مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس

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09-03-2011, 08:03 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس

    وثائق ويكيليكس ونشر جميع البرقيات

    كشف محضر اجتماع بين جوليان آسانج مؤسس موقع ويكيليكس وزملاء له أنه أراد أواخر العام الماضي الكشف عن كل البرقيات الدبلوماسية الأميركية المسربة.
    يتزامن ذلك معإعلان الموقع نشر ما تبقى لديه من وثائق دفعة واحدة لكن دون تنقيح أو حجب للمصادر والأسماء.


09-03-2011, 08:04 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

09-03-2011, 08:09 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

09-03-2011, 08:20 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

    نوذج برقيه عن انتخابات الرئاسه وموقف ياسر عرمان فى سباق الرئاسه

    Wiki2.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com



    Viewing cable 10KHARTOUM105, SPLM Presidential Candidate Arman on Election Prospects

    If you are new to these pages, please read an introduction on the structure of a cable as well as how to discuss them with others. See also the FAQs
    Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
    10KHARTOUM105 2010-02-12 10:23 2011-08-30 01:44 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy Khartoum
    DE RUEHKH #0105/01 0431023
    O R 121023Z FEB 10
    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 KHARTOUM 000105


    E.O. 12958: DECL: 2020/02/12
    SUBJECT: SPLM Presidential Candidate Arman on Election Prospects


    ¶1. (c) Summary. On February 11 Charge d'Affaires met with the
    Sudanese Popular Liberation Movement's (SPLM) Yasir Arman, Deputy
    Secretary General of the SPLM (head of Northern Sector) as well as
    the SPLM candidate for national president. An ebullient Arman
    charted an electoral calculus that would give him an edge over
    incumbent President Bashir and commented on how he planned to
    conduct the SPLM campaign in the North and South. The discussion
    migrated to Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) implementation and
    post-referendum issues and the urgent need for action on both
    fronts. We concur that Arman is a competitive candidate but
    continue to believe that the outcome of the election will depend
    largely on the probity of the voting process and on how popular or
    unpopular Bashir and the National Congress Party (NCP) are, two
    things that will remain unknown until the ballots have been
    counted. We continue to think that Arman has a steep hill to
    climb, but should he manage to make it to the top, there will be a
    fascinating new vista for Sudanese politics ahead. End summary.


    Adding up the Numbers


    ¶2. (c) Arman was escorting out one of the top lieutenants of
    Osman Mirghani's Democratic Unionist Party when the Charge arrived,
    and when Arman returned to the office he explained with a broad
    smile that a large number of Mirghani's followers were unhappy with
    Mirghani's overtures to the NCP and were willing to talk with the
    SPLM. Arman said that his optimistic public statements about
    besting Bashir in the April national elections were backed by solid
    numbers. He said that the SPLM would receive more than
    three-million votes from the approximately 4.3 million voters
    registered in the South. He added that NCP Presidential Advisor
    Salah Ghosh had confided to SPLA General Mathok that the NCP
    thought that Arman and the SPLM would garner as many as
    four-million more votes in the North. It this estimate were
    correct, Arman said, he would be the clear favorite going into a
    second round.

    ¶3. (c) Arman said that he planned to dial back the rhetoric and
    run a positive campaign even if the NCP attempted to drag the SPLM
    down into the mud. He admitted that there were a number of issues
    at play that would affect the tenor of the campaign. First and
    foremost, he did not know if the NCP would allow an unfettered
    campaign, or if they would resort to bureaucratic obstruction and
    the heavy hand of the security services to disrupt the opposition.
    There was also a serious security deficit in the Darfur states that
    the NCP could exploit. However, he concluded, the NCP was
    unpopular with most of the people in Darfur, both Arab and African
    tribes; with the Nubians in the North; along the Red Sea coast; in
    many North/South border areas; and increasingly with young people
    in the central riparian area from where the NCP draws most of its
    support. Arman said that northerners who want unity realize that
    electing the SPLM is the best means of ensuring it . He discounted
    the argument that the International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment
    against Bashir had whipped up a wave of nationalism that would
    sweep Bashir and the NCP back into office. To the contrary, Arman
    interpreted recent public incidents in which Sudanese had thrown
    shoes at or insulted Bashir in State House and at a large public
    funeral as indications of a growing lack of respect for and fear of
    the president.

    ¶4. (c) Charge pointed out that a credible election would bestow
    increased legitimacy on whoever prevails on the national level, and
    that the same will hold true in Southern Sudan. It was important
    that opposition parties be allowed to campaign without obstruction
    and that SPLM candidates contesting the same seats instruct their
    supporters to avoid violence. Arman said that he fully concurred,
    and that the SPLM understood that it too needed the legitimacy an
    election would bring, especially if the North reneged on the
    January 2011 self-determination referendum. At that juncture, it
    would be essential to have a duly elected legislative assembly in
    the South to decide on the best course of action. Arman said that
    the one caveat was Lam Akol. He posed no threat to Salva Kiir's

    KHARTOUM 00000105 002 OF 002

    election as President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS),
    but the SPLM would not tolerate Akol's use of militia forces to
    foment disorder.


    Looking to 2011 and Beyond


    ¶5. (c) Charge observed that the elections are only two months
    away, and the referendum ten. Arman replied that the SPLM was
    seized with the urgency of the situation and alarmed by the
    complexity of issues that must be resolved in less than a year:
    elections, referendum, a political deal in Darfur and the ICC. He
    said that it was unlikely that the movements in Darfur would agree
    to any political settlement until they saw what emerged from the
    elections. He thought that it would be much easier to broker a
    deal were the SPLM to win.

    ¶6. (c) Charge said that the P-5 Chiefs of Mission had met with
    the AU Troika headed by Thabo Mbeki three weeks earlier and
    reviewed the work plan that Mbeki had submitted to the SPLM and NCP
    for comment. What was the SPLM reaction to this proposal? Arman
    said that he had met with Mbeki two days before, and that there was
    clearly a role for Mbeki, although Arman refused to be further
    drawn out on the subject. Charge asked about the idea US role, to
    which Arman replied that it was essential that the US remain
    involved as a guarantor of any agreements that emerged from
    negotiations between the two parties. He said that he did not
    foresee a major role for the Assessment and Evaluation Commission
    (AEC) in post-referendum issues, a view that echoed what we have
    heard from the NCP. Arman concluded by stating that he expected
    the NCP to resort to its usual stall tactics to impede
    implementation of unresolved CPA issues, although he thought that
    they might be more willing to show good faith in discussing
    post-referendum issues, especially the big three of wealth-sharing,
    nationality, and management of borders. He said that the NCP had
    still not named its candidates for the Southern Sudanese and Abyei
    Referenda Commissions; Charge reminded him that neither had the




    ¶7. (c) Arman made a good case for his prospects as a candidate,
    but we still believe that he remains the underdog, albeit one with
    teeth. We cannot say if the argument that Arman's election would
    improve prospects for unity will resonate in the North, but we are
    convinced that his triumph at the polls may be the last and only
    means of making unity attractive enough for southerners to take a
    second look. A Bashir win will virtually ensure the separation of
    the South, and even an Arman upset would not necessarily guarantee
    the reverse. It would yield, however, a radically altered
    political dynamic for dealing with Darfur and engineering an
    amicable separation/federation of the North and South. It would
    also create an interesting shift within the SPLM, whose core
    constituency and leadership would remain in the South, but whose
    most influential member would suddenly be a Northerner from

09-03-2011, 08:25 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

    كل عام وانتم بخير

    وعام سعيد على الجميع

    مصدر ضخم للمعلومات والاسرار قد يثير الكثير من القضايا والتداعيات

    اعتذر عن عدم المقدرة على الترجمه لضخامة المعلومات وادعوا الجميع للمساهمه بالترجمه

    تحياتى وسلامى


09-03-2011, 10:10 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

    تحياتي دكتور شداد،

    بالأمس شاهدت في الجزيرة عرضا عن الوثائق التي تم العثور عليها في مبنى المخابرات العامة الليبية والتي تكشف عن التعاون السري الكبير بين الولايات المتحدة ونظام القذافي وكذلك بريطانيا ورغم ذلك لم تتردد هذه الدول في التضحية بنظام القذافي عندما اصطدم ببعض شعبه، وهذه بشرى لنا في السودان بأن التعاون السري بين المخابرات الأمريكية وبين نظام البشير سوف لن يكون سببا كافيا لاستمرار الدعم الأمريكي لنظام البشير الذي ملأت سيرته الآفاق، وأن أمريكا لن تتردد في ركل البشير بعيدا لاسيما وجرائمه تتزايد يوما بعد يوم. كنت أود أن أقرأ بعض هذه الوثائق فقط لأفهم كيف يفكر هؤلاء الناس الذي يزعمون الدفاع عن الحرية والديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان ومعاداة مجرمي الحرب، ومع ذلك ظلوا يدعمون نظام البشير سرا وعلنا طيلة عقود، وسارعوا لنجدة الليبيين بسبب بضع مئات من القتلى في حين لم يجعلهم مئات الآلاف من ضحايا دارفور وجبال النوبة والنيل الأزرق ينجدون أهل السودان ولو بكلمة، ربما لو قرأنا نحن السودانيون كيف يفكرون عن بلادنا ربما نفهمهم وتزول الغصة من قلوبنا! وإذا عرف السبب بطل العجب! لكن للأسف الروابط التي وضعتها يادكتور لم تفتح معي، وأعدك بأنني إذا تمكنت من قراءة أي شئ مثير للاهتمام فيها سأترجمه واضيفه لبوستك هذا، فقط أرجوا توضيح لماذا لا يفتح الرابط هل هكره أصحاب الرسائل حماية لها؟

09-03-2011, 10:44 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    سلامات يا محمد عثمان

    الرابط شغال ...حاول البحث عن طريق Browse by origin وادخل حرف ال K تجد عالم من الغرائب
    كنت اقرا من برقيه سرية تتحدث عن اسلمة الجنوب
    هذا بعض منها بواسطة مترجم قوقل الكيشه ...غايتو بتورى السياق العام للموضوع حسب وجهة النظر الامريكية

    أدهشنى قله الاوراق التى تتحدث عن العلاقات المتبادله بين البلدين فى مراسلات تعتبر دبلوماسية اما هنا فهى تجسس وتحسس ونقل
    دفائق الامور .. وفى كل شئ .... غايتو انت لحدى اسى ما جابو سيرتك يمكن لى قدام ....

    : الخرطوم 3990

    ¶ 1. سري -- النص بأكمله.

    مقدمة وموجز
    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    ¶ 2. موجز : هناك أدلة واضحة ومتزايدة على أن
    وقد شرعت الحكومة التي تهيمن عليها الجبهة القومية الإسلامية في الخرطوم
    حملة لأسلمة جنوب السودان وأولئك
    الجنوبيين المشردين معظمهم من الذين يعيشون في الشمال. IN
    مناطق تسيطر عليها الحكومة في الجنوب ، لGOS / الجبهة IS
    تعهد سياسات للسيطرة الإسلامية على المستوى الإقليمي
    والحكومات المحلية والخدمة المدنية. خلال ال
    خلال العامين الماضيين ، في صفوف العليا والمتوسطة المحلية
    لقد تم الإدارة والخدمة المدنية "حذفت - OUT"
    مع المسلمين والجنوبيين وGOS المتشدد / أنصار الجبهة الإسلامية
    باستبدال كبار المسؤولين الفنيين المهنية وغيرها
    موظفيها. وعلاوة على ذلك ، نتيجة للتربية GOS
    السياسات ، والأطفال غير المسلمين في المدن التي تسيطر عليها GOS
    جوبا ، ويضطر الرنك وملكال وواو ، وراجا TO
    تعلم اللغة العربية ودراسة الإسلام. ويشترط على المدارس TO
    استعمال اللغة العربية بوصفها اللغة الوحيدة للتعليم ، وحتى
    المدارس التي تديرها المسيحيين. في جوبا ، ولاية الاستوائية
    وزير التربية والتعليم مؤخرا أن رسمنا يجب أن يكون الإسلام
    يدرس ابتداء من المشتل مستوى المدرسة.

    ¶ 3. وفي الشمال ، وغير المسلمين ، الروتيني الجنوبيون FACE
    التحرش والتمييز ، وتلقي في الوقت نفسه
    الرسالة التي إذا أصبحت المسلمين ، حياتهم سوف
    تحسين. الجماعات الإسلامية ، وأبرزها الدعوة
    الاسلامية (IE الدعوة الإسلامية) ، وتقديم مساعدات في شكل
    من الطعام والمال للحث على الجنوبيين على منصب
    المسلمين. HAS MADE GOS / سياسة الجبهة اعتناق الإسلام
    مريحة ومربحة في أغلب الأحيان ، وضرورية في بعض الأحيان ل
    البقاء في الشمال.

    ¶ 4. هذا بالإضافة إلى GOS هو الضغط المتصاعد على
    ديني مسيحي الأفراد والمؤسسات. التقارير
    من المضايقات والترهيب والسجن للكنيسة
    وقد زادت العاملين في الاشهر الاخيرة. يعتقد كثير
    أن هذا يعتبر دليلا للGOS / نية الجبهة القومية الإسلامية في نهاية المطاف إلى
    استئصال "أجنبي" وجود الكنيسة من السودان ،
    بالتالي ، إلى GOS / الجبهة الآمال ، وترك المجال مفتوحا ل

    ¶ 5. يتحدد GOS / الجبهة لاطلاق ناجحة
    أسلمة الحملة. عززت قبضتها على تكنولوجيا المعلومات
    المحلية والإقليمية الحكومات في GOS المناطق التي تسيطر عليها
    THE SOUTH ، مع هدف طويل الأجل لإدخال السمعة
    الشريعة الإسلامية في الجنوب. ومن المهم أيضا EFFECT
    GOS / سياسات الجبهة القومية الإسلامية على الأطفال الجنوبية. هؤلاء
    ويضطر الأطفال إلى تعلم اللغة العربية والاسلام و
    تعلم أن ننظر إلى المسلمين عن الطعام والمساعدات. إنهم
    ممتصة أيضا الدرس الذي لغير المسلمين على الارجح
    ولا أمل أو مستقبل في السودان. موجز END.

    حكومة في الجنوب
    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

    ¶ 6. وفي عام 1990 ، أعلنت GOS نظام اتحادي لل
    الحكومة بالنسبة للسودان ، وإعطاء ظاهريا GOS التي تسيطر عليها
    مناطق الجنوب قدرا كبيرا من الحكم الذاتي و
    بإعفائها من الشريعة (I. الشريعة هاء).
    وفي وقت لاحق ، ومع ذلك ، بدأت الخرطوم حملة تطهير واسع
    من جنوب الحكومات الاقليمية والمحلية والمدنية لل
    الخدمة ، وكثير باستبدال غير المسلمين مع المسلمين في الجنوب
    وGOS / أنصار الجبهة الإسلامية المتشددة.

    ¶ 7. ينقسم جنوب السودان الى ثلاث دول : UPPER
    النيل وبحر الغزال ، والاستوائية. كل دولة
    محافظ ، نائب محافظ ، ولجنة شعبية. THE
    المحافظين ، الذي عينته الخرطوم ، كلها من غير المسلمين
    الجنوبيين. عقب اصدارها اعلانا من الفيدرالية ،
    عين أنصار الجبهة الإسلامية GOS المتشددين نائبا
    المحافظين ووزراء الدولة للتعليم وAS
    الثقافة والمال والتجارة. هؤلاء المعينين
    الإجابة ورد فقط إلى الخرطوم. للنائب
    المحافظين ، وليس كما كان من قبل المحافظين ، لقد
    المسؤولية عن هذه الوزارات الرئيسية. بل هو أيضا
    موثوقة ذكرت أن هذه الدولة قد طهرت وزراء ،
    أو هي في عملية تنقية ، لموظفيهم
    غير المسلمين وأنصار الجبهة الإسلامية NON -. THE المحافظون
    وهكذا تم تجريد فعالا اكثر قوة حقيقية. IN
    بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، في 8 آب ، وابرز اثنين من كبار الجنوب
    تم استبدال المحافظين (REF). ARE THE NEW المحافظين
    أيضا غير المسلمين الجنوبيون لكن الرجال على حد سواء هي FIRM
    أنصار الجبهة القومية الإسلامية. (ملاحظة : في التلفزيون ، وطنيا
    مراسم اداء اليمين ، كانت المحافظين المعينين حديثا
    أظهرت أداء اليمين من Office ، ONE HAND التي أثيرت ،
    أخرى على القرآن. END ملاحظة.

    ¶ 8. وقد أفيد أن بعض المسؤولين في
    تحتل المرتبة العليا والمتوسطة للإدارة والمدنية
    تكون خدمة GOS في المناطق التي تسيطر عليها "حذفت - OUT"
    وحلت عليها الجنوبيون والمسلمين وGOS المتشدد / NIF
    مؤيديه. تاريخيا ، كانت أفضل المدارس في الجنوب
    لديها مدارس الكنيسة كانت ، لذا فإن أفضل تعليما وأكثر
    العاملين بالحكومة من ذوي الخبرة في الجنوب غالبا ما تكون
    المسيحيين. كثير من تلك باستبدال منهم LESS
    مؤهلين وتنقصهم الخبرة ؛ مؤهلاتهم فقط
    هو أنهم مسلمون. FORCED تقاعد
    بات غير المسلمين وأنصار الجبهة الإسلامية NON - نطاق واسع.
    وهناك العديد من المتعلمين والجنوبيون الآن توضيح
    واجهتها على نحو متزايد في الخرطوم الذي "كان يفعل
    IMPORTANT شيء في الجنوب ".

    ¶ 9. في تموز 1991 ، ذكرت صحيفة GOS التي تسيطر عليها
    لم تحظ اللجنة الشعبية الاستوائية
    السلطات التشريعية ، وان اللجنة سوف
    من الآن فصاعدا صياغة وتمرير القوانين المحلية. (ملاحظة :
    هل اللجان الشعبية في بحر الغزال وأعالي النيل
    على ما يبدو نفس الولاية ، وعلى الرغم من AS
    حتى الآن لا توجد أية العامة التي هي عليه الآن
    عمل على هذا النحو. ملاحظة النهاية) وهذا هو في
    النقيض من ذلك ، أوضحت الصحيفة ، أن الشعبي
    اللجان في الشمال التي هي فقط والاستشارية
    الهيئات التنظيمية. THE أعضاء من الجبهة الشعبية في الجنوب
    لجان ، أفيد سيكون "مختارة" ل
    "تمثل الشعب لحين اجراء انتخابات."
    الانتخابات ، هل أوضحت صحيفة ، لن تعقد الآن
    وبسبب الحرب الأهلية. (FYI : هذا كان متوقعا من قبل
    المنسوبين الجنوبية. END FYI).

    ¶ 10. تعليق : في الواقع ، GOS / الجبهة هو "التعبئة" هذه
    شبه البرلمانات. وأفيد بأن الرشوة ، وفي
    شكل نقود ، والمنازل ، والسلطة ، وكثيرا ما يستخدم لGAIN
    إن دعم الجنوبيين الذين يتم تعيينهم بعد ذلك الى
    اللجان الشعبية. هكذا نرى أن بعض الساسة الجنوبيين ، ل
    الكسب المالي ، ودعم GOS / الجبهة وسياساتها.
    الخوف من أن بعض الجنوبيين الشعبي
    في نهاية المطاف لجان / جمعيات استخدامها ل"الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة
    INTO الشريعة. "في أوائل عام 1991 ، في محادثة مع
    CHARGE ، صرح زعيم الجبهة القومية الاسلامية حسن الترابي أنه إذا كان الناس
    وفي جنوب صوتوا لأحكام الشريعة الإسلامية فإنه يصبح من القانون. IN
    خطابه في 31 ديسمبر ، قال الرئيس البشير "THE
    هل الوضع القانوني في الولايات الجنوبية تبقى كما
    أي حتى إنشاء الهيئات التشريعية الجديدة التي
    ستنفذ...." بسبب غموض
    هذا البيان ، ويخشى بعض المراقبين ان البشير بمهارة
    فتح إمكانية أن الشريعة قد يكون يوم واحد
    تشريعات للجنوب. غالبية الجنوبيين
    ليسوا مسلمين ، وبموجب كل المؤشرات ، لا يريدون ل
    أن يحكمها القانون الإسلامي. الجنوبيون يخشون من أن
    هل GOS / الجبهة التلاعب اللجان الشعبية حتى يتمكنوا
    سيصوت لMAKE الشريعة الإسلامية في الجنوب. END تعليق.

