The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice

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11-23-2012, 07:26 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
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The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice

    The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice

    By Editorial Board, Friday, November 23, 2:41 AM

    SINCE THE Senate is solely responsible for the confirmation of Cabinet officers, it’s not often that members of the House of Representatives jump into a debate about the nomination of a secretary of state — particularly before there has been a nomination. That’s one of the reasons a letter sent to President Obama this week by 97 House Republicans, challenging his potential choice of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for the State Department job, is remarkable.

    Another is blatant disregard of established facts. Drawn up by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), the letter alleges that “Ambassador Rice is widely viewed as having either willfully or incompetently misled the American public” about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. But as congressional testimony has established, Ms. Rice’s comments on several Sunday television talk shows on Sept. 16 were based on talking points drawn up by the intelligence community. She was acting as an administration spokeswoman; there was nothing either incompetent or deliberately misleading about the way she presented the information she was given.

    Though the Benghazi attack involved clear failures of U.S. security, Republicans have concentrated on a dubious subsidiary issue: the alleged failure of the administration to publicly recognize quickly enough that the incident was “a terrorist attack.” In fact, Mr. Obama has acknowledged that “the information may not have always been right the first time.” But if there was a White House conspiracy to cover up the truth, Republicans have yet to produce any evidence of it — much less a connection to Ms. Rice, who had no involvement with the Benghazi attack other than those television appearances.

    Nor was her account of what happened as far off the mark as Republicans claim. Though investigations are not complete, what has emerged so far suggests that the attack was staged by local jihadists, not ordered by the al-Qaeda leadership in Pakistan. Officials believe that it was inspired in part by demonstrations that took place that day in Cairo. That is not so far from Ms. Rice’s explanation that “this began as a spontaneous . . . response to what transpired in Cairo.” Republicans claim that Ms. Rice “propagated a falsehood” that the attacks were connected to an anti-Islam YouTube video. How then to explain the contemporaneous reports from Western news organizations quoting people at the burning consulate saying that they were angry about the video?

    The oddity of the Republican response to what happened in Benghazi is partly this focus on half-baked conspiracy theories rather than on the real evidence of failures by the State Department, Pentagon and CIA in protecting the Benghazi mission. What’s even stranger is the singling out of Ms. Rice, a Rhodes scholar and seasoned policymaker who, whatever her failings, is no one’s fool.

    Could it be, as members of the Congressional Black Caucus are charging, that the signatories of the letter are targeting Ms. Rice because she is an African American woman? The signatories deny that, and we can’t know their hearts. What we do know is that more than 80 of the signatories are white males, and nearly half are from states of the former Confederacy. You’d think that before launching their broadside, members of Congress would have taken care not to propagate any falsehoods of their own.

    Read more on this story: Dana Milbank: Susan Rice’s tarnished résumé Robert Kagan: Going after Susan Rice does no good David Ignatius: CIA documents supported Rice’s description Ed Rogers: Was Susan Rice set up on Libya?

    © The Washington Post Company

11-25-2012, 07:47 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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Re: The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice (Re: Deng)


11-26-2012, 10:07 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
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Re: The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice (Re: Deng)

    يا دينق,
    صاحبك ماكين بدا يبلع مواقفو السابقة.

    WASHINGTON — Republican opposition to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice as the next secretary of state began to crack Sunday as Sen. John McCain said she was “not the problem” in the White House’s handling of the Sept. 11 attack in Libya and suggested he could be persuaded to swing behind her possible nomination.

    McCain’s comments provide an opening for the Obama administration, which struggled mightily in the weeks leading up to the Nov. 6 election to tamp down speculation of a cover-up involving the attack against the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi. The assault killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.
    At issue is Rice’s account — as the administration’s representative on the Sunday talk shows Sept. 16 — that the violence was the spontaneous result of a mob angered by an anti-Muslim video posted on YouTube. She said she relied on talking points provided by the intelligence community that were later discredited.

    “I think she deserves the ability and the opportunity to explain herself and her position,” McCain, R-Ariz., told “Fox News Sunday.” ‘’But she’s not the problem. The problem is the president of the United States” who misled the public on terrorist involvement

    McCain’s remarks were in contrast to his previous stance that Rice wasn’t qualified to replace Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to step down soon as the top U.S. diplomat, and that he would do “whatever is necessary” to block Rice’s possible nomination.

    Rice is widely seen as Obama’s first choice for the job as secretary of State. As the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, McCain would have considerable sway in the Senate’s screening of Rice.

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, McCain’s close friend and colleague on the committee, told ABC “This Week” he still suspects the White House intentionally glossed over obvious terrorist links in the attack to keep voters from questioning Obama’s handling of national security.

    But instead of repeating his prior assertion that he was “dead set” against a Rice promotion, Graham suggested he looked forward to hearing her out. If Rice were nominated, “there will be a lot of questions asked of her about this event and others,” said Graham, R-S.C.

    The subtle shift in GOP tenor on Rice could be the result of internal grumblings on how far to take party opposition. Democrats picked up extra seats in the election to maintain their narrow majority, making it that much harder for the remaining 45 Republicans to block the president’s nominees.

    One senior GOP Senate aide said Sunday that Republicans hadn’t united against Rice and were not convinced that she was worth going after.

    “There’s a definite sense within the caucus that you have to be conservative about where you put your firepower,” said the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly on internal GOP deliberations. “The question is whether the caucus is prepared to filibuster her, and I’m not sure we were.”

    Intelligence officials have said they knew immediately that the Sept. 11 incident was a terrorist attack and suspected that the local al-Qaida branch was involved. But they also initially believed that the attack may have grown spontaneously from a protest against the film.

