قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه"

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07-16-2012, 06:33 PM

صلاح عثمان
<aصلاح عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-24-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 954

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه"

    حسب ما ورد في الخبر اسمه ساتي عادل علي عمره 28 سنه والطفلة عمرها 12 سنه

07-16-2012, 07:05 PM

صلاح عثمان
<aصلاح عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-24-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 954

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: صلاح عثمان)

    وهذا الخبر كما ورد

    تجنب لاجئ سوداني اغتصب طفلة عمرها 12 عاماً الترحيل من بريطانيا، بعدما قرر قاض أن من شأن ذلك أن ينتهك حقوقه الإنسانية.

    وقالت صحيفة "ديلي إكسبريس" اليوم الاثنين إن الحكم أثار غضب وكالة الحدود البريطانية لأنه سمح للاجئ السوداني ساني عادل علي بالبقاء في بريطانيا على الرغم من تصنيفه كخطر محتمل على الفتيات الصغيرات.

    وأضافت أن قضية علي تُعد مثالاً آخر على السماح لمجرم أجنبي بالبقاء في المملكة المتحدة بسبب قانون حقوق الإنسان، الأمر الذي دفع رئيس الوزراء البريطاني لإصدار تعهد بوقف استخدام القانون بهذه الطريقة.

    وكان علي، البالغ من العمر 28 عاماً، جاء إلى بريطانيا من السودان عام 2003 وحصل على وضعية لاجئ في فبراير 2005.

    وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن الشرطة البريطانية اعتقلت علي في أبريل 2005، واعترف بوقت لاحق بالاعتداء جنسياً على طفلة عمرها 12 عاماً، وصدر بحقه حكم بالسجن لمدة ثلاث سنوات.

    وقالت إن وزارة الداخلية البريطانية أمرت بترحيل علي إلى السودان بعد خروجه من السجن عام 2009 وتم نقله إلى مركز للاحتجاز بانتظار إعادته إلى بلده، غير أنه رفع دعوى استئناف ضد حكم ترحيله.

    وأضافت الصحيفة أن قاضي الغرفة العليا في محكمة الهجرة واللجوء اعتبر أن ترحيل علي سيكون مخالفاً للمعاهدة الأوروبية لحقوق الإنسان.

07-16-2012, 07:27 PM

الفاضل يسن عثمان
<aالفاضل يسن عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 3279

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: صلاح عثمان)

    الأرباب. صلاح. سلامي واحترامي

    الحكم. بالفعل. اثار. لغط. كبير من. المنظمات. اليمينية. وبعض. المتطرفين للهجرة
    ومعلوم. بان. المتهم. اعترف. بجرمه. الا ان. النيابة. أرفقت. دعوي. إضافية وهي. الترحيل
    بعد. انقضاء. عقوبة. جريمة. الاغتصاب
    القاضي. الذي. فصل. في. امر. الترحيل. وضع. وحقوق. عادل الانسانية في. حال. ترحيله للسودان
    ويتشابه هذا. الحكم. مع. حكم. اخر اصدره. احد. القضاء ة. في. جرم. احد. اللاجيئن الأكراد
    لم. يبت. في. امر. وضعيته القانونية. وارتكب. جنحة. سواقة. عربة. دون. ترخيص وقتله. لطفله بسيارة
    وحشد. المتطرفين. إعلامهم. لأجل. ترحيله. من. بريطانيا. لكن. هيهات.
    العدالة. تجعلك. تشعر. بقيمتك. كأنسان. حتي. لو. كانت. ضد. مسار. ماتنشد

    لك ودي. وامتناني. يا أرباب

07-16-2012, 07:43 PM

الفاضل يسن عثمان
<aالفاضل يسن عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 3279

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: الفاضل يسن عثمان)


    An asylum seeker who raped a 12-year-old girl has been permitted to stay in the country after a judge said deportation would breach HIS human rights!

