أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي

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12-22-2012, 12:02 PM

الامين موسى البشاري
<aالامين موسى البشاري
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-09-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 15391

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي

    الحكاية شنو يا جماعة؟
    وسر البركات الهلت على السودان دي شنو؟

12-22-2012, 12:16 PM

الامين موسى البشاري
<aالامين موسى البشاري
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-09-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 15391

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: الامين موسى البشاري)

    زمان عندي صاحبي في زمن شريعة نميري ديك
    مرة سكر سكرة شينة خلاص
    ومع السكرة دي قام قال لينا: أنت عارف الجماعة مكرهيننا كده التقول النبي جدهم
    ياخ هســـي شوف الدول العربية والاسلامية كلها يا مرّ بيها نبي أو صحابي او تابعي
    الا البلد سيدنا لوط ما جاء ماري بيها
    ومع ذلك يتم بيع الشـــراب علناً وماف زول بسألك الا تغلط ليك في زول

    السنة دي ما شاء الانبياء ظهروا في شمال وجنوب السودان

12-22-2012, 12:19 PM

الامين موسى البشاري
<aالامين موسى البشاري
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-09-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 15391

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: الامين موسى البشاري)


    South Sudan army clash with prophet's militia, 24 killed
    REUTERS - December 19
    Dec 19 (Reuters) - Fighting between South Sudan's army and a militia led by a self-proclaimed prophet killed 24 people in an eastern region where France's Total and other foreign oil groups are hoping to explore large concessions, the military said.

    The army said it attacked the fighters led by Dak Kueth on Monday as part of a campaign to quell ethnic militias in the remote Jonglei state.

    South Sudan won independence from Sudan last year but its government has struggled to assert control over vast territories still swamped with weapons after decades of fighting.

    In Jonglei, a cycle of revenge killings between the Murle and Lou Nuer tribes, often provoked by cattle raids, and a heavy-handed government campaign to disarm locals have hit hopes that independence would bring peace.

    "We realised that Dak Kueth was mobilising Lou Nuer youth to go and attack the Murle in Akobo. We decided to preempt this action," Lieutenant General Kuol Deim Kuol told Reuters.

    The fighting killed 19 militia fighters and five soldiers, he said.

    Human rights groups accused the army of committing abuses including rape and torture during its disarmament campaign in the area early this year. The army denies the charges.

    Nearly 900 people died when about 7,000 armed Lou Nuer youths attacked Murle villages in Jonglei's Pibor area at the end of last year, according to the United Nations.

    The army is also fighting a separate rebel group in Jonglei led by David Yau Yau, a former theology student.


12-22-2012, 12:30 PM

أحمد ابن عوف
<aأحمد ابن عوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 7610

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: الامين موسى البشاري)

    يا دفعة

    النبي ما عندهم لكن، بمليشياتو المسلحة قال ليك

    مهدينا قالوا ما عنده غير برمودا ^__^

12-22-2012, 12:33 PM

الامين موسى البشاري
<aالامين موسى البشاري
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-09-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 15391

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: أحمد ابن عوف)


