مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس

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09-05-2011, 09:42 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

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Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    وثيقة مدهشة أخرى يتطوع فيها قياديون في الحركة الشعبية بنقل معلومة أن حزب المؤتمر يريد نقل السلطة من البشير لشخص آخر على أساس أن يذهب البشير للمنفى في السعودية، وأن البديل سيكون عسكري يكون مقبولا لجميع الأطراف لأن المؤسسة العسكرية لن تقبل بانتقال الرئاسة لملكي مثل علي عثمان، وتلخص الوثيقة إلى أن إيجاد خليفة للبشير يحفظ التوزان المعقد لهو أمر في غاية الصعوبة!


    O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 KHARTOUM 001777



    E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/12/2018

    REF: KHARTOUM 1657

    Classified By: CDA Alberto M. Fernandez, for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

    ¶1. (C) Summary: According to senior SPLM officials, Sudan's
    NCP is trying to broker a quick and graceful removal of
    President Al-Bashir within the next few months, with the
    President going into exile in Saudi Arabia. Discussions on a
    transition, which should take place before an ICC arrest
    warrant could be issued, have stalled over who would replace
    Al-Bashir and under what conditions. The SPLM would like to
    see aggressive action by the P-3 over the next month to shape
    such a transition and ensure that Western (and SPLM) concerns
    are taken into account by the regime's future leaders. End

    ¶2. (C) Foreign Minister Deng Alor and SPLM Deputy Secretary
    General Yassir Arman told CDA Fernandez on December 13 that
    plotting and deal-making within the National Congress Party
    (NCP) for a transition of President Omar al-Bashir from power
    has intensified in recent days but has now hit a predictable
    snag on the key issues of sequencing and personalities. They
    outlined how there seems to be consensus within the regime
    that Al-Bashir "should go soon, preferably before an ICC
    arrest warrant is issued," to a gilded exile in Saudi Arabia
    from where, presumably, he could not be extradited to The
    Hague. Alor said that Al-Bashir has agreed in principle to
    go. The logical replacement, VP Ali Osman Taha, is hesitant
    to move forward because of fears of bitter opposition from
    the Sudanese Army (SAF) which distrusts civilians generally
    and Taha in particular because of his close ties to NISS
    chief Salah Ghosh, who has built up Sudan's national security
    apparatus as a rival to the SAF.

    ¶3. (C) Because of Taha's caution, the search has switched now
    to identifying an acceptable army general who would be
    agreeable to the different factions within the Islamist
    elite. The SPLM fears that the NCP could agree on a "younger,
    more radical version" of Al-Bashir, such as SAF Deputy Chief
    of Staff Awad Ibn Auf (sanctioned in May 2007 by the USG
    because of his actions in Darfur while serving as head of
    Military Intelligence) who would prolong the war in Darfur
    and play hardball against the SPLM on CPA implementation.
    "This would be a disaster for us, we would miss Al-Bashir,"
    remarked Arman. Alor also noted that former NCP guru Hassan
    al-Turabi is still a factor, "he still has some level of
    support in SAF and the NCP" and continues to plot. The SPLM
    is convinced that Al-Turabi maintains his ties with the JEM
    rebel movement in Darfur and Alor related NCP fears of a
    possible JEM-inspired assassination campaign against regime

    ¶4. (C) The SPLM's preference is that the NCP be pressed by
    the international community, especially the P-3, in the
    coming weeks to identify a transitional senior (preferably
    elderly, "someone who is near his expiry date," Arman noted)
    general who is acceptable to all three members of Sudan's
    presidency (Al-Bashir, Taha, and First Vice President Salva
    Kiir) and would serve as a figurehead to take the country to
    elections in 2009. The SPLM has begun scouring the list of
    SAF generals trying to see if it can identify appropriate
    officers who fit the bill and will share its findings with
    the US Embassy. Alor said his information is that the
    Egyptians are doing the same thing as they fear a civilian
    Islamist taking over in Sudan (reftel). He added that this is
    an idea Salva Kiir will explore with President Bush in early
    January in Washington and, hopefully, with Obama transition

    ¶5. (C) In such a scenario, P-3 reps would go to the NCP and
    urge them to pick a figure committed to full implementation
    of the CPA, a quick end to the Darfur conflict, and an early
    transition to democracy. This is something like what happened
    in 1985 when General Nimeiry was overthrown and a military
    caretaker government oversaw the country's transition back to
    democracy. Arman noted that because the NCP has reached this
    internal impasse, the situation remains fluid and could
    deteriorate within the coming couple of months with the
    intense jockeying for position and advantage of different
    factions within the NCP intensifying. Alor said that he hoped

    KHARTOUM 00001777 002 OF 002

    that French envoy Bruno Joubert would begin to bring a
    credible and detailed "endgame message" to Khartoum when he
    visits on December 15.