09-03-2011, 11:05 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

للتواصل معنا

تويتر Twitter

20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

    عن موقف الحركه من الانتخابات وعرمان ورفض الجنوبيين الكبير لترشحه للرئاسه

    2010-02-22 14:18

    E.O. 12958: N/A

    ¶1. (SBU) Summary: On February 18 U.S. Special Envoy (SE) to Sudan,
    General Scott Gration met in Juba with Southern Sudan opposition
    party leaders who told him that funding for opposition parties and
    space for campaigning are critical if there is to be any chance for
    free and fair elections in Southern Sudan. Attendees see a glimmer
    of hope for free elections in the south in the fact that 374
    members of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) were
    ejected from the party on February 17 for running as independent
    candidates, stating that the SPLM's fracture creates space for the
    opposition. Attendees also widely rejected Yasir Arman, the SPLM's
    presidential candidate, for ethnic and strategic reasons. The SPLM
    is clearly using illegitimate means to make life difficult for
    southern opposition parties, an approach to democracy that may be
    difficult to unlearn. End Summary.


    Funding for Opposition Parties Critical


    ¶2. (SBU) On February 18 SE Gration met with Southern Sudan
    opposition party leaders who told him that funding for opposition
    parties is critical if there is to be any chance for free and fair
    elections in Southern Sudan. Leaders in attendance represented
    every significant party in the southern opposition, including the
    National Congress Party (NCP) and Lam Akol's SPLM - Democratic
    Change (SPLM-DC). Attendees stated that funding for the SPLM is
    overwhelming by comparison with that available to opposition
    parties, largely because the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS)
    and the SPLM are not truly separate, and the funds of the GoSS
    support the SPLM and its election campaign. They also asserted
    that the SPLM receives aid from the international community, either
    directly, or through aid received by the GoSS. Further, they
    pointed out that as the incumbent party, the SPLM is in a position
    to take credit for development and dole out money to influence or
    buy votes.

    ¶3. (SBU) Attendees stated that opposition party funding is
    necessary to fund campaign transportation, voter education, and
    most importantly, ballot box monitoring during elections.
    Attendees noted that having monitors in all voting centers will be
    a huge undertaking and expense, and while they welcomed
    international monitors, international monitors will be wholly
    insufficient and most polling locations will be monitored solely by
    party members. Attendees argued that ultimately, funding for
    opposition parties is about making the electoral process more
    transparent. Attendees made clear that they look to the
    international community for this help because neither the
    Government of National Unity nor the GoSS will provide funds.


    Space to Campaign Crucial


    ¶4. (SBU) Opposition party leaders in attendance stated that the
    SPLM and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) are intimidating
    their candidates and obstructing their parties' campaign
    activities. They agreed that generally it is safe for them to
    campaign in Juba because of the international presence, but that
    when their party members enter rural areas they are truly in danger
    from SPLA forces. They noted that the SPLA is in effect the army
    of the SPLM, not the army of Southern Sudan, and that many SPLM
    politicians are also SPLA commanders.

    ¶5. (SBU) Attendees stated that only the international community,
    and the signatories to the CPA in particular, could hope to reign
    in the SPLM's campaign of intimidation and obstruction. In fact
    they placed some of the blame for the SPLM's behavior on the
    international community, and the U.S. in particular, stating that
    U.S support to the SPLM has made them strong, and that the SPLM
    would not act in this manner without support from the West. They
    said that if these activities continue unabated, the opposition

    KHARTOUM 00000310 002 OF 002

    will be forced to withdraw from the election because they cannot
    face the forces of the SPLA and police.

    ¶6. (SBU) Opposition party attendees see a glimmer of hope for free
    elections in the south in the fact that 374 members of the SPLM
    were ejected from the party on February 17 for running as
    independent candidates. Attendees stated that the SPLM's fracture
    creates space for the opposition because if the SPLM were united it
    would squeeze out all opposition. Attendees asserted that it is
    not possible to peacefully split with the SPLM, and that the SPLM
    will crack down on these independents as they have done on other
    opposition parties. As a consequence, attendees opined that these
    independents will not return to the SPLM after elections, but will
    instead form a new party.


    Yasir Arman Opposed by Southern Opposition


    ¶7. (SBU) Attendees widely condemned the SPLM's presidential
    candidate. On a personal level they asked how the SPLM could ask
    them to vote for a Muslim Arab. On a strategic level, attendees
    expressed a fear that the election of Arman will create confusion
    and discord in the south. They stated that, if elected, Arman will
    seek to delay the referendum in order to have more time to make
    unity attractive, an idea they categorically opposed. Attendees
    said they will do everything they can to ensure Arman is not
    elected. They did not have the same opinion about GoSS President
    and SPLM nominee Salva Kiir, whom (with the exception of SPLM-DC)
    they support, and they indicated that their hope is to achieve a
    divided government, with the SPLM controlling the Presidency of
    Southern Sudan and the opposition parties controlling the Southern
    Sudan Legislative Assembly.

    ¶8. (SBU) Comment: Southern opposition leaders in attendance spoke
    convincingly about the problems facing them. The SPLM is clearly
    making life difficult for opposition parties in the South. The
    Government of Southern Sudan has received nearly unconditional
    support from the international community and appears less concerned
    with the credibility of elections than with consolidating authority
    in the lead-up to the southern referendum. Even the opposition
    party leaders stated that they want a unified south until after the
    referendum, and that they hope to democratically transform the SPLM
    and the South at some later date. The danger is that a precedent
    will be established in Southern Sudan whereby the incumbent party
    bullies and crushes opposition, and that this approach to democracy
    will be difficult to unlearn. End Comment.

    ورواية مترجم قوقل الكيشه

    NCLAS القسم 01 من 02 الخرطوم 000310
    2010-02-22 14:18
    مجلس الأمن القومي لMGAVIN ، LETIM
    PASS USAID PLS DEPT لAFR / السودان
    اديس ابابا أيضا لUSAU

    E.O. 12958 : N / A
    الموضوع : SE غريشن يجتمع مع زعماء المعارضة الجنوبية

    ¶ 1. (امن الدولة) موجز : في 18 فبراير المبعوث الأميركي الخاص (SE) إلى السودان ،
    التقى الجنرال سكوت غرايشن في جوبا جنوب السودان مع المعارضة
    قادة الحزب الذين أبلغوه بأن التمويل لأحزاب المعارضة و
    مساحة لحملة حاسمة إذا أريد أن يكون هناك أي فرصة لل
    انتخابات حرة ونزيهة في جنوب السودان. الحضور نرى بصيصا
    الأمل لاجراء انتخابات حرة في الجنوب في حقيقة أن 374
    كانوا أعضاء في الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان (الحركة الشعبية)
    طرد من الحزب في 17 فبراير من أجل تشغيل كما مستقل
    المرشحين ، مشيرا إلى أن كسر الحركة الشعبية لتحرير يخلق مساحة لل
    المعارضة. الحضور كما رفض ياسر عرمان على نطاق واسع ، وعلى الحركة الشعبية
    المرشح الرئاسي ، لأسباب عرقية والاستراتيجية. الحركة الشعبية
    يستخدم وسائل غير مشروعة بشكل واضح لجعل الحياة صعبة بالنسبة
    أحزاب المعارضة الجنوبية ، وهو نهج للديمقراطية التي قد تكون
    من الصعب طرح فكرة. موجز نهاية.


    التمويل لأحزاب المعارضة الحرجة


    ¶ 2. (امن الدولة) في 18 فبراير التقى غرايشن SE مع جنوب السودان
    قادة الأحزاب المعارضة الذي قال له ان التمويل للمعارضة
    الأحزاب أمر بالغ الأهمية إذا أريد أن يكون هناك أي فرصة للحرة ونزيهة
    الانتخابات في جنوب السودان. تمثل في حضور قادة
    كل حزب كبير في المعارضة الجنوبية ، بما في ذلك
    حزب المؤتمر الوطني الحاكم والحركة الشعبية لام اكول -- الديمقراطية
    التغيير (الحركة الشعبية - DC). وذكر الحضور بأن التمويل من أجل الحركة الشعبية
    الساحقة بالمقارنة مع تلك المتاحة للمعارضة
    الأطراف ، إلى حد كبير لأن حكومة جنوب السودان (حكومة الجنوب)
    والحركة الشعبية ليست منفصلة حقا ، والصناديق التابعة لحكومة الجنوب
    الحركة الشعبية ودعم حملته الانتخابية. وأكدوا أيضا
    ان الحركة تتلقى المساعدات من المجتمع الدولي ، إما
    مباشرة ، أو من خلال المساعدات التي تلقتها حكومة الجنوب. كذلك ، فإنهم
    كما أشار إلى أن الحزب الحاكم ، الحركة الشعبية في موقف
    اتخاذ الائتمان للتنمية وتوزع الأموال للتأثير أو
    شراء أصوات الناخبين.

    ¶ 3. وذكرت (ادارة امن الدولة) الحضور بأن المعارضة تمويل الحزب
    وسائل النقل اللازمة لتمويل الحملة الانتخابية وتثقيف الناخبين ، و
    والأهم من صناديق الاقتراع ، ورصد خلال الانتخابات.
    ولاحظ المجتمعون أن وجود مراقبين في جميع مراكز الاقتراع سيكون
    مهمة ضخمة وعلى نفقتها ، وبينما رحبوا
    مراقبين دوليين ، وسوف يكون كليا مراقبين دوليين
    وسيتم رصد المواقع غير كافية وحدها من قبل معظم الاقتراع
    أعضاء الحزب. جادل بأن الحضور في نهاية المطاف ، وتمويل
    أحزاب المعارضة هي القرارات حول العملية الانتخابية أكثر
    شفافة. جعل الحضور الواضح أنها تنظر إلى
    المجتمع الدولي على هذه المساعدة لأن لا
    وحكومة الوحدة الوطنية ولا حكومة الجنوب لتوفير الأموال.


    مساحة لحملة حاسمة


    ¶ 4. (امن الدولة) قادة الأحزاب المعارضة في حضور وذكر أن
    الحركة الشعبية وجيش تحرير السودان (الجيش الشعبي) وترهيب
    على المرشحين وعرقلة حملة حزبيهما
    الأنشطة. واتفقوا على أن عموما أنها آمنة بالنسبة لهم
    حملة في جوبا بسبب الوجود الدولي ، ولكن هذا
    عندما أعضاء حزبهم دخول المناطق الريفية هم حقا في خطر
    من قوات الجيش الشعبي. وأشاروا إلى أن الجيش الشعبي هو في الواقع الجيش
    الحركة الشعبية ، وليس جيش جنوب السودان ، وأن العديد من الحركة الشعبية
    القادة السياسيون أيضا الجيش الشعبي.

    ¶ 5. (امن الدولة) ذكرت أن الحضور فقط للمجتمع الدولي ،
    والموقعين على اتفاق السلام الشامل وبخاصة ، يمكن أن نأمل في عهد
    في حملة التخويف من الحركة الشعبية والعرقلة. في الواقع
    ضعوا بعض اللوم لسلوك الحركة الشعبية على
    المجتمع الدولي ، والولايات المتحدة على وجه الخصوص ، مشيرا إلى أن
    أحرزت الولايات المتحدة لدعم الحركة الشعبية منهم القوي ، وأن الحركة الشعبية
    لن يتصرف على هذا النحو من دون دعم من الغرب. هم
    وقال انه اذا هذه الأنشطة مستمرة بلا هوادة ، والمعارضة

    الخرطوم 00000310 002 من 002

    سوف تضطر الى الانسحاب من الانتخابات لأنهم لا يستطيعون
    مواجهة قوات الجيش الشعبي والشرطة.

    ¶ 6. (امن الدولة) الحضور أحزاب المعارضة ترى بصيصا من الأمل مجانا
    الانتخابات في الجنوب في حقيقة أن 374 من أعضاء الحركة الشعبية
    وقد طرد من الحزب في 17 فبراير من أجل تشغيل كما
    المرشحين المستقلين. وذكر الحضور بأن الحركة الشعبية الكسر
    يخلق مساحة للمعارضة لأنه إذا اتحدت الحركة الشعبية انها
    واستنزاف كل المعارضة. وأكد المجتمعون أنه
    ليس من الممكن تقسيم سلميا مع الحركة الشعبية ، وأن الحركة الشعبية
    ستتخذ اجراءات صارمة ضد هؤلاء المستقلين كما فعلوا في غيرها
    أحزاب المعارضة. نتيجة لذلك ، رأى المجتمعون أن هذه
    وسوف لن يعود الى المستقلين الحركة بعد الانتخابات ، ولكن سوف
    بدلا من ذلك تشكيل حزب جديد.


    عارض ياسر عرمان من قبل المعارضة الجنوبية


    ¶ 7. (امن الدولة) على نطاق واسع الحضور أدانت الرئاسة في الحركة الشعبية
    مرشح. على المستوى الشخصي وتساءلوا كيف يمكن أن يطلب من الحركة الشعبية
    عليهم للتصويت لعربي مسلم. على المستوى الاستراتيجي ، والحضور
    وأعربت عن خشيتها من انتخاب عرمان سيخلق البلبلة
    والفتنة في الجنوب. وأوضحت أن ذلك ، في حال انتخابه ، سيكون عرمان
    تسعى لتأجيل الاستفتاء من أجل الحصول على مزيد من الوقت لجعل
    جاذبية الوحدة ، وهي الفكرة التي تعارض بشكل قاطع. الحضور
    وقالت أنها سوف تفعل كل ما في وسعهم لضمان عدم عرمان
    المنتخبة. ولم تكن لديهم نفس الرأي حول رئيس حكومة الجنوب
    والحركة الشعبية سلفا كير مرشحا ، منهم (باستثناء الحركة الشعبية - DC)
    انهم يدعمون ، وأنها أشارت إلى أن أملهم هو تحقيق
    تنقسم الحكومة مع الحركة الشعبية السيطرة على رئاسة
    جنوب السودان وأحزاب المعارضة السيطرة على الجنوب
    السودان الجمعية التشريعية.

    ¶ 8. وتحدث قادة المعارضة الجنوبية في الحضور : (امن الدولة) التعليق
    مقنع حول المشاكل التي تواجههم. ومن الواضح أن الحركة الشعبية
    مما يجعل الحياة صعبة بالنسبة للأطراف المعارضة في الجنوب. و
    وقد تلقت حكومة جنوب السودان غير المشروط تقريبا
    بدعم من المجتمع الدولي ، ويبدو أقل قلقا
    مع من مصداقية الانتخابات مع توطيد سلطة
    في الفترة التي تسبق إجراء الاستفتاء في الجنوب. حتى المعارضة
    وقال زعماء الحزب انهم يريدون جنوبي موحد حتى بعد
    الاستفتاء ، وانهم يأملون في تحويل ديمقراطيا للحركة الشعبية
    والجنوب في موعد لاحق. يكمن الخطر في أن يشكل سابقة
    وستقام في جنوب السودان حيث الحزب الحاكم
    الفتوات ويسحق المعارضة ، وأن هذا النهج إلى الديمقراطية
    سيكون من الصعب طرح فكرة. نهاية التعليق.

09-03-2011, 11:05 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

للتواصل معنا

تويتر Twitter

20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

    تحياتي دكتور شداد، يبدو أن الموقع وفقا لما تقوله رويترز تعرض لهجمة سايبرية وأعيد تشغيله ولكنه لا زال لا يعمل بالنسبة لبعض المستخدمين:

    WASHINGTON | Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:24am EDT

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks said its website had been the target of a cyber attack late on Tuesday as it proceeded with the release of thousands of previously unpublished U.S. diplomatic cables, some still classified.

    "WikiLeaks.org is presently under attack," said a message on WikiLeaks' Twitter page, which is believed to be controlled by Julian Assange, the controversial Australian-born founder and chief of the whistle-blowing organization.

    WikiLeaks later described the problem as "a cyber attack." In a subsequent message on its Twitter feed, it said the website was back up though some users were having problems accessing it.

    على كل فشلت محاولتي في دخول الموقع حتى عن طريق موقع ثالث، وإلى أن يفتح الموقع بكامل طاقته سأتابع ما تتحفنا به ولكن أرجو وضع النص الانجليزي لأن ترجمة قوقل للعربية بشعة!

09-04-2011, 00:04 AM

SAIF MUstafa
<aSAIF MUstafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 1317

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    الأخ أبو بكر
    الوثائق دى فيها أسرار خطيرة خصوصا اللى بتغطى المقابلات ....
    مثلا شوف أنبطاح الجماعة ديل بدأ متين ... وعلاقات النظام بوكالة الأستخبارات....القديييييييييمة:


    حنحاول نطلع بى لستة والجماعة يبلو راسهم....

    التعديل لإضافة الآتى:

    ترجمة ما دقيقة جدا للى بالأحمر وأخضر ، عشان مايقولوا أطرشنا...:

    منحوا حقيبة وزارية للجنرال هادى مامون( الهادى مامون المرضى)،على الرغم من علمهمم بعلاقته بوكالةالأستخبارات الأمريكية، فأصبح وزيرا بموافقة البشير رغم عدم رضى البعض وقد حافظ الجنرال على علاقته بمدير المحطة حتى أنه وفى أحدى المرات، سافر للقائه فى أوروبا....


    (عدل بواسطة SAIF MUstafa on 09-04-2011, 02:26 AM)


09-04-2011, 00:25 AM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: SAIF MUstafa)

    Quote: حنحاول نطلع بى لستة والجماعة يبلو راسهم....

    تعرف يا سيف أسانج ده يكون مناضل كيبوردى ساكت

    العولمه .... قاتل الله العولمه

09-04-2011, 03:11 AM

motaz ali
<amotaz ali
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-22-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 355

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    يا محمد عثمان ياخوى الكلام الفوق ب الانجليزى هو عبارة عن سرد لمقابلات ياسر عرمان مع الامريكان وليس الموتمر الوطنى والامريكان

    وانت تقول امريكا بتدعم البشير سرا وعلنا واذا كان الحال كما تزعم انت وليس كما جا فى الوثائق لكان حلا بلادنا افضل

    اما بخصوص قولك (نحن) اى تقصد نحن السودانين وقراتنا لوثايق الامركيان فانا لا اظن ان ذلك سوف يغير شئا لاننا شعب لا يجمعنا الا الاطار الجغرافى الذى فرض علينا

    تحسبنا جميعا وقولوبنا شتى

    فاذا قرانا ام لم نقرا كلو واحد

09-04-2011, 04:24 AM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: motaz ali)

    أخيرا تمكنت من دخول الموقع، ووصلت للصفحة الرابعة من الوثائق السودانية وحتى الآن لا أرى ما يريب ؟؟؟!!!

    ويا معتز ياخوي انت حاضر المسلسل ده من البداية ومن أيام دنا عذابها؟
    تم الاعتراف بنظام إرهابي عسكري باطش هو نظام الإنقاذ وإعطاءه الشرعية الدولية لكي يعقد اتفاق نيفاشا الذي فصل الجنوب، ولكي يعمل كمقاول باطن استخباراتي، وظل هذا البورد عبر السنين يمتلئ بأخبار التعاون السري بين الطرفين، والزواج بين الدولة العظمى ونظام الانقاذ زواج عرفي سري لذلك لم يستفد منه الشعب السوداني مثلما استفادت الشعوب الأخرى التي صادقت أمريكا مثل كوريا أو تايوان، ولكن استفادت منه قيادات الحركة الإسلامية التي كدست الدولارات وانفتحت لها المطارات والبنوك الأجنبية!

09-04-2011, 08:26 AM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وصلت للصفحة السادسة عشر، وما قرأته حتى الآن جعلني أشعر بالخجل لأنني ارتبت في السياسة الأمريكية تجاه السودان، وكدت أصدق ما يقوله أصحاب نظريات المؤامرة الغربيين من أن أمريكا دولة تحكمها من وراء الكواليس مجموعة صغيرة من العائلات المترابطة بروابط القرابة والدين والتي تمتلك المصارف الكبرى وأجهزة الإعلام، والتي تسير السياسيين بخيوط خفية وتتحكم في كل شئ عبر الجمعيات السرية، وتسيطر على عقول الجماهير عبر الإعلام وتجعلهم يعيشون وهم أنهم أحرار!

