وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك..

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06-19-2012, 11:21 PM

Amani Al Ajab
<aAmani Al Ajab
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Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. (Re: نبيل عبد الرحيم)

    QUOTE]Mixed reports about whether Mubarak has died
    By the CNN Wire Staff
    updated 6:10 PM EDT, Tue June 19, 2012

    State-run Middle East News Agency, citing medical sources, says he's dead
    But a general in the military says he is not dead
    Mubarak's attorney: "He has suffered a stroke but he is not dead"

    Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Conflicting reports emerged late Tuesday over whether the 84-year-old former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, had died.

    The state-run Middle East News Agency, citing medical sources, said he was declared clinically dead shortly after arriving at a military hospital in Cairo, where he was taken after suffering a stroke and cardiac arrest earlier in the day.

    But Gen. Mamdouh Shahin, a member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, told CNN, "He is not clinically dead as reported, but his health is deteriorating and he is in critical condition."

    Adel Saeed, the official spokesman of the Egyptian prosecutor, had said earlier, "We were informed by prison authority that Mubarak's heart has stopped and they used electric shocks and CPR to resurrect him. He is now on an artificial respirator and doctors from the armed forces and International Medical Center will inspect him."

    Nile TV reported that Mubarak had suffered a stroke.

    He was taken from Tora prison hospital to Maadi military hospital, his defense lawyer, Fareed El Deeb, told CNN. "He has suffered a stroke but he is not dead," El Deeb said.

    But the prosecutor and the military council denied Mubarak had been moved.

    His health has been reported to be in decline since he was ousted as president of Egypt in February 2011 and tried on charges related to the killings of anti-government demonstrators during the revolution.

    Last week, an Interior Ministry spokesman said he was comatose; the spokesman said he suffered from high blood pressure, irregular


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وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. د.محمد بابكر06-19-12, 10:37 PM
  Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. د.محمد بابكر06-19-12, 10:40 PM
    Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. محمد داؤد محمد06-19-12, 10:46 PM
      Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. د.محمد بابكر06-19-12, 10:54 PM
        Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. بكرى ابوبكر06-19-12, 11:14 PM
      Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. Abureesh06-19-12, 10:59 PM
    Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. نبيل عبد الرحيم06-19-12, 10:54 PM
      Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. Amani Al Ajab06-19-12, 11:21 PM
      Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. عماد حسين06-19-12, 11:27 PM
        Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. شهاب الفاتح عثمان06-19-12, 11:40 PM
          Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. نبيل عبد الرحيم06-20-12, 01:05 AM
            Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. Ashraf el-Halabi06-20-12, 02:04 AM
              Re: وفاة الرئيس المصرى المخلوع حسنى مبارك.. Abdlaziz Eisa06-20-12, 06:10 AM

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