اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج

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Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج (Re: صديق عيسى صالح)

    وانت الصادق يا صديق، كلام اسافير ساكت

    19/10/2009, 7:38 AM - Posted by Anonymous UserI do always stand when I heard the issue of Dinka Jok of Abyei County. I don't like the way in which Khartoum Government is mistreated the people of Abyei, but, however, the problem of Dinka Jok of Abyei is hovering and causing some problems to the other Southern Sudanese Community such as Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County. Last month of July 22,2009, Dinka Jok of Abyei receives their compensation through a genuine dialogue from a Hague Ruling Court. As the problem of Abyei was solved, the problem of Abyei was become a problem to Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State whereby a portion of Dinka Ruweng Land so call Heglig(Aliiny)of Biemnom County was coiled as a part of Dinka Jok territory. Why do we as Southern Sudanese people tried to still our own property instead of Arabs people to do that so since we know that they are our enemies? This is an absurd suggestion and a shame to the three leaders of Dinka Jok of Abyei County such as Deng Alor, Edward Lino Wuor and Luka Biong Deng. The demarcation border of Abyei with Arabs is already over and what left now is the demarcation border of Dinka Jok of Abyei County and Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom County. What I know myself is that the demarcation of Abyei will not be accomplished by the people of Dinka Jok of Abyei without Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom and the Southern Sudan Government..

    As a concern, I can not blaming the whole Dinka Jok people of Abyei County because the annexation of Heglig(Aliiny) to Abyei is a lesson to Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County. Deng Alor, Edward Lino Wuor and Luka Biong Deng did this intentionally as they thought that the indigenous people of Dinka Ruweng who have their land Heglig(Aliiny) and they were been away for about 22 years from their land RUWENG will not come back to Ruweng Land. That is why Deng Alor, Luka Biong Deng and Edward Lino Wuor tried to campaign in order to impound the land of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom to be their territory. Deng Alor and his two associates leaders of Dinka Jok of Abyei tried very hard to confiscated Heglig(Aliiny), but in fact, both of them failed to achieve victory.

    Since I'm from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State, I do feel confused when the top three leaders of Dinka Jok of Abyei tried to impede the right of Dinka Ruweng People of Biemnom County. Why I said that? Deng Alor, as a Foreign Minister Affairs, should not supposed to said that "we have lost a very great area, but still a grab". This is not supposed to be said in the eyes of our enemies by a big politician like Deng Alor. I thought that Deng Alor is a young politician, but in fact, Deng Alor is not a qualified politician who can stand with external matters of his people whom he deserve to rule. What if Abyei as a county of Dinka Jok was given to Arabs of Northern Sudan, will Deng Alor said that we have lost a very great area, but still a grab? I believe that Deng Alor can not said that at all, but since Heglig (Aliiny) is not belong to Abyei, Deng Alor can attempt to said anything he wants to make Heglig to be a territory of Abyei. There is a prove since Deng Alor, Edward Lino Wuor and Luka Biong Deng said that Heglig(Aliiny) is not a territory of Abyei, but a territory of Unity State. Now they confessed their inner secret.. What matter to me is not oil in Heglig(Aliiny), but the land where I was born. Amongst those of Dinka Jok of Abyei and Dinka Panaruu people who claimed that Heglig(Aliiny) is their territory, what does the word Heglig mean to them by the way? If I asked one of Dinka Jok of Abyei and one of Dinka Panaruu about the meaning of Heglig, no one of them will exactly tell me the meaning of Heglig. All Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom and I myself who wrote this article we are not happy with the way in which these two Dinka Ethnic Communities are trying to misused and taunted our land Heglig(Aliiny) of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State.
    Finally, when Dinka Jok of Abyei failed to achieve what they wants, Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County attach themselves and claim Heglig(Aliiny) as their area. At the same time, Dinka Panaruu of Panrieng County in Unity State call themselves as Ruweng, but they were not Ruweng. In Unity State, there are two Dinka Communities namely:
    -Dinka Ruweng - with it County known as Biemnom
    -Dinka Panaruu- with it County known as Panrieng

    In this point, I don't see the reason why Dinka Panaruu call them Ruweng. Many people of Dinka Panaruu said that they have border with Dinka Jok of Abyei County, but it is not true. The only Dinka Community which have a border with Dinka Jok of Abyei is Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom County. Dinka Panaruu have border with Dinka Ruweng, Nuer and Shilluk as well as Maban of Kadugli. Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom County on the other hand, have border with Twic of Bhar-el-ghazal such as Amiol, Akuar Lang Juuk, Adiang and Kuac-Madut Ring, Nuer Leek and Nuer-Bul. I'm really awared and what is going on is just a matter of suppressing the right of the other Community. Last Febuary 10, 2008, our three leaders from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County were killed in Heglig(Aliiny) of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom and the report said that they were killed in Abyei which is wrong. That is an example because if the problem happened in Ruweng land of Biemnom and then it is reported to be happened in Abyei, then the Southern Sudan Government will not turn their eyes to the people of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom and as a result, the people of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom will encountered some insecurity disasters with which the Southern Sudan Governement will not no at all. I know that there is jealousness and that is why some Communities like Dinka Jok of Abyei and Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County like to collaborated themselves so that the can be known by the Southern Sudan Government as an indigenous people of Heglig(Aliiny) while both of them are not even entiltled. Their aims is to push the indigenous people of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in order to be invisible and assume themselves to be the only two Dinka Communities owning Heglig(Aliiny). The problems of Abyei have killed so many people of Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom County since the beginning of the war of NGOL DE RUWENG and NGOL DE NGOK in 1969. What I see myself is that, if one of the Community in Southern Sudan doesn't have anyone to represent them in Southern Sudan Government, then that community can not be known. Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County have contributed their life in war. In the Movement of the SPLM/SPLA, Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County compose of FIVE BATALIONS of the SPLM/SPLA namely: TIGER BATALION, GHOL BATALION, WOLF BATALION, PART OFJAMUS BATALION and SHARK BATALION. If we come in term of Dinka Jok of Abyei County, then they have ABUSHIOK BATALION and PART OF JAMUS BATALION. In Dinka Panaruu Community, they have BILPAM BATALION and PART OF JAMUS BATALION. So, why some communities tried to complaint for no reason? I challenged Deng Alor very much and in fact, he is not a Foreign Minister of the whole Southern Sudan, but a Foreign Minister of Dinka Jok of Abyei County. This article is not concern of any one, but to challenged the people of Dinka Jok of Abyei and people of Dinka Panaruu who call themselves as Ruweng instead of calling them Panaruu. In short, right can not be wiped off at all, but misinformation or misrepresentation can be disputed regardless of how big it is.

العنوان الكاتب Date
اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج أحمد ابن عوف05-21-11, 07:37 PM
  Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج أحمد ابن عوف05-21-11, 07:51 PM
    Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج صديق عيسى صالح05-21-11, 08:49 PM
      Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج أحمد ابن عوف05-21-11, 09:12 PM
        Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج بشير أحمد05-21-11, 09:16 PM
          Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج أحمد ابن عوف05-21-11, 09:24 PM
        Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج صديق عيسى صالح05-21-11, 10:43 PM
          Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج أحمد ابن عوف05-22-11, 05:56 AM
            Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج ود الباوقة05-22-11, 06:00 AM
              Re: اذا احتل جيش الشمال أبيي سيحتل جيش الجنوب هجليج أحمد ابن عوف05-22-11, 06:12 AM

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