    فهذه الوثائق السرية تعكس صورة لدولة ملائكية تريد الخير لشعب السودان وتريد أن تضمد جراحه وتمنع القتل والتشريد والخراب، إنها المدينة الفاضلة حقا!

    الوثيقة الوحيدة التي جعلتني أشعر بالغضب الشديد تجاه نظام حكم حسني مبارك تورد كيف أن المصري أسامة شلتوت سعى لإقناع الأمريكان بأن نظام البشير هو صمام الأمان الوحيد للسودان وان انهياره يعني الطوفان، وبلغ به الكذب أن زعم أن مقتل الصحفي محمد طه محمد أحمد من عمل جماعة التكفير والهجرة! يجب أن يقرأ الاتحاديون هذه الوثيقة باهتمام شديد ليروا كيف أن مصر حسني مبارك باعت حزبنا بثمن بخس لنظام البشير، فالحمد لله على سقوط حكمه!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L KHARTOUM 002277




    E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/17/2016

    REF: A. KHARTOUM 02157

    ¶B. KHARTOUM 01976

    Classified By: P/E CHIEF E. WHITAKER, REASON: SECTIONS 1.4 (B) AND (D)

    ¶1. (C) In a September 16 meeting with Poloff, Egyptian DCM
    Osama Shaltout expressed his government's concern for Sudan's
    political stability in light of recent public unrest, the
    looming collision between the Sudanese government and the
    international community on Darfur, and the beheading of
    journalist Mohammed Taha (Ref A). Echoing comments made by
    Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit earlier in the
    week, he said that the Government of Egypt (GoE) feared the
    erosion of the National Congress Party-dominated regime and
    the development of a "security vacuum" on its southern
    borders. He indicated that the alternative to the current
    regime would be less desirable to both the USG and the GoE
    and insinuated that incidents like the beheading of
    journalist Mohammed Taha, allegedly at the hands of Islamic
    extremists, could increase in frequency as the regime's
    strength declines.

    ¶2. (C) Shaltout attributed Taha's assassination to the
    extremist group Takfir wal Hijra, and underscored the utility
    of the current Sudanese government by asking if there were
    any truth to reports that it had ceased to cooperate with the
    USG on counter-terrorism. Shaltout said that past fears of
    regime instability in Sudan had prompted Egyptian
    reconciliation efforts, despite links between the NCP and its
    predecessor, the National Islamic Front (NIF), to terrorist
    acts against the GoE--most notably the 1995 assassination
    attempt on President Hosni Mubarak. The implication was that
    the USG should adopt a similarly pragmatic approach based on
    it security interests and in an effort to find peace in

    ¶3. (C) According to Shaltout, the GoE is privately
    encouraging Sudan to accept UN Security Council Resolution
    (UNSCR) 1706 in order to forestall a collision with the
    international community, which would only yield to greater
    isolation and undermine the Sudanese government's ability to
    maintain order. He predicated that the Sudanese leadership
    would permit UN intervention within three months. Shaltout
    reacted positively to rumors of the imminent replacement of
    Foreign Minister Lam Akol, as it would shore up regime
    stability and open a more constructive dialogue with the
    international community. (Comment: Rumors of a cabinet
    re-shuffle are widespread in Khartoum, and the most
    often-mentioned replacement for Akol is Minister of Cabinet
    Affairs Deng Alor. End comment.)

    ¶4. (C) COMMENT: Shaltout's analysis of the current situation
    in Sudan indicates the continued potential for prominent Arab
    buy-in to bring Sudan back from the brink (Ref B). Recent
    Arab League support for a rejection of UNSCR 1706 may be due
    less to pan-Arab solidarity than to a desire to avoid
    undermining Sudan's current regime. Egyptian fears of a
    security vacuum on its southern border could be used to
    induce the GoE to exert more pressure on the Sudanese
    government to accept UN re-hatting in the interest of
    long-term stability. END COMMENT

09-04-2011, 12:06 PM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    والله ويكليس دي فضحت الجماعة فضيحة كبيرة حيث انه اتضح جليا ان أحد مؤسسي تنظيم الاخوان المسلمين فى الجيش عميل امريكي (محمد الهادي المامون)وهذا ماقام به حسب هذا اللقاء:

    في مقابلة مع نائب الامين العام للحركة الاسلامية حسن عثمان رزق

    تواصلت اجتماعات المجلس في 80/1981م بقيادة محمد الهادي المامون الذي عمل على تصنيف الجيش تصنيفا دقيقا مستعيناً بالضباط في الاسلحة المختلفة وافراد من جهاز الطلاب والمعلومات، وبذلك اصبحت لدينا خريطة سياسية واضحة تماما عن القوات المسلحة.


09-04-2011, 12:12 PM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: أحمد أمين)

    Quote: وهنا اود ان اوضح علاقته بالامريكان.. في عهد نميري جاء الامريكان لعمل اذاعة لمهاجمة ليبيا، وفي ذلك الوقت كان بين نميري والقذافي ما صنع الحداد،
    واحتاجوا مهندس فاختاروا محمد الهادي المامون وعندما جاء واخبر الحركة بطلب الامريكان قالوا له اذهب معهم حتى نعلم كيف يفكرون

    وبموافقة التنظيم حسب كلام حسن رزوق الواضح.
    والله دي فضيحة القرن

    وهو الذي قال للضباط المعتقلين بعد انقلاب 30/6/1989

    Quote: I am the defacto Prime Minister of this Government


09-04-2011, 06:21 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: أحمد أمين)

    وثيقة هامة بها جزء يوضح لماذا لا تؤيد أمريكا تغيير نظام البشير (حتى تاريخ الوثيقة) وفي بدايتها تحليل للتركيبة القبلية المهيمنة على السلطة في الخرطوم يخلص إلى تركز السلطة في يد الجعليين يليهم الشايقية ثم الدناقلة
    أترجم منها هذا الجزء:

    "سياسة تغيير النظام من الممكن أن يصبح تطبيقها بنجاح صعبا بدرجة استثنائية. ليس للسودان تراث في الحكم بخلاف حكم القبائل القبائل الثلاثة المهيمنة في الخرطوم، و إذا خلف هذا النظام نظام آخر يتكون من هذه القبائل الثلاثة فإنه سيحتفظ بالجزء الأكبر من وجهة نظر حكومة نظام البشير، وفي الواقع فإن الكثير من معارضة البشير يتكون من عناصر تعارض صفقة السلام مع الجنوب، وتتبنى شعارات إسلامية و ترفض تقاسم السلطة مع القبائل الأفريقية من دارفور أو شرق السودان أو الجنوب، وإذا تغير النظام فربما يستدعي الأمر فرض عقوبات أقسى ، في حين أنه لا يتوافق مع الأهداف الإنسانية للولايات المتحدة في دارفور أو مع خطوات تغيير الدولة السودانية"

    انتهى الاقتباس.
    يعني أن كاتب الوثيقة لايرى فرقا بين حزب الأمة والاتحادي والمؤتمر الوطني! هل يعقل هذا!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KHARTOUM 000118




    E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/25/2017

    REF: A. KHARTOUM 00094
    ¶B. KHARTOUM 00106

    Classified By: CDA Cameron Hume, Reason: Sections 1.4 (b) and (d)

    ¶1. (C) Summary: U.S. policy toward Sudan confronts a
    fundamental contradiction: although legally Sudan is
    organized as a nation-state, in reality Khartoum is an Arab
    capital struggling to rule a vast African hinterland.
    Ethnic conflict, economic change, and the declining
    legitimacy of Khartoum's rule cause instability throughout
    Sudan. Khartoum still controls the money and weapons, but in
    the South and in Darfur its rule is failing. U.S. policy,
    first to negotiate a North/South peace and now to end the
    conflict in Darfur, requires active engagement with this
    government in Khartoum. Although alternative policies, such
    as seeking either regime change in Khartoum or a division of
    the country, would not depend on relations with Khartoum;
    these policies conflict with the goals of humanitarian relief
    in Darfur and the economic development of the South. Over
    the next two years, U.S. policy needs to focus on two
    challenges, both of which require the cooperation of
    Khartoum: first, placing a competent UN peace-keeping force
    in Darfur and, second, fostering free and fair national
    elections to be held later no later than January 2009. End

    All Roads Lead to Khartoum

    ¶2. (C) In Sudan, Khartoum rules. The British ruled the
    country with just over 50 officers in its Sudan service by
    relying on traditional authorities and apathy in the
    provinces. That imperial tradition continued in independent
    Sudan. The government controls the capital, but elsewhere it
    accepts conditions approaching chaos. In fact, for more than
    a generation the government has fomented chaos by funding
    tribal militias in the South and in Darfur to confront other
    indigenous groups that have taken up arms against the
    garrisons in provincial capitals. The confluence of the Blue
    and White Niles in Khartoum and the convergence of the rail,
    road, and air transport networks in Khartoum re-enforce the
    capital's pre-eminence. Khartoum is the fulcrum of power in
    Sudan and the gateway between African Sudan and the rest of
    the world.

    ¶3. (C) Members of just three tribes hold the balance of power
    in Khartoum. The ethnic Arab Ja'aliyin, Shaiqiya, and
    Dunqulah tribes come from the Nile valley north and south of
    Khartoum. Members of these three tribes, which account for
    only a small percentage of Sudan's total population, dominate
    the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), as they have
    previous governments. Of the 26 senior members of the NCP,
    President Bashir is from the Ja'aliyin (nine in total,
    including Presidential Assistant Nafie Ali Nafie and
    Presidential Advisor Maghzoub Al-Khalifa); Vice President Ali
    Osman Taha is from the Shaiqiya (seven in total, including
    Oil Minister Awad Al-Jaz and Intelligence Director Salah
    Abdallah Ghosh, and, the Dunqulah provide six (including
    Minister of Presidential Affairs Bakri Hassan Salah,
    Presidential Adviser Mustafa Ismail, and Minister of Defense
    Abd Al-Rahmin Mohamed Hussein). The same pattern repeats
    itself in the upper echelons of the military and security
    services. Although one of Sudan's two largest traditional
    political parties (the Umma Party) has relied more on support
    from the Ansari islamic sect and population west of the Nile
    and the rival Democratic Unionist Party has relied on the
    Khatmiya sect and population east of the Nile, the tribes of
    the Nile valley controlled those parties as well. This
    long-term concentration of power is extraordinary, and it
    will not change in the near term.

    ¶4. (C) In 1989, a military coup brought President Bashir to
    power. Although many members of the government are
    civilians, the government stays in power because it controls
    the arms and the money. In the past year Bashir has
    increasingly turned to fellow military officers, such as
    Minister of Defense Hussein and Minister of Presidential
    Affairs Bakri, for advice. The money that Sudan receives for
    petroleum sales pours into the national treasury, not into
    the private economy. The government concentrates the
    benefits of the economic boom in Khartoum and the surrounding
    Nile Valley. There has been no benefit in Darfur, or in
    Eastern Sudan, or in the South. Bashir's government is a
    praetorian regime that rules by controlling the military and
    the money.

    KHARTOUM 00000118 002 OF 003

    ¶5. (C) Hassan Al Turabi's National Islamic Front (NIF) was
    the political party behind the 1989 coup. Since then, Turabi
    has been pushed from power by his own followers, who renamed
    the party the National Congress Party. The NCP retains an
    islamist agenda on social matters, and at times it appeals to
    the xenophobic instincts of Sudan,s Arab tribes, for example
    in opposing UN peace-keeping in Darfur. It cultivates good
    relations with Iran and Hamas, but it is equally attentive to
    good relations with other states in the region. The
    character of the party remains islamist, but any popular
    appeal it has is based less on ideology than on controlling
    the levers of power and the symbols of wealth. The bottom
    line is that the party chieftains, after 18 years in power,
    think far more about retaining power in Khartoum than they do
    about changing the world.

    Character of the Regime

    ¶6. (C) President Bashir remains more a military man than a
    politician. Rapid economic growth, which is set to see the
    economy expand by 400 percent between 2000 and 2012, has
    helped him to stay in office despite signing the CPA, which
    all opposition parties and many members of the NCP opposed,
    and despite repeated military defeats in Darfur. In public
    speeches he often makes hard statements that go beyond
    government policy. In official meetings he listens carefully
    and responds point-by-point. He is unlikely to change his
    position during a meeting, but he can change his position
    over time, as he has regarding the UN role in Darfur. He is
    a pragmatic decision-maker, but his criteria for
    decision-making reflect Sudanese, nationalist, islamist

    ¶7. (C) The installation of a Government of National Unity
    (GNU) in July 2005 did not weaken the NCP's grip on power.
    First Vice President Salva Kiir comes to Khartoum for only
    one or two days a month, and no minister from the Sudan
    People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) has gained real power.
    The NCP controls the real power ministries (defense, finance,
    petroleum, interior, intelligence). In the past year, Vice
    President Taha, one of the two architects of the CPA and an
    advocate of greater cooperation with the international
    community, has been pushed toward the margins of power, and
    NCP leaders associated with hard-line policies have become
    more important. After the signing of the Comprehensive Peace
    Agreement (CPA) and formation of the Government of National
    Unity, the policies of Khartoum have hardened.

    ¶8. (C) These rulers of Khartoum design Sudanese foreign
    policy in their own interest, as they see it. They have
    built strong economic relations with China, India, and
    Malaysia, their main partners in the strategic petroleum
    sector. They have diversified sources of arms (e.g.,
    Belarus, Ukraine, China, Iran). They have emphasized Third
    World solidarity, hosting recent summits of the Arab League,
    the African Union (AU), and the African, Caribbean and
    Pacific Group of States (ACP). They have correct, but not
    warm, relations with European countries. They would like to
    have &normal8 relations with the United States -- an end to
    economic sanctions and the designation as a State Sponsor of
    Terrorism, some debt relief, accession to the WTO, and an
    exchange of ambassadors. However, beyond maintaining
    cooperation in fighting terrorism, they seem to have given up
    seeking closer relations.

    Choices for U.S. Policy

    ¶9. (C) John Garang's vision was "A New Sudan," one in which
    all Sudanese would be treated fairly and even a Southerner
    could become president. The USG backed that vision in the
    negotiations that produced the CPA. As long as the NCP and
    SPLM remain committed to that agreement, including the plan
    for free and fair national elections by January 2009, the
    politics of Sudan can change from the inside by Sudanese,
    rather than mainly as a response to outside pressure. Now
    the death of Garang, the ongoing conflict in Darfur (Ref A),
    and problems in implementing the CPA (Ref B) have all made
    the transformation of Sudanese politics more difficult.

    ¶10. (C) Ever since the 1989 coup, the United States has
    applied economic sanctions against Sudan. The list of
    sanctions has increased by executive action (e.g., inclusion
    on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism) and by
    legislative action (e.g., the Darfur Peace and Accountability

    KHARTOUM 00000118 003 OF 003

    Act). The campaign to encourage disinvestment from firms
    doing business in Sudan is beginning to have a real impact on
    European firms, who often raise money in U.S. financial
    markets. Now the United States has practically no trade or
    investment in Sudan, but it is Sudan,s largest donor.
    Although represented at only the charge d'affaires level, the
    U.S. embassy has good access to senior regime figures.
    Whatever the validity and impact of U.S. sanctions policy,
    the USG cannot promote an end to the conflict in Darfur or
    re-activate political change inside Sudan with only
    sanctions. Progress will require some active engagement with
    the Khartoum government.

    ¶11. (C) There are at least two policy alternatives that would
    respond, in part, to the fundamental contradiction that
    although Sudan is legally a nation state, in reality Khartoum
    is an Arab capital ruling a vast African hinterland. One
    such approach is to promote a "Two Sudan Policy," with
    strong, open support for the South in any dispute with the
    North over the CPA, economic investments that tie the South
    to East Africa rather than to Khartoum, and direct USG
    training and supplies for the Sudan People's Liberation Army
    (SPLA). Such a policy would aim at the independence of the
    South either through the planned 2011 referendum or by
    unilateral action. It would leave in place essentially
    military regimes with tribal bases of power in both Khartoum
    and Juba. A Two Sudan Policy would complicate USG efforts to
    resolve the crisis in Darfur, and it would put at risk the
    significant Sudanese cooperation in the war on terror and USG
    concerns for regional security.

    ¶12. (C) A "Regime Change" policy could prove exceptionally
    hard to implement successfully. Sudan has no tradition of
    rule other than by Khartoum's dominant three tribes, and a
    successor regime from those tribes would retain much of the
    perspective of the Bashir government. In fact, much of the
    opposition to Bashir is from elements that oppose the peace
    deal with the South, invoke islamist slogans, and reject
    sharing power with the "African" tribes from Darfur, Eastern
    Sudan, or Southern Sudan. Regime change might be consistent
    with an even stronger sanctions policy, but it is not
    consistent with U.S. humanitarian objectives in Darfur or
    with steps to transform the Sudanese state.

    ¶13. (C) As a point of reference, two other policy
    alternatives are being practiced or advocated, but neither
    seems suitable for the United States. China engages Khartoum
    essentially as a business partner, without looking too
    closely at internal affairs. However, even the Chinese are
    beginning to acknowledge that their business interests may be
    put at risk by insecurity in Darfur and in the South. The
    International Crisis Group, which advocates maximum pressure
    on Sudan and minimum engagement with Khartoum, would
    effectively sacrifice humanitarian operations in Darfur,
    international engagement in promoting the CPA, and long-term
    Western economic interests in Sudan.

    Staying the Course

    ¶14. (C) No policy is going to produce a quick, secure peace
    in Darfur or a rapid transformation of Sudanese political
    culture. In the context of the state failure that now
    envelops Darfur, the deployment of a UN peace-keeping force
    offers the best way to contain and to reverse the tide of
    chaos. As explained in Ref A, the attitudes of President
    Bashir have shifted somewhat and the challenge now is to
    widen that opening. As for Sudan,s internal transformation,
    the two-year period before planned national elections is
    neither too short nor too long, but perhaps just the right
    amount of time, to push past the stumbling blocks in the CPA
    (Ref B). Sudan,s chronic instabilities cannot be resolved
    easily, but active U.S. engagement can shift the Khartoum
    government toward a better path.

    ¶12. (C) A "Regime Change" policy could prove exceptionally
    hard to implement successfully. Sudan has no tradition of
    rule other than by Khartoum's dominant three tribes, and a
    successor regime from those tribes would retain much of the
    perspective of the Bashir government. In fact, much of the
    opposition to Bashir is from elements that oppose the peace
    deal with the South, invoke islamist slogans, and reject
    sharing power with the "African" tribes from Darfur, Eastern
    Sudan, or Southern Sudan. Regime change might be consistent
    with an even stronger sanctions policy, but it is not
    consistent with U.S. humanitarian objectives in Darfur or
    with steps to transform the Sudanese state.

09-04-2011, 06:40 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    ظللنا نقرأ ونسمع عن التنافس الصيني الأمريكي على السودان، لكن هذه الوثيقة التي تتساءل هل التواجد الصيني في السودان هو تواجد لتنين قوي أم نمر من ورق، وتحلل باستفاضة شديدة التواجد الصيني في السودان ولا مبالاة الشعب السوداني بخصوصه، وقد ضحكت وأنا أقرأها، تبين بوضوح أنه لايوجد تنافس! على كل، أول مرة أعرف أنه أصبح هناك حي صيني China Town في الخرطوم ويتعجب الكاتب من كون لحم الخنزير يباع في المتاجر الصينية علنا رغم قوانين الشريعة الإسلامية! عسى ألا يكون لحم الكلاب ايضا مما يباع فيها!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KHARTOUM 000119




    E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/22/2017

    KHARTOUM 00000119 001.2 OF 003

    Classified By: CDA Cameron Hume, Reason: Sections 1.4 (b) and (d)

    ¶1. (C) Summary: China has quickly become Sudan's most
    important market, absorbing nearly 70 percent of its total
    exports in 2004, and 96 percent of its oil exports in 2005.
    Chinese investment and immigration have risen sharply in the
    past five years, especially in Khartoum, creating a kind of
    Chinatown on the Blue Nile. On the eve of President Hu
    Jintao,s expected visit to Sudan in early February,
    questions remain about what kind of friend China actually is,
    and about what impact its economic dominance is having on
    Sudanese society. More importantly, the import of China's
    long-term influence in Sudan seems increasingly open to
    debate. The rising dragon may turn out to be a paper tiger.
    End Summary.