    Sudanese born Sani Adil Ali was imprisoned for raping the girl only months after he was granted refugee status.
    Whilst being sentenced, a different judge defined him as ‘a potential danger to young girls’ and placed him on the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.

    However, after serving a three-year sentence, an immigration hearing adjudicated Ali could remain in Britain, citing reasons that he COULD be in danger if he was repatriated to Sudan.
    Jonathan Perkins, pictured, a chief immigration judge, allowed the monster to remain here, even though reports from the rapist’s probation officers portrayed he presented a risk to young people.

    In his judgement, Judge Perkins said: ‘We find that the appellant is still entitled to the protection of the Refugee Convention and the Qualification Directive.
    'In any event, removing him would be contrary to the United Kingdom’s obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights.’

    Judge Perkins seems to be making a name for himself with his inane decisions, only last month we reported on this site http://www.bnp.org.uk/news/national/i-fought-...fine-welcome-britain that he allowed an Afghan Muslim, who said he killed people while fighting for the Taliban, to also remain in Britain.

    It has also well documented that Judge Perkins frequently allows foreign criminals to remain in the country because of their ‘right to a family life’ under the Human Rights Act.
    Conservative MP for Dover & Deal, Charlie Elphicke, who has proposed a Bill to replace the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights, said: ‘Britain will always be there to provide refuge to those in need. But people who commit crimes here should be sent back immediately.

    Right-thinking people in Britain will be appalled that this person will be allowed to stay here. It sums up what is wrong with the European human rights laws.

    ‘We should have zero tolerance of refugees who commit crimes. Cases like this are why I have tabled a British Bill of Rights so we can control our borders and ensure that foreign criminals and terrorists are deported immediately.’

    Ali arrived in Britain in October 2003 and was awarded refugee status 17 months later, but then only two months later he was arrested at his Middlesbrough home for the rape of a 12-year-old Hungarian girl.

    Ali raped her and pleaded guilty to one count of child rape, and was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment at Sheffield Crown Court.

    Judge Michael Murphy QC, said: ‘I regard each of you as a potential danger to young girls and so each of you will be banned for the rest of your life from ever taking up a job which involves working with children under 16.’

    When Ali was released in 2008, the Home Office directed that he was to be sent back to Sudan and he was placed in an immigration removal centre.
    No doubt buoyed by the ridiculous Human Rights Act which is a scourge on this nation, Ali appealed to the immigration court and even though a judge rejected his initial bid, he submitted a fresh appeal to the Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber.

    At the Sheffield tribunal, Judge Perkins ruled that deporting Ali, would breach his rights under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which prohibits torture or inhumane punishment and continued Ali could not be deported because he was not a danger to the public, despite reports saying he was, and therefore could not have his refugee status revoked.

    The UK Border Agency said: ‘We do not believe this individual needs or deserves refuge in this country.’

    A little girl’s life has been ruined forever by this beast from the Third World and yet this judge, yet again, comes down on the side of the perpetrator of a heinous crime and allows another rat to stay in our country in luxury that his Sudanese Zaghawa tribe back home could only dream of, it is a struggle to even begin to imagine how this judge sleeps at night with the amount of blood he has on his hands.

    If you are interested in street activism and demonstrations to show your disgust at judges like this, please register your details with our National Organiser at [email protected] and we will contact you when we are holding our next demonstration.

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    27 minutes ago
    More than 400 sex offenders freed to rape: Soft justice anger over the sexual predators who strike again.

