A Petition to the UNSC, AU, EU and US Administration

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10-08-2012, 00:16 AM

فقيرى جاويش طه
<aفقيرى جاويش طه
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2011
مجموع المشاركات: 4879

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
A Petition to the UNSC, AU, EU and US Administration

    A Petition to the UNSC, AU, EU and US Administration
    By: Sudanese Marginalized People-USA
    Support Regime Change in Sudan
    UN Rally October 7th, 2012
    - United Nations Security Council
    - African Union: High Level Implementation Panel Chair Thabo Mbeki
    - European Union: High Representative Catherine Ashton
    - United States: President Barack Obama
    - United States: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    This petition is authored by the Sudanese Marginalized Forum comprising representatives of the regions
    of Darfur, Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan, Blue Nile, Abyei, Eastern Sudan, Nubia in the north and
    some civil organizations from South Sudan. The petition is supported by a large number of Sudanese,
    South Sudanese and American civil society organizations. Together, we call for a regime change in the
    Republic of Sudan and are committed to a just and lasting peace and a truly free democratic Sudan.
    Given the United States leadership on human rights and freedom, and the United Nations, African Union
    and European Union’s commitment to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948 to
    prevent atrocities associated with the Holocaust from happening again, and the many egregious abuses
    of human rights in Sudan by the National Congress Party, we, the undersigned Sudanese and American
    civil society organizations, urge the United States, European Union, United Nations and African Union to
    support lasting change in Sudan by pressuring the National Congress Party to step aside and then
    support free and fair elections and a transition to democracy in Sudan.
    In the last two decades, the National Congress Party has committed five genocides – one in South Sudan
    in the 1980s-2005; one in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile in the early 1990s-2005; one in Darfur from
    2003 until the present; one in Eastern Sudan from 1994-2005; and now a second time in the Blue Nile,
    Nuba Mountains and Abyei. Collectively, these crimes have resulted in the displacement of over 5
    million people and the deaths of nearly 3 million people, the largest state-sponsored ethnic cleansing
    and genocide since WWII.
    The National Congress Party (NCP) deliberately prevents food, water and medical supplies from reaching
    civilians using denial of food as a weapon against civilians in all the war-affected areas of Sudan.
    The international Criminal Court (ICC) has issued warrants for the arrest of President Omar al-Bashir for
    genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. Al-Bashir and his regime are now extending
    this campaign to the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Abyei regions, killing thousands of innocent
    civilians, particularly children and women, on the basis of their racial, cultural and political backgrounds.
    We urgently ask the United States, United Nations, European Union and African Union to reconsider its
    policy of pressuring the victims of aggression to make deals with the oppressive dictatorship of Sudan.
    Decades of "peace negotiations" with the Khartoum regime have led to hopes for only partial
    resolutions that descended repeatedly into broken commitments, further deadly conflict, and many
    unresolved issues: Darfur is still in turmoil; the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions have been forced
    into a full scale war for self-preservation, and the NCP continues to use food and medicine as weapons
    of genocide even after signing the humanitarian agreement in Addis Ababa on August 4th with the
    SPLM/N. The Government of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party is extremely violent and brutal
    against unarmed political opponents; using murder, unlawful detention, and torture to intimidate
    civilians in the marginalized regions and other part of Sudan. The regime also continues its systematic
    planned policy of genocide and destroying the entire infrastructure including school and Churches in the
    Nuba Mountains, Darfur and Blue Nile.
    Why regime change?
    1- The totalitarian rulers of Sudan have failed in the past 23 years to address the root causes of the
    problems in the conflict areas.
    2- The extremist ruling elite does not recognize the ethnic and religious diversity of Sudan, and this
