الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا!

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11-01-2012, 10:00 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا!

    اسفت أشد الأسف أن أرى أخوتنا فى الجنوب لم يستطيعوا إدارة دولتهم الوليدة لتقف على أرجلها كدولة فتية رغم الموارد الطبيعية الضخمة ومساندة المجتمع الدولى .. كما أننى أسأت ببعض التعلقيات التى تصف هذه الدولة الشقيقة باسم "ضنب الككو"! .. و"دولة الدينكا" ودولة "النفير الدولى"! ..

    هناك بصورة واضحة .. هناك مجتمعين يتصارعان للهيمنة على سياسية الدولة: ما يسمى مجتمع الجيينق (الدينكا) .. ومجتمع النوير .. وقد استطاع الدينكا بحكم الهيمنة التأريخية أن يستولوا على كل مؤسسات ومرافق الدولة ومواردها المالية ومصادرها الطبيعية .. والنوير لم يأخذوا شيئاً غير رئاسة الجيش ليضيقوا بهم على اخوتهم من ابناء القبيلة. الانقلاب الأخير، تم دمغة بأنه إنقلاب النوير ضد الدينكا .. وتم فيه القبض على أهم ست قيادات من حوالى قلة لا تتجاوز العشرة من القيادات المهمة من ابناء النوير .. وهذه تعتبر أول تصفية للدينكا لخصومهم التقليديين - النوير - بواسطة السلطة العسكرية المباشرة .. وبالامس القريب تم أختطاف رئيس مجتمع النوير بواسطة قوات الحركة فى وسط جوبا وكل القوة المداهمة تم وصفها بانها من الدينكا .. وانها أدعت أن رئيس مجتمع النوير من الطابور الخامس وهى تهمة تصل إلى مرحلة الاعدام.

    ما هو الفرق بين الجنوب القبلى والشمال القبلى من ناحية قبلنة العمل السياسى؟


11-01-2012, 10:09 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: بريمة محمد)

    من الأشياء الواضحة التى أودت إلى هذه القبلنة السياسية فى الجنوب هى إدارة المجتمع الدولى لظهره عن التزاماته تجاه الدولة الوليدة .. ( يعنى بمصطلحاتنا الثقافية فى البورد .. أن المجتمع الدولى مسك الجماعة ضنب الككو .. ).

    وأخشى أن ضنب الككو يكون أول من أمسك به هم الدينكا ..


11-01-2012, 10:14 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: بريمة محمد)

    فى كـل ما يحصل فى الجنوب هناك مخرج .. ولكن لابد ان يكون مخرج ذكى .. أقترح ان تؤسس دولة الجنوب حكومات فدرالية على القبائل ..
    Dinka Federation
    Nuer Federation
    Chollo Federation
    Azande Federation
    Lou Federation


    وهذه الخطة يجب أن تكون مرحلية وبعدها يبدأ التعليم ويكون ضد فكرة الفدرالية القبلية ذات نفسها .. مارأيكم فى هذا الطرح الذكى ..

    وشكراً .. والله من وراء القصد يهدى السبيل


11-01-2012, 12:35 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 5394

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: بريمة محمد)

    بقاري بريمة
    انت مالك مع شان دولة اخرى؟!!!!
    هسي الجعليين والشايقية ودنقلا اخذوا كل شئ منذ 1956 وهمشوا اهلك البقارة طيب ما تطالبهم بالفدرالية بدل الحديث عن شان دولة اخرى ...
    هسي الشمال دا لو فيه خير ليه نحن انفصلنا واسسنا دولة مستقلة؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!!!
    كلامك عن سيطرة الدينكا لا اساس له وممكن نقول كمان ان حكومة جمهورية جنوب السودان موزعة على كل اهله...اية قبيلة وجدت نفسها ممثلة فيها..
    حديثك عن تهميش قبيلة النوير دا كلام قديمة لن تؤثر في نفوس الجنوبيين ...الكل الان مشغول في بناء دولة حديثة قوية وسترونها الفرق بين الشعب
    الجنوبي وهم في دولتهم وكيف كانوا تحت سيطرة الامبريالية المستعمر الاسلامي العربي في السودان الموحد...
    احسن لك يا بريمة ان تحرر اهلك من التهميش (الجعليين والشايقية ودنقلا هم اسيادك الان)...اهلك بيشربوا من مياه الحفائر وكدي امشي الي الجيلي وحوش بانقا وشندي
    وشوف الفرق بين مناطق تلك القبائل ومناطق اهلك البقارة؟؟؟؟!!!!