    More than 400 sex offenders who have been set free in the past three years have gone on to commit rape.The shocking figures expose the staggering extent of reoffending by sexual predators across the country.Worryingly, the number of sex attackers who go on to strike again has risen sharply in recent years – as has the number of rapists let loose without serving even half of their jail term.
    Last year, nearly one in seven convicted rapists had a previous conviction for a sex crime – the highest level for five years.Overall, more than nine out of ten had some form of previous conviction, including hundreds with criminal records for violent crimes.Conservative MP Priti Patel said too many criminals were let free to attackThe figures raised serious questions about whether the public are being protected from serial sex offenders.Rape victims’ charities also warned that  current punishments were not acting as a deterrent to further offending.Conservative MP Priti Patel said: ‘These are disturbing figures that show too many dangerous criminals are being let off the hook and allowed to reoffend over and over again.‘The priority for the Government must be to ensure that these prolific offenders are locked up to keep the public safe.’Statistics from the Ministry of Justice showed that a total of 3,263 rapists were convicted by the courts in the past three years.Of those, 409 had previous convictions for sex offences, including 90 who were found guilty of rape. The true rate of reoffending is likely to be even higher as this does not include those whose crimes have escaped  detection by the police.A total of 767 – or one in four – had a criminal record for a violent crime other than rape and 1,785 – more than half – had previous convictions for crimes that were not violent or sexual in nature.A shocking 2,961, or more than 90 per cent, of rapists convicted last year were already known to the authorities and had a criminal record.Criminals sentenced to prison in Britain are routinely released early. Sentencing rules mean most are eligible for parole halfway through their sentence, as long as they have behaved behind bars.



    50 minutes ago
    Cameron said he would come out of the human rights legislation if he were elected and he has done nothing on this. Another pack of lies from Westminster.
    Our judges are bent and toxic. So many appalling judgements and now hundreds of immigrant criminals being allowed to stay on in the UK in spite of the risk to our peoples.
    If it were my 12 yrs old  daughter who had been raped I would make sure this animal would never do it again.


    Today 06:28 PM
    This is the madness of your Britain today when dangerous men as Sani Adil Ali are allowed to continue to live in our country after being found guilty of serious crime this man will also no doubt  be entiteled to claim off the UK's benefit system at the same time he is laughing at our stupid government VOTE BNP and put an end to this kind of abuse against us for neither Labour or Tory leadership has any guts for the right way forward.


    Today 05:46 PM
    Give him to the parents of the girl with instructions that they can do with him as they see fit. I bet deportation to the Sudan wouldn't seem so bad then.


    The Blood Eagle
    Today 05:32 PM
     Looking at him tells me all I need to know to understand his actions.


    Today 05:14 PM
    like any other sane person on this planet, i care not one tiny bit about the human rights of a child rapist or any rapist for that matter

    (Edited by a moderator)
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    Today 06:07 PM
    I'd place a bet that he's laughing his head off right now. Probably already planning who his next victim will be.

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    1 second ago
    Probably consulting a human rights lawyer to see how we can screw the system further. The judge said that this rapist would not be safe in Sudan there was a time not so long ago that pedophiles were not safe in a Britain! We are becoming desensitised to these sort of despicable crimes.

    This s far from over.


    Today 05:09 PM
    He looks like a murderer, anyone checked this loser out ?

    (Edited by a moderator)

    Today 05:08 PM
    Perhaps final justice will come through the hands of the father and family; both to the judge and plantiff.  If she was my child I can assure everyone the matter will not rest untill justic is served. 


    Today 04:49 PM
    Are we supposed to believe that these characters know about the appeals process? Of course not! It's the multitude of opportunist scurrilous lawyers who make an absolute mint from this game. These legal parasites are queing up to help foreign criminals make a mockery of British law, they need to be held accountable for their actions as much as the scum who come here to commit such heinous crimes. B-liars dirt bag wife included,she's the worst of them all!

    (Edited by a moderator)

    Today 04:43 PM
    This immigrant racist rape of British children has become epidemic. (read more) http://www.shropshirepatriot.b...


    Today 04:21 PM
    It seems he was categorized as someone who would be tortured if returned home. Category 3. This means they could not return him home. What about the torture he submitted this little girl to. Something wrongs here. When the law is not working it needs to be changed soonest. If they don't, those making the law need to be changed. 


