مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس

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09-06-2011, 00:20 AM

محمد عثمان الحاج

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-01-2005
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثائق تخص الحزب الاتحادي الديمقراطي ولقاء مع المرحوم السيد أحمد الميرغني يشهد له بالذكاء والمعرفة والخبرة والبراعة حقا لقد فقد السودان فيه رجلا غابت حقيقته عن معظم الشعب السوداني بسبب أكاذيب وتشويهات ما يسمى الآن بالحركة الإسلامية، ولقاء مع السيد محمد عثمان الميرغني:






    E.O. 12958: N/A


    ¶1. (SBU) Summary: Recent defectors to the NCP describe the
    Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) as lacking effective, democratic
    leadership and a vision for the future. They see the NCP as an
    attractive alternative and contend that the NCP has changed for the
    better since Al-Turabi's departure. They are less attracted by the
    SPLM, viewing it as an armed rebel movement rather than a political
    party. Some observers accuse the NCP of poaching across party lines
    in order to weaken the DUP and guarantee an NCP victory in the 2009
    elections. End Summary.

    Democratic Unionist Party Splinters Again
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶2. (U) Several prominent members of the DUP recently announced
    their defection to the National Congress Party (NCP) shortly after
    the start of a DUP-NCP dialogue. Meanwhile preparations are under
    way for the expected return of elderly DUP leader Mohamed Othman
    Al-Mirghani after almost 18 years of self-imposed exile in Egypt.
    Like most other Sudanese political parties in recent years, the DUP
    has suffered several internal splits, but the most recent resulted
    in the loss of prominent DUP members who have provided financial
    support over the years.

    ¶3. (U) Five factions now carry the name Democratic Unionist Party
    moniker: the original DUP led by El-Sayed Mohamad Othman
    Al-Mirghani, DUP Hindi Faction, DUP Haj Mudawi Faction, DUP Mohamed
    Al-Azhari Faction, and the DUP Mirghani Abdel-Rahman Faction. Each
    group claims to legitimately carry the DUP name.

    DUP "Without Political Leadership"
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶4. (SBU) Poloff met separately with two of the most recent prominent
    defectors, wealthy businessmen Ali Abbarsi and Hisham Al-Brair.
    Abbrasi and Al-Brair share common reasons for leaving the DUP for
    the NCP. They complained about Al-Mirghani's long absences from
    Sudan as well as his autocratic management style, pointing to
    failures to consult others in the party leadership, control of party
    members' activities, lack of transparent and democratic decision
    making, failure to nurture a successor generation in the party, and
    treating party members as Al-Khatmia Sufi sect followers. (Note:
    Although technically separate organizations -- one religious, the
    other political - most members of the Al-Khatmia Sufi religious sect
    also belong to the DUP. End Note).

    ¶5. (SBU) Ali Abbarsi charged that Al-Mirghani "is managing the party
    by phone from outside the country." He claimed the A-Mirghani is
    not available most of the time and spends three months in Sudan and
    the rest of the year in London or Alexandria. Al-Brair asked
    rhetorically "how can we serve the country's causes without
    political leadership?" According to Hisham Al-Brair, disagreements
    within DUP have been on the rise in the last eighteen months.

    NCP Has Changed, SPLM Has Not
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶6. (SBU) Asked about why they joined the NCP rather than form a new
    DUP faction as have other DUP defectors, Abbarsi and Al-Brair
    asserted that NCP has changed dramatically after the departure of
    Hassan Al-Turabi in 2000. "My disagreements with the NCP ended when
    Al-Turabi left, which was a shift from the iron fist policy and
    since then the NCP has headed in a different direction," said
    Al-Brair. "The policy the NCP is following now represents 60% of the
    original DUP policy" he added. Abbarsi echoed the comment about
    Turabi's departure and pointed to his need to protect his interests
    as a businessman. "I cannot afford to stay away from the economic
    decision-making circles and allow others to control my business

    ¶7. (SBU) Abbarsi and Al-Brair said they did not consider joining
    SPLM when they decided to leave the DUP for two main reasons.
    First, according to Al-Brair "We do not trust them especially after
    the late John Garang decided to negotiate the peace agreement with
    the NCP without discussing the idea or even informing the DUP
    leadership, his partners in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA)."
    Second, according to Al-Brair and Abbarsi, although the SPLM now is
    the NCP's partner in the Government of National Unity, "they need to
    transform themselves into a political party before the elections."
    (Note: The SPLM obviously is a political movement, though it is
    notable that these DUP defectors share a perception of the SPLM as
    an armed rebel movement, a view shared by many northerners. End

    ¶8. (SBU) Regarding elections, Al-Brair opined "they must be held in
    the whole country - no exceptions for Darfur or the South."
    Al-Brair noted that the NCP is ready to form alliances with other
    parties including the Umma party, the DUP, and the Communist party.
    However Al-Brair indicated that he is against an alliance with the
    Communist Party "because it has been closed on itself for many years
    and has nothing new to offer."