    has directly resulted in the separation of the South.
    3- The Sudan regime is known for dishonoring the implementation of over 40 political agreements;
    therefore, any peace deal with this government is useless and will not result in genuine peace
    for the people in the conflict zones.
    4- The people of the marginalized regions have suffered the most from the policies of the regime
    of President Al-Bashir. Those practices include genocide and ethnic cleansing, daily aerial
    bombarding in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions, forced removal of the ethnic
    Dinka from Abyei, violence against the Beja people in eastern Sudan and destruction of the
    Nubians land and heritage in the far north.
    5- The marginalized people of Sudan believe that seeking political settlement with the current NCP
    regime will not resolve the root cause of the conflict in Sudan, as the NCP cannot be trusted
    with treaties.
    6- The NCP radical regime has consistently used the policy of divide and rule especially pitting one
    ethnic group against another along racial lines in various regions. The recent escalation of
    violence in Darfur is a direct result of this policy, where scores of African people have been killed
    by SAF and Janjaweed.
    7- The NCP is continuously violating the human rights in all Sudan and rejecting a no-fly-zone and
    access to humanitarian aid to war-affected area, clearly defying the will of the international
    8- The NCP is harboring and supporting many terrorist organizations in Sudan.
    9- The National Congress Party threatens the stability and independence of the newly separated
    South Sudan. Despite the recent agreements between the two presidents in Addis Ababa, there
    remain a number of unresolved issues such as border demarcation and Abyei. If these problems
    remain unsolved they could lead to war between the two nations.
    10- If the International community presses for peace talks that do not encompass regime change
    and a transition to democracy, then the marginalized people may choose the alternative of
    demanding the right of self-determination.
    For all the above-mentioned reasons, we support regime change in Sudan to be achieved in working
    with all the opposing political forces. The armed opposition group, the Sudan Revolutionary Front, vows
    to continue its fight and is seeking coordination with all other political bodies in the center to
    complement the armed struggle with civilian demonstrations to topple the regime.
    The Comprehensive Solution option:
    The US Administration, UN Security Council and AU have to review their position in accordance of U.N
    Resolution 2046 to differentiate between the Republic of Sudan, and Republic of Sudan issues, and
    Sudan internal conflict to reach a comprehensive solution to all the problems in the conflict areas,
    including Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Darfur. The Sudan Revolutionary Front must be recognized
    and included in any political talks. We believe that partial solutions to the problems, rather than a
    holistic approach, will not bring a lasting peace to Sudan. The Doha Document for Peace in Darfur is an
    example of failed partial solutions. Democracy and freedom cannot be achieved if the NCP regime
    remains in power.
    We greatly appreciate your commitment to end the suffering of the people of Sudan and to bring a
    lasting peace and end to the suffering of the marginalized people of Sudan in particular and all Sudanese
    in general.
    Signed By:
    1- Act for Sudan.
    2- Darfur People's Association of New York.
    3- Nuba Mountains Advocacy Group.
    4- Brooklyn Coalition for Darfur & Marginalized Sudan.
    5- The Institute on Religion and Democracy.
    6-New York Coalition for Sudan.
    7- Jews against Genocide.
    8- Nuba Mountains International Association.
    9- Blue Nile people’s League.
    10- Nubia project.
    11- The Voice for Sudan.
    12- Southern Sudan Project.
    13- Humanity Is Us.
    14- Abyei Ngok Community Association in the US.
    16- Brooklyn For Peace.
    17- Human Rights & Advocacy Network for Democracy.
    18- The Church Alliance for a New Sudan.
    19- Shine a Ray of Hope, New Rochelle, NY.
    20- Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Newark, NJ.
    21- Arry Organization.
    22- Society for Threatened Peoples.
    23-. Change the world. It just takes cents.
    24- Aweil Youth Association.
    25- Nuba Mountains Women Office.
    26- South Sudan Girl Education Project.
    27- African Freedom Coalition.
    28- Darfur Women Action Group.
    29- California Democratic Forum.
    30- Stop Genocide Now.