    Today 04:19 PM
    If you are white and have been arrested you are guilty until proven otherwise. If you are of Islamic faith or similar then you are not guilty until proven otherwise. Also if you are of Islamic faith or similar you will be treated with kids gloves and even if it has been proven that you are guilty we (the state) will do all we can to help you stay in this country as your perverted child molesting ways so enrich our dear United Kingdom. The guilty white man goes to jail and learns Islam and learns the ways of other child molesting perverts. Sani Adil Ali should be made to see the errors of his ways. It is called the cat of nine tails and I hear a thousand lashes stings like hell !!


    Today 04:17 PM
    I sometimes think that I am living in a parallel universe where wrong is right and right is wrong.

    These sorts of decisions are becoming so frequent that I think they just want to get people used to the idea that they are normal and there is nothing we can do about it. If I was the parent of that girl he would not have long to live. And it is precisely these sorts of judgements that sooner or later will force people to take the law into their own hands. 


    Today 03:50 PM
    O T  Headline News in todays MON BLACKPOOL GAZETTE  INSPECTOR THROWS OUT MOSQUE PLAN, a bit of good  news for a change YES ????. VOTE B N P (nev n\ west)...


    Today 03:47 PM
    Judge Perkins is highly dangerous to the public and should be removed from office. Let us hope that he has occasion to be dealt a direct impact by one of those he has allowed to stay despite their proven criminality.

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    Today 06:12 PM
    Should be removed? NO he should be taken to the other side of the court, and a jury of 12 good people from the BNP should show this thing called a judge how the law can be used to safeguard these children, as for his human rights? in this case it could be his last rights.


    Today 03:32 PM
    The judiciary really do need to undergo some type of vetting/assessment, some of their deliberations are becoming quite unacceptable. They are not infallible and like all men march to their own drum. It would be interesting to be able to read Perkins mind.

    (Edited by a moderator)

    Today 03:28 PM
    The sooner we dump all these inane 'conventions' and anything and all things eu the better. I have the distinct feeling these sorts of lunacies are deliberately designed to provoke me . I am sure we all feel the same.
    As for islum, it ought to be a notifiable mental illness.
    Onwards and upwards.

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07-16-2012, 08:05 PM

الفاضل يسن عثمان
<aالفاضل يسن عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 3279

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: الفاضل يسن عثمان)

    الأرباب تحياتي. مجددا

    الخبر. كما. أورده. اعلام. حزب. البريطانيين. اليميني. المتطرف
    ولايخفي. عليك. ايرادهم. للويب. سايت. تبع. القاضي. الذي. اصدر. الحكم
    وبعض. سوابقه في. أحكام. متشابه. كحالة. الأفغاني. الذي. اعترف. بأرتكابه. لجرم
    القتل. قبل. لجؤه. لبريطانيا
    يحاولون. التكالب. علي. القاضي. واثأرة. الرأي. العام. حوله هذه. عادة. قذرة. يمارسها
    اليمين. لأجل استدارة. العواطف. عند. الناخبين
    رغم. ان. الضحية. أيضاً. مهاجرة. لكن. معيار. العدالة. عند. اليميين. مختل. ومخلوط. بالغرض. السياسي. الرخيص
    ولا يغيب. ذلك. عن. الناخب. البريطاني. الحصيف. بطبعه

    لك. مودتي

07-16-2012, 08:09 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: الفاضل يسن عثمان)

    Quote: like any other sane person on this planet, i care not one tiny bit about the human rights of a child rapist or any rapist for that matter

07-16-2012, 08:17 PM

صلاح عثمان
<aصلاح عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-24-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 954

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: الفاضل يسن عثمان)