    DUP: We're Reaching Out Too
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ¶9. (SBU) In an earlier meeting with Poloff, DUP-Al-Mirghani Deputy
    Secretary General Tag Elsir Mohamed Saleh said that his party

    "continues conversations with all stakeholders in Sudan." Saleh
    said the DUP's dialogue with the NCP is limited to election
    arrangements and national reconciliation. He noted that the DUP is
    represented on the Elections Laws Committee. "We support the
    mixed-electoral system based on a 50-50 percentage" as advocated by
    the SPLM "and could even accept 55-45, but not the 60-40 proposed by
    the NCP, because this is going to maintain the status quo."

    - - - -
    ¶10. (SBU) While Al-Mirghani clings to the DUP leadership and
    frustrates members with his management style, the NCP is all too
    eager to poach prominent defectors like Abbarsi and Al-Brair,
    possibly obviating the need for an alliance with DUP Al-Mirhgani.
    The NCP would also like to break up the moribund (pre-CPA) National
    Democratic Alliance - which was chaired by Al-Mirghani and included
    the DUP, the Umma, and the SPLM - in favor of an all northern
    alliance confronting the SPLM and cornering it as only a "Southern"
    party with limited appeal. Both of these actions strengthen the
    hand of the NCP heading into elections, should they ever actually







    E.O. 12958: N/A

    Refs: A. Khartoum 509
    ¶B. Khartoum 325

    ¶1. (U) On 17 April, CDA Fernandez met with former Sudanese President
    (1986-89) and Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Deputy Ahmed
    Al-Mirghani, brother of DUP leader Mohamed Othman Al-Mirghani who
    remains in self-imposed exile in Cairo. Ahmed Al-Mirghani stated
    that the DUP (Mirghani faction) is keen to maintain strong relations
    with the West, especially the United States. He emphasized the DUP's
    roots in Sufi Islam (out of the Khatimiyya Order) as promoting a
    tolerant, inclusive, and pro-Western form of Islamic politics.

    ¶2. (SBU) Mirghani, a trained economist, described the ruling
    National Congress Party (NCP) as a colossus that has tremendous
    power but is actually weak. He noted that Khartoum's surface flash
    and growth masks a grimmer reality, the gap between the center and
    the regions, the capital and the countryside. Despite the regime
    being awash in money because of oil revenues, ordinary Sudanese feel
    more and more squeezed by inflation and deteriorating services
    provided by a kleptocratic state.

    ¶3. (SBU) The former President (who was overthrown in the coup that
    brought Omar al-Bashir to power) noted that Northern opposition
    parties should be able to confront the NCP but are constrained by a
    lack of a financial base to challenge them, after almost 20 years of
    NCP rule. He described the SPLM (who were the DUP's allies in the
    "National Democratic Alliance" before 2005) as having finally "woken
    up" in late 2007, after having ignored Northern opposition parties
    for over two years after the signing of the CPA. He thanked Charge
    Fernandez for pushing the message publicly that to transform Sudan,
    to help in Darfur or South Sudan, the heart of the problem - and the
    solution - is in Khartoum and reaching out to Northern opposition
    parties much more than before.

    ¶4. (SBU) CDA Fernandez told Al-Mirghani that the USG will encourage
    a level-playing field ahead of the elections. He urged Al-Mirghani
    to ensure that the DUP keeps distance from the NCP and not fall prey
    to its destructive "divide and conquer" tactics prior to the
    elections. Responding to recent DUP member defections to NCP which
    received considerable press coverage in the pro-regime media,
    Al-Mirghani said, "these were not important people at all," noting
    that one "leader" was 84 years old and almost unknown, and "it's
    [the amount of press coverage] a bit of a joke." (Reftels) The CDA
    agreed that because the NCP controls the media, among other
    important resources, it has the ability to publicly play up such
    things to its advantage. As a way of encouraging democracy in
    Sudan, the CDA offered support to the DUP through continuous
    dialogue. Al-Mirghani was grateful for this offer of support. It
    was agreed that DUP would set up an event for the CDA to meet and
    speak with a larger number of DUP members in the coming weeks.

    ¶5. (SBU) COMMENT: Divided now into three or four factions, the DUP
    is probably the most fractured of Sudan's traditional parties but
    probably still has adherents, especially in Sudan's East and North.
    Any real electoral strategy for fully democratic polls in Sudan must
    indeed seek to give historically Northern, Arab, Muslim opposition
    parties a real chance to participate fully, speak out and challenge
    the NCP's false claim to represent what is actually a heterogeneous
    Arabic-speaking "Northern Sudan," not at all in NCP lock-step
    against an also illusory, united anti-Arab, Southern Sudan. Africa's
    largest country is much more complex than that. END COMMENT.






    E.O. 12958: N/A

    ¶1. SUMMARY. Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader Mohammed Osman
    al Mirghani complained to Charge Whitehead that the two CPA partners
    are ignoring the concerns of Sudan's other political groups.
    Despite this, Mirgahani seemed unable to articulate a clear strategy
    of how the DUP might compete in the coming elections. This
    indecision appears common to all of Sudan's opposition parties.
    Only the NCP seems confident it can win through patronage and
    partnerships. END SUMMARY.

