Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة

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04-24-2012, 07:59 PM

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<aمحمد قرشي عباس
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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة (Re: Amin Salim)

    Dude ..
    your article guy is not even creative !!
    all those misleading claims in his article have already been debunked !!
    I will just cut & paste the responses
    you judge !!



    The Neanderthal man is an example of one find that turns out to be totally human



    According to most paleoanthropologists,Homo heidelbergensis gave rise to modern humans in Africa and Neandertals in Europe. Fossils such as the Mauer mandible and the skull from Tautavel place this divergence before 500,000 years ago. Differences between Neandertal DNA, recently recovered by scientists working in Germany and the United States, and DNA of modern humans place the separation between 690,000 and 550,000 years ago.

    A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America

    see also
    Neandertal Genome Analysis Consortium Tracks at UCSC



    The remarkable fact is that all the physical evidence we have for human evolution can still be placed with room to spare inside a single coffin.“

    Fact :


    Claim CC030:

    All known fossils of ancient humans would fit on a billiard table (or in a coffin).


    That may have been true at one time, but there are thousands of hominid fossils now. Lubenow (1992) found that there were fossils from almost 4,000 hominid individuals catalogued as of 1976. As of 1999, there were fossils of about 150 Homo erectus individuals, 90 Australopithecus robustus, 150 Australopithecus afarensis, 500 Neanderthals, and more (Handprint 1999). Foley (2004) lists some of the more prominent fossils.

    It takes only a handful of fossils to show that hominid forms have changed over time.
    Handprint Media. 1999. Human evolution,

    Foley, Jim. 2004. Prominent hominid fossils.

    Foley, Jim, 2004. (see above)
    Handprint Media, 1999. (see above)
    Lubenow, Marvin, 1992. (see below)



    The actual fossil bones are scanty and the imagination runs wild.



    Claim CC401:
    Many of the fossils on which evolution is based on are reconstructed from the flimsiest evidence, even from a single tooth or bone. The conclusions based on such fossils are mere speculation.

    Evolution is not based on fragmentary fossils. The theory would still be extremely robust with no fossils at all, based on evidence from modern life. Furthermore, there are more than enough substantially complete skeletons to support evolution. The whale transitional sequence, for example, is based on several excellent skeletons.

    A single bone, even in isolation, can give a surprising amount of information. A tooth, for example, can show generally what kind of food an animal ate and give an idea of its size. These conclusions, in turn, tell how the animal fits into the ecology.

    Bones are never considered in isolation; rather, they are compared with other bones from more complete skeletons. If you have a bone that looks like an Iguanodon femur but smaller, to give a simple example, the reconstruction would look a lot like a smaller Iguanodon. A complete reconstruction, however, is possible only if you can match the single bone to an animal for which there is a complete skeleton already.

    The ability to deduce much about a fossil from a single tooth or bone was made famous by anatomist and paleontologist Georges Cuvier. In 1804, for example, he confidently announced that a French fossil was an opossum (then unknown from France) on the basis of only its teeth (Zimmer 1998, 135-137). Cuvier was a creationist.

    Zimmer, Carl, 1998. At the Water's Edge. New York: Touchstone.

    Let me add here that computer simulation is more than apt at reconstructing the skeleton from a few bones, off course you already know that !!



    This is still an exaggeration since it concedes that various specimens are part of human evolution. Australopithecines, for example, are not considered transitional forms anymore, but a branch of the primate evolutionary tree. True transitional forms are still missing.



    Claim CC080:

    Australopithecus was fully ape, closer to chimp. World-renowned anatomists and evolutionists Solly Zuckerman and Charles Oxnard have shown that Australopithecus did not walk upright in a human manner.


    Australopithecus africanus and robustus are far more humanlike than apelike. A. afarensis falls somewhere between human and ape, perhaps more on the side of ape. A. ramidus is even more apelike.

    The claims that africanus and robustus are fully ape are based on old and discredited accounts from just a couple of papers. Oxnard himself considered Australopithecus to be a human ancestor (Groves 1999). The vastly greater evidence that those species are fully bipedal and had other humanlike traits is either ignored, distorted, or baselessly dismissed by creationists (Foley 1997).

    Foley, Jim. 1997. Creationist arguments: Australopithecines.

    Foley, J. 1997. (see above)
    Groves, Colin. 1999. Getting desperate.

    And about the transtional forms :


    Claim CC050:

    All hominid fossils are fully human or fully ape.

    There is a fine transition between modern humans and australopithecines and other hominids. The transition is gradual enough that it is not clear where to draw the line between human and not.