    ¶6. (C) Alor said that the NCP had used the JEM/Turabi factor
    to explain recent fighting in Abyei on December 12-13. His
    own deputy, NCP insider Mutriff Siddiq, had told him that the
    NCP fears that JEM plants within SAF may have triggered the
    fighting in Abyei on purpose to draw SAF south towards the
    SPLA thereby clearing a path for the much rumored JEM march
    on the capital, from Darfur through South Kordofan and then
    across the Nile, or merely for JEM to secure or destroy the
    oil distribution network in South Kordofan which pumps the
    crude from Southern oil fields to Port Sudan. Siddiq told
    Alor that the notorious 31st SAF Brigade, some of whose
    troops are part of the Abyei JIU, may have been penetrated by

    ¶7. (C) Alor noted that while the fighting in Abyei between
    SAF soldiers in the Abyei JIU and Abyei police seemed to now
    be contained, he was livid about the role of UN SRSG Ashraf
    Qazi in trying to quell the violence. "Ashraf is a nice
    person, but weak and incompetent," he scoffed. Qazi had
    refused to order UN troops on the ground to secure the Abyei
    market, focusing instead on the JIU. "He should secure the
    market and then push for the entire JIU to leave town." Alor
    did reluctantly acknowledge UN efforts to keep SAF units in
    Difra and SPLA units in Agok from moving towards the
    fighting, steps that could ignite a wider conflagration. He
    asked that CDA Fernandez urge Qazi to be more pro-active (CDA
    spoke to Qazi on December 13 and urged more aggressive UNMIS
    moves to contain the violence. Qazi responded that UNMIS is
    "doing exactly that").

    ¶8. (C) Khartoum has been rife with possible transition
    scenarios for weeks (reftel) and this latest information is
    in sync with Al-Bashir's recent declaration that he is
    willing to step down "if asked by the Sudanese people, not
    foreigners." Given the internal divisions within the NCP and
    the rivalry between NISS and SAF, the SPLM factor, and the
    machinations of JEM and Al-Turabi, it will be quite difficult
    to find a candidate acceptable to all sides (although Sudan's
    abounds with inoffensive former SAF generals). Despite the
    repeated and well-documented brutality of the regime in
    Darfur, President Al-Bashir has been exquisitely tuned to an
    inclusive and congenial form of rule quite comfortable to
    Sudan's tiny Northern Arab elite. Finding that sort of
    balance once again, one that gives full rein to the regime's
    greed and impunity, may not be easy.

العنوان الكاتب Date
مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:03 PM
  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:04 PM
    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:09 PM
      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:20 PM
        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:25 PM
          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-03-11, 10:10 PM
            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 10:44 PM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 11:05 PM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-03-11, 11:05 PM
                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس SAIF MUstafa09-04-11, 00:04 AM
                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-04-11, 00:25 AM
            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس motaz ali09-04-11, 03:11 AM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 04:24 AM
                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 08:26 AM
                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-04-11, 12:06 PM
                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-04-11, 12:12 PM
                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:21 PM
                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:40 PM
                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:48 PM
                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 07:48 PM
                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 05:28 AM
                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 06:00 AM
                                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس قلقو09-05-11, 06:56 AM
                                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-05-11, 11:17 AM
                                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 03:44 PM
                                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس بريمة محمد09-05-11, 07:24 PM
                                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 08:41 PM
                                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 08:54 PM
                                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:08 PM
                                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:20 PM
                                                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:42 PM
                                                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:56 PM
                                                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-05-11, 10:49 PM
                                                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 11:31 PM
                                                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 11:45 PM
                                                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-06-11, 00:20 AM
                                                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-06-11, 00:38 AM
                                                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Kostawi09-14-11, 09:15 PM

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