على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه هنا:

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01-06-2012, 04:19 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
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Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه (Re: Khalid Kodi)

    هاهم قوى الهامش كله يا خالد كودي بامريكا بمن فيهم الحركه الشعبيه يؤيدون تدخل الناتو
    مطابقى لكمال كمبال!!

    و لو كمال كمبال لم يقلها بوضوح فهاهم قد اوضحوها لك بالديل في العنوان عاشن ما تغالط محمود الدقم ثاني

    واياك ان تغالطني هاهو البيان امامك بلا اعتذار للحركه الشعبيه ولا اعتذار لكمال كمبال!

    كمال كمبال لم يقل الا كلام اصحاب الوجعه الحقيقه.....فكفوا اجنادة اصحاب الوجعه المصطنعه عنهم!


    قوى الهامش السودانى بامريكا: اشادة بإنتصارات الجيش الشعبى و دعوة للناتو لتدمير الصواريخ الايرانية و قاعدتى شيكان و بورتسودان العسكريين حماية للمواطنيين.

    أشاد منبر قوى الهامش السودانى بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية بالانتصارات الكبيرة التى حققها الجيش الشعبى لتحرير السودان بولاية جنوب كردفان/ جبال النوبة أثر هزيمته و تشتيته لمتحركات نظام المؤتمر الوطنى الارهابية، حيث تمكنت قوات الجيش الشعبى بجبال النوبة يوم 2/1/2012م من تحقيق ثلاثة انتصارات قوية على قوات ومليشيات المؤتمر الوطنى وذلك بهزيمة وتشتيت ثلاثة متحركات فى كل من حجر عنبه و بلينجا و دلوكة حول مدينة كادقلى، و لقد لاذ مرتزقة المؤتمر الوطنى بالفرار مخلفين ورائهم معداتهم التى يجرى الان حصرها، و لقد اهدت الحركة الشعبية عبر ناطقها الاستاذ/ أرنو نقوتلو لودى هذا النصر الكبير للمهمشين فى السودان، مؤكدا ان الثورة ماضية لاقتلاع هذا النظام من جذوره و تحقيق دولة العدالة و الحرية و المساواة و الديمقراطية لكل الشعب السودانى.
    و على صعيد آخر ابلغت مجموعة المدافعة عن جبال النوبة بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية المجتمع الدولى باستخدام نظام المؤتمر لصواريخ شهاب الايرانية ضد المدنيين العزل فى جبال النوبة، حيث اطلقت أربعة صواريخ فى يوم 3/1/2012م على منطقة انقولو بمحلية البرام و ادت الى مقتل إمرأتين هن سفرية كوكو تيار( 30 عاما)، و غلا تية كوكو (18 عاما)، و اصابة نجوى كتى الفاتل (18 عاما) بجروح خطيرة.
    ان مجازر الابادة العرقية التى ارتكبها مجرم الحرب احمد هارون الهارب من موقعة العتمور، من نبش و حرق للجثث و دفنها فى مقابر جماعية بكادقلى ذكر العالم بمجزرة رواندا و برودنى، حيث أكد ناشطين دوليين ان القبض على هارون اصبح مسألة وقت.
    و من ناحية أخرى اجرت مجموعة من منظمات ابناء جبال النوبة بالخارج و قوى الهامش السودانى اتصالات مكثفة مع المجتمع الدولى بعد التصريح الذى أصدرة مجرم الحرب المطلوب للعدالة الدولية عبد الرحيم محمد حسين بمدينة الابيض حول إفتتاح قاعدة شيكان العسكرية التى تهدف الى استهداف الشعب السودانى و المدنيين بصورة خاصة عبر إبادة جماعية ممنهجة فى جنوب كردفان/ جبال النوبة و النيل الازرق و دارفور، و أبيي، و هو امتداد طبيعى للقاعدة العسكرية التى افتتحهها البشير العام الماضى بشرق السودان لاستهداف البجا، حيث تم مطالبة المجتمع الدولى بضرورة مراقبة الموقف عن كثب، و من الضرورة ان يتم تدخل دولى عبر الناتو و المجتمع الدولى لتدمير تلك القواعد العسكرية و غيرها من الاسلحة و القواعد العسكرية المهددة لحياة المواطنيين و تشريدهم بما فيها المتواجدة بالخرطوم، و ضرورة العمل على اسقاط نظام الخرطوم الذى يستهدف شعبه فى كل انحاء السودان، و بناء سودان عادل و ديمقراطى يعيد هيكلة الدولة السودانية عبر دستور دائم يشارك فيه الجميع.
    و من جانب آخر كشف قوى الهامش بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية للاجهزة الرسمية الامريكية و منظمات المجتمع المدنى و المنظمات الدولية، مستوى التضليل الذى يمارسة نظام المؤتمر الوطنى من أجل البقاء و الاستمرارـ مستخدما الاسلام السياسى و العروبة و الرشاوى و الاستثمار و القبلية، و التضليل عبر ملفات منتقاة عن الارهاب و كل الاساليب الفاسدة للاستمرار فى الحكم. مؤكدين ان استمرار الحال بهذه الصورة سيقود الى مطالبة كل الهامش السودانى بحق تقرير المصير.
    منبر قوى الهامش السودانى- أمريكا
    The Sudan regime is constantly misleading the US by providing false coordination on the war against terror. Examples of Khartoum’s tactics include the following:
    1) Sudan’s regime, the National Congress Party (NCP), harbored the most Arab and non-Arab terrorists and extremists in Sudan since the 1990s, including Osama Bin Laden. It wasn’t until the NCP was isolated by the international community that they delivered Carlos the Jackal to France and tried to turn over Bin Laden to the US. These extremists joined the NCP in declaring jihad against the marginalized areas of Sudan, and they invested heavily in Sudan companies and industries (e.g. Port Sudan Airport, the Northern Sudan Bank, gold factories, construction companies, restaurants and agricultural schemes). The NCP has opened up investments opportunities to their supporters from Arab and Islamic countries including Qatar