    Intermediate fossils include
    Australopithecus afarensis, from 3.9 to 3.0 million years ago (Mya). Its skull is similar to a chimpanzee's, but with more humanlike teeth. Most (possibly all) creationists would call this an ape, but it was bipedal.
    Australopithecus africanus (3 to 2 Mya); its brain size, 420-500 cc, was slightly larger than A. afarensis, and its teeth yet more humanlike.
    Homo habilis (2.4 to 1.5 Mya), which is similar to australopithecines, but which used tools and had a larger brain (650-cc average) and less projecting face.
    Homo erectus (1.8 to 0.3 Mya); brain size averaged about 900 cc in early H. erectus and 1,100 cc in later ones. (Modern human brains average 1,350 cc.)
    A Pleistocene Homo sapiens which was "morphologically and chronologically intermediate between archaic African fossils and later anatomically modern Late Pleistocene humans" (White et al. 2003, 742).
    A hominid combining features of, and possibly ancestral to, Neanderthals and modern humans (Bermudez de Castro et al. 1997).

    And there are fossils intermediate between these (Foley 1996-2004).

    Creationists themselves disagree about which intermediate hominids are human and which are ape (Foley 2002).

    There is abundant genetic evidence for the relatedness between humans and other apes:
    Humans have twenty-three chromosome pairs; apes have twenty-four. Twenty-two of the pairs are similar between humans and apes. The remaining two ape chromosomes appear to have joined; they are similar to each half of the remaining human chromosome (chromosome 2; Yunis and Prakash 1982).
    The ends of chromosomes have repetitious telomeric sequences and a distinctive pretelomeric region. Such sequences are found in the middle of human chromosome 2, just as one would expect if two chromosomes joined (IJdo et al. 1991).
    A centromere-like region of human chromosome 2 corresponds with the centromere of the ape chromosome (Avarello et al. 1992).
    Humans and chimpanzees have innumerable sequence similarities, including shared pseudogenes such as genetic material from ERVs (endogenous retroviruses; Taylor 2003; Max 2003).

    Foley, Jim. 1996-2004. Fossil hominids: The evidence for human evolution.

    Drews, Carl, 2002. Transitional fossils of hominid skulls.



    Roy Holt asked; “How far away from Lucy did you find the knee?” (The knee bones were actually discovered about a year earlier than the rest of Lucy). Dr. Johanson answered (reluctantly) about 200 feet lower (!) and two to three kilometers away (about 1.5 miles!). Continuing, Holt asked, “Then why are you sure it belonged to Lucy?



    Claim CC003:

    The knee of the "Lucy" fossil (the most complete Australopithecus afarensis fossil) was found over a mile away from the rest of the skeleton, so it cannot be used as evidence that Lucy walked upright. That evolutionists have never admitted this fact in print shows their dishonesty.


    The claim is false. The skeleton called Lucy does not have an intact knee. A different, isolated knee fossil was found two to three kilometers away (Johanson and Edey 1981). Confusion over the two fossils apparently led to the false claim.

    Far from indicating evolutionist dishonesty, this claim shows how creationists fail to check their claims (Lippard 1999).

    Lippard, Jim, 1999. Lucy's knee joint : A case study in creationists' willingness to admit their errors.

    Johanson, Donald C. and Maitland A. Edey, 1981. Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind. New York: Simon and Schuster.
    Lippard, Jim, 1999. (See above)



    And what evidence supports the idea that this creature walked upright?



    In apes, the knee joint forms a straight vertical line from the thigh bone through the knee and on into the shin bones. In humans, however, with their upright mode of locomotion, the center of gravity must be shifted inside the pelvic girdle, and this is done by bringing the knees together so they lie directly under the pelvis. Thus, the thigh bone in a human approaches the knee joint from an outside angle, and the limbs do not have the straight-line configuration seen in the apes. And once again, the Lucy type of Australopithecine demonstrates a humanlike type of structure rather than an apelike one. A. afarensis limbs meet at a sharp angle between the lower end of the femur and the knee joint, just as in humans.

    Plus a book of 253 pages only to study the matter scientifically !!

    Dynamic Stabilisation of the Biped Lucy

    All this material is from
    Index to Creationist Claims
    unless specifically mentioned otherwise

    If I had some time I will come back to tell you why this old question of "Transitional forms" is wrong in the first place .. !!

