South Sudan cabinet endorses first foreign policy after independence

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South Sudan cabinet endorses first foreign policy after independence

    South Sudan cabinet endorses first foreign policy after independence

    July 30, 2011 (JUBA) – The government of the newly founded independent Republic of South Sudan has adopted its first foreign policy three weeks after the region gained independence on 9 July.

    On Friday the cabinet deliberated on the nation’s first foreign policy and adopted it, revealed the government’s spokesperson and caretaker minister of information, Barnaba Marial Benjamin.

    The policy transformed the former ministry of regional cooperation, which was under the previous semi-autonomous government for the last six years, into the new ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

    In its preamble the policy expressed the long period of struggle for freedom which the people of the region had undergone for 190 years as well as the current expectations of the people after the recently achieved independence and the yearn for democratic, productive and accountable nation, among others.

    "Being the newest nation state vying to carve out a respectful position amongst the world body of nations, South Sudan is keen and resolute in establishing a democratic secular transparent system of government, reflective of established international norms and standards such as the observance of the rule of law and respect for human rights," reads part of the document’s preamble.

    The policy stipulates that the new Republic shall be designed and guided by the principles and norms based on good neighborliness relations and peaceful coexistence, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states and preservation of national interest and security as well as non interference in the internal affairs of other states.

    "Adherence to the charters of the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), and other regional and international conventions and treaties" are among its basic guidelines.

    The cabinet also passed the structures of the new ministry at the headquarters in Juba and abroad in order to conform to the organizational standard of the ministries of Foreign Affairs in sovereign states.

    South Sudan for the last six years of sub-national status had opened 23 missions around the world, some of which will now be upgraded to embassies.

    The government’s spokesperson, Barnaba Marial said about 63 new embassies, permanent missions and consulate generals will be gradually opened around the globe in the next few years beginning from next week.

    In addition to promoting regional and international cooperation, among others, the nation’s representatives abroad shall work to attract foreign investments to South Sudan which the document says is “located at the hub of the African continent” and endowed with resources.

    The country shall also send its permanent representatives to the United Nations General Assembly headquartered in New York and the African Union in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.


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