    2) After the NCP leaders failed to assassinate Egyptian President Mubarak in 1995 in Addis Ababa, Mubarak used his relationship with the West to blackmail the NCP. He colonized Helaib, a county in Eastern Sudan; he forced the NCP to keep silent regarding the Nile River convention renewal; he encouraged the construction of dams in Nubia land - essentially destroying their heritage; and he worked to move millions of Egyptians into Nubia Land. It was important to Mubarak to keep the NCP in place as long as Egypt benefitted from this blackmail.
    3) In 1998, the US struck Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical Factory from its base in the Red Sea. The NCP leaders were very scared and became far more misleading to the international community. To avoid additional attacks, they sacrificed their Islamic leader, Dr. Hassan al-Turabi, in 2000.
    4) After September 11, 2001, the NCP was especially scared when the US declared that all countries that harbored terrorists would be held accountable. The NCP immediately delivered to the US many of the terrorists and related files as an attempt to show cooperation with US.
    5) When the NCP leaders felt weakened by war; were isolated internationally; and once the Sudan Peace Act was in place, the NCP responded to the international pressure for peace negotiations with the SPLA/M, SLA/M, NDA and Beja in Naivasha, Abuja, Cairo and Asmara respectively.
    The National Congress Party
    Despite evidence, as outlined above, many US strategists seem deeply unaware of the NCP leaders’ scenarios and political propaganda to prolong their lives in power. In addition, some US strategists do not properly evaluate and assess the situation in Sudan, so they miss the empty part of the cub, i.e. the fake tactics of the NCP, which are summarized below:
    1) NCP leaders are hypocrites and their lying mentality will never change. They will provide incentives to their enemies in order to mislead them, i.e. providing opportunities to the West to invest in oil, gold, agriculture, livestock, gum and minerals, and by delivering selective terrorism intelligence in order to stay in power as long as possible. At the same time, they do not care about the lives of millions of their own people. Shame on the great nations of the world who are ignoring human rights abuses including slavery and who are forfeiting the rights of Sudanese citizens to achieve protection, justice, democratic transformation, and peace; and instead choose to negotiate with an evil regime to gain economic interests.

    2) The NCP are terrorists. They terrorize Sudanese, neighboring countries and the globe. They killed over 3 million Sudanese, displaced over 5 million, and they are still committing genocide and mass atrocities in the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, Darfur, and Abyei. Their campaign of terror may extend to the Beja in Eastern Sudan and to the Nubia in the far North. The NCP is threatening the security of South Sudan, other neighboring countries, and the world.