    China's Economic Dominance in Sudan

    ¶2. (SBU) "Create the new and strive beyond!" exhorts a banner
    -- in Chinese -- above the entrance to Sudan Hotel, on a
    tree-lined stretch of the Blue Nile in central Khartoum.
    Originally built for wealthy European tourists, the hotel now
    houses the senior management of the China National Petroleum
    Corporation (CNPC). The banner -- and the hotel -- symbolize
    China's growing demand for oil, and its increasing influence
    over Sudan's economy. According to the most recent Bank of
    Sudan figures, Sudanese exports to China topped USD 2.5
    billion in 2004, or nearly 67 percent of the country's total
    exports; preliminary data suggests these figures may have
    risen as much as 70 percent in 2005, to USD 4.3 billion.
    (Note: By contrast, Japan -- Sudan's second largest export
    market -- accounted for only 11 percent of the country's
    exports in 2004, and probably even less in 2005. End note)
    Oil comprised 83 percent of Sudan's total exports in the
    first half of 2005, and almost all of it -- 96 percent --
    went to China.

    ¶3. (C) China is also one of the largest foreign investors in
    Sudan, and one of its largest sources of foreign labor.
    Though the dollar value of Chinese investment lags behind
    totals from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, China
    leads in the number of individual projects, according to the
    Ministry of Investment. The number of registered Chinese
    companies in Sudan jumped from 69 in 2000 to 124 in 2005.
    But the number of registered Chinese workers rose even more
    sharply over the same period, from 8,300 in 2000 to nearly
    24,000 in 2005, based on Ministry of Interior figures.
    Moreover, according to Professor Ali Abdalla Ali of the Sudan
    University of Science and Technology (protect), as many as
    40,000 more unregistered Chinese are working on oil
    exploration or heavy construction projects across the country
    with the tacit permission of local authorities. According to
    one popular story in Khartoum, there are now over 100,000
    Chinese in Sudan -- many of whom, according to the rumor, the
    Chinese government released from prison to work in Sudanese

    What Kind of Friend is China?

    ¶4. (C) In reality, more and more Chinese in Sudan work
    outside the petroleum sector, in service industries catering
    to the country's growing Chinese community. Khartoum's
    eastern suburbs are fast becoming a sort of Chinatown on the
    Blue Nile. Major Chinese companies like ZTE, Huawei, and the
    Zijing Group have built large compounds not far from the
    ever-expanding Chinese Embassy, complete with hotels and
    travel agencies for their expatriate staff. Chinese doctors
    have established a private hospital specializin in
    traditional Chinese medicine, and a number of small Chinese
    supermarkets and restaurants have popped up across the city,
    openly selling pork and alcohol in defiance of local Shari'a
    law. "I came here for the money," said one waitress
    matter-of-factly. "It was better than staying at home in
    Yantai." Though the shops and dumpling joints are popular
    with Chinese and Western expatriates alike, most Sudanese

    KHARTOUM 00000119 002.2 OF 003

    seem remarkably indifferent to their new Chinese neighbors.
    The University of Khartoum began offering Chinese language
    courses four years ago -- with a Chinese-educated Sudanese
    national as the professor -- but enrollment remains very
    small. "I wanted to learn Chinese so I could work for a
    Chinese company," said one former student in the class. "But
    it doesn't matter if you speak Arabic or Chinese, because the
    Chinese won't make a Sudanese person a manager. Besides,
    Chinese was so hard -- now I want to learn English."

    ¶5. (C) Politically, of course, Sudan's Government of National
    Unity (GNU) is anything but indifferent to China; it relies
    not only on China's increasing demand for oil, but also on
    its tacit international support on issues like Darfur. "A
    lot of people in this government turn a blind eye to whatever
    the Chinese are doing here -- working illegally, smuggling
    goods, selling alcohol -- because they think they need them,"
    said Professor Ali. "People feel grateful because China
    helped Sudan drill for oil, even though the Chinese are just
    helping themselves." More recently, however, some officials
    in the ruling National Congress Party fault Beijing for not
    using its veto against UNSC 1706, according to Ali. "They
    want to know what kind of friend China really is." China
    also remains a major arms supplier for the Sudanese Armed
    Forces (SAF), though perhaps as much for economic as
    political reasons. Given the size of Sudan's oil exports to
    China, Sudan is one of the few countries that enjoys a trade
    surplus with China -- some 2 billion dollars in 2004 alone.
    According to Professor Ali -- who serves as an advisor to the
    Ministry of Finance -- China has repeatedly tried to persuade
    Sudan to convert its trade surplus into goods. "Last year
    they offered to give us 8 billion dollars worth of arms," he
    said, though he does not know if the Government accepted the

    Exporting Corruption

    ¶6. (C) China's growing economic role in Sudan is starting to
    raise questions among some Sudanese, especially
    intellectuals. "It's exactly what the British did here --
    classic informal imperialism," said Dr. Magdi el Gizouli
    (protect), a suave UK-educated medical researcher and
    prominent member of the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP).
    Gizouli has recently written eight editorials in the Khartoum
    daily &Al-Ayam8 examining China's relations with Sudan; the
    articles created "a bit of a stir" when published, Gizolui
    admitted, but that seems to have been his primary goal. "No
    one in Sudan wants to think of themselves as being
    re-colonized, especially by China." Gizouli laughed at the
    irony of a Sudanese Communist criticizing a nominally
    Communist state as imperialist, but quickly added that he
    didn't believe China had ever really been communist -- and
    that the Chinese Communist Party had never had good relations
    with the party in Sudan. "China is here to take our oil, but
    what are they giving us in return? The British at least gave
    us Western ideas. The Chinese just give money to a few
    people in the Government who are already very rich."

    ¶7. (C) Professor Ali agreed, charging that China was actually
    "exporting corruption" to Sudan. "We have been brought up
    with British law and Islamic justice, but now the Chinese are
    destroying it," he moaned. "They send government officials
    to China in business class, show them the Great Wall, and
    give them expensive gifts. And no one wants to talk about it
    because their mouths are full of money." Chinese-style
    corruption does seem to be making inroads in Sudan.
    Khartoum's property market has become inflated, Ali charged,
    because local Chinese managers have started "padding prices."
    The contracting manager asks the seller to write the
    contract for a higher price than the actual sales price, and
    reports the higher figure to the company; he then keeps the
    difference, or shares it with his boss. Worse, said Ali, as
    more and more Chinese in Sudan enter the retail sector --
    typically selling Chinese-made goods they smuggled into the
    country -- they drive out local merchants who cannot compete
    on price. "Sudanese always used to go to the Canton Fair,
    but now they don't, because they simply can't complete with a

    KHARTOUM 00000119 003.2 OF 003

    Chinese merchant who hasn't paid customs duties." There has
    been no talk of a boycott of Chinese goods, Ali admitted, but
    most Sudanese prefer to buy Western goods simply because the
    quality is better. "Of course we can't buy American goods
    because of the sanctions, so we really don't have much
    choice," he joked.

    Comment: Dragon or Tiger?

    ¶8. (C) Professor Ali may be overstating his case, but China's
    strong economic influence in Sudan no doubt stems at least in
    part from the absence of U.S. economic competition. More
    poignantly, China's increasing investment in Sudan and its
    economic dominance here come not only in spite of U.S.
    sanctions, but from China's thirst for new sources of oil to
    fuel its own economic expansion -- an expansion funded by
    U.S. investors and U.S. consumers. On the eve of President
    Hu Jintao,s expected visit to Sudan in early February, it
    seems too early to say what kind of impact China will have on
    Sudan over the long term. If the broader international
    environment changes, or if domestic resentment continues to
    grow, China may seem less like a rising dragon and more like
    a paper tiger.

    التعديل لإضافة رابط الصفحة.

    (عدل بواسطة محمد عثمان الحاج on 09-04-2011, 06:43 PM)


09-04-2011, 06:48 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    حتى الآن الدرس الأول من هذه الوثائق أن على الحزب الاتحادي الديمقراطي وحزب الأمة تغيير تركيبتهما القيادية بحيث لا تكون القبائل الثلاثة هي المتسلطة عليها وبحيث تمثل المهمشين في السودان، و أن يوضحا بوضوح للعالم ما هو الفرق بين رؤيتهما للإسلام وبين إسلام المؤتمر الوطني!

09-04-2011, 07:48 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة أخرى تثير الضحك، هل يعقل أن يكون الوهابي عبد الحي يوسف أحد الرموز الإسلامية القيادية بين مسلمي السودان التي تدعو للاعتدال ونبذ العنف؟

    S E C R E T KHARTOUM 001438




    E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/11/2017

    REF: STATE 122288


    ¶1. (S) Embassy Khartoum has identified a few &credible
    voices8 in Sudan,s Muslim community. The following
    information was requested in reftel:

    ¶2. (S) NAME: Tigani Hassan Al-Amin, chairman of the Center of
    Faith Research Center.
    INFLUENCE: Al-Amin is known for his open-mindedness. His
    influence is limited to Sudanese audiences, particularly his
    university students and fellow academics, although he could
    potentially have a wider reach.
    BIOGRAPHICAL DATA: DPOB 1930s, Debebat (South Kordofan
    State). Al-Amin is a veterinarian by training, obtaining
    degrees from the University of Khartoum and the U.K. in the
    1960s and 1970s. He teaches biochemistry at the University
    of Khartoum, where he has also served as dean of students.
    He has served as minister for agriculture for Khartoum State
    in the late 1980s, as vice chancellor of University of Jazira
    (central Sudan) in the early 1990s, and as governor of North
    Darfur State in the mid-1990s. He interprets science in
    accordance with the Qur,an. He is a member of the Islamic
    Jurisprudence Council where he welcomed U.S. visiting
    speaker, Imam Wainwright in 2005. In 1979, he traveled to
    the United States as an International Visitor and Leadership
    Program grantee.
    students and scholars, television audiences.
    Universities, television. Al-Amin appears occasionally on
    Sudan Television and Blue Nile Television.
    CREDIBILITY AND SUITABILITY: No known derogatory information.
    Appears favorably disposed toward the U.S.

    ¶3. (S) NAME: Abdel Hai Yousif, imam of the Doaha Mosque in
    Jebra (Khartoum).
    INFLUENCE: Yousif is a respected voice among Sudanese and
    could potentially have a wide reach.
    BIOGRAPHICAL DATA: DPOB: Unknown, although believed to
    be in his 40s. Yousif studied in Saudi Arabia and teaches
    Islamic Jurisprudence at the University of Khartoum. Until
    about two years ago, he had a television show entitled
    students, and potentially a broader audience spanning both
    the younger and older generation.
    radio, universities, mosques.
    CREDIBILITY AND SUITABILITY: No known derogatory information.
    Appears favorably disposed toward the U.S.

    ¶4. (S) NAME: Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Al-Fatih Gariballa,
    leader of the Sammanyia (Sufi) sect.
    INFLUENCE: Gariballa,s influence is limited to followers of
    the Sammanyia sect.
    BIOGRAPHICAL DATA: DPOB 01/25/65, Edinburgh, U.K. Gariballa
    has led the Sammaniya sect since 2005. He holds a
    bachelor,s degree in international law from the University
    of Fez (Morocco), and teaches Islamic Jurisprudence at the
    Gariballa Mosque. He spent five years in the U.K. where he
    studied English and worked as a translator. As leader of the
    Sammaniya sect and various charities, he has traveled
    frequently to the U.K. and Nigeria. In June 2006, he
    traveled to the United States as an International Visitor and
    Leadership Program grantee (&U.S. Political Process for
    Emerging Muslim Leaders.8)
    adherents and the generation of younger Sudanese.
    CREDIBILITY AND SUITABILITY: No known derogatory information.
    Appears favorably disposed toward the U.S.

09-05-2011, 05:28 AM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة أخرى مثيرة للاهتمام ترصد باستفاضة دور شقيق الرئيس البشير الطبيب عبد الله البشير وزوجته عبر مؤسستهما الخيرية مؤسسة رفيدة الطبية التي تزعم الوثيقة أنها تعالج آلام ضحايا سياسات بطش النظام، وتصف شقيق الرئيس بأنه الشقيق الطيب! هل يعني ذلك إشارة إلى أن كاتبها أحس بأن البشير يعد شقيقه الطبيب العسكري لخلافته؟ من العجيب أن الجمعيات الخيرية الخاصة بأسرة زعيم دولة مجاورة كانت هي المعبر الأكبر للفساد وسرقة مال الشعب وهو ما لم تتفحصه الوثيقة: من يمول المنظمة وماذا يدور في كواليس تعاملاتها المالية؟ على كل كون أن هذا الشقيق أثار اهتمام كاتب الوثيقة ربما يعبر عن إحساس منه بأن هذا الرجل يعد لدور أكبر في مستقبل السودان:






    E.O. 12958: N/A

    ¶1. (SBU) Summary: Led by President Omar Al-Bashir,s brother
    and sister-in-law, the Rufaida Health Foundation (RHF)
    promotes health services and disaster relief throughout
    Sudan, notably to populations marginalized or victimized by
    the policies of the Khartoum government. The Foundation also
    works to promote HIV/AIDS and drug abuse awareness and
    treatment. RHFs efforts highlight the contradictions of
    Sudan,s political elite. End summary.

    ¶2. (U) On February 6, CDA Fernandez visited the small but
    active Rufaida Health Foundation and met with RHF Secretary
    General Dr. Abdullah Al-Bashir and his wife Dr. Nur El Huda
    Shafie, RHF,s Executive Manager. Dr. Al-Bashir, who is an
    Irish-trained surgeon in the Sudan Armed Forces Medical
    Corps, is the younger brother of Sudanese President Omar
    Al-Bashir. Dr. Al-Bashir noted that he must balance his work
    load at the Foundation with his military duties. The
    Al-Bashirs described the twin objectives of their Foundation
    as medical disaster relief and promoting health services
    throughout Sudan, including in Darfur and other marginalized

    Disaster Relief ) Darfur and Beyond

    ¶3. (U) The Al-Bashir,s outlined the RHF,s activities in
    Darfur. Partnered with the European Union, the Foundation
    provides both physical and psychological-health services to
    the local population, including IDPs. The Foundation's
    services include psychological counseling and treatment to
    victims of violence, notably traumatized women and children.
    Education and therapy seek to promote a &culture of peace8
    among the population by encouraging recipients to think about
    ways they can work together to resolve problems. The NGO was
    previously active in Nyala's teeming Kalma IDP camp and now
    has an operation in neighboring Otash IDP camp. Dr. Nur
    described working in Kalma "sitting with weeping women
    telling you their stories, and you cry too."

    ¶4. (U) In addition to its Darfur activities, RHF provides
    emergency medical assistance in natural and man-made disaster
    areas elsewhere in Sudan, and in areas lacking basic medical
    care via mobile clinics in partnership with UNICEF. The
    Foundation has worked in South Sudan, for example, providing
    post-conflict services in Bentiu, similar to what is
    providing now in Darfur. CDA commented that, from his
    experience, this type of mental health outreach is unusual in
    the Arab world. Dr. Nur agreed that mental health services
    currently are largely limited to hospitals and need to be
    more broadly available.

    HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse Programs

    ¶5. (U) The Al-Bashirs also described the Foundation's
    efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and drug abuse. With the support
    of UNAIDS, RHF works to encourage safe behavior among the
    population (focusing on high-risk groups, including the
    prison population and truck drivers) and to make HIV/AIDS
    services available. RHF also provides drug education and
    prevention services. Dr. Shafie noted that narcotics are a
    growing problem in Sudan, due to its location on a transit
    route for drug smuggling, which contributes to the spread of
    HIV. The Foundation provides drug-education in the schools,
    training students who provide the instruction, believing that
    such peer-to-peer programs will have more credibility.

    Opportunities for Partnership

    ¶6. (U) The CDA expressed his admiration for the work that
    RHF is doing and said he would encourage American NGO and
    government institutions to get in contact to explore possible
    opportunities for cooperation. He noted that USAID already
    has a large health program in Sudan, mostly in the South but
    it is consulting internally on how best to restructure its
    programs in the rest of the country, especially in Darfur.
    There is a need, of course, for improved physical and mental
    health services throughout Sudan. He added that the United
    States has been providing extensive emergency humanitarian
    aid in Darfur, but wants to begin to transition to
    development assistance, as it as done in the South. Health
    programs will be a key part of development in Darfur but only
    a real improvement in the security situation will enable the
    international community to shift to early recovery programs.

    KHARTOUM 00000195 002 OF 002


    ¶7. (SBU) The work of the Rufaida Health Foundation reflects
    some of the complexity and irony of Sudan,s internal
    turmoil. While the GoS has marginalized wide swaths of the
    country and its population - and has unleashed terrible
    suffering in Darfur and earlier in the South - President Al
    Bashir,s own brother ######### an NGO that is performing relief
    work in these same geographic areas, notably to victims of
    government-inspired violence. The Foundation also is
    reaching out to areas that are neglected by Khartoum. We
    resisted the temptation to ask this busy, well-intentioned
    couple an obvious question: wouldn't their labors be
    lightened if the Government headed by their brother wasn't so
    bent on traumatizing so many of its own citizens?

09-05-2011, 06:00 AM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة ربما تحمل البشرى بأن نجم نافع علي نافع الذي يمثل واحدا من أبشع وجوه بطش الإنقاذ واستهتارها بالشعب السوداني ربما يسير إلى هبوط في المؤتمر الوطني :

    تقول الوثيقة في جزء منها تعقيبا على هجوم كلامي شديد شنه نافع على أمريكا (ترجمة سريعة لذلك الجزء فقط):

    تحدث القائم فرناندز بتاريخ 19 فبراير مع دكتور مصطفى ووبخه على نغمة تعليقات نافع التي أتت بعد وقت قصير من زيارة إيجابية بارزة لواشنطن قام بها وزير الخارجية واسماعيل نفسه. ورد اسماعيل بأن السودان مخلص فيما يخص كل شئ قاله السودان في واشنطن، وأن ملاحظات نافع الخارجة على الخط هي للاستهلاك الداخلي أمام حضور جماهيري، ويجب أن توضع في ذلك السياق. وقال “ الشريعة ليست من ضمن أجندتكم في السودان ولكن الـ CPA ودارفور هي من ضمنها، تعليقات نافع لا معنى لها” ، وأضاف اسماعيل أنه يجب على الولايات المتحدة ألا تستقرأ الكثير من مثل هذه الانفجارات الكلامية بل يجب أن تستهدى بالتعليقات المكتوبة من جانب الرئيس البشير والتي هي ليست معادية للولايات المتحدة أو لتطبيق الـ UNAMID أو الـ CPA”، وواصل رده قائلا أنه في بعض الأحيان فإن مسؤولين أمريكيين كبار وحتى الرئيس بوش نفسه يقولون أشياء عن السودان يتوجب عليهم قولها لجمهور داخل المنزل لكن “ نحن نفهم أصول اللعبة”. !!!!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L KHARTOUM 000239




    E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/18/2013

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)

    ¶1. (C) Addressing a massive rally February 18 in Sodiri, on
    the Kordofan/Darfur border, Presidential Advisor and National
    Congress Party leader Dr. Nafie Ali Nafie lashed out at the
    US administration and said that Secretary Rice should "lick
    her elbow" (do the impossible) if she believes that Sudan
    would succumb to US and western pressures to abandon its
    adherence to Islamic sharia law, or to allow international
    interference in internal matters. During his speech Nafie
    also told the crowd that UNAMID activity in Darfur would be
    restricted to its explicit mandate, and would not be
    permitted to exceed it in the slightest. According to daily
    newspaper Akher Lahza, Nafie also derisively characterized
    the hybrid force as "forces of dough," and referred to JEM as
    "robbers and murderers."