11-01-2012, 02:17 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: JOK BIONG)

    العبار بريمة بلل.


11-03-2012, 04:47 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: Deng)

    Quote: Association of Jieng Community in Juba
    Oct, 14, 2012
    The Jieng (Dinka) community in Juba is hereby expressing its support to the government of South Sudan for arresting SPLA general, Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel, on Oct, 11, 2012. It is documented that Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel has links to Lou Nuer renegade Dak Kueth, a self-proclaimed prophet who is destabilizing Jonglei State. Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel is also having links with militia commander, David Yau Yau, who is destabilizing Pibor County and impedes development in the entire state of Jonglei.

    It is the duty of any government in the world to protect the security of civilians. Most Nuer generals in the SPLA have begun to support renegade Dak Kueth who is destabilizing Jonglei State. Our community has learned that Maj. Gen. Bol Kong, who is the commander of Division Five, is also sympathetic to Dak Kueth. The Dinka community in Jonglei State has no peace because of David Yau Yau and criminal Dak Kueth. Any SPLA officer supporting Dak kueth out of tribal solidarity is not good to remain in the SPLA because the secrets of the army will be known by the enemies of South Sudan. It could be said that the reason why the SPLA soldiers cannot eliminate Dak Kueth and David Yau Yau up to now is because of support they get from SPLA officers. We have learnt that Dak Kueth is supported by most Lou Nuer generals within the SPLA. The aim of those Lou Nuer generals is to destabilize the government of Kuol Manyang Juuk in Bor.

    We call upon the C-in-C of the SPLA army, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir and the Chief-of-general-staff, Lt. Gen. James Hoth to clean the SPLA from all Nyagats (fifth columnists) who are collaborating with Dak Kueth and David Yau Yau. It is not a secret in Juba that Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel and Maj. Gen. Bol Kong are sympathizers of Dak Kueth. The leaders of the SPLA should not allow military officers who have links to Dak Kueth to continue commanding units in the army. The national secrets of the South are at risk if officers like Bol Kong and Gatwec Duel are not arrested and retired from the army. Dak Kueth is a rebel and any Nuer collaborating with him should not be in the SPLA army.
    We call upon James Hoth Mai, John Kong Nyuon and Majak Agot to protect the SPLA army from fifth columnists who have a plan to destroy the SPLA of John Garang. The government of South Sudan should be reminded that Bol Kong, Gatwec Duel, Biel Torkech, Chuol Gaka and other Nyagats were responsible for the massacre of over ten thousands Bor civilians in 1991. Those Nuer officers in the SPLA army have no loyalty to the leadership of Lt. Gen. Kiir Mayardit and would do everything to destroy it. It is therefore the duty of people who protected the SPLA after Nasir coup to protect our government now from the same people who attempted to destroy it in 1991.

    The Jieng (Dinka) community in Juba is behind President Salva Kiir and Chief-of-staff James Hoth to arrest all renegades who are endangering the security of our nation. Juba city is full of crimes at night and those crimes are committed by criminals linked to anti-Kiir elements within the SPLA. The militias who were brought by Paulino Matip and those who rebelled against the leadership of the SPLM/A in 1991 cannot be trusted. Therefore, it is in the interest of South Sudan that sympathizers of Dak Kueth like Gatwec Duel and Bol Kong are removed from the army.

    For Contact:

    Garang Nhial
    Information Secretary
    Association of Jieng Community in Juba
    Email: [email protected]
    Juba, South Sudan

11-03-2012, 04:53 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: Deng)

    Quote: Association of Jieng Community in Juba
    Oct, 14, 2012
    The Jieng (Dinka) community in Juba is hereby expressing its support to the government of South Sudan for arresting SPLA general, Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel, on Oct, 11, 2012. It is documented that Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel has links to Lou Nuer renegade Dak Kueth, a self-proclaimed prophet who is destabilizing Jonglei State. Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel is also having links with militia commander, David Yau Yau, who is destabilizing Pibor County and impedes development in the entire state of Jonglei.

