مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي

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07-16-2012, 00:44 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي

    انتخب القاده الافارقه الدكتوره دالميني زمبا
    كرئيس جديد للجنه التنفيذيه للاتحاد الافريقي
    الاختيار يمثل نصرا كبيرا للمراءه الافريقيه
    في عصر الكنداكات هذا
    كما انه يمثل ضربة للمؤتمر الوطني بعد خسارة صديقهم جين بنق
    مبروك للمراءه الافريقيه اينما كانت

    S. Africa's Dlamini-Zuma becomes first woman to head AU Commission
    By Helen Vesperini (AFP) – 2 hours ago
    ADDIS ABABA — She beat the incumbent, Jean Ping of Gabon, in a closely fought election over several rounds of voting.
    "Now we have the African Union chair Madame Zuma, who will preside over the destiny of this institution," Benin's president and current AU chairman Thomas Boni Yayi said.
    Dlamini-Zuma, 63, an experienced diplomat, is a veteran of the fight against apartheid. A doctor by training, she has served as health, interior and foreign minister in South Africa.
    Her victory brings to an end an impasse that has lasted for the past six months.
    Her former husband, South African President Jacob Zuma, was one of the first to offer his congratulations after the vote.
    "It means a lot for Africa... for the continent, unity and the empowerment of women -- very important," Zuma said.
    Voting took place at an AU summit, where, earlier in the day, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo agreed to an international force to neutralise rebels in eastern DR Congo, as the African Union said it was ready to send peacekeepers there.
    Rwandan President Paul Kagame told AFP both sides had agreed "in principle" to accept the force.
    He was speaking after his first face-to-face meeting with DR Congo President Joseph Kabila since a UN report in June accused Rwanda of supporting Congolese rebels. The two leaders met on the sidelines of the AU summit.
    Dlamini-Zuma's win follows her challenge six months ago to unseat Ping, the former commission chairman, which ended in deadlock after neither won the required two-thirds of the vote, leaving Ping in the post.
    "She's a freedom fighter, not a bureaucrat or a diplomat," said Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, beaming enthusiastically.
    Noureddine Mezni, spokesperson for the outgoing chairman, told AFP that Ping had acknowledged defeat.
    He "has accepted the results of the elections and wishes Madame Dlamini-Zuma the very best.
    "He expressed his readiness to cooperate with her to work together for the unity of the continent."
    Erastus Mwencha of Kenya was re-elected as deputy chair of the AU Commission, he added.
    Members of the South African delegation smiled and congratulated one another as they filed out of the conference hall.
    "It's good for southern Africa. We (in southern Africa) never had this job," a delegate from Zimbabwe told AFP with a broad grin.
    Officials said the elections went to four rounds of voting before Dlamini-Zuma won 37 votes, three more than the required majority, to confirm her win over Ping.
    Jakkie Cilliers of the South Africa-based Institute for Security Studies told AFP how Dlamini-Zuma's score had crept up from one round of voting to the next.
    "She got ahead in the first round and after that the momentum kicked in," said Cilliers. "The ######### of state wanted a decision."
    Dlamini-Zuma's win had brought "clarity as to who's in charge" at the AU, after six months of deadlock over the leadership issue, he added.
    Some analysts say South Africa has violated an unwritten tradition that continental powerhouses do not run candidates for the post, but leave smaller nations to take the job.
    Before the vote however, Dlamini-Zuma played down concerns that the vote could divide the AU.
    "I don't think the continent will be polarised," she said.
    The winner would "make sure they work with everybody, irrespective of where and who they voted for," she added.
    Cilliers said he was optimistic that divisions created by the vote would heal.
    "She'll be an inclusive chair, she won't be divisive ... She was a very competent foreign minister and even better at home affairs (the interior ministry)," he said.
    Rwandan and DRC leaders will meet again in early August to try to thrash out the details of the force -- including size, mandate, nationality and deployment details -- for eastern DRC.
    UN peacekeepers already operate in the region. UN deputy secretary general Jan Eliasson called for an immediate end to the violence, warning that "countries of the region ought to respect the principle of non-interference."
    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra said that changing the mandate of the UN peackeeping mission there "was one scenario."
    On Monday the ######### of state will wrap up their two-day meeting.

