مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس

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09-04-2011, 06:40 PM

محمد عثمان الحاج

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Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس (Re: محمد عثمان الحاج)

    ظللنا نقرأ ونسمع عن التنافس الصيني الأمريكي على السودان، لكن هذه الوثيقة التي تتساءل هل التواجد الصيني في السودان هو تواجد لتنين قوي أم نمر من ورق، وتحلل باستفاضة شديدة التواجد الصيني في السودان ولا مبالاة الشعب السوداني بخصوصه، وقد ضحكت وأنا أقرأها، تبين بوضوح أنه لايوجد تنافس! على كل، أول مرة أعرف أنه أصبح هناك حي صيني China Town في الخرطوم ويتعجب الكاتب من كون لحم الخنزير يباع في المتاجر الصينية علنا رغم قوانين الشريعة الإسلامية! عسى ألا يكون لحم الكلاب ايضا مما يباع فيها!


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    Classified By: CDA Cameron Hume, Reason: Sections 1.4 (b) and (d)

    ¶1. (C) Summary: China has quickly become Sudan's most
    important market, absorbing nearly 70 percent of its total
    exports in 2004, and 96 percent of its oil exports in 2005.
    Chinese investment and immigration have risen sharply in the
    past five years, especially in Khartoum, creating a kind of
    Chinatown on the Blue Nile. On the eve of President Hu
    Jintao,s expected visit to Sudan in early February,
    questions remain about what kind of friend China actually is,
    and about what impact its economic dominance is having on
    Sudanese society. More importantly, the import of China's
    long-term influence in Sudan seems increasingly open to
    debate. The rising dragon may turn out to be a paper tiger.
    End Summary.

    China's Economic Dominance in Sudan

    ¶2. (SBU) "Create the new and strive beyond!" exhorts a banner
    -- in Chinese -- above the entrance to Sudan Hotel, on a
    tree-lined stretch of the Blue Nile in central Khartoum.
    Originally built for wealthy European tourists, the hotel now
    houses the senior management of the China National Petroleum
    Corporation (CNPC). The banner -- and the hotel -- symbolize
    China's growing demand for oil, and its increasing influence
    over Sudan's economy. According to the most recent Bank of
    Sudan figures, Sudanese exports to China topped USD 2.5
    billion in 2004, or nearly 67 percent of the country's total
    exports; preliminary data suggests these figures may have
    risen as much as 70 percent in 2005, to USD 4.3 billion.
    (Note: By contrast, Japan -- Sudan's second largest export
    market -- accounted for only 11 percent of the country's
    exports in 2004, and probably even less in 2005. End note)
    Oil comprised 83 percent of Sudan's total exports in the
    first half of 2005, and almost all of it -- 96 percent --
    went to China.

    ¶3. (C) China is also one of the largest foreign investors in
    Sudan, and one of its largest sources of foreign labor.
    Though the dollar value of Chinese investment lags behind
    totals from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, China
    leads in the number of individual projects, according to the
    Ministry of Investment. The number of registered Chinese
    companies in Sudan jumped from 69 in 2000 to 124 in 2005.
    But the number of registered Chinese workers rose even more
    sharply over the same period, from 8,300 in 2000 to nearly
    24,000 in 2005, based on Ministry of Interior figures.
    Moreover, according to Professor Ali Abdalla Ali of the Sudan
    University of Science and Technology (protect), as many as
    40,000 more unregistered Chinese are working on oil
    exploration or heavy construction projects across the country
    with the tacit permission of local authorities. According to
    one popular story in Khartoum, there are now over 100,000
    Chinese in Sudan -- many of whom, according to the rumor, the
    Chinese government released from prison to work in Sudanese

    What Kind of Friend is China?

    ¶4. (C) In reality, more and more Chinese in Sudan work
    outside the petroleum sector, in service industries catering
    to the country's growing Chinese community. Khartoum's
    eastern suburbs are fast becoming a sort of Chinatown on the
    Blue Nile. Major Chinese companies like ZTE, Huawei, and the
    Zijing Group have built large compounds not far from the
    ever-expanding Chinese Embassy, complete with hotels and
    travel agencies for their expatriate staff. Chinese doctors
    have established a private hospital specializin in
    traditional Chinese medicine, and a number of small Chinese
    supermarkets and restaurants have popped up across the city,
    openly selling pork and alcohol in defiance of local Shari'a
    law. "I came here for the money," said one waitress
    matter-of-factly. "It was better than staying at home in
    Yantai." Though the shops and dumpling joints are popular
    with Chinese and Western expatriates alike, most Sudanese

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    seem remarkably indifferent to their new Chinese neighbors.
    The University of Khartoum began offering Chinese language
    courses four years ago -- with a Chinese-educated Sudanese
    national as the professor -- but enrollment remains very
    small. "I wanted to learn Chinese so I could work for a
    Chinese company," said one former student in the class. "But
    it doesn't matter if you speak Arabic or Chinese, because the
    Chinese won't make a Sudanese person a manager. Besides,
    Chinese was so hard -- now I want to learn English."