    Republic Of South Sudan
    Northern Bahr El Ghazal State /Aweil

    New Holy Land –Nyinameth
    Date: 22nd Sept /2012

    To: United Nations Security Council –Geneva
    Cc: White House -Us congress in Washington
    Cc: Rome Catholic Church
    Cc: Government of the South Sudan Region –Juba
    Subject: Religion Message To The World:
    The religion message which I send to the world today is regarding the called and appearance OF God and our lord Jesus Christin the heaven in the south Sudan region. God and our lord Jesus Christ appeared and called in lord voice on me in the heaven at Nyamlel Aweil west county south sudan . This occurred in the mid April 2007 in the e evening at 9: 00 pm .The voice came from heaven:
    Praise God and praise for him and go to him. God and our lord Jesus Christ came to south Sudan and they have shown themselves only their eyes not the all bodies appearing in the sky and heaven was opening .in this evening for a few minutes and then disappeared in our eyes. This occurred because of the world crime against communion – WCAC committed by the criminals in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state /Aweil .God has rejected the crime committee against holy communion against me William Atak Thiep Achiek and he has given me all the holy spirit as pope ii to be the head of catholic church after pope Benedick xvi and punished all criminals who have committed the crime against our lord Jesus Christ in the heaven . God and our lord Jesus Christ our lord have given me this message to send to the world during their called and their appearance on me in the heaven : Tell the people in The world to cancel Islamic and other fall religion as Islamic is not a religion and it is a root causes of the war in the world and follow the catholic church Christianity religion to believe in God and the son of God Jesus Christ is the only religion in the kingdom of God .united Africa and Asia ,Europe and Australia to become two countries and the two nations to bring peace in the world and to my children in Israel with Palestinian and end the war in the world. We come to the land of war South Sudan for the first time in the new testament and this land (this place ) will be the capital of United Kingdom of the two continents and will be called the New Holy Land , the land of the holy spirit selected by the God during his called and appearance with the son of the God Jesus Christ the lord and the capital of Europe and Australia will be London. I am sending this message to day to the world leaders , church leader , all Christians , non Christians and all the people in the world to put the message of God into action without any killing ( conflict or war ) in the world to bring all the people in the world to the kingdom of God. God and our lord Jesus Christ have shown themselves to the world for any who will insist in Islamic and false religious in the world to see the father and the son and believe is word then the people in the world will be save . After you made all those things said by God and the son of God lord Jesus Christ the head of catholic church pope Benedick xvi will go to Arab world to baptized all non Christians and all the people in the Arab world and open the churches , Bible preaching to preach the word of God to all the people in the Arab World and all the people in the world . The pope will review the cathedral churches and close some churches which are not preaching the word of God in a right way. The called of God and our lord Jesus Christ in the heaven in the south Sudan will be put in the holy Bible in the New Testament. The people who will refuse to the message of God to cancel Islamic and other fall religious in the world will be punish and sentence to death with the criminals charged for committed world crime against Holy Communion .
    I have identified 367 criminals and some will be identified during an investigation of WCAC and the number of the criminals is more than 450 criminals (some are SPLM /SPLA high ranked military officers.
    The Islamic and other fall religious today remained as a crime in the world as God and our lord Jesus Christ have cancelled them and this will remained as a work of security council in Geneve , white house –Washington and world law makers .

    1- World structure:
    The world was divided by God into three (3) during his called and his appearance in the heaven with our lord Jesus Christ in the south Sudan in 2007 as below:
    1- United State of America –USA lead by president George W Bush
    2- United Regions of Afriasia URA or United kingdom of Afriasia UKA lead by president William Anyuon Kuol Kuol
    3- United Regions of Eurostralia or United kingdom of Eurostrlia URE or UKE lead by the president who will be elected or appointed as British Arab in the European commission or European union
    The USA will remained in its old structured and Afriasia and Eurstrialia will raise two new flags in The New Holy Land and Landon the two government administrations in the two countries . The present called counties will be regions and present called counties will be regions and present called presidents will be regional secretaries or province governors if they like province instead of region.

    Recommended flags for Afriasia and Eurostrialia and USA Flag
    1- The united regions of Afriasia or united kingdom of Afriasia or URA /UKA,s flag

    2- The United Regions of Euostrialia or United Kingdom of Eurostrialia
    URE /UKE.