07-16-2012, 01:09 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي (Re: Asskouri)

    Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma

07-16-2012, 01:16 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي (Re: Asskouri)

    AU chooses Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma as leader
    The African Union has chosen South African Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma as its leader, making her the first woman to hold the post.

    Ms Dlamini-Zuma beat incumbent Jean Ping of Gabon after a closely fought contest for the chairmanship of the organisation.

    In January, neither got the required two-thirds majority, leaving Mr Ping in office for another six months.

    The dispute has overshadowed other issues, especially security and trade.

    Voting had been broadly split along linguistic lines, with English-speaking countries tending to support Ms Dlamini-Zuma and French-speaking countries lining up behind Mr Ping.

    Senior officials had warned that failure to resolve the leadership deadlock would divide the AU and undermine its credibility.

    Long-serving minister
    Ms Dlamini-Zuma, the former wife of South African President Jacob Zuma, won the leadership of the AU commission in a third round of voting.

    She got 37 votes at the 54-member body, giving her the 60% majority she needed to be elected.

    The 63-year-old is currently South Africa's home affairs minister, and has also had spells as minister of health and of foreign affairs.

    She is one of her country's longest-serving ministers.

    But critics said her candidacy had broken an unwritten tradition that the chairmanship should not be occupied by one of Africa's major nations.

    Earlier this week, Mr Ping denied a South African media report speculating he was going to withdraw from the race.

    His use of the AU's website and letterhead for his statement prompted the southern African regional bloc Sadc to accuse him of misusing AU resources for his re-election bid.

    Ms Dlamini-Zuma's election came at a summit in Addis Ababa, the organisation's home city.

    As in January, the official theme of the summit was boosting intra-African trade.

    It is also due to focus on the continuing instability in Mali, mounting violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and tension between Sudan and South Sudan

07-16-2012, 01:22 AM

فيصل الباقر

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 298

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Re: مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي (Re: Asskouri)

    هذا الإنتصار يفتح الطريق أمام النساء الإفريقيات للمزيد من " التمكين " وهو فى ذات الوقت إمتحان صعب أمام السيّدة دلامينى زوما ، فى قارّة تعانى فيها النساء من إنتهاكات فظيعة ،وفى مقدّمتها العنف ضد النساء ... التهنئة للنساء فى أفريقيا ، مقرونة بالأمل فى تُنجز دلامينى وعودها الإنتخابيّة .وأن تنتصر للعدالة والسلام والمسائلة ،وبخاصة قضايا العنف ضد النساء .
    واضح أنّ منتهكى حقوق الإنسان ومطلوبى العدالة الدوليّة فى الخرطوم ، قد خسروا صديقاً ، فى الوقت الذى تكسب فيه نساء دارفور والسودان صديقة لقضاياهن ..ومن هنا يبدأ مشوار مناصرة جديد .وهذا يتطلّب المزيد من التنسيق والعمل المشترك فى جبهة المناصرة على مستوى الآليّة الإفريقيّة .

07-16-2012, 01:34 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي (Re: فيصل الباقر)

    الصراع خلف الكواليس كما تفصله الكاتبه الجنوب افريقيه ماندي روسوو

    The AU’s Polokwane
    If the H e ads of state meeting fails, the result could be a stalemate until January
    Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, by any standards, is an impressive woman.

    She is a distinguished foreign minister and, if Muammar Gaddafi had his way, she would have been the prime minister of the Union of Africa, Gaddafi’s pipe dream.

    She was elected the president of the World Conference on Racism and served as deputy chairperson on UNAIDS. She even helped South Africa secure the hosting of the Soccer World Cup as part of the South African bid committee.
    Unfortunately, none of this will mean a thing when she steps up tomorrow to ask African countries to elect her as chairperson of the African Union (AU).

    Why? Because she’s from South Africa.