    ¶2. (C) Nafie's speech provides a sharp contrast to remarks
    made by Presidential Advisor Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail the
    same day, who said that his recent visit to Washington with
    FM Deng Alor had been a successful one. In his press
    statements, Osman said that discussions included proposals on
    normalizing US-Sudan relations. Osman did not elaborate
    further, saying that additional details would be made public
    once the FM returned and had the opportunity to brief
    President Bashir (Alor returns Wednesday evening). Other
    press reports hinted that one outcome of the visit would be
    the resolution of the fates of Sudanese Guantanamo detainees,
    possibly to include the release of Al Jazeera cameraman Sami

    ¶3. (C) Charge Fernandez spoke on February 19 to Dr. Mustafa
    and chided him for the tone of Nafie's remarks so soon after
    an ostensibly positive visit to Washington by the Foreign
    Minister and Ismail himself. Ismail answered that Sudan is
    sincere about everything it said in Washington and that
    Nafie's off-the-cuff remarks were for internal consumption,
    to a popular audience and need to be put in context. "Sharia
    is not something on your agenda in Sudan, CPA and Darfur
    are," he noted, "Nafie's words are meaningless". Ismail added
    that the US should not read too much into such outbursts but
    be guided by the written remarks of President Al-Bashir
    "which are not hostile to the US, to UNAMID implementation or
    to the CPA." He further riposted that sometimes senior US
    officials, even President Bush, say things about Sudan that
    they have to say for a domestic audience, but "we understand
    how the game is played".

    ¶4. (C) Comment: Both Nafie's overheated rhetoric and his
    timing are typical of the power jockeying that takes place
    within the NCP. While Osman's public remarks are not
    necessarily conciliatory, they at least suggest that the
    state of US-Sudan relations is negotiable rather than
    permanently, negatively fixed. Ismail's personal comments to
    the CDA are right in that President Al-Bashir's official
    remarks are the best gauge of Sudanese policy, but the regime
    risks alienating its own radicalized masses if it continues
    to whip them up and really does want a better relationship
    with the U.S. Such a relationship would, sooner or later,
    lead to confrontation with, or marginalization of, extremists
    like Dr. Nafie. End comment.

09-05-2011, 06:56 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-13-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 4742

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    مع تحياتى للأخوان شداد ومحمد عثمان .

09-05-2011, 11:17 AM

أحمد أمين
<aأحمد أمين
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 3371

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: قلقو)

    Quote: هي للاستهلاك الداخلي أمام حضور جماهيري]

    بالله------------ يعني لحس الكوع ده كله تهويش

09-05-2011, 03:44 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: أحمد أمين)

    وثيقة مضحكة ومبكية في آن: مضحكة لأن كاتبها يظن أن مضوي الترابي حزب أمة، كيف يقع هؤلاء الناس الذين ما تركوا صغيرة ولاكبيرة إلا أحصوها في خطأ كهذا؟ أما المبكي فهي محاولة "البزنسة" التي قام بها مضوي الترابي الرخيصة للتوسط بين الجيش السوداني (وهل هو جيش سوداني إنه مليشيا البشير) وبين الجيش الأمريكي زاعما أنه أخذ الضوء الأخضر في ذلك من البشير نفسهومن وزير دفاعه!


    DE RUEHKH #1158/01 2160856
    P 030856Z AUG 08



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 07/31/2018

    REF: KHARTOUM 1117

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)

    ¶1. (C) SUMMARY: In a July 29 meeting with CDA Fernandez,
    Umma Party Parliamentarian Mudawi al Turabi claimed to have
    Presidential approval to initiate discussions for cooperation
    on civil affairs between the Sudeanese Armed Forces (SAF) and
    the U.S. Defense Department, including engineering projects,
    relief efforts and other confidence-building measures. He
    also provided insight into the mechanics of the all-party
    initiative recently trumpeted by President Bashir (Reftel),
    and how it is being used to formulate an international and
    domestic political response to address the crisis in Darfur.

    ¶2. (C) Having recently returned from Washington, DC, Turabi
    was eager to share with CDA Fernandez what he claimed was his
    ongoing correspondence with a Col. Shannon Beebe of the
    Office of the U.S. Army's Deputy Chief of Staff. While in
    Washington, Turabi maintained that he had met with Col. Beebe
    and various constituencies within the U.S. Department of
    Defense, to whom he proposed a renewal of long dormant
    U.S.-Sudanese military cooperation. Acknowledging the
    political sensitivities involved in such an endeavor, Turabi
    proposed cooperation on civil affairs, such as engineering
    projects, expanding Darfur airstrips or relief efforts,
    possibly in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of
    Engineers. He cited hydroelectric power projects as one area
    of potential cooperation, noting that it would be "of good
    value to Sudanese citizens." When informed by CDA Fernandez
    that Post has attempted to engage the Ministry of Defense on
    such issues in the past to no avail, Turabi asserted that
    this time it would be different, as it had been blessed by
    the Defense Minister, Major General Abdul Rahim Hussein, and
    by President Bashir himself. Bashir had coincidently been
    visting the MOD the same day that Turabi did and had approved
    such an idea. CDA Fernandez then reminded Turabi that
    whatever his correspondence with the Pentagon to date, any
    such initiative must be introduced first through U.S. Embassy
    Khartoum. Turabi promised an outreach from the Ministry of
    Defense to the Embassy within the next few weeks, and also
    said he would forward his correspondence with the Pentagon to
    CDA Fernandez.

    ¶3. (C) Turabi then proceeded to shed some light on the
    all-party Darfur initiative announced by President Bashir
    during his recent trip to the region (Reftel). Turabi stated
    that the initiative is taking shape with the formation of six
    committees addressing i) political solutions; ii)
    humanitarian solutions; iii) international engagement; iv)
    public information; v) reconciliation; and vi) development.
    The committees, he said, will be staffed by representatives
    of the 32 existing political parties and aided by civil
    society and academia. Each committee would have about 15
    members. He described the initiative as an all-inclusive way
    to meld the various constituencies' proposals to resolve
    Darfur crisis. Turabi stated that Sadig al Mahdi will likely
    play a big role and chair one of the committees, though
    privately he expressed skepticism of al Mahdi as a tool for
    resolution of the crisis. He also noted the involvement of
    powerful insiders Presidential Advisor Nafie Ali Nafie and
    NCP Political Secretary Mandour al Mahdi, each of whose
    engagement gives credence to the seriousness with which the
    regime is approaching the initiative. The initiative would be
    followed by some sort of mass meeting or conference,
    including Darfuri rebels and civilians, and involving the
    international community as observers.

    ¶4. (C) COMMENT: Turabi's involvement in the all-party Darfur
    initiative provides an inside look at how party leaders are
    coming together to formulate a plan that will serve as both a
    domestic political response and as an answer to the
    international community on Darfur. In order to be successful
    however, the initiative must transcend the emphasis on
    process and form to achieve substantive results in the very
    near future. His rosy view on Sudanese eagerness to cooperate
    with the US military (which assumes that we want to cooperate
    with SAF) is totally at odds with the regime's track record.
    MOD has stymied approval of USMILOBs for UNAMID, kept DLO and
    Charge at a distance, and blocked travel by embassy officers
    to Darfur that had been approved by other Sudanese government
    agencies. While we have no reason to doubt Turabi's account,
    it just doesn't ring true and we will be watching to see if
    there is any substance at all to this confused story. End

    KHARTOUM 00001158 002 OF 002



    التعديل لإضافة رابط الوثيقة

    (عدل بواسطة محمد عثمان الحاج on 09-05-2011, 03:45 PM)


09-05-2011, 07:24 PM

بريمة محمد
<aبريمة محمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-30-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 13471

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    تحياتى للأخوين أبوبكر ومحمد عثمان لنشر هذه الوثائق المهمة ..


09-05-2011, 08:41 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: بريمة محمد)

    لك الشكر أخي قلقو وأخي بريمة.

    وثيقة مضحكة أخرى تتحدث عن آخر موضة ثوب سوداني في الخرطوم أيامها: ثوب أوكامبو!




    E.O. 12958: N/A

    ¶1. SUMMARY: The latest fashion craze for Sudanese women is a toup
    (traditional Sudanese sari-like dress) named after International
    Criminal Court chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo. The "Ocampo"
    toup is a glittering, sequin-heavy design of chiffon. Its title
    continues a trend of naming clothing items and other ubiquitous
    parts of the Khartoum cultural landscape after significant social
    and political figures. In a society where the concept of "sex
    sells" is illegal, sardonic epithets are one the few ways of venting
    that is vaguely tolerated by the regime. END SUMMARY.

    ¶2. Since the 1960s, merchants have been giving nicknames to products
    in Sudan that have made their mark on the cultural tapestry of the
    country. The Khartoum Belail ("Khartoum in the Night") refers to an
    item of clothing with glitter-encrusted fabric, which was popular
    with women throughout Sudan when Khartoum was the only major city
    with regular electricity. Likewise, in the 1970s the donning of a
    "Leyla Elwi" was for those hoping for a bit of the glamour made
    popular by an Egyptian movie star of the same name. Proving that
    Ocampo wasn't the first Argentine to leave a cultural mark on Sudan,
    the striped "Maradona" (named after the famous soccer player and his
    signature jersey) was a hit.

    ¶3. Beginning with the fall of Nimeri's regime in the 1980s, however,
    the "Intifada" ("uprising") toup marked the beginning of a political
    slant for items across the Sudanese marketplace. With the signing
    of the CPA, the "Naivasha" became in style. After John Garang's
    death, a popular Nokia cell phone was given the handle "Salva Kiir"
    (so-called because it, too, was "new and black.") And the
    ever-present wide-body Toyota pick-up truck was given the moniker
    "Widad Babikir" (after Sudanese President Bashir's full-figured
    second wife.) Along with the "Ocampo," a red silk design known as
    "Hummer" (after the American military vehicle) is currently one of
    most popular and expensive items, retailing at over USD 300 per

    ¶4. COMMENT: In a society where the nightlife of Khartoum was once
    the envy of the continent and Sudanese university students were
    revered for their objective attitudes, Sharia law and authoritarian
    rule have forced many sentiments underground. As a recent Agence
    France-Presse article on the "Ocampo toup" recently suggested,
    despite its popularity, many shopkeepers are reluctant to openly
    label or talk to foreigners about this latest fashion trend. But
    these nicknames can provide a glimpse into the critical mindset
    still alive inside a people largely disgruntled with their


09-05-2011, 08:54 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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تويتر Twitter

20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة تبين كيف أن صلاح غوش حاول تخويف الأمريكان من المتطرفين الإسلاميين فيما لو مضت محاولات إدانة البشير أمام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية للأمام، وبعد أن رأينا كيف أن الناتو تحالف مع جماعة جهادية متطرفة لها صلة بالقاعدة هي الجماعة الليبية المقاتلة من أجل إسقاط القذافي، هل لا تزال هذه الفزاعة تعمل؟


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KHARTOUM 001417



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/18/2018

    REF: KHARTOUM 1405

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)

    ¶1. (C) Summary: The GOS will be hard-pressed to control the
    actions of Islamic radicals in Sudan if the ICC issues an
    arrest warrant against President Bashir, NISS Chief Salah
    Ghosh told CDA Fernandez September 17. Ghosh clarified that
    he did not tell French Presidential Advisor Bruno Joubert
    that the GOS would "unleash" radicals against western
    interests in Sudan if an arrest warrant is issued, but rather
    that it would be increasingly difficult for the GOS to
    control them and would even be challenged to protect itself
    against extremist groups, who would question why the regime
    is cooperating with the West if an arrest warrant is issued
    despite such cooperation. On Darfur, Ghosh said that he and
    Vice President Taha met with representatives of SLM leader
    Minni Minawi September 17 to discuss ways of bringing Minawi
    back into the GNU and requested US assistance to encourage
    Minawi to return to Khartoum. Regarding UNAMID deployment,
    CDA Fernandez encouraged Ghosh to press the regime to allow
    Ethiopian and Egyptian peacekeepers to drive overland
    directly into Darfur to facilitate their rapid deployment.
    End summary.

    Controlling Islamic Radicals in Sudan

    ¶2. (C) National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS)
    Chief Salah Ghosh told CDA Fernandez (accompanied by Station
    Chief and polchief) September 17 that the regime will have a
    difficult time controlling radical Islamic extremist groups
    in Sudan if the ICC issues an arrest warrant against
    President Bashir. Ghosh clarified that he did not tell
    French Presidential Advisor Bruno Joubert that the regime
    would "unleash" radicals against Western interests in Sudan
    if an arrest warrant is issued, as the French and some other
    diplomats have been saying. He noted that he had explained
    this to Joubert in Arabic and Joubert's translator had put it
    into French so NISS had no idea that such an alarming
    misinterpretation was making the rounds. He asked that the
    Americans "correct the record" with any misinformed Europeans
    and added that he had told EU Special Representative Torben
    Brylle, who speaks English, the accurate account. Ghosh
    said the NISS currently keeps close tabs on Islamic radical
    "cells" (he avoided using the term "terrorists") and meets
    regularly with them. Ghosh said he personally has met with
    these extremists in prison as well as others at the mosques
    in order to "change their minds."

    ¶3. (C) Ghosh said that the regime had been successful in
    turning many potential jihadists away from violent action
    although they still held extreme views without actually
    committing any crime. "We told them that real jihad is
    organized fighting in defense of the country," so war with
    Israel or with Chad would be jihad, but not targeting South
    Sudan or diplomats or peacekeepers accepted by Sudan. "The
    best way is to convince the cells to change their behavior,"
    said Ghosh, but if there is an arrest warrant against
    President Bashir "we will lose control" of the situation and
    of monitoring these groups and it will be increasingly
    "difficult to take care of security since we will be focused
    on protecting our own leaders." He noted that two of the
    members of a terrorist cell that killed US Embassy staff on
    January 1 had roots in the regime's "Islamic Movement" but he
    feared that a polarized political situation would turn such a
    trickle into a torrent and sweep away the regime.

    ¶4. (C) Ghosh said that Islamic extremists will become
    increasingly radicalized if there is an arrest warrant
    against the President and will ask "what has the CIA done for
    you? Why are we cooperating? Let's go to Jihad." Ghosh
    pointed out that President Bashir, FVP Salva Kiir, and he
    himself have already been identified as the top potential
    targets by the busted Al-Qa'ida in the Land of the Two Niles
    (AQTN) group of August 2007 due to perceived cooperation with
    the West. Ghosh said the regime recognizes that "the ICC is
    a political game" and that "the Save Darfur lobby is trying
    to mobilize against us. Those are our enemies, we have no
    other enemies, certainly not the United States." Ghosh
    warned that an ICC indictment against the President "will be

    KHARTOUM 00001417 002 OF 003

    the start of a direct clash between us and the international
    community." To avoid this, Ghosh urged greater engagement
    between Sudan and the US and expressed hope for "greater
    confidence" between the NCP and the USG. Politicians in the
    US are harsh with the NCP and count our faults, never looking
    for the positive, while the US is always willing to overlook
    the defects of the SPLM in spite of corruption in the GOSS,
    complained Ghosh. "We need close engagement if you want to
    help us," urged Ghosh. He readily admitted that Sudan has
    made many mistakes and needs to accommodate fully American
    concerns about UNAMID deployment, a peace process and
    American humanitarian concerns in Darfur.

    ¶5. (C) Ghosh said that he is committed fully to
    counter-terrorism cooperation despite the pressure of some
    politicians in the regime to stop it. If they end cooperation
    with the U.S. "I will leave my position," he noted, as he
    believed that both countries benefited from this. He made a
    particular point of emphasizing the practical value of this
    link as a means of bilateral communication between the GOS
    and USG. He added that he understood Washington's suspicion
    of the NCP, "you think they have too much power and you would
    like to see them cut down to size." "We know that you are
    for using the political process to weaken them some, using
    your friends like the SPLM and other parties." This is
    politics and it is reasonable, "that is the way the political
    game is played whether in Sudan or America." He would like
    to see monthly meetings with the Charge because "this is very
    useful to speak honestly and clearly to each other."

    Ghosh and VP Taha Meet with SLM/Minawi Representatives
    --------------------------------------------- ---------

    ¶6. (C) Ghosh said that he and VP Ali Osman Taha had just met
    with SLM/Minawi representative (and head of DPA
    implementation) Mohammed el Tijane to discuss ways of
    bringing Minawi back to Khartoum and implement the DPA.
    Ghosh requested the help of the US "to convince Minawi to
    return to Khartoum" and said that Taha might even travel to
    El Fasher to meet with Minawi to discuss DPA implementation.
    (Note: Separately, Tijane passed the same information to CDA
    and polchief at the CDA's Ramadan Iftar at the Rotana Hotel
    in Khartoum September 17 and to AF/SPG TDYoff later that
    evening. Tijane complained of continued attacks September 17
    by GOS forces in north Darfur outside of Khazan Tunjur but
    said that the fighting had stopped by 6:30 pm. Minawi
    himself confirmed this information to poloff in Darfur by
    satphone late the evening of September 17 and claimed that
    SLM forces routed the GOS forces and took 40 of their
    vehicles. Minawi confirmed the meetings of his
    representatives with Ghosh and Taha and questioned why Nafie
    was not involved. He also questioned the sincerity of Ghosh
    and Taha given the ongoing GOS attacks even while the regime
    was meeting with SLM officials in Khartoum. At noon on
    September 18, CDA Fernandez spoke to Minawi by satphone.
    Minnawi reported no ground fighting but a "SAF Antonov" had
    bombed near Tabit (30 miles SW of El Fasher) killing 5
    civilians working in their fields. Minawi said that he feared
    the "not only the NCP, but SAF has its factions and you agree
    with one and the other does this." He was not opposed to
    meeting Taha on Friday, September 19 but wanted tangible
    results from the meeting and guarantees against further
    attacks, and asked rhetorically "is he reaching out because
    he is going to New York and has to look like a peacemaker?"
    End note.)

    ¶7. (C) Ghosh said that the problem of Minawi "was not a deep
    one." He cheerfully admitted that some of the problems were
    created by the NCP, some were of Minawi's own creation and
    had to do with corruption, lack of capacity and ethnic
    problems between Zaghawa and non-Zaghawa. The death in a car
    accident of Darfur negotiator Magzoub al-Khalifa in July 2007
    had left a gap in relations with Minawi that the toxic Nafie
    Ali Nafie, Al-Khalifa's successor with the Darfur file, had
    not even bothered to try to fill.

    Overland Deployment of Ethiopian and Egyptian UNAMID Troops
    --------------------------------------------- --------------

    ¶8. (C) CDA Fernandez suggested to Ghosh that the regime could
    improve its image and relations with the West by allowing and

    KHARTOUM 00001417 003 OF 003

    encouraging Ethiopian and Egyptian UNAMID peacekeeping troops
    to deploy overland to Darfur (as discussed with AF/SPG
    Shortley via SVTC September 16). CDA noted that this would be
    both a tangible and a symbolic change that would enhance
    Western confidence that the regime wants to change its ways.
    Ghosh promised to consider the proposal and discuss it with
    others in the regime. CDA also noted that "if we look at
    tangible results since July, we seem to be going backwards in
    Darfur." The current military campaign, actions against IDP
    camps, such as the Kalma massacre and harassment of NGOs
    continues unabated, especially in South Darfur. Ghosh
    responded that "the problem is that South Darfur state is in
    the hands of the janjaweed," and is the stronghold of
    Darfur's Arab tribes, unlike North and West Darfur states
    where Africans serve as governor and there is less NGO
    harassment and less pressure on IDP camps. CDA Fernandez
    noted that there are Arab tribes, such as the Baggara
    Rizeigat, who refused to join in the fighting, "there has to
    be a way of ensuring order, without falling into brutality
    such as we saw in Kalma." If there was a vote today on ICC
    deferral today at the Security Council, "we would veto,
    although there is still time to change. Ghosh readily
    admitted that "we need to change."