    3) The NCP violates the human rights of its citizens by raping women in war zones and in Khartoum’s ghost houses; by arresting, torturing and killing activists including youth, students and journalists; by importing mercenaries to violently depopulate regions; by using hunger and disease as weapons of war; and by bombarding civilians and burning and destroying their houses and farms in war affected areas.

    4) The NCP is threatening South Sudan by supporting and funding the Lord’s Resistance Army as well as other South Sudan militia in order to create chaos and insecurity.

    5) The NCP is supporting Hamas in Gaza by smuggling weapons through the Egyptian desert and Port Sudan.

    6) The NCP protected those who assassinated USAID officer, Mr. John Granville, in January 2008. The murderers managed to escape from Kober prison, the first incidence of escape in the history of the prison. The NCP facilitated their travel to Darfur and then announced their escape to Somalia. When the NCP heard one had been killed in Somalia, the President of Sudan sent the Minister of Defense to convey his condolences to the family. The criminals are living somewhere in Khartoum under different names we believe.

    7) The NCP will sign any peace agreement to avoid international pressure and to secure funds. The NCP intentionally fails to implement agreements in order to keep all the state structures and institutions as they are. They steal donor funds for their own personal interests and they do whatever they can to split movements and political parties by providing bribes and promises of political positions; by dividing the country along the lines of tribe, race and religion; and through violence, war, and assassination of strong leaders. Divide and rule is the NCP’s primary strategy of survival.
    8) The NCP does not allow media access to war affected area; however it uses NCP controlled media, Arab media and Sudan’s embassies to mislead the world.
    9) The NCP rigged the 2010 national elections at all levels, which is common knowledge within the international community.

    10) The NCP is imposing Islamic Sharia Law in Sudan. In December 2010, before the separation of South Sudan, President Bashir stated in Gedaref State that he would not recognize or acknowledge the diversity of Sudan. He considers Sudan an Arab Muslim country and the NCP is imposing Sharia Law on everyone regardless of his/her beliefs, culture or religion. This is in direct violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948.

    11) The NCP stole gubernatorial elections in Southern Kordofan. On April 27, 2011 in Muglad, Southern Kordofan, President Bashir campaigned for Ahmed Haroun, who is wanted by the ICC for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. Bashir stated that if the NCP did not win the governorship by ballots they would take it by bullets. Haroun was unjustly appointed governor and on June 5, 2011, the NCP started the second genocidal war in the Nuba Mountains by violating the security arrangement when it attempted to disarm the SPLA Joint Integrated Units.

    12) The NCP has very strong ties with Iran and China. These countries provide military expertise and a steady supply of weapons.

    13) After the death of Gaddafi, President Bashir is the only President in power indicted and wanted by the ICC, for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    14) The NCP is a strong ally of the National Transitional Council of Libya. On October 26, 2011 after the liberation of Tripoli, President Bashir announced that Libya was secured with 100% of weapons that the NCP sent to rebels. The declaration of Sharia Law by Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the leader of Libya’s council, before Libyans agreed to a new constitution is very dangerous. It is a good step to remove dictators from power, but we have to be aware of undercover moderate Muslims (actually the extremists). They are already in Sudan and they are coming to Egypt, Libya and Tunisia and other countries. If the US and the West are not aware of this, the globe will not be secure.

    So negotiating with NCP terrorists is sending the wrong message to supporters of peace and democracy. It strengthens a dictatorship and weakens the opposition, which only complicates Sudan’s issues. It is sad when some lawmakers are trying to put the oppressors and the oppressed on the same level. We cannot put the people who are fighting for their rights alongside the murders who do not consider the lives and rights of their victims.

    The information, communication and technology revolution is part of globalization that the West and the US can be proud of, but when the Satellite Sentinel Project’s video and image documentation of mass graves for over 5,000 persons in Kadugli was rejected by some law-makers, it seems to me a kind of destruction of this great technology revolution.

    The marginalized people of Sudan comprise 85% of the country. They cannot be forced to be ruled by the fewer than 5% NCP minority. Furthermore, most of Sudan’s resources such as oil, gum, livestock, minerals, and fertile soil for agricultural production are in the marginalized regions. The international community and the US should strengthen the marginalized people of Sudan. Military and political alliances, civil society organizations, political parties, and women, youth and student organizations that are working towards regime change should be supported in order to form a recognized transitional government that will force Bashir to step down. Every effort should be made to remove President Bashir and the NCP from power.

