الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى

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05-23-2012, 04:57 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى

    Quote: By Peter Lokale Nakimangole

    TORIT, 23 May 2012 [Gurtong] – The SPLA is in the frontline to protect South Sudan against aggression by its northern neighbour, Sudan.

    The traders yesterday donated foodstuff and assorted items worth 16,220 South Sudanese Pounds to support the soldiers.

    The donation was handed over at the Torit County Headquarters to the Torit County Commissioner Major William Oyet Omoro who chairs the County committee collecting contributions to support the SPLA.

    The move baffled many residents of Torit who expressed shock at the gesture as Sudan was the main aggressor in the conflict involving the two countries.

    More support for the SPLA came from various foreign communities residing in the state.

    The contributions included food commodities and assorted items that were given by the business communities from Kenya, Djibouti, and Somalia.

    Among the items given were cooking oil, sugar, maize flour, salt, rice, bar soaps, soft drinks and biscuits.

    The Kenyan business community led by David Odengoi handed foodstuff and assorted items worth 5,600 South Sudan Pounds.

    Members of the Somalia business community gave assorted items worth 14,510 South Sudanese Pounds.

    The Torit County Commissioner Major Omoro told the press that the Eritrean community had earlier given their contribution although he did not divulge more details.

    The Ugandan and Ethiopian business communities are expected to hand over their contributions within this week.

    Among those present at the handing over ceremony were MPs from Torit County, Josephine Iromo Thomas, Ofis Asada and Angela Ajana Pio and key county officials.

    The donations will be channelled to the SPLA through the national committee in Juba.

    The business community expressed their solidarity with the South Sudanese army saying peace is a major incentive for the much needed business in the country.

    Contributions from the state residents are being received by respective communities at the grassroots.


العنوان الكاتب Date
الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى Zakaria Joseph05-23-12, 04:57 PM
  Re: الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى بكرى ابوبكر05-23-12, 05:01 PM
    Re: الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى Zakaria Joseph05-23-12, 05:13 PM
      Re: الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى GeerTor Tong05-25-12, 10:20 PM
        Re: الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى hamid brgo05-26-12, 05:17 AM
          Re: الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى GeerTor Tong05-27-12, 06:00 PM
            Re: الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى أبو ساندرا05-27-12, 09:14 PM
              Re: الشماليون فى الجنوب يدعمون الجيش الشعبى نايف محمد حامد05-27-12, 10:23 PM

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