    ¶9. (C) Friendly and eminently open to engagement with the US
    throughout the meeting (never more so than in this particular
    meeting), Ghosh was meticulously careful to present the
    potential actions of Sudanese extremists in response to an
    ICC arrest warrant as a risk, rather than as a threat by the
    regime. The NCP is no doubt worried about keeping a lid on
    extremists, but its primary concern at the moment is
    convincing the West to help it avoid an ICC arrest warrant
    against Bashir by any means necessary. The meeting of Ghosh
    and Taha with SLM rep Tijane is a positive sign, but only if
    the regime is serious about making tangible concessions to
    Minawi in implementing more of the DPA in order to ensure his
    return to Khartoum. The continued attacks on Minawi
    simultaneous to the talks in Khartoum could be a sign that
    the regime hopes to convince Minawi by all means necessary,
    that it is entirely duplicitous, or - perhaps most alarming -
    not completely in control of events. Unfortunately it is
    likely the latter, as the regime has thus far proven itself
    incapable even of presenting the basic outlines of a possible
    solution to Darfur in its much touted Darfur People's
    Initiative (which remains an empty shell weeks after being
    announced). However the regime is under increasing pressure
    to do something on Darfur in advance of the UNGA next week
    and possible discussions of an article 16 ICC deferral in the
    following weeks, and may yet present a proposal on Darfur in
    advance of or at the UNGA, as VP Taha himself will head the
    GOS delegation in NY next week (as predicted by FM Alor in

09-05-2011, 09:08 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    جزء كبير من الوثائق يتعلق بدارفور وما قرأته منها جعلني أشعر بالأسف الشديد لأن حركات دارفور المسلحة أعطت انطباعا سلبيا وأسهمت في قتل قضية دارفور وفقدت الاحترام الدولي، وأرجو أن يدرس إخوتنا في هذه الحركات هذه الوثائق جيدا، هنا وثيقة مثيرة للاهتمام: شكوى من رؤساء مفوضية التعويضات والسلطة القبلية (أحدهما ينتمي لقبيلة الميما) ضد قبيلة الزغاوة!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 KHARTOUM 001449



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/30/2018

    REF: KHARTOUM 1383

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, Reason: Section 1.4 (b) and (d

    ¶1. (C) SUMMARY: On September 23, the leaders of both the
    Compensation and Land Commissions in the Transitional Darfur
    Regional Authority (TDRA) told poloff that they fear the
    Zaghawa tribe's dominance in Darfur and the Sudan Liberation
    Movement of Minni Minnawi (SLM/MM). Head of the Land
    Commission, Adam Abdulrahman Adam, emphasized that Minnawi
    lacks control over many unruly Zaghawa commanders, who
    regularly pillage non-Zaghawa villages, steal livestock
    throughout Darfur, and kill civilians attempting to defend
    themselves against these attacks. Meanwhile, Chairman of the
    Compensation Committee, Abulgasim Ahmed Abulgasim, stated
    that the Zaghawa lead all of the most active rebel movements,
    and will therefore dominate future negotiations on Darfur, a
    prospect that is unacceptable to the majority of Darfuris.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶2. (SBU) On September 22, TDRA Land Commissioner Adam
    called poloff and reported that on September 19 and 20,
    SLM/MM supported Zaghawa raids on Gusa Jemed (near Wad'a)
    stealing animals, destroying homes, and killing four people
    of the Mima tribe (of which Adam is a member.) Adam added
    that on September 21, another SLM force of approximately
    twenty vehicles gathered near Id Al-Beida (outside of Dar Es
    Salaam) and conducted raids on Om Shajar, burning three
    villages, and allegedly displacing 1,500 people. Adam stated
    that this form of raiding has intensified in the last three
    months, and that "all of Darfur is slowly starting to turn
    against the Zaghawa." Adam claimed that this is the 26th
    raid since he started to document this form of activity
    following the signing of the DPA. Adam also claimed that
    the SLM/Zaghawa have killed over 150 people in such raids in
    the last two years. Presidential Advisor Abdullah Masar told
    CDA Fernandez that he had just received a delegation from the
    Mima, a small African tribe, on September 24 complaining
    about their defenselessness before such depredations.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶3. (C) In a separate meeting with both Abulgasim and Adam
    on September 23, Adam again focused on SLM/MM's lawlessness
    and raiding. Adam stated that during his hiatus in Khartoum,
    Minnawi "was in denial about what his commanders and soldiers
    were doing." Since his return to the field and following
    multiple heated conversations with the TDRA Land
    Commissioner, Minnawi has "finally realized what is
    happening, but this is now out of his control." Adam
    admitted that the identity of the raiders is not always
    clear, as sometimes Zaghawa loosely affiliated with SLM/MM
    initiate the first raid, and are later protected by SLM/MM.
    In other instances, SLM/MM fighters have been directly
    responsible for the attacks. Adam said that SLM has been
    keen to entirely disarm populations in areas of their
    control, tax the local population, and take total control
    over all functions normally played by a government.
    Abulgasim emphasized that it is unacceptable that Darfur has
    become more dangerous since the signing of the DPA and that
    SLM/MM and the Zaghawa are largely responsible for this.

    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶4. (C) Abulgasim and Adam characterized the Taha-Minnawi
    agreement on September 19 as "a good first step," but
    criticized SLM/MM as unable to bring peace and stability to
    Darfur. Both TDRA leaders stated that once a diverse,
    multi-ethnic movement, SLM/MM has returned to its Zaghawa
    base, and is no longer representative of the people of
    Darfur. Unlike Muhammad Tijani (ref b,) these TDRA
    representatives stated that Taha's renewed interest in Darfur
    is part of a greater power struggle within the NCP. "Taha is
    trying to find a diplomatic solution to Darfur, and if he
    succeeds, Nafie's influence will decline, as Nafie has
    advocated for a military solution to Darfur," stated
    Abulgasim. Minni Minnawi and Presidential Advisor Nafie Ali
    Nafie are on opposite sides of a scale, "if one is going up,
    the other goes down," asserted Abulgasim.


    KHARTOUM 00001449 002 OF 002

    - - - - - - -
    ¶5. (C) Both Abulgasim and Adam were most pessimistic when
    discussing the peace process. Abulgasim stated that he
    recently met with the Qatari Ambassador in Khartoum to
    discuss the Qatari-French initiative. According to
    Abulgasim, the Qatari Ambassador is "simplistic, afraid of
    the NCP, and very unimpressive" (Note: CDA Fernandez met with
    the Qatari Ambassador the same week and can confirm that
    analysis. Whatever views the Qataris have to date on Darfur
    seem to be filtering from UN/AU Mediator Bassole, or less
    helpfully, from the NCP or Arab League. End note). Abulgasim
    noted that the Qatari Ambassador had no understanding of
    Darfur or how to conduct negotiations. Abulgasim also stated
    that he met with the Arab League's Amr Musa on September 22
    in Cairo. Musa reportedly told Abulgasim that he was
    confused by the Qatari initiative and apologized for the Arab
    League's distant, slow, and largely indifferent response to
    Darfur for the last five years. (Note: This assessment of
    the Qatari plan tracks with that of the Egyptian embassy in
    Khartoum. On September 22, Egyptian political officer Tamr
    Azzam told poloff that the GoE was "surprised" by the Qatari
    initiative, and that Egyptian poloffs in Khartoum have not
    been able to get "anything specific about the Qatari plan"
    from their Qatari counterparts in Khartoum. End Note.)
    According to Abulgasim, Musa also heavily criticized
    Presidential Advisor and former Foreign Minister, Mustafa
    Osman Ismail, saying, "he is stupid and has just been telling
    lies all of this time." Both Abulgasim and Adam acknowledged
    that the GoS is feverishly trying to formulate its Sudan
    People's Initiative and may be able to "come up with
    something like a general framework, but when it comes to the
    issue of participation, it will become a dogfight."

    ¶6. (C) Both Adam and Abulgasim expressed fear that as the
    Zaghawa dominate the most active rebel groups (i.e. JEM,
    SLM/MM, Unity, and elements of the dissolved URF,) this small
    but aggressive ethnic group will control future negotiations
    about Darfur. Although Abdul Wahid Al-Nur has support among
    the Fur and IDPs, "without an effective military presence,
    his significance is diminished." Adam and Abulgasim
    described this Zaghawa dominance as "a disaster," and
    suggested that the participation of non-military actors (i.e.
    civil society representatives, traditional and tribal
    leaders, etc.) should be the focus or future negotiations.
    "No one will accept Zaghawa rule after the last couple of
    years," asserted Adam.

    ¶7. (C) At the end of the meeting, Adam passed poloff the
    latest work of the Land Commission, including a lengthy
    "Terms of Reference" for the commission's future research
    that Adam estimates will cost approximately 20 million USD.
    Abulgasim also stated that the Compensation Committee's work
    is proceeding well, and promised to deliver a
    "groundbreaking" report to poloff. Adam and Abulgasim ended
    the meeting requesting support for a small group of Darfur's
    leaders to travel to Washington. When asked about which
    leaders would travel, Adam and Abulgasim disagreed, but
    concurred that, "the group should be small and help inform
    policy makers and the U.S. presidential candidates about
    Darfur during this difficult period."

    ¶8. (C) COMMENT: Abulgasim and Adam appeared to be speaking
    "off the cuff" while proposing a trip to Washington, and we
    do not believe that a visit at this time will further U.S.
    goals in Darfur or Sudan. We share Abulgasim's and Adam's
    concern about disproportionate Zaghawa influence in Darfur
    and within SLM/MM. There is widespread suspicion and dislike
    among both Darfur's African and Arab tribes about Zaghawa
    hegemony, mirroring Zaghawa control of neighboring Chad. This
    small, tough and smart tribe punches way above its weight in
    Darfur. The question remains, however, how to empower
    multi-ethnic civil society leaders without creating a new
    artificial political class or providing a new target for the
    NCP's infiltration and manipulation. Tribalism was always
    important in Darfur but the past five years' violence seems
    to have only intensified this feeling. END COMMENT.

    التعديل لإضافة رابط الوثيقة

    (عدل بواسطة محمد عثمان الحاج on 09-05-2011, 09:10 PM)


09-05-2011, 09:20 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

للتواصل معنا

تويتر Twitter

20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة تتضمن تصريحات مدهشة أدلى بها موسى هلال للقائم بالأعمال الأمريكي في مأدبة إفطار رمضاني كان الداعي إليه دكتور مادبو السوداني الأمريكي وحضره عدد من زعماء بطون الرزيقات، وانفرد هلال بالقائم بالأعمال في غرفة جانبية ليبرئ نفسه ويضع اللوم في مارتكب من جرائم على الأصوليين الإسلاميين ويقول أن ينتمي للصوفية وأن ولاء عائلته التقليدي للحزب الاتحادي الديمقراطي! ياللعجب!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KHARTOUM 001450



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/23/2018

    REF: A. KHARTOUM 1391
    ¶B. KHARTOUM 1343
    ¶C. KHARTOUM 1108
    ¶D. KHARTOUM 1009
    ¶E. KHARTOUM 463
    ¶F. KHARTOUM 267
    ¶G. KHARTOUM 80

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

    ¶1. (C) Summary: In a surprise meeting, notorious janjaweed
    leader Musa Hilal told CDA that he was duped by Khartoum in
    his actions during the worst years of 2003-2005 in Darfur, he
    regrets his past, and has apologized in several tribal venues
    to Darfur's African tribes. He blamed Darfur's "excesses" on
    the NCP's Islamists and suggested President Al-Bashir should
    break with them and rule as military dictator. He claimed a
    close relation with Chadian President Deby and asked how he
    can advance the American agenda in Darfur. End summary.


    ¶2. (C) On September 23, CDA Fernandez and poloff attended the
    Ramadan Iftar held by Darfuri-American activist and prominent
    Arab tribal leader Dr. Walid Madibo (also attending was the
    Qatari Charge). Madibo, a USAID implementing partner, is a
    leader of the Baggara (cattle-herding) or Southern Rizeigat,
    one of Darfur's most numerous and powerful Arab tribes but
    also the most notable Arab tribe to sit out the bitter ethnic
    fighting of the past five years in Darfur (the Southern
    Rizeigat were deeply involved in the war between Khartoum and
    South Sudan though, and were notorious raiders of Southern
    cattle and people before that war ended) and resisted the
    temptation to serve as tribal shock troops for the Khartoum

    ¶3. (C) As the time for breaking the fast and prayer
    approached, the Southern Rizeigat were joined by a strong
    representation from their camel-herding, Northern cousins -
    the Abbala Rizeigat and tribal leaders of the Ireiqat,
    Etafat, Mahariyya, Awlad Rashid and Mahamid tribes. Among the
    dignitaries was Sheikh Hammad Gibriel of the Ireiqat, and the
    paramount sheikh of the Mahariyya, Mohamadeen Al-Doud. But
    chief among them was Musa Hilal, hereditary sheikh of the
    Mahamid, and the most infamous of all Janjaweed warlords.
    Although Hilal, was one of the younger tribal leaders
    present, he stood out by his height and by the deference he
    received from many of the elder sheikhs. Hilal was appointed
    an Advisor to the Ministry of Federal Rule in January 2008, a
    move widely criticized in the West but one seemingly intended
    to keep him on a short leash after he flirted with joining
    the SPLM in Juba in late 2007 during the SPLM "cabinet

    ¶4. (C) After prayer and eating, Madibo gave a short
    presentation on the work of his NGO which tries to promote
    reconciliation between various tribes in Darfur, using
    traditional mediation methods. He made a strong case that all
    Darfuris are "Africans" of mixed Arab and African origin and
    that they need to overcome together the grim history of the
    past and renew the traditionally tolerant social fabric of
    Darfur as it existed over centuries. He noted that Darfur's
    Arab tribes have to do a better job explaining themselves and
    their concerns to the world, especially the West. He formally
    invited the Amir of Qatar to visit the Arab tribes of Darfur
    and hear their complaints and see their marginalization.


    ¶5. (C) Hilal then met one on one with CDA in a side-room.
    This is the third meeting between Hilal and USG officials. In
    2004, he met with CDA Galluci at the height of the violence.
    In late 2006, he met with Special Envoy Natsios in Nyala.
    Hilal began by recalling those meetings and recounting the
    details of his infamous career. He said that the U.S. had a
    superficial and inaccurate understanding of those worst years
    (2003-2005) of Darfur bloodletting. The Arab tribes were
    manipulated by a hysterical Khartoum afraid that SPLM leader
    John Garang was seeking to open a new front just as
    negotiations reached their final stage on the CPA. "I was let
    out of prison (Hilal had been arrested for manslaughter) and
    was angry at the world. My tribe had been attacked. Khartoum
    armed me and pushed tribal vengeance into something worse."
    He noted that the region was, and is, awash in weapons,
    supplied by Libya in the years of its many Chadian
    interventions. "We don't feel we had a choice as our tribal
    enemies were with the rebels." The Arab tribes couldn't

    KHARTOUM 00001450 002 OF 003

    disarm unilaterally in the face of heavily armed rebel groups
    aching for revenge.

    ¶6. (C) Hilal said he regretted much about those years and has
    apologized to Fur and other leaders for his actions and those
    of the Mahamid. "Someone said that President Bush wanted the
    ######### of two people: Bin Ladin and Musa Hilal." But I am not
    as you think I am, "the political leader I am closest to and
    admire is President Deby of Chad." We have family ties going
    back to our grandfathers. He snorted appreciatively when CDA
    described the NCP earlier as experts in "deception, delay and
    false promises," commenting that "you know them well then."


    ¶7. (C) Sheikh Hilal blamed Khartoum's Islamists for Darfur's
    carnage. "I am not a member of the NCP, my family has always
    been Unionists (DUP members). We are Sufis and not
    fundamentalists." He said that President Bashir had been led
    astray by the likes of Islamic fundamentalists (VP) Ali Osman
    Taha and party leader Nafie Ali Nafie. Hilal would like to
    see Bashir arrest the NCPers, hold them responsible for their
    crimes and rule Sudan with the help of the Northern
    opposition parties (Umma and DUP) and the SPLM. He noted
    that whatever government rules in Khartoum, "I will remain
    what I am, sheikh of my tribe, a free man."

    ¶8. (C) He sarcastically noted his ostensible role as a
    ministerial advisor, "we advise them on nothing. We have no
    power, everything, every killing is decided in Khartoum. You
    call us 'janjaweed' but that is not a word we use, those are
    bandits, thieves and robbers." He complained that the Arab
    tribes have not been consulted about a constellation of
    recent Darfur initiatives in the news, "the Qatari, Arab
    League and Sudan People's (this is Bashir's initiative), we
    don't know them or any details about them." Warming up to the
    topic, Hilal described Darfur's Arab militias as "disloyal to
    Khartoum. We found out that we have more in common with the
    Africans of Darfur than with these Nile Valley Arabs." Hilal
    added that the Arab tribes of Darfur were constantly told by
    Khartoum officials that the Americans were "out to get them."
    There is a rumor that you are taking Zaghawa tribesmen for
    training in Afghanistan (the fierce Zaghawa make up the bulk
    of Darfur's rebels and are bitter enemies of the camel
    herding Arabs) but we know that is not true. "If we had a
    choice, we would be with America against the NCP."


    ¶9. (C) Despite the ferocity of the Zaghawa's reputation,
    Hilal dismissed the power of the various Zaghawa-dominated
    rebel groups. JEM is strong only because of lavish Chadian
    support and the heavy use of Chadian mercenaries. JEM leader
    Khalil Ibrahim recruits lesser tribes along the border as
    cannon fodder, "there aren't that many Zaghawa that are still
    fighters" as the upwardly mobile tribe moves to the cities to
    become successful traders and businessmen. Hilal
    characterized the Fur people of Darfur, often seen as the
    conflict's (and Hilal's) greatest victims, as much more
    formidable. "They are smarter and fight better, but they lack
    the weapons, vehicles and preparation." He added that "the
    Fur should lead" in Darfur - a far cry from the days of Arab
    supremacy in Darfur - as they are "wiser, better educated and

    ¶10. (C) Hilal asked for understanding: "we want a place in
    the American agenda for Darfur." We want to see your policy
    goals succeed there. He said that he wanted to find "whatever
    way I can to be helpful to the Americans." Hilal added that
    he wanted nothing for himself except the opportunity to
    travel freely (evidently Hilal feels that he may well be
    arrested if he travels too far afield). Hilal added that "we
    don't understand what is your goal in Darfur, we want to
    understand and be helpful." He repeatedly emphasized that
    the loyalty of Darfur's Arab tribes , and presumably his own,
    is up for grabs, if the West is interested.

    ¶11. (C) Comment: Like a large tawny cat, Hilal is a
    compelling and surprisingly articulate figure (in Arabic) who
    seems eager to break with Khartoum and find some sort of
    accommodation from the West for himself and his band of
    rogues. He longs for contact and recognition and was not shy
    about his contempt for the Islamist politicians in Khartoum
    (he was silent, however, about his likely paymasters in the
    Sudanese military/security apparatus). He does feel, and is
    probably right, that tribesmen like himself are in danger of
    being made scapegoats at war crimes tribunals for policy

    KHARTOUM 00001450 003 OF 003

    decisions made in the capital. Although Hilal was only one of
    many ruthless Arab militia field commanders in Darfur, his
    media exposure during the worse years of the genocide will
    always make him a marked man. He is smart and aware enough to
    know that and to look for a way out without comprehending
    that none is likely to exist for him. If anything, this
    meeting also underscores the shallow, mercurial nature of
    Khartoum's relationship with their most trusted allies in the
    field in Darfur. End comment.

    (عدل بواسطة محمد عثمان الحاج on 09-05-2011, 09:22 PM)


09-05-2011, 09:42 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة مدهشة أخرى يتطوع فيها قياديون في الحركة الشعبية بنقل معلومة أن حزب المؤتمر يريد نقل السلطة من البشير لشخص آخر على أساس أن يذهب البشير للمنفى في السعودية، وأن البديل سيكون عسكري يكون مقبولا لجميع الأطراف لأن المؤسسة العسكرية لن تقبل بانتقال الرئاسة لملكي مثل علي عثمان، وتلخص الوثيقة إلى أن إيجاد خليفة للبشير يحفظ التوزان المعقد لهو أمر في غاية الصعوبة!


