حينما تنادينا للسلام مع اخوتنا فى جنوب السودان بواشنطن ننبذ العنف

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05-04-2012, 07:16 PM

ايمان بدر الدين
<aايمان بدر الدين
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-05-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1720

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
حينما تنادينا للسلام مع اخوتنا فى جنوب السودان بواشنطن ننبذ العنف

    لقد تنادى السودانيون يومذاك المشهود فى الكنيسة الانجيلية بفرجينيا ابؤسل 29 لنبذ العنف الذى مارسه
    المهوسيين فى الجريف ففعلوا فعل الشيطان الرجيم

    من الذى اوعز لهم ان يقوموا بتحطيم معبد من معابد يقدس فيها اسم الله ويعبد فيها الله؟

    الم يدروا ان الله تعالى قال فى محكم كتابه (لكم دينكم ولى دين )

    اننا لسنا دعاة دين سياسى يستغل لأرهاب الناس

    اننا لسنا دعاة هوس دينى للتشفى او نزع فتيل غل او حقد على اى احد كائن من كان

    لقد تنادينا من اجل ادانة الاعتداء على كنيسة الجريف وادانة العنف والهوس الدينى لأنه

    لا يشبهنا فمن اتى به فأنه لا يمثل سودان التسامح والحب وقبول الآخر

    لا يشبهنا فى كرم اخلاقنا وعفة آيادينا التى نرفعها وأكفها اطراف الليل وآناء انهار ان يخلص شعبنا من ويل حكامه الباطشيين الغاشميين

    لا يشبهنا حينما درسنا سويا فى المدارس لا احد يفرق بيننا فى دين او عرق او لون او لغة


05-04-2012, 07:18 PM

ايمان بدر الدين
<aايمان بدر الدين
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-05-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1720

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: حينما تنادينا للسلام مع اخوتنا فى جنوب السودان بواشنطن ننبذ العنف (Re: ايمان بدر الدين)

    Spot light on the shameful act of burning the Anglican Church in Jerif, Sudan.

    by Sally El-Biely on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 7:25pm ·

    What happened? Where are we now? Where are we going with this?

    Saturday March 21, 2012 the sun could not rise on the Anglican Church in Jerif, Sudan. Instead the line of fire lightens up the place and burnt the church down and the heart of our Christian brothers and sisters who attended the Anglican Church for more than a hundred years.

    The government denied that it’s a Muslim fundamentalist act and explained it as a fight over the land ownership turned ugly.

    Whatever the reason was our Islamic religion forbids us; even in time of war from destroying any church or any place of worship.

    To state that point clear and to show our condolence to our fellows in Jerif Anglican church we decided to pay a visit to Evangelical Church here in Virginia, where our Christian brothers attend their Sunday service, and what a visit!!

    The moment I walked in I didn’t see north or south I didn’t feel Muslims and Christians I saw Sudanese family. I felt the warmth of our amazing culture where people hug you and sincerely ask you about your health and your family while they don’t even know your name!! I felt like am back home where no one is a stranger and every one is a family.

    After the salam , the coffee and tea the friendly service started.

    "God is Love" said Natalina Malwal. Very simple and so true "God is Love" with this she said it all and all been said. With her sensible and natural personality she took us in a memory road back in Khartoum where she grow up remembering school days with her Muslim friends sharing the same feeling as Eiman Badreldin who grow up attending catholic school with her Christian friends both of which fed from the same culture and swallowed the same morals in a community that believe if you are my neighbor you are my family. Those two examples represent every true Sudanese woman and man who grows up respecting both religions. We all as a one family participated in celebrating both religions holly days painting a stunning picture of the beautiful Sudan.

    So, where did we go wrong again? When did we become enemies? I tell you when. It’s when the devil traded us with foolish gold in exchange of our blood. His economic interest in our rich body planed the road to our heart drugging us with all kind of illusions until we believed that our hand is going to stab us in the heart so we used to other hand to chop it off!! His drugs were so strong that we didn’t feel our bleeding veins.

    So, what’s next? How many do we need to kill before we realize who are we really killing? How long will we continue to dance in his rhythm while his hands banding us from all what we grow up believing in? Are we aware that the greatest enemy is

    within us? His seeds growing in our souls like a poison ivy spreading an ugly rash all over our face until we become blind to see who the real enemy is!!

    Let our voice be heard. Let him see what kind of a family are we. Let him know that we were in a coma but we are back up. He succeeded in sizing us by land but let him know that he will never see the success of sizing our hearts. We will strip out of the hate custom he is trying hard to fit us in.

    Our gathering in Evangelical Church on Sunday April the 29 of 2012 is a small step in climbing the mountain of a peaceful nation; our nation.

    It’s us and only us who can solve this. The voice of us; the people, the Sudanese people. Lets the gathering in Evangelical church be the beginning of more and more get together events to talk, suggest and plan for how can we spread the word from here in Washington DC to the world that we can and we will solve this with no needs to weapons, war or any sort of hateful actions.


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