    الاخ العزيز الفاضل يس تحياتي وسلامي

    هل السجن لمدة 3 سنوات يعد حكما عادلا ؟
    هل يشفي غليل ام الطفلة ووالدها؟
    هل نال ما يستحقه وما يشعره بعظم جريمته الشنعاء؟
    هل ما ناله من عقاب كاف لان يكون عظة له و لغيره؟
    هل هذه هي العداله المرجوة؟
    وهل يعتبر الترحيل عقوبة اضافية؟
    وقصة الترحيل دي ذكرتني بسوداني يعمل سائقا لدى اسرة بالسعودية
    تم القبض عليه في موقف سيارات مع احدى بنات الاسره في وضع مخل
    واول ما تم القبض عليه قال للبوليس " خدوا اقامتكم , سفروني السودان بس"
    ان مثل هذه الجريمة لو حدثت في احدى الدول العربية الاسلامية لكانت عقوبتها الاعدام
    حتى عندنا في السودان زي ما حصل مع مغتصب طفلة عطبرة والذي حكم عليه بالاعدام

    مع تحياتي لك الاخ الفاضل يس وللاسرة والاوللاد والاخوان

07-16-2012, 08:22 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: صلاح عثمان)

    Quote: رغم. ان. الضحية. أيضاً. مهاجرة. لكن
    يا عثمان,
    الضحية طفلة.

07-16-2012, 08:48 PM

الفاضل يسن عثمان
<aالفاضل يسن عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 3279

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    الأرباب. صلاح

    تعليقي. بمصطلح. عدالة في. الحكم. الثاني. والذي. رفعته. وكالة. الهجرة. والحدود
    البريطانية. علي. ساتي. نتاج. لارتكابه. جريمة. الاغتصاب. الدعوي. منفصلة عن. الأخري
    وحسب. المواثيق. والعهود. التي. وقعتها. بريطانيا. مع. رصيفاتها. في. أروبا يصير. قانونا. ملزما
    لها. ويعلو. علي. قوانينها. وان. جاءت. مخالفة
    لا تذر. وذر. اخري. كما. جاء في. محكم. التنزيل. او. المبدئ. الفقهي. والقانوني. الشهير. لايحاكم. احد. بجرم. مرتين
    اضافة. الخطورة. الانسانية. علي. حياته. في. حال. الترحيل. وهذا. مبداء. إنساني. أصيل يا أرباب
    وجه. المقارنة. منعدم. بالقضاة والأحكام في. أروبا وبين. العبث. الذي. يتم. بأسم. القضاة. عندنا
    عموما. قصدت. ايراد. آراء اليمين. المتطرف. حتي يقترب. إدراك المتابع. للمقارنة
    سأعود. لك. والتعليق. علي. الثلاث. سنوات. عقوبة. الجاني. كحكم مخفف. علي. طبيعة. الجرم


07-16-2012, 09:05 PM

الفاضل يسن عثمان
<aالفاضل يسن عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-17-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 3279

للتواصل معنا

تويتر Twitter

20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: الفاضل يسن عثمان)

    زكريا. سلام

    قصدت. جلب. الخبر من. اعلام. اليمين. المتطرف
    حتي. تتضح. متاجرتهم. بالقضية مع. ادانتي
    الواضحة لمرتكب. الجرم. سوا. كانت. الضحية. مهاجرة. او. مواطنة. بالميلاد
    رغم. مواقفهم. العنصرية. تجاه. كل. المهاجرين يحاولون. الإثارة.
    دعمي. وسندي. للطفلة. الضحية. بغض. النظر عن. طبيعة. وضعيتها. ببريطانيا

    لك. الود

07-17-2012, 06:42 PM

صلاح عثمان
<aصلاح عثمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-24-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 954

للتواصل معنا

تويتر Twitter

20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: قاضٍ بريطاني يمنع ترحيل سوداني اغتصب طفلة "مراعاة لحقوقه" (Re: الفاضل يسن عثمان)

    الاخ العزيز الفاضل يس
    شكرا اخي الكريم على اثراء البوست بالمعلومات التي انت مرجع لها
    كيف لا وهذا مجالك وتخصصك اكرر شكري وبارك الله فيك

    Dear Zakaria Joseph
    Im happay with your participation
    This crime is so awaful and deserves a hard bunishment.
    and I agree with you what makes it worse is the victim is just
    a small innocent child
    Thank you

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