    O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 KHARTOUM 001777



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/12/2018

    REF: KHARTOUM 1657

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

    ¶1. (C) Summary: According to senior SPLM officials, Sudan's
    NCP is trying to broker a quick and graceful removal of
    President Al-Bashir within the next few months, with the
    President going into exile in Saudi Arabia. Discussions on a
    transition, which should take place before an ICC arrest
    warrant could be issued, have stalled over who would replace
    Al-Bashir and under what conditions. The SPLM would like to
    see aggressive action by the P-3 over the next month to shape
    such a transition and ensure that Western (and SPLM) concerns
    are taken into account by the regime's future leaders. End

    ¶2. (C) Foreign Minister Deng Alor and SPLM Deputy Secretary
    General Yassir Arman told CDA Fernandez on December 13 that
    plotting and deal-making within the National Congress Party
    (NCP) for a transition of President Omar al-Bashir from power
    has intensified in recent days but has now hit a predictable
    snag on the key issues of sequencing and personalities. They
    outlined how there seems to be consensus within the regime
    that Al-Bashir "should go soon, preferably before an ICC
    arrest warrant is issued," to a gilded exile in Saudi Arabia
    from where, presumably, he could not be extradited to The
    Hague. Alor said that Al-Bashir has agreed in principle to
    go. The logical replacement, VP Ali Osman Taha, is hesitant
    to move forward because of fears of bitter opposition from
    the Sudanese Army (SAF) which distrusts civilians generally
    and Taha in particular because of his close ties to NISS
    chief Salah Ghosh, who has built up Sudan's national security
    apparatus as a rival to the SAF.

    ¶3. (C) Because of Taha's caution, the search has switched now
    to identifying an acceptable army general who would be
    agreeable to the different factions within the Islamist
    elite. The SPLM fears that the NCP could agree on a "younger,
    more radical version" of Al-Bashir, such as SAF Deputy Chief
    of Staff Awad Ibn Auf (sanctioned in May 2007 by the USG
    because of his actions in Darfur while serving as head of
    Military Intelligence) who would prolong the war in Darfur
    and play hardball against the SPLM on CPA implementation.
    "This would be a disaster for us, we would miss Al-Bashir,"
    remarked Arman. Alor also noted that former NCP guru Hassan
    al-Turabi is still a factor, "he still has some level of
    support in SAF and the NCP" and continues to plot. The SPLM
    is convinced that Al-Turabi maintains his ties with the JEM
    rebel movement in Darfur and Alor related NCP fears of a
    possible JEM-inspired assassination campaign against regime

    ¶4. (C) The SPLM's preference is that the NCP be pressed by
    the international community, especially the P-3, in the
    coming weeks to identify a transitional senior (preferably
    elderly, "someone who is near his expiry date," Arman noted)
    general who is acceptable to all three members of Sudan's
    presidency (Al-Bashir, Taha, and First Vice President Salva
    Kiir) and would serve as a figurehead to take the country to
    elections in 2009. The SPLM has begun scouring the list of
    SAF generals trying to see if it can identify appropriate
    officers who fit the bill and will share its findings with
    the US Embassy. Alor said his information is that the
    Egyptians are doing the same thing as they fear a civilian
    Islamist taking over in Sudan (reftel). He added that this is
    an idea Salva Kiir will explore with President Bush in early
    January in Washington and, hopefully, with Obama transition

    ¶5. (C) In such a scenario, P-3 reps would go to the NCP and
    urge them to pick a figure committed to full implementation
    of the CPA, a quick end to the Darfur conflict, and an early
    transition to democracy. This is something like what happened
    in 1985 when General Nimeiry was overthrown and a military
    caretaker government oversaw the country's transition back to
    democracy. Arman noted that because the NCP has reached this
    internal impasse, the situation remains fluid and could
    deteriorate within the coming couple of months with the
    intense jockeying for position and advantage of different
    factions within the NCP intensifying. Alor said that he hoped

    KHARTOUM 00001777 002 OF 002

    that French envoy Bruno Joubert would begin to bring a
    credible and detailed "endgame message" to Khartoum when he
    visits on December 15.

    ¶6. (C) Alor said that the NCP had used the JEM/Turabi factor
    to explain recent fighting in Abyei on December 12-13. His
    own deputy, NCP insider Mutriff Siddiq, had told him that the
    NCP fears that JEM plants within SAF may have triggered the
    fighting in Abyei on purpose to draw SAF south towards the
    SPLA thereby clearing a path for the much rumored JEM march
    on the capital, from Darfur through South Kordofan and then
    across the Nile, or merely for JEM to secure or destroy the
    oil distribution network in South Kordofan which pumps the
    crude from Southern oil fields to Port Sudan. Siddiq told
    Alor that the notorious 31st SAF Brigade, some of whose
    troops are part of the Abyei JIU, may have been penetrated by

    ¶7. (C) Alor noted that while the fighting in Abyei between
    SAF soldiers in the Abyei JIU and Abyei police seemed to now
    be contained, he was livid about the role of UN SRSG Ashraf
    Qazi in trying to quell the violence. "Ashraf is a nice
    person, but weak and incompetent," he scoffed. Qazi had
    refused to order UN troops on the ground to secure the Abyei
    market, focusing instead on the JIU. "He should secure the
    market and then push for the entire JIU to leave town." Alor
    did reluctantly acknowledge UN efforts to keep SAF units in
    Difra and SPLA units in Agok from moving towards the
    fighting, steps that could ignite a wider conflagration. He
    asked that CDA Fernandez urge Qazi to be more pro-active (CDA
    spoke to Qazi on December 13 and urged more aggressive UNMIS
    moves to contain the violence. Qazi responded that UNMIS is
    "doing exactly that").

    ¶8. (C) Khartoum has been rife with possible transition
    scenarios for weeks (reftel) and this latest information is
    in sync with Al-Bashir's recent declaration that he is
    willing to step down "if asked by the Sudanese people, not
    foreigners." Given the internal divisions within the NCP and
    the rivalry between NISS and SAF, the SPLM factor, and the
    machinations of JEM and Al-Turabi, it will be quite difficult
    to find a candidate acceptable to all sides (although Sudan's
    abounds with inoffensive former SAF generals). Despite the
    repeated and well-documented brutality of the regime in
    Darfur, President Al-Bashir has been exquisitely tuned to an
    inclusive and congenial form of rule quite comfortable to
    Sudan's tiny Northern Arab elite. Finding that sort of
    balance once again, one that gives full rein to the regime's
    greed and impunity, may not be easy.

09-05-2011, 09:56 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة مثيرة للاهتمام تحمل درجة سرية أعلى وتتضمن استدعاء رئيس قسم أمريكا بالخارجية السودانية للقائم بالأعمال للاحتجاج على الغارة الجوية الأولى في ولاية البحر الأحمر! أي أنهم اتهموا الأمريكان بتلك الغارة!


    S E C R E T KHARTOUM 000249


    EO 12958 DECL: 02/24/2019



    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

    ¶1. (S) CDA Fernandez was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on the morning of February 24 by Americas Department head Ambassador Nasreddin Wali. Wali said that he had sensitive and worrisome information to relate to the Charge. Reading from hand-written notes in Arabic and referring to a large dog-eared map brought in for the occasion, Wali said that there had been two air attacks on Eastern Sudan in January and February. In the January attack, 43 people were killed and 17 vehicles destroyed. This occurred near Magd, in the Gebeit region of Red Sea state, “the Northern part of an area known as Oku” (phonetic). It is roughly at the latitude of 17 degrees and longitude of 33.5, according to Wali.

    ¶2. (S) The second attack occurred on February 20 at Bir al-Mansurab (latitude of 17 degrees and longitude of 34, according to Wali). The second attack was 15 kilometers from the site of the January attack. In the February attack, 45 Sudanese were kalled and 14 vehicles destroyed. Both attacks occurred 150 kilometers deep inside Sudan, not near any international border.

    ¶3. (S) Wali said that “we assume that the planes that attacked us are your planes.” He said that Sudan has had “tight cooperation” with the United States on security matters and any concerns that the USG has about security related issues can be raised within the context of bilateral diplomatic and intelligence relations between the two countries. He added that “Sudan would like to have clarification about this matter. We protest this act and we condemn it. Sudan reserves the right to respond appropriately, at the right time, in a legal manner consistent with protecting its sovereignty.”

    ¶4. (S) Comment: This complaint by Sudan comes on the heels of the Embassy being tasked by Washington to demarche Khartoum on weapons smuggling issues possibly involving Iran and Hamas (reftels a-c). So it is easy for the regime to assume that the demarches and these kinetic incidents are somehow connected. The initial attack is already the object of gossip by elements of Sudan’s political elite, even outside the tight confines of the regime’s inner circle (reftel d). CDA had already scheduled an Emergency Action Committee meeting on February 24 to discuss the Embassy’s security posture in the runup to the March 4 ICC announcement and this latest news is an additional concern in a very volatile political environment. Embassy requests Washington guidance on what - if any - formal response should be given to the Sudanese. And should this potentially explosive story somehow leak to the sensationalistic Sudanese press, it could very well turn our security situation here from bad to worse. End comment.

09-05-2011, 10:49 PM

Abobakr Shadad
<aAbobakr Shadad
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-26-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 1624

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    جزيل شكرى للاخ محمد عثمان والاخوان الاعزاء
    أحمد امين معتز بريمه وقلقو على المشاركه القيمه بالترجمه واثراء البوست
    ونعود للترجمه فى اقرب فرصه سانحه

09-05-2011, 11:31 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: Abobakr Shadad)

    لك الشكر دكتور شداد، وياليت لو كان لنا الوقت لترجمة كل هذه الوثائق ليقرأها رجل الشارع قبل الدبلوماسي أو السياسي على الأقل ليزول الكثير من الغموض وسوأ الفهم وسوء الظن!

    هاهنا وثيقة رائعة بحق تفضح استراتيجية وتكتيكات حكومة البشير:

    و هي هدية رائعة للحزبين الكبيرين وحركات دارفور وجميعهم فاوضوا السلطة حتى بح صوتهم ثم ضاع، فيها تحليل رائع، تؤكد أن المؤتمر الوطني يعتبر المفاوضات مع أي طرف يفاوضه غاية وليست وسيلة للوصول إلى حل، فالمفاوضات في نظرهم أفضل من القتال فهي تسغرق وقتا طويلا يظلون هم فيه في السلطة، وبعد الوصول لاتفاق بعد ذلك الوقت الطويل لاينفذون ما اتفقوا عليه وحين يصل الأمر لمرحلة حرجة بسبب عدم تطبيق الاتفاق يسعون لفتح باب التفاوض من جديد، أي المماطلة والتسويف!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 KHARTOUM 000288



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/01/2019

    REF: A. KHARTOUM 185
    ¶B. KHARTOUM 166
    ¶C. KHARTOUM 150
    ¶D. KHARTOUM 50
    ¶E. 08 KHARTOUM 338

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)

    ¶1. (C) As the new U.S. Administration considers options on
    how best to engage with the Sudanese regime and considers the
    possibility of discussing with the regime on our key foreign
    policy objectives in Sudan, it is important to keep in mind
    that the National Congress Party (NCP) regime never saw a
    negotiation it didn't like. A pack of compulsive
    negotiators, the regime is in a constant state of negotiation
    with friends and foes alike, and has no qualms about making
    or breaking agreements if circumstances change, and the
    regime can subsequently broker a better deal. It is also
    important to remember that the regime often strikes deals it
    never intends to implement, purely as a delaying tactic or to
    pursue other options even while engaged in the process of
    negotiating. Embassy Khartoum submitted a cable about the
    regime's tactics in 2008 entitled "The NCP: Sudan's Brutal
    Pragmatists" (Ref E).

    ¶2. (C) What is the NCP's rationale for this approach to
    negotiations? It uses them as a means of holding onto power,
    to level the playing field against stronger opponents, and to
    co-opt and disarm opponents. The NCP also uses negotiation
    to assert that it is the principal partner for any and all
    deals in Sudan ) thus legitimizing itself and extending its
    time in power as the key player. The reason the NCP needs
    to rely on negotiations is that it is not powerful enough to
    enforce its will on all of Sudan's other factions all the
    time, but is strong enough to hold onto political and
    economic power at the center. In the end, negotiations are
    cheaper than fighting. The NCP also negotiates and makes
    deals that can be implemented over time (or partially ones
    that are partially implemented, only to be renegotiated,)
    because this strategy allows the regime to hedge its bets.
    If circumstances change, the regime can always renegotiate
    based on the new reality. The NCP's reasons for negotiating
    with the U.S. are different from its reasons for negotiating
    with the SPLM in that it actually fears the United States
    more than any other counterpart and sees "a deal" with the
    Americans as its ultimate guarantee for regime survival. It
    also negotiates with the U.S. because it wants to tie us into
    a process of engagement to avoid additional punitive actions
    on our part, and because it doesn't trust that we will do
    what we say, given past broken promises by the Bush
    Administration. Negotiations on Darfur are a different story
    ) Darfur has become intractable in many ways, and the regime
    is negotiating merely to show a modicum of good will to the
    international community, especially in contrast to the
    rejectionism of various rebel factions. However, the regime
    recognizes that it may not be possible to solve Darfur's
    problems even if it truly wanted to do so.

    ¶3. (C) How does the NCP view negotiations on Darfur? The GOS
    is frustrated by the current negotiating process on Darfur
    because it doesn't have anyone it can make a deal with.
    (Abdelwahid al Nur won't negotiate. Another Zaghawa
    minority-based agreement won't solve the problem, but rather
    just anger the Arabs and the Fur). The NCP is very
    frustrated that from their perspective we won't put more
    pressure on Abdelwahid al Nur and other rebels. The regime
    believes that, despite its duplicity, it is more ready and
    more sincere in seeking a way out on Darfur than anyone else.
    They believe that the different Darfuri movements are more
    interested in power than in the people of Darfur. They also
    believe that America could obtain an agreement with the NCP
    that would tangibly improve the situation in Darfur but the
    United States Government is a prisoner of an aggressive,
    activist community (such as "Save Darfur" and ENOUGH) that
    will not allow it to "make a deal with the devil" in Sudan
    even if that deal was to lead to improving the lives of the
    very people the activists are supposed to be fighting for.

    ¶4. (C) How does the NCP view the incomplete negotiation of
    the CPA and DPA? The NCP would argue that it has delivered a
    lot on CPA, but that the SPLM hasn't been up to the task of
    being a full partner. They can point to a massive transfer of
    cash to the SPLM since 2005 (over $4 billion dollars in oil
    revenues) as part of the success of the CPA's wealth-sharing

    KHARTOUM 00000288 002 OF 003

    provisions and to a GOSS which is independent in all but name
    and to power-sharing within the Government of National Unity
    and other national institutions in Khartoum. It can also
    point to a massive SPLA, which absorbs the bulk of South
    Sudan's budget. It would further maintain that the parts of
    the agreement that haven't been implemented are too costly
    politically or economically (e.g. Abyei, border demarcation,
    land rights issues etc.) In their more honest moments, they
    would admit that their implementation of the CPA waxes and
    wanes according to objective factors such as international
    attention and pressure, their own internal stability and
    strength and the SPLM's capacity to exact concessions and to
    follow up on agreements. The NCP believes, and they are
    right, that especially for the first two years of the CPA
    (2005-2007), the agreement was largely ignored by the
    international community in the furor about Darfur. The NCP
    doesn't take the DPA seriously because Minni Minawi doesn't
    have much, if any, popular legitimacy in Darfur, and because
    the NCP sees that Minni Minawi and SLM don't have the
    capacity to implement the agreement on their side. As for
    the road ahead, the NCP hopes the international community
    will be able to "deliver" Abdelwahid al Nur and others to an
    agreement - anyone who can deliver a deal and serve as their
    counterpart will be welcomed but why give concessions to
    Minni which will be needed in the future for someone else?
    The NCP would willingly accept a deal in Darfur that doesn't
    strip it of essential power at a national level, and that
    doesn't disenfranchise Arab tribes that have supported it.
    This is not based on any remorse or sense of guilt for its
    many crimes in Darfur but rather on a pragmatic fear that
    Darfur could sooner or later drag NCP rule in Sudan down with

    ¶5. (C) How does the NCP view previous promises and
    engagement by the U.S.? The GOS believes the U.S. reneged on
    its explicit promises at Naivasha during the negotiation of
    the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (removal from the State
    Sponsors of Terrorism List, full diplomatic relations and
    lifting of economic sanctions.) The GOS believes that the
    U.S. will constantly raise the bar for what we will require
    the regime to do in order to achieve these goals, because we
    never intended to implement the deal anyway. From their
    perspective, our goal is to get the regime to do what we
    want, offer as little as possible, and if this is not
    possible we will pursue a policy of regime-change. The
    regime was frustrated by the negotiations with former Special
    Envoy Williamson because he presented himself as a practical
    negotiator who had been empowered by the U.S. Administration,
    but when the Sudanese agreed to all of the short-term
    procedural demands outlined by SE Williamson, the Special
    Envoy backed away from a formalized agreement. The Sudanese
    still talk about their confusion over what caused SE
    Williamson to back away from such an agreement with some
    believing that he was ordered not to come to a deal and
    others thinking that there was never a deal on the table,
    only an attempt at personal grandstanding. They also recall a
    notorious earlier incident in 2004 when then S/CT and AF
    Assistant Secretary of State for Africa personally told VP
    Ali Osman Taha that "once Sudan signed the CPA" it would be
    removed from the Terrorism List "within days."

    ¶6. (C) Despite what they view as our broken promises, the
    regime is still extremely eager to negotiate with us, and
    will likely implement most parts of any bilateral agreement
    as long as it allows the regime to hold onto power. Just the
    fact of entering into a substantive negotiation with the U.S.
    legitimizes the regime, and a deal with the U.S. would cement
    the regime's legitimacy, especially if combined with a
    probable election victory by the NCP. The appearance of
    American goodwill is almost as important to the regime as
    that reality. They seek a deal with the Americans that they
    can present as a "victory" for the regime which preserves
    "Sudan's dignity."

    ¶7. (C) Embassy Khartoum has advocated a policy of engagement
    leading to a roadmap on U.S.-Sudan relations (Ref C), but
    cautions that we must be very clear on what our core
    objectives are in Darfur, and what we expect Darfur and the
    rest of Sudan to look like when this process is over - i.e.
    what is the "end game" - so that we will be able to measure
    progress toward these objectives. We must do this while
    enhancing our focus on the CPA and South Sudan, which are
    actually in a much more fragile state than Darfur's miserable
    stasis (reftels A and D).

    KHARTOUM 00000288 003 OF 003

    ¶8. (C) The initial hurdle is almost upon us as the regime
    will be watching closely to see what sort of message
    Washington will be sending in a response to a possible ICC
    arrest warrant for President Al-Bashir on March 4. Will this
    be a repackaging of past calls for regime change or will
    there be enough space and hope in the official American
    position for a possible regime soft-landing from a tangled
    skein of crises, mostly of its own making (Darfur, CPA
    implementation, ICC)? The NCP will certainly be ready to use
    diplomacy, politics, concessions and (if needed) violence, to
    prevent the emergence of an international/national consensus
    that threatens its hold on power. Such a consensus would ally
    the West with some coalition of Darfuri rebels, Northern
    oppositionists and the SPLM plus regional players. To avoid
    such a formidable and potentially fatal lineup, it will do
    almost anything -- whether that involves making concessions
    or escalating an already volatile and dangerous situation in

09-05-2011, 11:45 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة أخرى تتناول تقنية "الفزاعة" التي يستعملها النظام مع الغرب: التلويح بإطلاق كلابهم المسعورة التي هي المتطرفين الإرهابيين الإسلامويين ضد الغرب فيما لو ضغط الغرب عليهموفي نفس الوقت التأكيد بأنه مادام الغرب يتعامل معهم ويفتح لهم الأبواب فهم قادرون على كبح جماح هؤلاء الإرهابيون وحماية الغرب منهم! المعلومة المثيرة في هذه الوثيقة أن صحيفة آخر لحظة هي واحدة من صحيفتين يملكهما جهاز مخابرات البشير ويستعملهما لنشر الأخبار، ترى ما هي الصحيفة الأخرى؟

    الجماعة الليبية المقاتلة تعلمت الدرس الإنقاذي الإسلاموي جيدا وتمكنت به من ترويض حلف الناتو واستعماله في تحقيق هدفها في إسقاط القذافي والله أعلم كم سنشهد من عجائب مماثلة في المستقبل!