    It is the duty of any government in the world to protect the security of civilians. Most Nuer generals in the SPLA have begun to support renegade Dak Kueth who is destabilizing Jonglei State. Our community has learned that Maj. Gen. Bol Kong, who is the commander of Division Five, is also sympathetic to Dak Kueth. The Dinka community in Jonglei State has no peace because of David Yau Yau and criminal Dak Kueth. Any SPLA officer supporting Dak kueth out of tribal solidarity is not good to remain in the SPLA because the secrets of the army will be known by the enemies of South Sudan. It could be said that the reason why the SPLA soldiers cannot eliminate Dak Kueth and David Yau Yau up to now is because of support they get from SPLA officers. We have learnt that Dak Kueth is supported by most Lou Nuer generals within the SPLA. The aim of those Lou Nuer generals is to destabilize the government of Kuol Manyang Juuk in Bor.

    We call upon the C-in-C of the SPLA army, Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir and the Chief-of-general-staff, Lt. Gen. James Hoth to clean the SPLA from all Nyagats (fifth columnists) who are collaborating with Dak Kueth and David Yau Yau. It is not a secret in Juba that Maj. Gen. Gatwec Duel and Maj. Gen. Bol Kong are sympathizers of Dak Kueth. The leaders of the SPLA should not allow military officers who have links to Dak Kueth to continue commanding units in the army. The national secrets of the South are at risk if officers like Bol Kong and Gatwec Duel are not arrested and retired from the army. Dak Kueth is a rebel and any Nuer collaborating with him should not be in the SPLA army.
    We call upon James Hoth Mai, John Kong Nyuon and Majak Agot to protect the SPLA army from fifth columnists who have a plan to destroy the SPLA of John Garang. The government of South Sudan should be reminded that Bol Kong, Gatwec Duel, Biel Torkech, Chuol Gaka and other Nyagats were responsible for the massacre of over ten thousands Bor civilians in 1991. Those Nuer officers in the SPLA army have no loyalty to the leadership of Lt. Gen. Kiir Mayardit and would do everything to destroy it. It is therefore the duty of people who protected the SPLA after Nasir coup to protect our government now from the same people who attempted to destroy it in 1991.

    The Jieng (Dinka) community in Juba is behind President Salva Kiir and Chief-of-staff James Hoth to arrest all renegades who are endangering the security of our nation. Juba city is full of crimes at night and those crimes are committed by criminals linked to anti-Kiir elements within the SPLA. The militias who were brought by Paulino Matip and those who rebelled against the leadership of the SPLM/A in 1991 cannot be trusted. Therefore, it is in the interest of South Sudan that sympathizers of Dak Kueth like Gatwec Duel and Bol Kong are removed from the army.

    For Contact:

    Garang Nhial
    Information Secretary
    Association of Jieng Community in Juba
    Email: [email protected]
    Juba, South Sudan

11-03-2012, 04:59 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: بريمة محمد)

    Quote: Nuer youth -South Sudan

    Press statement released

    This press released statement it is coming as a result of what has released by so-called Dinka or Jieng community Association or tribal motivated Association based in Juba South Sudan on 14 of Oct 2012. According to that tribal statement as well as we understood the core message of what they wanted to communicate, they talk on behave of Government, and as well as the arrest of Major General Simon Garwec Duel described him as Nyagat and Militia as if they were the one who arrest the General Garwec, not only that but demonstrated the whole community of Nuer as Militias, addition to that, on the second day of the Month Brig Gen Malaak Ayuen went public on his tribal agenda as usual of which he used to misled the mass of South Sudanese of what he purported to be the SPLA morale programme on SSTV. We as Nuer Youth we believe this is a tribal plan as well as the documentation concern as we can observed in many records since 1972 to 2012.

    Unity of South Sudan since 1956
    We as South Sudanese people were united before Abel Alier came to power in 1st of February 1972 while he was retaining the post of vice president of republic which immediately cause division within South Sudanese people, that division is not just occurred overnight but it does happened as the conspiratorial plan which base only on greedy policy of which was mostly tribal. The equotarian felt they were dominated by (jangee) or Dinka of which was mistakenly misinterpreted or generalised on all Nilotic people. Those bad greedy policies brought forth (Korora) as a result or in due course South divided into three provinces.for several reasons Abel Alier and president Niemri with their hidden agenda toward south Sudan. The Allier’s government in 1972 was based on tribalism, domination and discrimination which leads south Sudanese to kokora conflict as a result of humiliation from segregationist system ( Dinka) . As we have seen or go through those stages of South Sudanese history of division, again in 1975 the south Sudanese under Anyanya II rebelled against conspiratorial agreement under leadership of Abel Alier with their vision of south Sudan independent. The Anyanya II movement were able to unite people of all southern Sudanese, that momentum of sense of togetherness or identity was actually the driving force which led to uprising of South Sudanese students from universities and secondary to join Anyanya II in 1982 to 1983.

