or working a little later on the odd occasion. Treat them like they're in a prison being monitored on their every move, and they're likely to treat their jobs with disregard and animosity.

    How does this reflect in their work, or come across to clients and customers?

    Instead of bosses looking at themselves as the possible source to the problem, countless disciplinary meetings are held with under-performing staff. Staff are threatened to "shape up or ship out." But, why? They're doing their job. Every day, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Sure, maybe they're not putting in 110% - but why should they when they're only being treated as a number?

    Respect works both ways.

    I believe that the buck stops at the boss or the CEO of the company. If staff or management are under-performing, the owner of the company should first investigate the way in which the company is being run from the top at Management level, right down to the Filing Clerks, and then take positive and systematic steps in order to improve work ethics and productivity at the company.

    Why are staff resigning?

    You'll find this in many companies where staff aren't treated properly. One person will decide that he or she has had enough and resign. Soon after that, another person who was too scared to take the first step will also leave. And then another. And so on, and so on. It's like a pack of dominoes falling. It's predictable, and it always happens.

    And then the CEO will sit back and wonder why all of his / her staff are leaving. Most of the time, it's not about the money. It's about a little thing called respect that works both ways.

    Why should staff respect and work their asses into the ground, when their boss can't give two hoots about them?

    If CEO's and bosses just took a little time out of their day to acknowledge the staff that work so hard for their company - their greatest assets, if they just started treating them like professional people instead of like numbers, they would be amazed at how quickly things would change for the better.

    Below are a few suggestions for Managers and CEO's who want to get the most out of their employees and grow their business:

    Small Gestures for Massive Improvements
    Show your appreciation. A simple pat on the back or a, "Thanks for all the hard work you put in every day" will go a long way in making staff feel appreciated - in making them want to (and not have to) work for you.
    Stop being a clock watcher. Your staff will want to work those extra few minutes or longer (if they decide to - it is after all, on their own time for which they aren't being paid) when they enjoy their work and feel appreciated.
    Provide break areas. Not every company is within walking distance to coffee shops. Make sure that you have a break area for staff to go to and relax, eat and chat with fellow colleagues.
    Friday early rotation. Provide a reward system in which one department (or team member depending on the size of your company) gets to leave work a little earlier on a Friday each week.
    Check your emotions. Just as you expect your staff to check their personal lives at the door, the same applies to you.
    Promote a positive environment. Yes, each person is responsible themselves for coming to work in a good mood, but the overall feeling and energy of the company starts with you. If you're miserable, negative and unpleasant - why should your staff be any different? They look up to you.
    Have energetic staff meetings. Have one, every week - maybe on a Friday morning with the whole company. It doesn't have to be longer than 5 - 10 minutes. Don't harp on about negatives - that's what Management meetings are for. Welcome new staff, thank staff, promote team spirit. Have a company chant if you have to. Be proud of your company and of your staff.
    I'm not an expert in owning a business or leading staff, but I have worked at numerous companies, and worked in Human Resources where I had fellow colleagues confiding to me as to why they were unhappy. I could only do so much on my part in letting Management know about these grievances (without giving out any names) - and it frustrated me to know that they couldn't be bothered to make such small changes.
    Small changes that can save a company, increase sales, promote a happier work environment and prevent staff from resigning.

العنوان الكاتب Date
Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، لا ال محمود سيد أحمد02-18-13, 09:08 AM
  Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-18-13, 09:33 AM
    Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-18-13, 09:49 AM
      Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-18-13, 10:06 AM
        Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل Hassan Bakri Nugud02-18-13, 01:01 PM
          Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-18-13, 05:56 PM
            Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل Hassan Bakri Nugud02-18-13, 08:40 PM
              Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-18-13, 09:14 PM
            Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل حسين نوباتيا02-18-13, 09:11 PM
              Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-19-13, 09:49 AM
                Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-19-13, 08:40 PM
                  Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل الفاتح شلبي02-20-13, 07:19 AM
                    Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-20-13, 09:23 AM
                      Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل احمد سيد احمد02-20-13, 10:49 AM
                        Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل مدثر صديق02-20-13, 12:23 PM
                          Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-21-13, 07:50 AM
                            Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل حسين نوباتيا02-22-13, 01:44 AM
                              Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل محمود سيد أحمد02-23-13, 09:26 AM
                                Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل احمد سيد احمد02-23-13, 12:37 PM
                                Re: Employees leave managers, not companies-الموظفون يتركون المدراء، ل احمد سيد احمد02-23-13, 12:37 PM

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