    3- The united state if America USA flag

    Important note: white men don’t have a color representing them.
    The world was divided (restructured) by God and our lord Jesus Christ in to three and appointed (3) three presidents to lead the world to end the in the world and blessed the world and blessed the (3) three presidents to lead the new world made by God and the lord Jesus Christ by the holy communion, the cup of the blood of the lord Jesus Christ which bleeded to save the world as the world of the future.
    The national congress two houses of the laws will be established in the two countries of the Afrisia UKA and Eurostri
    Alia UKE countries to grantee and restored the laws of the countries as in the USA. White men, Blackman and red men will lead in country from (3) three countries through democratic election .
    Recommended currencies for Afriasia and Eurostralia and the old currency of the USA:
    1- Afriasia UKA is recommended to pounds as its currency in the world
    2- Eurostralia UKE Country is recommended to Euros as it is currency in the worl
    3- United states of America Country is recommended to it is Old currency Us Dollars as it is currency in the World .
    Each Country from Afriasia and Eurostralia will reprint it is Country Currency put ting the needed material on it. Up to this end the world will work hard to produce Education teaching Material such as books and etc and review the Manufactures’ to make new approval of the needed ones while close and cancelled the harmfully Manufactures’ such as the production of the chemical weapons, drugs and etc as its stopped and cancelled all over the world by God By making the restricted of the world.

    in the name of the father , of the son and of the holy spirits amen our father in heaven , allowed be your name , your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven , allowed be your name , your kingdom come your will be done on earth as we also forgiven our debtors . And let us not in to temptation, but deliver us from the evil one . Amen
    we sing all:

    our lord Jesus Christ you are our saviors and died ion the cross to save the world after you r death you have raise and go in the heaven to your father and sit in his right hand for every cast you came to the world in the land of the south Sudan with your father for the first time in the new testament and called in a loudly voice in the heaven and you have shown your are self to the people of the world appearing in the appearing in the heaven and the heaven was opening in a view minute you have disappeared in our eves with your father and you leaved your words your message to pope you have given all the holy spirit to be the head of catholic church after years of pope Benedict xvi we are putting in your hand all our prayers in the world of today to bless the new world you made today by holy communion by the cup of your blood bleed to save the world bless the catholic in Rome bless the new holy land which you have selected in south Sudan after Rome as a land of the holy spirits bless pope William Atak Thiep Achiek II in the new holy land to lead catholic church after pope bandied
    bless head of the catholic church of pope bendiek bless head of the catholic church of pope benediek
    xvi to visit the Arab world and Baptism all non Christians and all the people in the world and Arab world to become one nations and believe in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirits. bless all the churches leaders world leaders in the (3) countries which you made by your body and your bloods as the world of the future .
    the united kingdom of Afriasia UKA and the united kingdom of Eurostralia UKE to rise new flags and established the new governments administrations in the two countries to end the to end the war in the world and bring stability peace in the Arab world and the world and to your children in Israel and Palestinian , let your light shine on the churches leaders to open the churches in the Arab world and the world and open the Bible preaching to let your word go to the people of the world to bring them to the kingdom of God bless the USA congress in Washington and the security council in Geneve and all world leaders to call and put your message into action in you light the light of God , the light of Christ and of the holy spirits to become confident in your message in the world to call the world to believe in the name of the world record , your power is light and and nothing impossible from you , everything is possible in your hand with this believed we will achieve all what you said in your message to the world.
    We sing hallelujah 3 times:
    All mighty God, You Are The Father of our lord Jesus Christ and you are the father of Israel and the father of all men kind on earth you are the creature of the earth and the heaven and all the things on the earth in the air in the sea and its creatures and in the heaven your power never end the earth and the heaven will destroy and your word will never end . we believed in your word in the father , the son and the holy spirits to get the kingdom og God to be in Christ Jesus and the Christ is in the father for every lasting life. You came to the land of south Sudan with your be gotten son our lord Jesus Christ and called in loud voice in the heaven to people of the world aand the heaven was opening. You disappeared in our eves after few minutes and left your Word (your message ) to the pope ii in the New Holy Land to send to the world. You have shown the yourselves to the people of the world in the land of South Sudan and cancelled Islamic and other false religious that the world will believed that their one God the father, the son and Holy Spirit as the world witnessed by seeing the physical and heard your word in South Sudan. You have given us your gift in the world in your message that you made the need world by the holy communion, the cup of the blood of our lord Jesus Christ which he blessed and gave to his disciples to eat and drink the cup of his blood which bled to save the world. The second gift is that you have called your children in the world to your kingdom. The new world is a great gift from you in the heaven and your called of your children on earth to your kingdom is a great gift, we are saved by the blood of our lord Jesus Christ the holy communion. We trust and believed today that our lord Jesus is a true light and a true God that is a lamb of God he died on cross for us and raised on the third day and go to the father in the heaven and sit in the right hand of god and through him we are saved. Blessed the new world which you have given us as your gift and make the stable peace in it and to your children in Israel with Palestinians to make the world of the future on earth and in your kingdom. Bless the pope ii in the New Holy Land to be the head of the catholic after the years of pope Benedick xvi and bless bless the head of the catholic church in Rome pope Benedick xvi to go to the Arab world and baptize all non-Christians and all the people in the world and open the church in the Arab World as well as in the whole world and open the preaching in the world to believed in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit Amen.
    Bless white house in Watchington, UN Security Council in Gevena, church leaders, world leaders, all Christians in the world and all the people in the world put your message in to action and in to the world records, the Holy Bible and do all what you have said to let your word cover the whole world to let your bless come to the people of the world. You have shown yourselves to world and called in the loudly voice in the heaven in the South Sudan in the Mid April 2007 in the evening at Nyamllel Aweil West county and your voice is still in the earth up to date until the world prepared to visit the new holy land the land of the holy spirit which you have selected in South sudan after Rome and do all what you have said in your message to fulfill your message to the world in the South Sudan. Bless the people of the world to fulfill all what you have said in your message to let your bless come to the people of the world to stop the sound in the air and bless all your children in the world.
    We sing praise God 3 times.
    May the light of God, the light of the Christ the light of the holy spirit shgine on the new holy land, Rome , Israel, USA and shine on the New World and the Whole World.
    May the glory of God and the lord come to Israel , the descendants of king David and the children of Abraham spread to the new holy land in the South Sudan, in the USA and in the world.
    May the glory of God the light, the power of our lord Jesus and the holy spirit come and shine on the new world, the world of the future made by God by the holy communion and put on it the guiding star, the star of our lord Jesus Christ which was shinning during his birth as a guiding star to guide the new world as interfere in the three flags of Afriasa, Eurostralia and America countries.
    May our lord Jesus Christ guide the New world made by his blood the holy communion with his star which was shining during his birth and bring the stable peace to his children in Isreal and platinean and the world we trust and believed that this world of the future will be guided by our lord Jesus Christ.
    May the glory of God , The power of the Christ , the holy spirits , the prospered light of the king Divad and our father Abraham , all saints Saint luke , Mathew , John ,Mark And Saint Maria , the mother of our lord Jesus Christ and the mother of all chirstains and the mother of all the people in the world , come upon us light in our hearts and guide us to fulfile all what is said by God in his message in the south sudan to believed in name of the father , the son and the holy spirits and will be save see the kingdom of God .