    be well


العنوان الكاتب Date
Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-08-12, 09:48 PM
  Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-08-12, 09:56 PM
    Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-09-12, 03:35 AM
      Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-09-12, 03:52 AM
        Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة مريم بنت الحسين04-09-12, 05:52 AM
          Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-09-12, 04:09 PM
      Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-09-12, 04:03 PM
        Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-09-12, 04:14 PM
          Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-09-12, 04:33 PM
            Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-09-12, 04:59 PM
              Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-09-12, 05:59 PM
                Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-09-12, 06:14 PM
                  Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-09-12, 06:31 PM
                    Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-09-12, 06:46 PM
                      Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-09-12, 08:14 PM
                      Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-09-12, 08:40 PM
                        Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-09-12, 08:59 PM
                          Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-09-12, 09:13 PM
                            Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-09-12, 09:24 PM
                          Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-09-12, 09:23 PM
                            Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-09-12, 09:46 PM
                        Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة مريم بنت الحسين04-09-12, 09:22 PM
                          Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة esam gabralla04-09-12, 09:54 PM
                            Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-09-12, 10:24 PM
                              Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة esam gabralla04-09-12, 10:36 PM
                                Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-09-12, 11:14 PM
                                  Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-09-12, 11:57 PM
                                    Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Abureesh04-10-12, 02:43 PM
                                  Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-09-12, 11:58 PM
                                    Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة خضر الطيب04-10-12, 01:15 AM
                                      Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة aydaroos04-10-12, 07:50 AM
                                        Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-10-12, 10:40 AM
                                          Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-10-12, 01:06 PM
                                            Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Amin Salim04-10-12, 02:32 PM
                                              Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-10-12, 02:56 PM
                                                Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-10-12, 05:57 PM
                                                Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-10-12, 05:58 PM
                                                  Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-10-12, 09:03 PM
                                                    Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-10-12, 09:43 PM
                                                      Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-10-12, 10:18 PM
                                                        Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-10-12, 10:34 PM
                                                          Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-10-12, 10:36 PM
                                                            Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-10-12, 10:57 PM
                                                            Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-10-12, 10:58 PM
                                                              Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-11-12, 00:31 AM
                                                                Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Amin Salim04-11-12, 01:48 AM
                                                                  Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Abureesh04-11-12, 02:05 AM
                                                                    Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Amin Salim04-11-12, 02:31 AM
                                                                      Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Abureesh04-11-12, 03:09 AM
                                                                        Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Amin Salim04-11-12, 04:17 AM
                                                                          Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Abureesh04-11-12, 04:45 AM
                                                                            Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Amin Salim04-11-12, 05:04 AM
                                                                              Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة aydaroos04-11-12, 07:52 AM
                                                                                Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-11-12, 10:18 AM
                                                        Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة مهيرة04-11-12, 01:57 PM
                                                          Re: Charles Darwin عالم..... اسخف صورة Amin Salim04-11-12, 04:32 PM
                          Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-11-12, 03:51 PM
                          Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Amin Salim04-11-12, 03:51 PM
                            Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-11-12, 04:53 PM
                              Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة مهيرة04-11-12, 06:56 PM
                                Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-11-12, 08:07 PM
                                  Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة Abureesh04-11-12, 11:54 PM
                                    Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-12-12, 11:29 AM
                                      Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-12-12, 07:39 PM
                                        Re: Charles Darwin اسخف عالم.....صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-12-12, 09:22 PM
                                          Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-12-12, 09:51 PM
                                            Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-12-12, 10:08 PM
                                              Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-13-12, 00:03 AM
                                                Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة سيف النصر محي الدين04-13-12, 00:51 AM
                                                  Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-13-12, 00:58 AM
                                                    Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-13-12, 08:11 AM
                                                      Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-13-12, 10:30 AM
                                                      Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-13-12, 11:32 AM
                                                        Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-13-12, 01:41 PM
                                                          Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-14-12, 05:11 AM
                                                            Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة مهيرة04-15-12, 11:24 PM
                                                              Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-16-12, 04:36 AM
                                                                Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة aydaroos04-16-12, 06:19 AM
                                                                  Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-16-12, 02:35 PM
                                                                    Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-16-12, 04:14 PM
                                                                      Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة هشام آدم04-19-12, 10:33 AM
                                                                        Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة هشام آدم04-19-12, 11:57 AM
                                                                          Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-19-12, 12:24 PM
                                                                            Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة هشام آدم04-19-12, 01:18 PM
                                                                              Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-19-12, 02:36 PM
                                                                                Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-19-12, 05:17 PM
                                                                                  Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-19-12, 06:20 PM
                                                                                    Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-19-12, 07:19 PM
                                                                                      Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-19-12, 09:30 PM
                                                                                      Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-19-12, 09:39 PM
                                                                                        Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-19-12, 09:54 PM
                                                                                          Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-19-12, 10:07 PM
                                                                                            Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة هشام آدم04-20-12, 12:33 PM
                                                                                              Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة هشام آدم04-20-12, 12:47 PM
                                                                                                Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-21-12, 05:06 PM
                                                                                            Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-20-12, 12:45 PM
                                                                                              Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة هشام آدم04-20-12, 01:17 PM
                                                                                              Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة محمد قرشي عباس04-20-12, 01:49 PM
                                                                                                Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-20-12, 04:40 PM
                                                                                                  Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة بدر الدين احمد موسى04-20-12, 06:08 PM
                                                                                                Re: Charles Darwin أعظم عالم..... أسخف صورة Amin Salim04-20-12, 06:46 PM

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