متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى ....

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09-24-2012, 10:28 PM

Abdel Aati
<aAbdel Aati
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-13-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 33072

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... (Re: Abdel Aati)

    وهذه هي نص الرسالة التي كان متوكل قد صاغها نيابة عن فرع الحزب بالولايات المتحدة الى السيدة نانسي بيلوشي وذلك بعد الرسالة التي ارسلتها رئيسة الحزب حينها الاستاذة نور تاور لاوباما :

    Quote: November 11th, 2008

    The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
    U.S. House of Representatives
    U.S. Capitol, Room H-232
    Washington, DC 20515

    Dear Speaker Pelosi:

    On behalf of the United States representatives for the Democratic Liberal Party of Sudan, we are honored to express our sincere and heartfelt congratulations for the election of your most esteemed party member, Mr. Barak Obama, President-elect, and to the rest of the American people, for making this momentous choice, in a time of great difficulty and significant social, political, and economic change for many at all points on the political and social spectrums.

    This victory may be seen as a victory for all democratic nations and systems of government, throughout the world, and serve as the highest representative example of the Liberties inalienably available to all peoples.

    This being said, we would sincerely wish to bring your attention to matters which require as much as possible, the full attention of all members of all parties that are represented within both the House, and the Senate.

    This could be considered as a parallel issue to your own in so many ways that invariably hinge on safeguarding the most basic of human liberties. Our party, and our people, must attempt to garner the attentions and the full support of your office, your President, your members and representatives. We ask that you help us to establish a dialogue with yourselves. This dialogue then logically must engage the full authority of the United States government, to help resolve the issues that have spun out of control within our country, Sudan .

    We ask of this authority, which you still must most assuredly possess. We ask to grant its favor and ability to assist critically needed change in our country and our home. This has become impenetrably difficult if not nearly impossible for us, as the current Regime has excluded the rest of the international community to pursue its own dark, deadly, and always more dangerous course. As you have known, the worst Extremist rule imaginable began there nearly 20 years ago.
    We must thank you deeply for your continued efforts and contributions in this matter. The reality is simply that this kind of elitist extremist rule will eventually deprive every single person within the boundaries of our home of all hope, all civil decency, and of our humanity itself.

    There is not a one of us that has not now lived in complete terror – of kidnap and torture for expressing no more than simple truth or desire for peace. To have been forced to watch almost all that we love and respect, to suffer these things themselves. Our children and our families – none are sacred or safe any longer, under these devastatingly deplorable conditions of such violence and completely illegal enforcement, and of the worst kinds of human rights violations that you can ever possibly imagine.

    As you know, we must ask that this dialogue leads in every direction to our most sincere request in obtaining any political support possible, which can help us leverage the chance to bring about the restoration of our nation and our freedoms. The basic freedoms to restore and manage a representative and democratic inheritance, with the highest possible respect of diplomatic and economic concern to the United States .

    We enjoin and entreat you for your blessing, your guardianship, and direct attention in this most difficult of undertakings. We ask for your help to plant a seed that very much needs your help to grow and live right now. We aspire with all of our might and our greatest hopes, of being afforded any opportunity to manifest such a dream – one which rightfully, desperately, and most assuredly more than ever before, belongs to all the peoples of our once great nation.

    We are a nation and a country which has been broken and shattered, and torn to pieces before our very eyes by the ravages of years of endless strife, and actual genocide. Dear Madam Speaker – Two-hundred and fifty thousand dead and nearly 2 million displaced. Please hear us – we cannot sustain this, and we must not allow this to continue if there is any capability in the world to end it. The likelihood of racial and ethnic cleansing on this incomprehensible scale, will no doubt continue under this unlawfully established and undeniably criminal totalitarian rule, one which is also entirely hostile to the best interests of the United States in its extremist fanatical positions.

    This must not remain, or the spirit of our people – a real people, like your own in both Ideal and deepest desire for the expression of liberty - a unique and beautiful and distinctively fair-minded people, will, in fact, be forced to largely perish from the Earth. This cannot, and must not, be allowed to stand any longer.

    Our party representatives and several key politicians in Sudan have now agreed upon an initiative to call for decisive political solutions to end the war in Darfur, and to bring peace and democracy to the Sudan . This initiative is based on the full demilitarization of Darfur , under the full supervision of the International joint security forces. This initiative will also move to immediately organize a national conference for peace, approve and initialize a transitional National government, which will implement this cessation of hostilities, work with the UN to remove the effects of war, and prepare for the critically overdue process(es) of democratic elections in Sudan .

    Our initiative goes in harmony with the resolutions of the International community, represented by the Security Council, the UN General assembly, and the International Criminal Court. The people of our country are intelligently aware that any political solution in Sudan , must first come from the efforts of our own people, but must also now look to find the most tangible and credible of political and moral support from the rest of the international community, and undoubtedly from the United States . You are the world’s greatest superpower, and still the largest bastion of democratic governance that exists today. We are certain that with your help, the international community can gather the resources to assist in the reconstruction of Sudan , after years of bloody ravages of war.

    Dear Madam speaker, we look forward to your most intelligent and diplomatic response in support for this peace initiative, and of your ability to assist in placing the most serious issues of Darfur and Sudan high on the foreign policy priority list for the new administration to address and respond as appropriately as possible.

    We firmly believe, as do you, in the need of dealing with the most basic rights of fellow human beings, as opposed to the interests of elite, violent, and unlawfully self-appointed undemocratic regimes, such as that which has controlled our country for 2 decades, and visited previously unparalleled bloodshed and misery upon all of our rightful native citizens.

    As of this moment, upon completion and transmittal of this document to your most capable hands, we sincerely await your response, and the true urgency of the potentially invaluable dialogue that may ensue with you, as a result of your real human compassion, and political means being such, that you have the ability to respond in the most constructive manner possible
    The people of Sudan truly and sincerely hope now to gain your support and the support of your fellow members for our most just aspirations in this regard.

    Most Sincerely and respectfully yours,
    With the highest expectations for positive outcomes for our efforts,

    We are,

    here will be the names and addresses..

    salam ya Adil

    pls fix it the way u like and desire..


    رسالة بتاريخ 16/11/2008

العنوان الكاتب Date
متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 10:20 PM
  Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 10:28 PM
    Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 10:45 PM
      Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 10:48 PM
        Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 10:58 PM
          Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 11:01 PM
            Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 11:05 PM
              Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 11:08 PM
                Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-24-12, 11:12 PM
          Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... مامون أحمد إبراهيم09-24-12, 11:06 PM
            Re: متوكل مصطفى الحسين عن الحزب وأشياء أخرى .... Abdel Aati09-25-12, 08:54 AM

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