    May God bless our lord Jesus Christ , the holy spirits to take all our praise , our prayers in the world today and put in the hand of the father to put them in his right hand for every lasting life.

    We sing Hallelujah and praise God for his glory mercy on us and the world with great rejoice and great happiness , love trust and great hope , the wworld is save by God and our lord Jesus Christ by his blood the holy communion.
    We are calling you God with your begotten son our lord Jesus Christ and the holy spirits today stand a mong us in the world and bless us to strengthen our believed not to be taken away by the evel in this world of your kingdom like in the old world , we are calling you to comne upon us and light in our heart to open the churches in the world and preach your word to the people of the world the holy Bible to bring the people of the world , your children in the world to your kingdom as said by our lord Jesus Christ to Simon your father , your nest and all your follows me . I will teach you how to catch men instead of caf ching the fishes .
    May the glory of God came to the Jesus community Pharisees Gentles and Galilean that the true God has died on the cross and on the third day true God has died on the cross and on the third day he raised from the death and go to the father in the heaven and today he save the world with his blood . the holy communion may the power of the Angels of God light come upon us and take this message of God in the heart of every men in the world as a good news come to the children of God in the whole world as the good news of our lord lord Jesus Christ to virgin mary by Angelo Gabriel . peace be with you marry.
    We sing Halelujah , Hossana and praise God and our prayers or confines to end our mass.
    1- Write to contact south sudan regional secretary salva Kiir Mayardit in Juba president George Bush in Washington and pope Benedick xvi in Rome for comment s and send to white James and John on the board catching nets.
    House in Washington and UN security council in Geneve for the approval and put it into action
    2- Prepare and risit the new holy land city –Nyinameth by air , only helicopter flight in oct 2012 on ward ( 5 kilo meters ) western of Aweil north county HQRS –Gok –Machar .
    3- Send Your gifts and offering to the New Holy Land City Nyinameth –south Sudan region and to ivory bank in northern Bahr el Ghazal state /Aweil. WWW Global Catholic church physical , political and religion work God called Ltd.com. New Holy Land City State Nyinameth in Aweil , south Sudan region.