    Unclassified talking points provided to Rice and other administration officials in the days following the attack omitted references to terrorists and al-Qaida because intelligence officials said the information was tenuous and could tip their hand in the investigation. The administration also didn’t want to prejudice a criminal investigation.

    Rice said she used those talking points in Sept. 16 interviews in defending the administration’s protection of overseas diplomats, saying “clusters of extremists” had “hijacked” film protests. Officials say it wasn’t until after Rice spoke that intelligence agencies adjusted the assessment to clarify that the attack was not spontaneous or related to a protest.

    Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Rice should have reviewed the raw classified intelligence and not just relied on unclassified talking points provided to her.

    Graham said he remains unconvinced that Rice was relying solely on information provided to her by intelligence agencies. But Graham said he is most concerns with the broader administration’s handling of the matter.

    “This is about four dead Americans,” he said on “This Week” on ABC. “This is about a national security failure. We need a focused look at what happened here.”

    Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

11-26-2012, 10:13 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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Re: The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    المشكة مع بعض النخب اليبرالية التى لا تعجبها شخصية دكتورة رايس. يقال انها قلبت الاصبح بتاعها اللا فى نص مرة على ريتشارد هولمبرك لمن كانت مسؤلة عن �فريقيا فى الخارجية ايام كلنتون. و لكن هناك بعض المسائل المشروعة ايام فترة مع كلينتون و خاصة فى رواندا.

    Posted at 09:45 AM ET, 11/26/2012

    Obama’s second-term national security team

    By Jennifer Rubin

    For reasons that baffle conservatives (To spite Republicans? To reward a political ally?), the president seems intent on appointing U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice as secretary of state. Quite apart from the Benghazi debacle (which surely would be front and center in her confirmation hearing), her role in talking down more robust action in Syria, her lack of rhetorical control and widespread recognition (even among Democrats in the foreign policy community) that she is no policy heavyweight, her track record on human rights is, well, atrocious. Michael Hirsh explains:

    Critics say that since her failure to advocate an intervention in the terrible genocide in Rwanda in 1994 — Bill Clinton later said his administration’s unwillingness to act was the worst mistake of his presidency — she has conducted a dubious and naïve policy of looking the other way at allies who commit atrocities, reflecting to some degree the stark and emotionless realpolitik sometimes associated with Obama. . . . Most recently, critics say, Rice held up publication of a U.N. report that concluded that the government of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, with whom she has a long and close relationship, was supplying and financing a brutal Congolese rebel force known as the M23 Movement. M23’s leader, Bosco Ntaganda, is wanted by the International Criminal Court for recruiting child soldiers and is accused of committing atrocities. She has even wrangled with Johnnie Carson, the assistant secretary of State for the Bureau of African Affairs, and others in the department, who all have been more critical of the Rwandans, according to some human-rights activists who speak with State’s Africa team frequently.

    It is telling that this is the person Obama apparently wants at Foggy Bottom.

    As we have noted before, nearly as bad as her installation at the State Department would be, her elevation, reports suggest, would send Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) to the Defense Department, an entity for whom he has had little use for (other than as a source of spending cuts) since he claimed to have witnessed atrocities in Vietnam. (His recent geo-political finesse is epitomized by his endless flattery to the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and his wife.)

    It is noteworthy that there is another liberal Democrat who actually knows something about the Pentagon who, rather than Kerry, might engender respect from the military men and women he would supervise: Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.). (Yes, dear hawks, he’s not ideal but this is what happens when you lose elections).

    Levin’s performance Sunday on “Meet the Press” was noteworthy:

    GREGORY: So what would you like to see the president say — to put a brake on [Egyptian President Mohamed] Morsi seizing power? What words does the president have to use to say we’re not going back to [Hosni] Mubarak?

    SEN. LEVIN: He has to express those concerns and say, obviously, we want this change to be not just democratic but to also be supportive of stability and also to be protecting of minorities . . . and human rights in Egypt. He says that, but at the same time, he has got to point out that behind all of this is Iran. Iran’s support of Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and the way that has then filtered into weaponry that goes through Egypt, into Gaza, if that can be stopped by Egypt, and if Iran can get a message that the missiles are not going to succeed against Israel because their defenses against short-range missiles, in this case, with the Iron Dome system, but also with the Patriot system . . . against possible Iranian long-range missiles, is going to take leverage away from Iran. Keep pulling the world together against Iran. That’s the source of the problem.

    When asked later in the interview about Syria, Levin returned to Iran: “Well, with Syria, I think we have to — if we — if the opposition will get its act together, and become unified, it seems to me that then we should surely support Turkey’s request for Patriot missiles as defenses against any threat from Syria. But also we then have to consider a no-fly zone, providing the opposition in Syria comes together. But again, all this goes looking for ways to keep the pressure on Iran and to keep taking away from Iran the kind of weaponry, both psychological and real, that they are using.”

    I can’t imagine something so coherent coming from Kerry (or Rice, for that matter). Perhaps the recent hostilities in Israel will remind the president that there is no way to minimize foreign policy and that putting second-rate advisers in key spots is asking for problems to become more troublesome, not to fade from view.

11-27-2012, 05:20 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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Re: The GOP’s bizarre attack on Susan Rice (Re: Zakaria Joseph)


    قبل قليل كانت الدكتورة سوزان رايس قد قابلت عددا من الجمهوريين بمجلس الشيوخ، ومن ضمنهم جون مكين. ومن المفترض أن يحسم هذا الأجمتماع بعض اللغط الذي كان يدور حول تصريحات السفيرة رايس بعد أحداس بنغازي.

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