    The Division of south Sudan 1983 John Garang (SPLA).

    The Anyanya II and SPLA disagree on the vision that had been imposing to Anyanya II by the SPLA the vision of (New Sudan), the Anyanya II refused the imposed vision. John Garang the leader of SPLA Betrayed the Anyanya II Leaders to Ethiopia Government, the Ethiopian Troops came and attack with the order that has instructed by John Garang himself, unfortunately the Anyanya II Leaders were killed including their leader of Anyanya II Samuel Gai Tut in 1984. This conspiracy designed by communist regime in Ethiopia while Garang coincidently a communist, it was not South Sudanese idea, as a result that was brought the direct cause of immediate reaction and conflict within South Sudanese movement. The consequences of self interest of John Garang himself for leadership South Sudanese lost many lives.

    4. Unclear vision and confusion within SPLA/M (split of 1991and the self determination).

    The split of 1991 was due to unclear vision within the SPLA/M, this lead to the formation of Nasir faction with the vision of self-determination and south Sudan independent. The SPLA/M (Dinka) began to discriminate the Nuer Commanders and officers by killing them in greater Bar El Ghazel and greater Equatoria zones in 1992.Many idiots spreading wrong information in the public about 1991 simply of their limited intellectuality and reasoning, like if 1991 split draw the movement back that was not true, because people were doing wrong things right which cannot takes South Sudan anywhere.

    A tribal plan implementation through state institutions against Nuer

    The disease of Dinka called Nuerphobia seem to be the cause of all tribal agenda and plan organized by Government and state institutions from the very beginning of the Sudan state during colonization to 1956 according to Yei public rally (39 laws by Dinka) on 9th December 2003 the current Deputy Speaker CDR Daniel Awet Akot stated that Nuer are incurable disease we think that this statement is stupid from idiot so-called Honourable Deputy Speaker from the same idiot also he declared that Nuer pushed backward the Movement this is not yet true because the whole South Sudanese excluding Dinka were fighting for independent of South Sudan what have been done by those stupid individuals from Dinka through this decades was their self interest as well as introducing tribalism in the Country.

    The man forgot simply because of his own primitivity and mental illness he (Daniel Awet Akot) did not realized the fact that he should not enjoy the fruits of independent if there was no 1991 split for cause of self determination for people of South Sudan, if he is patriot why he had stolen the money and corrupt the whole Nation?. This means he pushed back the development of the new Nation while he is claimed to be a nationalist.

    In the same rally 9th December the empty minded the so-called CDR Salva Kiir stated at the opening of Equotoria region congress held in Yei River County he stated “Praise God because Nuer achieved nothing” imagine this statement from PHD held from Great lakes University in Political Science and he also mentioned that Nuer rebelled against the movement between Khartoum and SPLA/M while he himself was between Yei and Rumbek rebelled against the same SPLA if not Dr Riek Machar who mediate between him and John Garang, and also if not death of John Garang he should not be a President of this Country. He also mentioned that Nuer are between Khartoum and SPLA because of his more primitivity he forgot the fact that Nuer are not SPLA they are part of people of South Sudan.

    The current and previous situation in the South Sudan.

    It proved that, the arrest of Maj.Gen. Simon Gatwich Duel in the SPLA GHQs /Bilpham, came as a result of what so-called a revolution suspect or rebellion of which known to us as an implementation of 39 laws which was set forth by Dinka on date 09/12/2003 against Nuer.

    As the matter of fact, on October: 14/2012 the jieng or so-called Dinka association support the arrest of Maj.Gen. Simon Gatwich Duel described him and other Generals from Nuer ethnics as militias and nyagats, also accusing him to have link with Militias commander David Yau Yau, and suspecting more Nuer Generals within the SPLA. And also Brig. Gen Malaak Ayuen accused Maj.Gen. Simon Gatwich Duel through Media that he has link to David Yau Yau and Dr Lam Akol.