    South Africa would be exporting one of its best people to turn the AU around.
    A few key countries in Africa don’t see it that way.

    They see South Africa as wanting to take over the AU to entrench itself as the bullyboy of Africa. And smaller countries benefit from the AU now through jobs for their officials and tenders.

    After the AU reached a deadlock in January on who to choose as its new leader, campaigning by South Africa and the incumbent Jean Ping took a nasty turn.

    Now South Africa will face its own Polokwane in Addis Ababa and unfortunately for South Africa, it stars in the role of former president Thabo Mbeki.

    All the warning signs that the AU summit due to start tomorrow in Addis Ababa was going to cause massive divisions on the continent were already visible in January.

    The new Chinese-built AU headquarters in Addis Ababa are circular, with a huge plenary room in the middle.
    Roaming around the building brought the divisions into full view. On the one side, the diplomats spoke English.
    This is where South Africa and its fellow Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries chose to hang out.
    On the other side, you heard mostly French in the corridor as diplomats in colourful boubous from West Africa caucused around the fake palm trees in the hallway.

    When the results came out, Africa was split almost in half.

    The problem is that you cannot win the elections with a simple majority – to win you need 75% of the vote, or 41 countries, on your side.
    So after the Addis showdown in January, Team South Africa was determined to use the next six months until the next summit to ensure victory.

    They roped in their friends and soon foreign ministers from all 15 SADC countries were crisscrossing the continent to find the missing votes needed for a Dlamini-Zuma victory.

    Angola pledged the funding needed for such an ambitious mission and promptly deposited $200 000 (R1 664 000) into the account of the SADC secretariat in Gaborone, Botswana.

    South Africa stretched its budget for chartered flights and provided the planes to carry out the mission. But it turned out to be mission impossible.

    Ethiopia did not waste its time when the delegation got to Addis. “Sorry”, the Ethiopians said, according to an SADC diplomat, “we’ve already pledged our support to Ping.”
    South Africa was hoping to play divide and rule in its new campaign approach, and exploit the internal divisions in some countries.
    In Nigeria, President Goodluck Jonathan and his deputy, Mohammad Sambo, are at loggerheads, so when Sambo came to visit Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe in South Africa, he made encouraging statements about Nigerian support.
    But this hope was quickly squashed by the Nigerian high commission, which put out a statement pledging the country’s support for Ping.
    In Kenya, South Africa was hoping to get between President Mwai Kibaki and his prime minister, Raila Odinga, but Kibaki was adamant Kenya would support Ping, partly because Ping supports Kenya’s negative view of the International Criminal Court, and because Ping’s running mate is Kenyan diplomat Erastus Mwencha.

    A Zambian diplomat reported seeing the foreign minister in Algeria and hearing the positive noises made while the delegation was in town.
    “They said in the local newspapers they supported us, but wouldn’t commit properly, so I think they were just doing it for show,” he said
    An exasperated South African diplomat involved in the campaign explained how these visits turned out: “You have three standard answers: ‘Sorry, we’ve already pledged to Ping,’ or ‘we are still deciding’ or ‘I will take the message to my president,’ if you’re talking to a foreign minister.”

    But clearly those messages were never delivered. Diplomats and analysts in Addis this week say the situation has not changed since the
    January summit.

    Said one: “Nkosazana still has the votes she had before, but we can’t see any country having moved from its position in January.”
    Ping came out guns blazing this week at a press conference and accused South Africa of playing dirty.
    South African government officials leaked that Ping had come to Pretoria last week seeking to negotiate his withdrawal. But he never did.
    Dlamini-Zuma also told reporters in Pretoria at a department of international relations and cooperation event in May that Ping reneged on an earlier promise that he would withdraw from the race. An absolute lie, Ping said.

    South Africa also told whoever would listen that he was a puppet of the former colonial power.
    In Addis this week local wisdom was that South Africa will have to pull out of the race and that the SADC should present a new candidate from another country. SADC diplomats say Ping should do the right thing and step aside.

    Today a meeting of eight H e ads of state will be held to thrash out the solution. But if that fails too, as is expected, another stalemate awaits the continental body until its next summit in January.