    ¶5. (C) Politically, of course, Sudan's Government of National
    Unity (GNU) is anything but indifferent to China; it relies
    not only on China's increasing demand for oil, but also on
    its tacit international support on issues like Darfur. "A
    lot of people in this government turn a blind eye to whatever
    the Chinese are doing here -- working illegally, smuggling
    goods, selling alcohol -- because they think they need them,"
    said Professor Ali. "People feel grateful because China
    helped Sudan drill for oil, even though the Chinese are just
    helping themselves." More recently, however, some officials
    in the ruling National Congress Party fault Beijing for not
    using its veto against UNSC 1706, according to Ali. "They
    want to know what kind of friend China really is." China
    also remains a major arms supplier for the Sudanese Armed
    Forces (SAF), though perhaps as much for economic as
    political reasons. Given the size of Sudan's oil exports to
    China, Sudan is one of the few countries that enjoys a trade
    surplus with China -- some 2 billion dollars in 2004 alone.
    According to Professor Ali -- who serves as an advisor to the
    Ministry of Finance -- China has repeatedly tried to persuade
    Sudan to convert its trade surplus into goods. "Last year
    they offered to give us 8 billion dollars worth of arms," he
    said, though he does not know if the Government accepted the

    Exporting Corruption

    ¶6. (C) China's growing economic role in Sudan is starting to
    raise questions among some Sudanese, especially
    intellectuals. "It's exactly what the British did here --
    classic informal imperialism," said Dr. Magdi el Gizouli
    (protect), a suave UK-educated medical researcher and
    prominent member of the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP).
    Gizouli has recently written eight editorials in the Khartoum
    daily &Al-Ayam8 examining China's relations with Sudan; the
    articles created "a bit of a stir" when published, Gizolui
    admitted, but that seems to have been his primary goal. "No
    one in Sudan wants to think of themselves as being
    re-colonized, especially by China." Gizouli laughed at the
    irony of a Sudanese Communist criticizing a nominally
    Communist state as imperialist, but quickly added that he
    didn't believe China had ever really been communist -- and
    that the Chinese Communist Party had never had good relations
    with the party in Sudan. "China is here to take our oil, but
    what are they giving us in return? The British at least gave
    us Western ideas. The Chinese just give money to a few
    people in the Government who are already very rich."

    ¶7. (C) Professor Ali agreed, charging that China was actually
    "exporting corruption" to Sudan. "We have been brought up
    with British law and Islamic justice, but now the Chinese are
    destroying it," he moaned. "They send government officials
    to China in business class, show them the Great Wall, and
    give them expensive gifts. And no one wants to talk about it
    because their mouths are full of money." Chinese-style
    corruption does seem to be making inroads in Sudan.
    Khartoum's property market has become inflated, Ali charged,
    because local Chinese managers have started "padding prices."
    The contracting manager asks the seller to write the
    contract for a higher price than the actual sales price, and
    reports the higher figure to the company; he then keeps the
    difference, or shares it with his boss. Worse, said Ali, as
    more and more Chinese in Sudan enter the retail sector --
    typically selling Chinese-made goods they smuggled into the
    country -- they drive out local merchants who cannot compete
    on price. "Sudanese always used to go to the Canton Fair,
    but now they don't, because they simply can't complete with a

    KHARTOUM 00000119 003.2 OF 003

    Chinese merchant who hasn't paid customs duties." There has
    been no talk of a boycott of Chinese goods, Ali admitted, but
    most Sudanese prefer to buy Western goods simply because the
    quality is better. "Of course we can't buy American goods
    because of the sanctions, so we really don't have much
    choice," he joked.

    Comment: Dragon or Tiger?

    ¶8. (C) Professor Ali may be overstating his case, but China's
    strong economic influence in Sudan no doubt stems at least in
    part from the absence of U.S. economic competition. More
    poignantly, China's increasing investment in Sudan and its
    economic dominance here come not only in spite of U.S.
    sanctions, but from China's thirst for new sources of oil to
    fuel its own economic expansion -- an expansion funded by
    U.S. investors and U.S. consumers. On the eve of President
    Hu Jintao,s expected visit to Sudan in early February, it
    seems too early to say what kind of impact China will have on
    Sudan over the long term. If the broader international
    environment changes, or if domestic resentment continues to
    grow, China may seem less like a rising dragon and more like
    a paper tiger.

    التعديل لإضافة رابط الصفحة.

    (عدل بواسطة محمد عثمان الحاج on 09-04-2011, 06:43 PM)


العنوان الكاتب Date
مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:03 PM
  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:04 PM
    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:09 PM
      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:20 PM
        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 08:25 PM
          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-03-11, 10:10 PM
            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 10:44 PM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-03-11, 11:05 PM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-03-11, 11:05 PM
                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس SAIF MUstafa09-04-11, 00:04 AM
                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-04-11, 00:25 AM
            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس motaz ali09-04-11, 03:11 AM
              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 04:24 AM
                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 08:26 AM
                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-04-11, 12:06 PM
                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-04-11, 12:12 PM
                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:21 PM
                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:40 PM
                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 06:48 PM
                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-04-11, 07:48 PM
                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 05:28 AM
                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 06:00 AM
                                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس قلقو09-05-11, 06:56 AM
                                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس أحمد أمين09-05-11, 11:17 AM
                                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 03:44 PM
                                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس بريمة محمد09-05-11, 07:24 PM
                                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 08:41 PM
                                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 08:54 PM
                                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:08 PM
                                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:20 PM
                                                  Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:42 PM
                                                    Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 09:56 PM
                                                      Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Abobakr Shadad09-05-11, 10:49 PM
                                                        Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 11:31 PM
                                                          Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-05-11, 11:45 PM
                                                            Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-06-11, 00:20 AM
                                                              Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس محمد عثمان الحاج09-06-11, 00:38 AM
                                                                Re: مراسلات السفارة الامريكية فى الخرطوم دون تنقيح فى وثائق ويكيليكس Kostawi09-14-11, 09:15 PM

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