    Our question as Nuer youth is this:

    · Why do Dinka community supporting the arrest of Maj. Gen Simon Gatwich Duel and the rest of the Nuer Generals in the SPLA?
    · What are the causes of arresting of Nuer generals?
    · How comes Bor Dinka community including Malaak Ayuen are always trying to confuse the conducive environment in the allegation that they want to make revolution as a Dinka Bor?
    · Was it true that Maj.Gen.Simon Gatwich Duel wanted to rebelt against government?
    · And what are the evident that Maj Gen. Simon Gatwic has the link with David Yau Yau?

    Our position on arrest of Gabriel Tang and Maj Gen Garwec Duel

    Based on truth in Juba the Capital of South Sudan, so many things happened which were against the laws made by the very Government who suppose to implement and follow up law implementation. Around 2006 and 2008 Arthor Akuein former finance Minister has been arrest as he was suspected of corruption and money stealing. The man does not take long in the jail, a group from Dinka Youth released him by force using the same military personnel, and the Government was just watching like if they wanted to congrulate their Youth for implemented orchestrated plan. The man was one of suspects stolen billions of Dollars from South Sudan treasury.
    Addition to this was cause of Maj Gen Marial Nuor who was a suspect of raping a young lady in police station by putting a glass in her vagina and killing innocent Young man, the Engineer John Luis whose life was lost on cold blood, the same ethnic group whose their son Salva Kiir the President of South Sudan and the worse of the story was that most of security personnel including police commissioner was also a Dinka by tribe. The same Youth went out bravely and released the Suspect without trial. Now, the question is this where was the justice?
    These criminal acts were not done to Nuer only but to entire communities of South Sudan by Dinka tribal regime.

    Because of those facts, we, as Nuer Youth, we do came to conclusion that this is not Government, but a tribal plan implemented through state institutions that the agenda of tribalism which of course being implemented is not just existed in civil institutions of this state but it is also do include even the Military institution.
    Garwec Duel has nothing to do with so-called association with David Yau Yau but its just a mere sketch from Dinka Bor to implement a very old agenda and plan as referred to Jieng Community Association statement on date 9th October 2012. When it come to issue of tribal motivated programme on SSTV by Malaak Ayuen or what we can describe as tribal program has totally have nothing to do with national agenda but revealed a mere national poison and to divert the history of South Sudan to Dinka Glory of which reinforce promotion of division within South Sudanese, these are one of the shameful things shown disability of this Government to run the new born state. more over, there are so many things to talk of, for the sake of the time we wanted to tell our Government that, its nearly to be enough, therefore we urged the entire world, UN, US, the AU and the people of South Sudan to work to together with us to released Gen Gabriel Tang, Maj Gen Garwec Duel, Garwec Joak, Mabor Dhol, Peter A Sule when it come to cause of Peter A Sule arrest, the Dinka did mere sketch or scenario to create a case against him because this Hon Peter A Sule is very strong leader who fought very hard for South Sudan to be independent. Telephone Kuku was arrested for there is no need to see a foreigner being detained in South Sudan.

    خذلتونا يا الجنوبين ... أليس بينكم رجل رشيد؟؟


11-03-2012, 05:02 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: بريمة محمد)

    Quote: we wanted to tell our Government that, its nearly to be enough, therefore we urged the entire world, UN, US, the AU and the people of South Sudan to work to together with us to released Gen Gabriel Tang, Maj Gen Garwec Duel, Garwec Joak, Mabor Dhol, Peter A Sule when it come to cause of Peter A Sule arrest, the Dinka did mere sketch or scenario to create a case against him because this Hon Peter A Sule is very strong leader who fought very hard for South Sudan to be independent. Telephone Kuku was arrested for there is no need to see a foreigner being detained in South Sudan.

    وهذا الأقتباس يؤكد رؤيتى أن المرحلة فى الجنوب هى مرحلة حرجة وتحتاج إلى تفكير ذكى .. أحتواء القبليات لا يتم بتحجيمها بل بتبنها بصورة ذكية.


11-03-2012, 09:54 AM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الدولة المسماة "ضنب الككو" أو دولة الدينكا! (Re: بريمة محمد)

    جوك ..

    سلامات ..
    Quote: بقاري بريمة

    أنت عارف يا جوك .. العارف عزه مستريح .. أقرأ الأتى: https://www.createspace.com/3937136

    أنت زول شمالى .. وأولاد أبيى شغالين فى الشمال بكثرة .. فى الأبيض تعرفت على كثير منهم .. وما مفكرين أبداً أن يذهبوا إلى الجنوب.


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