Muhammad al-Fayturi : To Two Unknown Eyes

الفاتح جبرا .. في ذمة الله
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09-13-2012, 10:03 AM

ibrahim fadlalla
<aibrahim fadlalla
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-09-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 2585

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20 عاما من العطا� و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Muhammad al-Fayturi : To Two Unknown Eyes

    To Two Unknown Eyes

    Here is one of favorite Arabic poem by. It is titled ” To Two Unknown Eyes”


    Should these enamored words chance to meet your eyes

    Or pass between your lips

    Then forgive me; it was your eyes

    In whose shade one evening I leaned resting

    And snatched brief slumber

    In their repose I caressed the stars and moon

    I wove a boat of fancy out of petals

    And laid down my tired soul

    Gave to drink my thirsty lip

    Quenched my eye’s desire.



    When we met by chance as strangers meet

    My sorrow too was walking on the road

    Bare, unveiled

    With heavy tread

    You were my sorrow.

    Sadness and loss

    Silence and regret

    Were embracing a poet consumed by struggle.

    For poetry, mistress, is a stranger in my land

    Killed by emptiness and void

    My spirit trembled saw you

    I felt suddenly as if a dagger delved into my blood

    Cleanse my heart, my mouth

    Prostrated me with soiled brow and supplicating hands

    In the shade of your sweet eyes.



    If suddenly we meet

    If my eyes see those your eyes

    High-set, green, drowned in mist and rain

    If on the road by another chance we meet

    And what is chance but fate?

    Then would I kiss the road, kiss it twice


09-13-2012, 10:06 AM

ibrahim fadlalla
<aibrahim fadlalla
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-09-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 2585

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20 عاما من العطا� و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Muhammad al-Fayturi : To Two Unknown Eyes (Re: ibrahim fadlalla)

    تنويه : الترجمة أعلاه من النت ، ولا أعلم �سم المترجم ...

    وهنا النص الأصلي للقصيدة ..

    �لى عينين غريبتين

    سيّدتي ..

    لو لامست عينيك هذي الكلمات العاشقات

    صدفة .. لو عبرت خلال الشفتين

    فاعتذري عنّي لعينيك

    لأنّني اتّكأت في ظلّهما ذات مسا�

    سرقت غفوه ..

    داعبت في سكونها النجوم و القمر

    نسجت زورقاً خرافياً ، من ورق الزهر

    وسّدت روحاً متعباً

    سقيت شفة لاهثه

    أطفأت شوق عين .

    سيّدتي ..

    حين التقينا صدفة لقا� الغربا�

    كانت كآبتي مثلي ، تمشي في الطريق

    عارية بلا قناع

    مشقوقة القدم ..

    كانت كآبتي أنتِ

    و كان الحزن ، و الضياع

    كان الصمت ، و الندم

    يعانقان شاعراً أنهكه الصراع

    و الشعر يا سيّدتي في وطني غريب

    يقتله الفراغ ، و العدم

    و انتفضت روحي حين أبصرتك يا سيّدتي

    شعرت فجأة ، كأنّ خنجراً يغوص في دمي

    يغسل قلبي ، و فمي

    يطرحني مخضّب الجبين ، ضارع اليدين

    تحت ظلال مقلتيك الحلوتين

    سيّدتي لو التقينا فجأة ..

    لو أبصرت عيناي تلكم العينين

    الأفقين الأخضرين الغارقين في الضباب و المطر

    لو جمعتنا فرصة أخرى على الطريق

    و كلّ صدفة قدر

    فسوف ألثم الطرق مرّتين .

09-13-2012, 10:46 AM

ibrahim fadlalla
<aibrahim fadlalla
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-09-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 2585

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20 عاما من العطا� و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Muhammad al-Fayturi : To Two Unknown Eyes (Re: ibrahim fadlalla)

    Sorrows of the Black City
    by Muhammad al-Fayturi
    When night casts its net of shadows over the streets of the city
    shrouding it in grief,
    you can still see them —
    slumped in silence, staring at the cracks.
    And you think they are calm,
    but you're wrong — they're on fire!
    When darkness raises its statues of marble
    on the streets of the city
    then smashes them in fury
    then the city will lead all the people
    down the spiral staircase of the night
    into the deep distant past.
    The past with its ambergris shores
    is dreaming of memories
    too deeply to be roused.
    And inside everyone something begins to stir —
    a fresh wall made of clay,
    stuck with diamonds and desires.
    When night sleeps and day wakes
    raising its candles in the dark
    peace ebbs back to its home in the grave.
    At that, the heart of the city
    turns futile and wretched —
    it is an oven at noon, a lamp for the blind.
    Like ancient Africa, the city is truly
    an old woman veiled in frankincense,
    a great pit of fire, the horn of a ram,
    an amulet of old prayers, a night full of mirrors,
    the dance of black women, naked,
    shouting their black joy.
    This coma of sins was kept alive by the master,
    ships filled with slave girls,
    with musk, ivory and saffron —
    gifts, all without joy, despatched by the winds of all ages
    to the white man of our time
    to the master of all time.
    A plantation stretches out in imagination
    to clothe the naked, to loosen their clothes,
    flowing like its ancestors through the veins of life,
    dyeing the water, and dyeing God's face,
    its sorrows on every mouth
    breeding tyrants and iron and slaves,
    breeding chains, every day breeding some new horror….
    And yet, on the streets of the city,
    when night constructs
    its barriers of black stone — they stretch out their hands,
    in silence, to the balconies of the future.
    They are locked-up cries
    in a locked-up land.
    Their memories are stab-wounds.
    Their faces are sad, like the faces of the blind.
    Look, there they are,
    ######### slumped in silence. And you think they are calm.
    But you're wrong. Truth is, they're on fire….
    The literal translation of this poem was made by Anna Murison
    The final translated version of the poem is by The Poetry Translation Workshop

09-13-2012, 12:59 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3537

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20 عاما من العطا� و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Muhammad al-Fayturi : To Two Unknown Eyes (Re: ibrahim fadlalla)

    الأخ ibrahim fadlalla
    ليتها كانت my lady بدلا عن mistress ... فهي أحلى وألطف وقعا ... شكرا على القصائد..

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