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 KHARTOUM 000343



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/12/2019

    REF: A. A) KHARTOUM 339
    ¶B. B) KHARTOUM 324
    ¶C. C) KHARTOUM 315
    ¶D. D) 08 KHARTOUM 1450

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez for Reasons 1.4(b) and (d)

    ¶1. (SBU) SUMMARY: There has been a significant rise in public
    anti-Western rhetoric from both regime figures and extremist
    groups since the International Criminal Court (ICC)'s March 4
    announcement of an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar
    Al-Bashir. Whether the remarks are a start of a renewed
    Jihadist tendency, flames fanned by Al-Bashir and others, or
    rather part of a cyclical trend remains to be seen, but the
    statements and published declarations are decidedly chilling.

    ¶2. (SBU) On March 10, the virulently anti-West "Akhir Lahza"newpaper (one of two popular dailies supposedly directly
    controlled by Sudanese Intelligence) reported that an
    alliance of Jihadist movements had "announced their intention
    to commit 250 suicide attacks on supporters of the ICC." In
    a copy of the statement obtained from the newspaper, a group
    called the "Coalition for Allied Jihadi Suicide Movements"
    has apparently warned those supporting the ICC decision "both
    in their own countries and in Sudan" that "international
    imperialists and CIA agents from France, Britain, and the
    U.S." will experience "another September 11."

    ¶3. (SBU) Apparently not content with the blood of just
    foreigners, the statement also rallies against certain
    Sudanese that the Coalition does not deem Islamist enough.
    The group describes Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)
    leader Khalil Ibrahim as a "sinner" and Sudan Liberation
    Movement (SLM)/Abdul Wahid faction leader Abdul Wahid Nur as
    a "Zionist agent" who needs "God's verdict executed on them
    wherever they are." According to the document, the Coalition
    apparently convened following the International Court "of
    Injustice" decision to issue an arrest warrant against
    President Al-Bashir and has "formed a common mechanism for
    cleansing Darfur from the filth of the neo-colonialists,"
    while simultaneously collaborating with other "global Jihadi

    ¶4. (SBU) The statement was signed by the Abu Gusaisa Martyr
    Suicide Group (Mohammed Abu Gusaisa), the Ansar Allah Salaf
    Jihadis Group (Abu Madeen Ali Al-Shaikh), the Quest for
    Martyrdom Group (Al-Turabi Abdul Rahman), the Brigade for
    Martyrdom (Ali Abdul Fatah), and the Black Darfur Brigade
    (Musa Hilal). CDA Fernandez attempted to contact notorious
    janjaweed leader Hilal, whom he has met before (reftel d), to
    ascertain if this is a real or bogus organization, but
    Hilal's phone is now turned off.

    ¶5. (SBU) Meanwhile, London's Saudi-owned "Al-Sharq al-Awsat"
    also warned on March 10 that "paramilitary forces" supposedly
    under the command of the Sudanese Armed Forces "have been
    given permission to launch attacks on anybody who supports
    the ICC's decision." According to the paper, this group of
    "volunteers" call themselves "the Mujahideen and the
    Mujahidat" (male and female Jihadi fighters,) indicating it
    "will be difficult to predict what these forces might do to
    express their anger" as a result of "current events in Sudan."

    ¶6. (SBU) While certainly more violent than what most members
    of the National Congress Party (NCP) have said since the
    March 4 ICC arrest warrant announcement, recent public
    statements by President Al-Bashir and others do echo and did
    predate the more extremist communiqus. "We are ready to
    resist colonialism" and "we are ready to defend our country"
    were Al-Bashir's words outside the Presidential Palace in
    Khartoum on March 5, as were "we kneel only to God."
    Likewise, the head of Sudan's National Intelligence and
    Security Service, Salah Gosh, warned in mid-February that ICC
    supporters inside Sudan would "have their hands, limbs, and
    ######### chopped off."

    ¶7. (SBU) On March 11, perhaps sensing they had moved too
    quickly in exciting extremist elements, the NCP pushed
    Khartoum's pro-government "Al-Ra'y al-Amm" newspaper to
    publish an editorial which proclaimed that "one of the most
    dangerous things that could hurt Sudan's position on the ICC
    is the call for carrying out martyrdom operations and

    KHARTOUM 00000343 002 OF 002

    spilling of the blood of certain persons for involvement in
    the scheme against Sudan." While the commentary had "no
    doubt at all the intentions and sincerity" of the Coalition
    for Allied Jihadi Suicide Movements, it called on the "250
    glorious youths" to "head to Darfur" and "fill the gap in
    relief and humanitarian field work" following the expulsion
    of the "suspect" non-govermental organizations.

    ¶8. (C) COMMENT: Once again, the regime in Khartoum is
    simultaneously trying to use Islamist fervor to its advantage
    while doing its best to make sure extremists don't go too far
    or operate outside the government's control. Just as NISS DG
    Salah Gosh informs us that he'll do "whatever he can" to
    protect foreign missions from terrorists, he caveats that he
    "can't be responsible for the actions of some" in the wake of
    the ICC announcement. The regime's whipping up of public
    sentiment and announcing Jihad against the West when the
    Government of Sudan did not want a UN Mission in Darfur
    contributed to the motives of the five Islamic extremists
    accused in the murders of two USAID employees in 2008.
    Hopefully the NCP will now cease its dangerous stoking of
    this extremist fire; the March 11 government-sponsored
    editorial seemed to indicate that the rhetoric might finally
    cool down in the second week after the ICC indictment of
    President Bashir.

09-06-2011, 00:20 AM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثائق تخص الحزب الاتحادي الديمقراطي ولقاء مع المرحوم السيد أحمد الميرغني يشهد له بالذكاء والمعرفة والخبرة والبراعة حقا لقد فقد السودان فيه رجلا غابت حقيقته عن معظم الشعب السوداني بسبب أكاذيب وتشويهات ما يسمى الآن بالحركة الإسلامية، ولقاء مع السيد محمد عثمان الميرغني:






    E.O. 12958: N/A


    ¶1. (SBU) Summary: Recent defectors to the NCP describe the
    Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) as lacking effective, democratic
    leadership and a vision for the future. They see the NCP as an
    attractive alternative and contend that the NCP has changed for the
    better since Al-Turabi's departure. They are less attracted by the
    SPLM, viewing it as an armed rebel movement rather than a political
    party. Some observers accuse the NCP of poaching across party lines
    in order to weaken the DUP and guarantee an NCP victory in the 2009
    elections. End Summary.

    Democratic Unionist Party Splinters Again
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶2. (U) Several prominent members of the DUP recently announced
    their defection to the National Congress Party (NCP) shortly after
    the start of a DUP-NCP dialogue. Meanwhile preparations are under
    way for the expected return of elderly DUP leader Mohamed Othman
    Al-Mirghani after almost 18 years of self-imposed exile in Egypt.
    Like most other Sudanese political parties in recent years, the DUP
    has suffered several internal splits, but the most recent resulted
    in the loss of prominent DUP members who have provided financial
    support over the years.

    ¶3. (U) Five factions now carry the name Democratic Unionist Party
    moniker: the original DUP led by El-Sayed Mohamad Othman
    Al-Mirghani, DUP Hindi Faction, DUP Haj Mudawi Faction, DUP Mohamed
    Al-Azhari Faction, and the DUP Mirghani Abdel-Rahman Faction. Each
    group claims to legitimately carry the DUP name.

    DUP "Without Political Leadership"
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶4. (SBU) Poloff met separately with two of the most recent prominent
    defectors, wealthy businessmen Ali Abbarsi and Hisham Al-Brair.
    Abbrasi and Al-Brair share common reasons for leaving the DUP for
    the NCP. They complained about Al-Mirghani's long absences from
    Sudan as well as his autocratic management style, pointing to
    failures to consult others in the party leadership, control of party
    members' activities, lack of transparent and democratic decision
    making, failure to nurture a successor generation in the party, and
    treating party members as Al-Khatmia Sufi sect followers. (Note:
    Although technically separate organizations -- one religious, the
    other political - most members of the Al-Khatmia Sufi religious sect
    also belong to the DUP. End Note).

    ¶5. (SBU) Ali Abbarsi charged that Al-Mirghani "is managing the party
    by phone from outside the country." He claimed the A-Mirghani is
    not available most of the time and spends three months in Sudan and
    the rest of the year in London or Alexandria. Al-Brair asked
    rhetorically "how can we serve the country's causes without
    political leadership?" According to Hisham Al-Brair, disagreements
    within DUP have been on the rise in the last eighteen months.

    NCP Has Changed, SPLM Has Not
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶6. (SBU) Asked about why they joined the NCP rather than form a new
    DUP faction as have other DUP defectors, Abbarsi and Al-Brair
    asserted that NCP has changed dramatically after the departure of
    Hassan Al-Turabi in 2000. "My disagreements with the NCP ended when
    Al-Turabi left, which was a shift from the iron fist policy and
    since then the NCP has headed in a different direction," said
    Al-Brair. "The policy the NCP is following now represents 60% of the
    original DUP policy" he added. Abbarsi echoed the comment about
    Turabi's departure and pointed to his need to protect his interests
    as a businessman. "I cannot afford to stay away from the economic
    decision-making circles and allow others to control my business

    ¶7. (SBU) Abbarsi and Al-Brair said they did not consider joining
    SPLM when they decided to leave the DUP for two main reasons.
    First, according to Al-Brair "We do not trust them especially after
    the late John Garang decided to negotiate the peace agreement with
    the NCP without discussing the idea or even informing the DUP
    leadership, his partners in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA)."
    Second, according to Al-Brair and Abbarsi, although the SPLM now is
    the NCP's partner in the Government of National Unity, "they need to
    transform themselves into a political party before the elections."
    (Note: The SPLM obviously is a political movement, though it is
    notable that these DUP defectors share a perception of the SPLM as
    an armed rebel movement, a view shared by many northerners. End

    ¶8. (SBU) Regarding elections, Al-Brair opined "they must be held in
    the whole country - no exceptions for Darfur or the South."
    Al-Brair noted that the NCP is ready to form alliances with other
    parties including the Umma party, the DUP, and the Communist party.
    However Al-Brair indicated that he is against an alliance with the
    Communist Party "because it has been closed on itself for many years
    and has nothing new to offer."

    DUP: We're Reaching Out Too
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶9. (SBU) In an earlier meeting with Poloff, DUP-Al-Mirghani Deputy
    Secretary General Tag Elsir Mohamed Saleh said that his party

    "continues conversations with all stakeholders in Sudan." Saleh
    said the DUP's dialogue with the NCP is limited to election
    arrangements and national reconciliation. He noted that the DUP is
    represented on the Elections Laws Committee. "We support the
    mixed-electoral system based on a 50-50 percentage" as advocated by
    the SPLM "and could even accept 55-45, but not the 60-40 proposed by
    the NCP, because this is going to maintain the status quo."

    - - - -
    ¶10. (SBU) While Al-Mirghani clings to the DUP leadership and
    frustrates members with his management style, the NCP is all too
    eager to poach prominent defectors like Abbarsi and Al-Brair,
    possibly obviating the need for an alliance with DUP Al-Mirhgani.
    The NCP would also like to break up the moribund (pre-CPA) National
    Democratic Alliance - which was chaired by Al-Mirghani and included
    the DUP, the Umma, and the SPLM - in favor of an all northern
    alliance confronting the SPLM and cornering it as only a "Southern"
    party with limited appeal. Both of these actions strengthen the
    hand of the NCP heading into elections, should they ever actually







    E.O. 12958: N/A

    Refs: A. Khartoum 509
    ¶B. Khartoum 325

    ¶1. (U) On 17 April, CDA Fernandez met with former Sudanese President
    (1986-89) and Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Deputy Ahmed
    Al-Mirghani, brother of DUP leader Mohamed Othman Al-Mirghani who
    remains in self-imposed exile in Cairo. Ahmed Al-Mirghani stated
    that the DUP (Mirghani faction) is keen to maintain strong relations
    with the West, especially the United States. He emphasized the DUP's
    roots in Sufi Islam (out of the Khatimiyya Order) as promoting a
    tolerant, inclusive, and pro-Western form of Islamic politics.

    ¶2. (SBU) Mirghani, a trained economist, described the ruling
    National Congress Party (NCP) as a colossus that has tremendous
    power but is actually weak. He noted that Khartoum's surface flash
    and growth masks a grimmer reality, the gap between the center and
    the regions, the capital and the countryside. Despite the regime
    being awash in money because of oil revenues, ordinary Sudanese feel
    more and more squeezed by inflation and deteriorating services
    provided by a kleptocratic state.

    ¶3. (SBU) The former President (who was overthrown in the coup that
    brought Omar al-Bashir to power) noted that Northern opposition
    parties should be able to confront the NCP but are constrained by a
    lack of a financial base to challenge them, after almost 20 years of
    NCP rule. He described the SPLM (who were the DUP's allies in the
    "National Democratic Alliance" before 2005) as having finally "woken
    up" in late 2007, after having ignored Northern opposition parties
    for over two years after the signing of the CPA. He thanked Charge
    Fernandez for pushing the message publicly that to transform Sudan,
    to help in Darfur or South Sudan, the heart of the problem - and the
    solution - is in Khartoum and reaching out to Northern opposition
    parties much more than before.

    ¶4. (SBU) CDA Fernandez told Al-Mirghani that the USG will encourage
    a level-playing field ahead of the elections. He urged Al-Mirghani
    to ensure that the DUP keeps distance from the NCP and not fall prey
    to its destructive "divide and conquer" tactics prior to the
    elections. Responding to recent DUP member defections to NCP which
    received considerable press coverage in the pro-regime media,
    Al-Mirghani said, "these were not important people at all," noting
    that one "leader" was 84 years old and almost unknown, and "it's
    [the amount of press coverage] a bit of a joke." (Reftels) The CDA
    agreed that because the NCP controls the media, among other
    important resources, it has the ability to publicly play up such
    things to its advantage. As a way of encouraging democracy in
    Sudan, the CDA offered support to the DUP through continuous
    dialogue. Al-Mirghani was grateful for this offer of support. It
    was agreed that DUP would set up an event for the CDA to meet and
    speak with a larger number of DUP members in the coming weeks.

    ¶5. (SBU) COMMENT: Divided now into three or four factions, the DUP
    is probably the most fractured of Sudan's traditional parties but
    probably still has adherents, especially in Sudan's East and North.
    Any real electoral strategy for fully democratic polls in Sudan must
    indeed seek to give historically Northern, Arab, Muslim opposition
    parties a real chance to participate fully, speak out and challenge
    the NCP's false claim to represent what is actually a heterogeneous
    Arabic-speaking "Northern Sudan," not at all in NCP lock-step
    against an also illusory, united anti-Arab, Southern Sudan. Africa's
    largest country is much more complex than that. END COMMENT.






    E.O. 12958: N/A

    ¶1. SUMMARY. Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Mohammed Osman
    al Mirghani complained to Charge Whitehead that the two CPA partners
    are ignoring the concerns of Sudan's other political groups.
    Despite this, Mirgahani seemed unable to articulate a clear strategy
    of how the DUP might compete in the coming elections. This
    indecision appears common to all of Sudan's opposition parties.
    Only the NCP seems confident it can win through patronage and
    partnerships. END SUMMARY.

    ¶2. (SBU) On June 7, CDA Whitehead paid a courtesy call on DUP
    leader Mirghani at the latter's residence. Charge Whitehead asked
    for Mirghani's assessment of the current political situation in
    Sudan and the DUP's plans for the scheduled 2010 elections and
    afterwards. In response, Mirghani expressed disappointment that the
    DUP and other traditional Sudanese parties are not included in
    Sudan's Government of National Unity (GNU). He complained the DUP
    is largely ignored by both the National Congress Party (NCP) and
    Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM). Sudan "now has two
    masters, one in Khartoum and one in Juba," he stated.

    ¶3. (SBU) According to Mirghani, the late SPLM leader John Garang had
    consulted with Mirghani during the Naivasha peace negotiations in
    ¶2004. Mirghani said that he had argued for a GNU in which all
    parties equally participated, but that in the end, the Comprehensive
    Peace Agreement (CPA) had been negotiated bilaterally between the
    NCP and SPLM, to the exclusion of the other parities. Mirghani also
    referred to the inter-party "Framework Agreement" negotiated in
    Cairo in 2005 under the sponsorship of Egypt. Mirghani complained
    that Egypt failed to follow-up after the Agreement was signed, and
    that it too was never implemented. Since then, the DUP has been
    ignored by the two CPA partners.

    ¶4. (SBU) Mirghani is also the hereditary leader of the Khatmiyya
    Sufi order. Asked about the relationship between the DUP and
    Khatimiyya, Mirghani explained they are separate entities. He
    emphasized that the Khatimiyya embody "moderate Islam," reflecting
    the Sufi dedication to tolerance and nonviolence. While reflecting
    these same ideals, the DUP, he maintained, is broader than the
    Khatimiyya order and includes many Sudanese Christians. Mirghani
    argued that the DUP is the majority party in Sudan, noting that it
    had won the popular vote in every election from Sudan's 1956
    independence until a coup brought the National Islamic Front to
    power in 1989.

    ¶5. (SBU) Asked by the Charge for his views on the DUP's future
    electoral prospects, Mirghani replied that while the DUP is not
    afraid of the 2010 elections, preparations are starting from the
    wrong point. The DUP has submitted its recommendations to the
    National Election Commission. He complained that the rules being
    drafted for the elections will unfairly favor the NCP. For example,
    he said that many potential voters will be discouraged from voting
    by having to pay for the required identity card. He added the NCP
    plans to pay the cost of ID cards for its supporters, giving it an
    advantage. The NCP is unilaterally pushing through rules such as
    this that favor it, he charged. If they are to be kept honest, all
    of Sudan's parties need to be included in planning the elections.
    He emphasized that the DUP had spurned the NCP's proposal to partner
    with the DUP in the coming elections. He said that the people of
    Sudan deserve a clear choice of who will govern them, rather than
    having this decided over their #########. Asked if the DUP would join
    the NCP in a coalition after the election, Mirghani replied that it
    expects to win the elections outright.

    ¶6. (SBU) COMMENT: Mirghani seemed much more comfortable describing
    the DUP's history and past achievements than in articulating a clear
    vision of its goals or future role. Based on his responses, the DUP
    appears to lack any clear strategy on how it will compete in the
    national elections, now scheduled for April 2010. The party instead
    appears stuck in a rut, complaining that it does not have a seat at
    the existing table. Unfortunately, the DUP is by no means alone in
    this. Even the SPLM is undecided about whether it will seriously
    contest next year's elections or focus instead on the 2011
    referendum on southern independence. Only the NCP appears to be
    focused on the elections and confident that it can win, largely by
    controlling constituencies through patronage and partnering with
    elements of the political opposition.


09-06-2011, 00:38 AM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3514

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وأختم استعراضي للوثائق التي رأيت أنها مثيرة للاهتمام: على ضوء هذه الوثائق أعتقد أن السيد اسانج مؤسس ويكيليكس يستحق جائزة نوبل للسلام لأنه بنشرها قد أسهم إسهاما كبيرا في إزالة سوء الظن والارتياب بين الشعوب! حالما قرأت خبر ظهور هذه الوثائق في هذا البوست الذي صادف نهاية الأسبوع مع عطلة عيد العمال الكندية، فقد أجلت مشاريع قراءاتي الأخرى وتصفحتها وأنا أتوقع العثور على البراهين الساطعة على المؤامرات الصهيوإمبريالية على السودان ولدهشتي الشديدة لم أجد سوى ما يدل على كل خير وعون لشعب السودان يجعل كل سوداني يشعر بالامتنان لهذه الدولة العظمى التي تعمل على خير وتقدم السودان.

    هناك عدة مستويات للسرية (يزعم أصحاب نظرية المؤامرة أن أعلاها هو تصنيف ما فوق سري للغاية) وأعلى تصنيف في هذه الوثائق هو سري فقط. وذلك ليس بغريب فالسودان ليس الصين أو روسيا! وأرجو أن يطلع عليها الجميع وخاصة الزاعمين بوجود مؤامرة أمريكية ضد الإسلام وضد السودان وليخرجو لنا منها الأدلة على تلك المؤامرة فأنا شخصيا لم أجد أيا منها!

    وختاما لك الشكر أخي دكتور شداد وفي انتظار إسهامات بقية أعضاء المنبر!

09-14-2011, 09:15 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 39980

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)


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