    God bless the world Amen
    Pope William
    Thiep Achiek ii
    New Holy Land City –Nyinameth
    South Sudan Region

12-22-2012, 12:43 PM

الامين موسى البشاري
<aالامين موسى البشاري
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-09-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 15391

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: الامين موسى البشاري)

    Quote: يا دفعة

    النبي ما عندهم لكن، بمليشياتو المسلحة قال ليك

    مهدينا قالوا ما عنده غير برمودا ^__^

    يا دفعة الحمد لله عشنا وشفنا انبياء من عندينا ياخ!
    بركاتكم يا انبياء تفزعونا وتنجدونا ياخ
    عشان نرجع البلد بســــلام
    نبينا شكلو استايل خالص .. والله صحي :)
    لكن يا دفعة دحين اليوم مش يوم 22/12/2012 القيامة دي اجلوها ولا شنو؟


12-22-2012, 01:07 PM

أحمد ابن عوف
<aأحمد ابن عوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 7610

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: الامين موسى البشاري)


    انت عارفني زول ليبرالي، تقدمي، ديمرقراطي، فيدرالي، خليط "رأسمالي - اشتراكي" وملتزم دينيا

    لو ما شفت بعيوني ديل:

    حين تضع كل ذات حمل حملها
    والجبال كالعهن المنفوش
    لا وبل سايره عدييل كده
    وانشقت السماء
    والارض زلزلت

    وسمعت باضاني دي:

    اذا نفخ في الصور
    ونقر الناقور

    اي زول عنده تنظير ينظرو بعيد مني

12-22-2012, 01:12 PM

محمد عمر الفكي
<aمحمد عمر الفكي
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-15-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 7313

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: الامين موسى البشاري)

    كنت داير عقب واتداخل لكن لقيتك راصي الموضوع كله انجليزي وانا ثقافتي المانية فتحين يا ترجم يا جلينا

12-22-2012, 01:20 PM

الامين موسى البشاري
<aالامين موسى البشاري
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-09-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 15391

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: محمد عمر الفكي)

    Quote: كنت داير عقب واتداخل لكن لقيتك راصي الموضوع كله انجليزي وانا ثقافتي المانية فتحين يا ترجم يا جلينا

    باختصار كدا قالوووووك ارض الميعاد ليست البطانة ولا المسيكتاب
    ولكنها في أويل .. والله صحي

12-22-2012, 02:26 PM

أحمد ابن عوف
<aأحمد ابن عوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 7610

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: الامين موسى البشاري)


    ياخي سوري لو اطلع من الموضوع شوبة "لكن ما بعيد خالص"

    انت زول "مهدي" في التقنيات دي، عندي صورة في حافظها في الجهاز، انقلها للبروفايل كيف؟؟
    دايرين نرتقي لمستوى المسئولية وكده

12-22-2012, 03:30 PM

أحمد ابن عوف
<aأحمد ابن عوف
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 7610

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: أنبياء الله في السودان...شماله وجنوبه... والله صحي (Re: أحمد ابن عوف)

    وجدتها يا صديقي

    نزلت علي حاجة كده ما عرفتها هي شنو لكن الهمتني ليك بالحل

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