    Will cool H e ads prevail and the African leaders come to their senses in time to make a decision in favour of the unity of the continent?
    Look to Polokwane for the answer.

    التعديل لتصحيح كلمة He a ds
    المراقب بتاعك دا يا باشمهندس بكري بقي يشطب بلا عداد
    الحصل شنو كربت القصه كدا...!

    (عدل بواسطة Asskouri on 07-16-2012, 01:38 AM)


07-16-2012, 01:49 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 06-17-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4734

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي (Re: فيصل الباقر)

    الاخ فيصل
    شكرا لمروروك

    نعم التحديات كبيره امامها وندعوا لها بالتوفيق
    انا سعيد جدا لذهاب بنق لدعمه الواضح للمؤتمر الوطني
    ومحاولته المستميته لدفع دول القاره للوقوف ضد المحكمه الجنائيه
    الان خسر المؤتمر الوطني حليف مهم جدا
    ولن يكن بامكانهم تعويضه

    بالنظر لهذه المواقع المهمه في قيادة القاره
    اعتقد انه كان ممكن يكون للسودانيات فرصه ممتازه
    لبلوغ مثل هذه المواقع خاصة وان هنالك العديد
    من السودانيات مؤهلات لبلوغ هذا الموقع
    لكن وكما تعلم لم تعد لدينا دوله
    كما ان الحكومه الحاليه مشغوله بــ( هل النسوان ربطوا شعرهم ولا ما ربطوه)...!
    للاسف النظره الدونيه للمراءه واضهادها تمثل حجر الزاويه
    في فكر الاخوان المسلمين
    لذلك تخسر نساء بلادنا كثيرا من الفرص كنتيجه طبيعيه لهيمنة
    التطرف الديني علي البلاد
    ويبقي الامل في غد افضل لنساء بلادنا

07-16-2012, 02:18 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مبروك: انتخاب سيده لقيادة الاتحاد الافريقي (Re: Asskouri)

    شكرا يا عسكوري على الاخبار الحلوه
    وربنا يقيها شرور المؤتمر الوطني لانه حزب خطير جدا على فكره.

    نجيء لامنياتك دي....
    بالنظر لهذه المواقع المهمه في قيادة القاره
    اعتقد انه كان ممكن يكون للسودانيات فرصه ممتازه
    لبلوغ مثل هذه المواقع خاصة وان هنالك العديد
    من السودانيات مؤهلات
    لبلوغ هذا الموقع
    لكن وكما تعلم لم تعد لدينا دوله
    كما ان الحكومه الحاليه مشغوله بــ( هل النسوان ربطوا شعرهم ولا ما ربطوه)...!
    للاسف النظره الدونيه للمراءه واضهادها تمثل حجر الزاويه
    في فكر الاخوان المسلمين
    لذلك تخسر نساء بلادنا كثيرا من الفرص كنتيجه طبيعيه لهيمنة
    التطرف الديني علي البلاد
    ويبقي الامل في غد افضل لنساء بلادنا

    بالمناسبه دخول السودانيات الباكر للعمل السياسي لا تعتقده سهل الامر علي الاجيال التاليه
    فمنذ جيل فاطمه احمد ابراهيم وهي تصارع داخل الحزب الشيوعي ولا زلن نساء الحزب الشيوعي يناضلن
    ضد الشلليات وجماعات الضغط.

    واذا كان هذا حال الحزب الشيوعي وهو يفترض قلعة الاستناره السودانيه فما بالك ببقية الاحزاب و الحركات؟!

    لا اعرف عن اي تأهيل تحكي....ولكنك تعلم علم اليقين ان القياديات الصلبات محاربات في كل تنظيماتهن!

    وان كنت تعني عن الشهادات (باعتبارها تأهيل)فعلملك عمرها لم تنجح في صنع قياديات صلبات.

    لا زال مشوار النساء طويلا ببلادنا.

    الكل عايز الطاعه من الازواج في البيت للقيادات السياسيه في الحزب/الحركه!

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