10-09-2012, 01:15 AM

فقيرى جاويش طه
<aفقيرى جاويش طه
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2011
مجموع المشاركات: 4879

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: A Petition to the UNSC, AU, EU and US Administration (Re: فقيرى جاويش طه)

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    08-10-2012, 00:16 AM

    فقيرى جاويش طه

    تاريخ التسجيل: 17-06-2011
    مجموع المشاركات: 789

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    A Petition to the UNSC, AU, EU and US Administration

    A Petition to the UNSC, AU, EU and US Administration
    By: Sudanese Marginalized People-USA
    Support Regime Change in Sudan
    UN Rally October 7th, 2012
    - United Nations Security Council
    - African Union: High Level Implementation Panel Chair Thabo Mbeki
    - European Union: High Representative Catherine Ashton
    - United States: President Barack Obama
    - United States: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    This petition is authored by the Sudanese Marginalized Forum comprising representatives of the regions
    of Darfur, Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan, Blue Nile, Abyei, Eastern Sudan, Nubia in the north and
    some civil organizations from South Sudan. The petition is supported by a large number of Sudanese,
    South Sudanese and American civil society organizations. Together, we call for a regime change in the
    Republic of Sudan and are committed to a just and lasting peace and a truly free democratic Sudan.
    Given the United States leadership on human rights and freedom, and the United Nations, African Union
    and European Union’s commitment to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948 to
    prevent atrocities associated with the Holocaust from happening again, and the many egregious abuses
    of human rights in Sudan by the National Congress Party, we, the undersigned Sudanese and American
    civil society organizations, urge the United States, European Union, United Nations and African Union to
    support lasting change in Sudan by pressuring the National Congress Party to step aside and then
    support free and fair elections and a transition to democracy in Sudan.
    In the last two decades, the National Congress Party has committed five genocides – one in South Sudan
    in the 1980s-2005; one in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile in the early 1990s-2005; one in Darfur from
    2003 until the present; one in Eastern Sudan from 1994-2005; and now a second time in the Blue Nile,
    Nuba Mountains and Abyei. Collectively, these crimes have resulted in the displacement of over 5
    million people and the deaths of nearly 3 million people, the largest state-sponsored ethnic cleansing
    and genocide since WWII.
    The National Congress Party (NCP) deliberately prevents food, water and medical supplies from reaching
    civilians using denial of food as a weapon against civilians in all the war-affected areas of Sudan.
    The international Criminal Court (ICC) has issued warrants for the arrest of President Omar al-Bashir for
    genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. Al-Bashir and his regime are now extending
    this campaign to the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Abyei regions, killing thousands of innocent
    civilians, particularly children and women, on the basis of their racial, cultural and political backgrounds.
    We urgently ask the United States, United Nations, European Union and African Union to reconsider its
    policy of pressuring the victims of aggression to make deals with the oppressive dictatorship of Sudan.
    Decades of "peace negotiations" with the Khartoum regime have led to hopes for only partial
    resolutions that descended repeatedly into broken commitments, further deadly conflict, and many
    unresolved issues: Darfur is still in turmoil; the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions have been forced
    into a full scale war for self-preservation, and the NCP continues to use food and medicine as weapons
    of genocide even after signing the humanitarian agreement in Addis Ababa on August 4th with the
    SPLM/N. The Government of Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party is extremely violent and brutal
    against unarmed political opponents; using murder, unlawful detention, and torture to intimidate
    civilians in the marginalized regions and other part of Sudan. The regime also continues its systematic
    planned policy of genocide and destroying the entire infrastructure including school and Churches in the
    Nuba Mountains, Darfur and Blue Nile.
    Why regime change?
    1- The totalitarian rulers of Sudan have failed in the past 23 years to address the root causes of the
    problems in the conflict areas.
    2- The extremist ruling elite does not recognize the ethnic and religious diversity of Sudan, and this
    has directly resulted in the separation of the South.
    3- The Sudan regime is known for dishonoring the implementation of over 40 political agreements;
    therefore, any peace deal with this government is useless and will not result in genuine peace
    for the people in the conflict zones.
    4- The people of the marginalized regions have suffered the most from the policies of the regime
    of President Al-Bashir. Those practices include genocide and ethnic cleansing, daily aerial
    bombarding in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions, forced removal of the ethnic
    Dinka from Abyei, violence against the Beja people in eastern Sudan and destruction of the
    Nubians land and heritage in the far north.
    5- The marginalized people of Sudan believe that seeking political settlement with the current NCP
    regime will not resolve the root cause of the conflict in Sudan, as the NCP cannot be trusted
    with treaties.
    6- The NCP radical regime has consistently used the policy of divide and rule especially pitting one
    ethnic group against another along racial lines in various regions. The recent escalation of
    violence in Darfur is a direct result of this policy, where scores of African people have been killed
    by SAF and Janjaweed.
    7- The NCP is continuously violating the human rights in all Sudan and rejecting a no-fly-zone and
    access to humanitarian aid to war-affected area, clearly defying the will of the international
    8- The NCP is harboring and supporting many terrorist organizations in Sudan.
    9- The National Congress Party threatens the stability and independence of the newly separated
    South Sudan. Despite the recent agreements between the two presidents in Addis Ababa, there
    remain a number of unresolved issues such as border demarcation and Abyei. If these problems
    remain unsolved they could lead to war between the two nations.
    10- If the International community presses for peace talks that do not encompass regime change
    and a transition to democracy, then the marginalized people may choose the alternative of
    demanding the right of self-determination.
    For all the above-mentioned reasons, we support regime change in Sudan to be achieved in working
    with all the opposing political forces. The armed opposition group, the Sudan Revolutionary Front, vows
    to continue its fight and is seeking coordination with all other political bodies in the center to
    complement the armed struggle with civilian demonstrations to topple the regime.
    The Comprehensive Solution option:
    The US Administration, UN Security Council and AU have to review their position in accordance of U.N
    Resolution 2046 to differentiate between the Republic of Sudan, and Republic of Sudan issues, and
    Sudan internal conflict to reach a comprehensive solution to all the problems in the conflict areas,
    including Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Darfur. The Sudan Revolutionary Front must be recognized
    and included in any political talks. We believe that partial solutions to the problems, rather than a
    holistic approach, will not bring a lasting peace to Sudan. The Doha Document for Peace in Darfur is an
    example of failed partial solutions. Democracy and freedom cannot be achieved if the NCP regime
    remains in power.
    We greatly appreciate your commitment to end the suffering of the people of Sudan and to bring a
    lasting peace and end to the suffering of the marginalized people of Sudan in particular and all Sudanese
    in general.

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