    ¶2. (SBU) On June 7, CDA Whitehead paid a courtesy call on DUP
    leader Mirghani at the latter's residence. Charge Whitehead asked
    for Mirghani's assessment of the current political situation in
    Sudan and the DUP's plans for the scheduled 2010 elections and
    afterwards. In response, Mirghani expressed disappointment that the
    DUP and other traditional Sudanese parties are not included in
    Sudan's Government of National Unity (GNU). He complained the DUP
    is largely ignored by both the National Congress Party (NCP) and
    Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM). Sudan "now has two
    masters, one in Khartoum and one in Juba," he stated.

    ¶3. (SBU) According to Mirghani, the late SPLM leader John Garang had
    consulted with Mirghani during the Naivasha peace negotiations in
    ¶2004. Mirghani said that he had argued for a GNU in which all
    parties equally participated, but that in the end, the Comprehensive
    Peace Agreement (CPA) had been negotiated bilaterally between the
    NCP and SPLM, to the exclusion of the other parities. Mirghani also
    referred to the inter-party "Framework Agreement" negotiated in
    Cairo in 2005 under the sponsorship of Egypt. Mirghani complained
    that Egypt failed to follow-up after the Agreement was signed, and
    that it too was never implemented. Since then, the DUP has been
    ignored by the two CPA partners.

    ¶4. (SBU) Mirghani is also the hereditary leader of the Khatmiyya
    Sufi order. Asked about the relationship between the DUP and
    Khatimiyya, Mirghani explained they are separate entities. He
    emphasized that the Khatimiyya embody "moderate Islam," reflecting
    the Sufi dedication to tolerance and nonviolence. While reflecting
    these same ideals, the DUP, he maintained, is broader than the
    Khatimiyya order and includes many Sudanese Christians. Mirghani
    argued that the DUP is the majority party in Sudan, noting that it
    had won the popular vote in every election from Sudan's 1956
    independence until a coup brought the National Islamic Front to
    power in 1989.

    ¶5. (SBU) Asked by the Charge for his views on the DUP's future
    electoral prospects, Mirghani replied that while the DUP is not
    afraid of the 2010 elections, preparations are starting from the
    wrong point. The DUP has submitted its recommendations to the
    National Election Commission. He complained that the rules being
    drafted for the elections will unfairly favor the NCP. For example,
    he said that many potential voters will be discouraged from voting
    by having to pay for the required identity card. He added the NCP
    plans to pay the cost of ID cards for its supporters, giving it an
    advantage. The NCP is unilaterally pushing through rules such as
    this that favor it, he charged. If they are to be kept honest, all
    of Sudan's parties need to be included in planning the elections.
    He emphasized that the DUP had spurned the NCP's proposal to partner
    with the DUP in the coming elections. He said that the people of
    Sudan deserve a clear choice of who will govern them, rather than
    having this decided over their #########. Asked if the DUP would join
    the NCP in a coalition after the election, Mirghani replied that it
    expects to win the elections outright.

    ¶6. (SBU) COMMENT: Mirghani seemed much more comfortable describing
    the DUP's history and past achievements than in articulating a clear
    vision of its goals or future role. Based on his responses, the DUP
    appears to lack any clear strategy on how it will compete in the
    national elections, now scheduled for April 2010. The party instead
    appears stuck in a rut, complaining that it does not have a seat at
    the existing table. Unfortunately, the DUP is by no means alone in
    this. Even the SPLM is undecided about whether it will seriously
    contest next year's elections or focus instead on the 2011
    referendum on southern independence. Only the NCP appears to be
    focused on the elections and confident that it can win, largely by
    controlling constituencies through patronage and partnering with
    elements of the political opposition.


العنوان الكاتب Date
مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:03 PM
  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:04 PM
    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:09 PM
      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:20 PM
        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:25 PM
          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-03-11, 10:10 PM
            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 10:44 PM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 11:05 PM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-03-11, 11:05 PM
                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس SAIF MUstafa09-04-11, 00:04 AM
                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-04-11, 00:25 AM
            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس motaz ali09-04-11, 03:11 AM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 04:24 AM
                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 08:26 AM
                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-04-11, 12:06 PM
                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-04-11, 12:12 PM
                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:21 PM
                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:40 PM
                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:48 PM
                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 07:48 PM
                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 05:28 AM
                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 06:00 AM
                                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس قلقو09-05-11, 06:56 AM
                                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-05-11, 11:17 AM
                                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 03:44 PM
                                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس بريمة محمد09-05-11, 07:24 PM
                                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 08:41 PM
                                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 08:54 PM
                                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:08 PM
                                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:20 PM
                                                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:42 PM
                                                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:56 PM
                                                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-05-11, 10:49 PM
                                                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 11:31 PM
                                                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 11:45 PM
                                                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-06-11, 00:20 AM
                                                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-06-11, 00:38 AM
                                                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Kostawi09-14-11, 09:15 PM

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