عرمان من امريكا:الحركة تدين الهجوم على سفارة أمريكيا وحريق الالمانية

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09-15-2012, 07:51 PM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
عرمان من امريكا:الحركة تدين الهجوم على سفارة أمريكيا وحريق الالمانية

    Quote: The SPLM-N Condemns the Attack on the American Embassy and the Burning Down of the German Embassy in Khartoum

    The attack on the American Embassy and the burning down of the German Embassy in Khartoum and likewise the attack on the different American Embassies and European Embassies in Egypt, Yeman and elsewhere has nothing to do with Muslims and Islam. It is a well designed activity from the Islamic fundamentalists and the organizations that are politicizing Islam for political gain and they are anti-Muslim as well as against other foreign nationals in the Islamic world. They do not believe in democracy and values of co-existence and they take any event as an alibi to continue their jihadist project. On the other hand, we equally condemn any inciting of hatred between different religions, Islam or Christianity or Judaism or African and human religions. The value of all religions is for co-existence and the well-being of human beings. The SPLM-N condemns the attack on the American Embassy and the burning down of the German Embassy in Khartoum which was openly mobilized by fundamentalist forums that are being harbored by the National Congress and the security agencies and they have been used before against the Sudanese democratic political forces among them and the first target was the SPLM-N. Today they were mobilized by newspapers that are funded by the National Congress such as Al Ntbaha, which is owned by the uncle of General Bashir, and it is alarming that some well-known and identified members of the Popular Defense Force have been seen with those who burned down the German Embassy. The Sudanese fundamentalist group harbored by the security and the National Congress are anti-democracy and against values of co-existence. We call upon the Sudanese to condemn those groups and as ever, we shall continue to promote the solid values and practice of our Sudanese society to respect all religions and the well-being of all human beings.
    Yasir Arman
    Secretary General, SPLM-N
    September 14, 2012

العنوان الكاتب Date
عرمان من امريكا:الحركة تدين الهجوم على سفارة أمريكيا وحريق الالمانية عمار عوض09-15-12, 07:51 PM
  Re: عرمان من امريكا:الحركة تدين الهجوم على سفارة أمريكيا وحريق الالمان nazar hussien09-15-12, 07:53 PM

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