الجسوره/ليلي اكول تكتب عن يوم استقلال الجنوب!

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07-10-2011, 04:32 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الجسوره/ليلي اكول تكتب عن يوم استقلال الجنوب!

    الف مبروك يا ليلي لك و لكل الشرفاء بالدوله الجديده هذا الانجاز.
    فاليبارك الله بلادكم ومزيد من الآمن و الخير و النماء باذن الله لكم.


    Celebrating Our Long Walk To Freedom

    Lily Albino Akol Akol

    [email protected]

    South Sudan Independence Day -- July 9th, 2011
    Juba, South Sudan

    Today, we’re celebrating the end of a dark era and the beginning of a brighter one. We’re folding a chapter in our history as we prepare to write a new one. We’re folding a chapter that’s stained by tales of horror…a chapter that’s stained by smells of blood… a chapter that’s stained by shadows of death. We’re folding a black chapter that told of despair as we begin to write history anew.

    Today, we’re writing a new history that will tell of justice and equality. We’re writing a new history that will tell of prosperity, peace and harmony.

    Today, we’re unfolding a new era that marks the end of our long, long walk to Freedom.

    Freedom Oyee; Freedom Oyee; Freedom Oyee!

    Today, we’re celebrating our beloved Motherland; we’re celebrating South Sudan. We’re celebrating her steadfastness; we’re celebrating her defiance in the face of hard times…her defiance in the face of misery…her defiance in the face of death…her defiance in the face of tragedy.

    We’re celebrating our Motherland; we’re celebrating her ability to give, when everything was lost… her ability to guide us, when we were unable to see….her ability to promise us a better tomorrow, when tomorrow was impossible to come…her ability to give us hope, when hope was lost.

    Today, as proud children of this Land, we’re celebrating her Victory…we’re celebrating her Glory…we’re celebrating her long walk to Freedom.

    South Sudan Oyee; Motherland Oyee; Freedom Oyee!

    Today, we’re saluting our Martyrs. We’re paying respect to two million souls…we’re paying homage to our departed ones…we’re honoring the selfless sacrifices of the fallen heroes and heroines of South Sudan.

    Today, we’re telling Dr. John we did not choose third-class citizenship, but we chose pride…we chose liberty…we chose dignity. Dr. John, South Sudan chose Freedom and, today, our Flag will fly high. Dr. John, South Sudan chose Freedom and, today, our voices will fill the sky. Dr. John, South Sudan chose Freedom and, today, we will recite our National Anthem with a sense of gratification. Dr. John, we chose Freedom and, today, we are proud Citizens of South Sudan and proud South Sudanese we are.

    Today, we’re telling the Martyrs of South Sudan rest in peace for you have inscribed your names in our history with your blood. Dr. John, rest in peace because, today, you gave us the privilege of ending the journey that you started long ago; you gave us the privilege of ending your long walk to Freedom.

    Martyrs of South Sudan Oyee; Garang De Mabior Oyee; Freedom Oyee!

    Today, we’re celebrating the patriotism of our men and women in uniform. We’re celebrating their tenacity…we’re celebrating their heroism…we’re celebrating their unwavering commitment.

    Today, we’re celebrating the Guardians of our Struggle…we’re celebrating the Fighters of South Sudan…we’re celebrating the Liberators of our Land.

    They had no expectations of receiving any rewards from our mundane world, but all they had was an unshakable determination to protect their people. All they had was a firm belief in the struggle of their people…all they had was a staggering loyalty to the cause of their people…all they had was a vehement vow to bring freedom to their people.

    Today, we’re celebrating the Gallantry of the Comrades; we’re celebrating their victorious march to Freedom.

    Warriors of South Sudan Oyee; SPLA Oyee; Freedom Oyee!

    Today, we’re celebrating the Leaders of South Sudan. We’re celebrating their shrewdness… we’re celebrating their foresightedness…we’re celebrating their devotion.

    They led through the hardest times. They drove through tumultuous terrains…they moved mountains…they overcame hurdles…they exceeded expectations, and, today, we’re celebrating their accomplishments. We’re celebrating a job-well-done…we’re celebrating a battle-won…we’re celebrating a mission-accomplished.

    Today, we’re celebrating the wisdom of our Leaders; we’re celebrating their long walk to Freedom.

    Leaders of South Sudan Oyee; Kiir Mayardit Oyee; Riek Machar; Freedom Oyee!

    Today, we’re celebrating the perseverance of the Children of South Sudan. We’re bringing back their stolen childhood; we’re restoring their robbed innocence. We’re promising them no more sounds of guns, no more horrible scenes of skulls.

    Today, we’re holding the hands of the Orphans of South Sudan. We’re hugging them, we’re kissing them and we’re assuring them no more tears…no more crying…no more fears…no more hiding.

    We’re telling the Children of South Sudan be free, be happy, run, play, smile, and fill our lives with joy for the future is bright. We’re telling them dream and dream big for the future holds promising opportunities.

    Today, we’re celebrating the strength of our Children; we’re celebrating their long walk to Freedom.

    Children of South Sudan Oyee; Future Oyee; Freedom Oyee!

    Today, we’re celebrating the Women of South Sudan; we’re celebrating Rebecca De Mabior. Like a loving mother, she put her arms around us. Forgetting her own pain…forgetting her own loss…forgetting her own tragedy she put her arms around us and said weep not! She said I am not crying so weep not, and weep Mama Rebecca did not. Strong like an iron, she held us together, she held South Sudan together and she held the CPA together.

    Such is the courage of the women of South Sudan and, today, we’re celebrating their proud stubbornness as they faced war…their proud stubbornness as they faced loss…their proud stubbornness as they faced hard times…their proud stubbornness as they faced tragedy.

    Such is the resolve of the women of South Sudan and, today, we’re celebrating Poni…we’re celebrating Abuk…we’re celebrating Eiteng. Today, we’re celebrating Mary’s long walk to Freedom.

    Women of South Sudan Oyee; Mothers of South Sudan Oyee; Freedom Oyee!

    Today, we’re celebrating the end of an arduous journey. We’re celebrating the end of a dark era and the beginning of a brighter one. We’re folding a chapter in our history as we prepare to write a new one.

    Today, we’re writing a new history that will tell of the Daring Strive of our Nation… a history that will tell of the Victory of our Nation…a history that will tell of the Triumph of our Nation.

    Today, we’re writing a new history that will forever celebrate our Victorious march to Freedom. We’re writing a new history that will forever celebrate our Victorious march the Republic of South Sudan.

    Republic of South Sudan Oyee; Republic of South Sudan Oyee; Freedom Oyee!


07-10-2011, 05:08 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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Re: الجسوره/ليلي اكول تكتب عن يوم استقلال الجنوب! (Re: Tragie Mustafa)


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