    Immediate Action Required
    We continue to call on the US and United Nations to take the following immediate actions to protect the civilians in Sudan:
    a. Create a no-fly zone. The immediate imposition of a No Fly Zone in Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan, Blue Nile, Darfur and Abyei is needed to protect civilians from bombings.

    b. End all attacks in Sudan that violate international humanitarian law, including deliberate attacks on civilians and indiscriminate aerial bombings; and hold all those responsible to account, regardless of rank.

    c. Protect the people from Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, Darfur, Abyei and the Beja by deploying an international peacekeeping force with Chapter 7 mandate in all Sudan’s war zones.

    d. Fulfill obligations to cooperate with the ICC, including surrendering to the court those subject to ICC arrest warrants, including Al-Bashir and imposed governor and indicted war criminal Ahmed Haroun and other suspects.

    e. Pressure the Sudanese government to open corridors for unimpeded access for UN peacekeepers and humanitarian aid organizations to all parts of Sudan including those most affected by conflicts.

    f. Pressure Khartoum to immediately cease using rape or any kind of other sexual violence against women and men in war zones and in all of Sudan.

    g. Disarm the dangerous Popular Defense Force (PDF) in Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan, Blue Nile, Abyei, and Eastern Sudan; disarm all government militias and the Janjaweed in Darfur; and monitor the recent NCP troop deployment in Beja areas.

    h. End the harassment, detention and torture of journalists, human rights workers, and activists, and call for their immediate release.

    i. End the Sudanese government policy of dismantling IDP camps in war affected areas and of deliberately preventing food, water and medical supplies to reach civilians as a weapon of war in all marginalized areas of Sudan.

    The NCP is too deformed to be reformed. The crimes committed by the Khartoum regime are worse than those committed by Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen combined and yet these crimes are largely overlooked by the international community. It seems to Sudanese that the world has a double standard in dealing with issues associated with black African countries compared to others.

    Regime change in Khartoum through direct military intervention is a shortcut action for keeping Sudan secure and united. It will create a foundation for real democratic transformation and the restructuring of the state through an inclusive constitutional review process that establishes the rule of law and the separation of religion and state.
    We believe that the international community, specially the United States will live up to the worthy principles of this great nation, which include the responsibility to protect vulnerable populations such as those found in Sudan. The people of the Republic of Sudan seek to restructure the country for the benefit and security of Sudan, the Republic of South Sudan, the continent and the world. Short of immediate and fundamental change, the people of the marginalized areas of Sudan will exercise their right to self-determination and a better future.

العنوان الكاتب Date
على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه هنا: Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 03:17 AM
  Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 03:36 AM
    Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه بريمة محمد01-06-12, 03:53 AM
    Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 03:57 AM
      Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Tragie Mustafa01-06-12, 04:19 AM
        Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Tragie Mustafa01-06-12, 04:23 AM
          Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 05:03 AM
            Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه نزار يوسف محمد01-06-12, 09:08 AM
              Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Mohamed Suleiman01-06-12, 12:29 PM
              Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه محمود الدقم01-06-12, 12:40 PM
                Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه محمود الدقم01-06-12, 12:58 PM
            Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه بريمة محمد01-06-12, 01:04 PM
              Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه محمود الدقم01-06-12, 01:28 PM
                Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه azhary taha01-06-12, 01:51 PM
                  Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه ABUHUSSEIN01-06-12, 01:54 PM
                    Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه محمود الدقم01-06-12, 02:42 PM
                    Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه محمود الدقم01-06-12, 02:48 PM
                Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Kabar01-06-12, 03:41 PM
                  Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 04:49 PM
                    Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 05:24 PM
                      Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 05:53 PM
                        Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-06-12, 06:14 PM
                          Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه نزار يوسف محمد01-06-12, 08:46 PM
                            Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Tragie Mustafa01-07-12, 00:49 AM
                    Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه محمود الدقم01-06-12, 10:33 PM
                  Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه محمود الدقم01-06-12, 10:17 PM
                    Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-07-12, 01:45 AM
                      Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه بريمة محمد01-07-12, 10:21 AM
                        Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه نزار يوسف محمد01-07-12, 07:39 PM
                          Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه نزار يوسف محمد01-08-12, 10:21 AM
                            Re: على محمود الدقم الاعتذار للأستاذ كمال كمبال والحركه عن عدم الدقه Khalid Kodi01-08-12, 03:14 PM

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