الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي

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02-11-2004, 02:44 AM

خالد الحاج

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي (Re: Outcast)

    Office of the Spokesman
    For Immediate Release
    February 6, 2004


    Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
    Roundtable on African Issues

    February 6, 2004
    New York, New York

    (12:15 p.m. EST)

    QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, the U.S. sent troops to Liberia, and now you
    leading the daughter of reform. You have not taken criminal action for
    the African crises, such as the DRC.


    QUESTION: The DRC. Democratic --

    QUESTION: Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC.


    QUESTION: Yeah.


    QUESTION: What makes Liberia so special? And will you be similarly
    committed to all the African nations in the future?

    SECRETARY POWELL: Liberia is somewhat unique in that it was established
    American slaves, as you well know, in the 19th century, and there has
    been this historically cultural connection to the United States.
    is named after an American President. Liberia means liberated from
    in the United States. So there's always been this connection. And
    was never a colony of one of the European powers, so we felt a certain
    connection to it.

    This doesn't mean, however, that we are indifferent to other crises in
    Africa. We have financed a great deal of the work in Sierra Leone. We
    now looking for money to assist with the peacekeeping operation in Cote
    D'Ivoire. We have been deeply involved in the DRC and helping it to
    its conflict. We've stayed in touch with President Kabila and
    Nsibambi in Uganda. We are deeply involved in trying to resolve the
    conflict in the Sudan and we are trying to play a good role in the
    between Ethiopia and Eritrean border.

    So I think the United States' record of this Administration is quite
    And it is not just a matter of resolving conflicts. It's the money
    putting into HIV/AIDS, which is the greatest conflict in Sub-Saharan
    and the new organization that we just created and I've chaired the first

    meeting of, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, is putting huge
    amounts of
    money into undeveloped countries. So I think the United States' record
    Africa is quite good in this Administration, and I think it will get
    as these new monies start to flow.

    QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, the Administration has made clear that there's
    concern about al-Qaida and terrorist links in various parts of Africa,
    one of those places, Somalia, there's been some discussion about U.S.
    efforts to possibly make a push to create a functional government.
    does that stand, at a high --

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, as you know, there was some progress recently
    coming -- Somalians coming together and to form a government. We would
    much like to see a government formed, a responsible government that can
    govern this ungovernable country that's been ungovernable for a long
    I have more than a passing interest in this. As Chairman of the Joint
    Chiefs of Staff, we sent peacekeeping and rescue forces in there in late

    1992 to stop the starvation, end the starvation, which we did, then it
    turned into a more tragic situation when we weren't able to solve the
    political problem.

    So we would be willing to play a role in moving this forward, and I
    think we
    have been playing a helpful role. But ultimately the Somalians have to
    figure out whether or not they're going to rally behind this new
    arrangement or continue to allow conflict to take place based on clan
    sub-clan loyalties. And I hope this new initiative will be a success.

    QUESTION: (Inaudible) of Nigeria. What would be your assessment of the

    current democratic situation in Nigeria with the second term of the new
    president, just as an example, are you impressed? Do you think that the

    Nigerian Government participated in the democratic process?

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, you've had two elections. I monitored the
    election, the election that brought President Obasanjo into office.
    and President Carter were part of that election, election group. I
    that President -- the President has made progress but I think there's
    more to be done with respect to ending corruption, with respect to
    transparency in government. And we have spoken openly and directly to
    Nigerian friends about it. We have good relations with Nigeria.

    We would like to see better conditions for attracting trade and
    in Nigeria. And Nigeria still has a long way to go. But I think that
    President knows what he has to do, and he has made progress during his
    term. And I'm confident he will make progress during his second term.

    QUESTION: You've spoken about the importance of peace in Liberia, for
    region, as you were saying, but I just wondered in particular about the
    Ivory Coast. It appears that there is strong opposition from the United

    States about (inaudible).

    SECRETARY POWELL: It's not the concept of peacekeeping. We know that
    to be done. And we know that the UN should play a role and there should
    a UN peacekeeping force. We are discussing with the UN peacekeeping
    authorities, as well as our friends in the UN, other countries in the UN

    Security Council on how large that force should be. There are limits to
    many peacekeeping forces we're able to support at any one time, and
    are other demands that we know are coming our way.

    In addition to Cote d'Ivoire and what we're doing in Liberia, if we get
    settlement in Sudan, which I think is likely if we can solve the problem
    Abyei, which I think you're all familiar with, then there will be
    requirement there for 8- to 10,000 UN monitors, so another bill. And we

    have finite -- believe it or not -- we have finite resources. So we
    want to
    make sure that we are sizing these missions properly, and that's what
    discussion is.

    QUESTION: Are you committed to sending some amount, or are you sending

    people too?

    SECRETARY POWELL: Money. No, our -- no, in Cote d'Ivoire, I think
    for us it's a matter of finance, not troops.

    QUESTION: I mean --

    SECRETARY POWELL: It's just that I don't think anybody's asking for or
    in need of U.S. troops. There are troops available. It's a matter of
    financing them.

    QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, it seems that when his country was picked up,
    only it's like a (inaudible) dimension, I mean, when there is a conflict

    there is conflict everywhere, it seems like that.

    But it seems, also, to me that "democracy" is a word that still we do
    understand or the head of government. And they don't have a vision of
    a state can be and corruption. I'm sorry to say that, but it's really
    big problem. So how do you expect to address those problems? Because
    you're giving money to Liberia. But should not it be the head of
    who should take care of, I mean, Africa and whatever, and not foreign
    government take care of, you know, ourselves?

    SECRETARY POWELL: We have to help Liberia with foreign assistance right

    now. We'll make sure we know where the assistance is going.
    We are no
    longer in an environment where I can just go to the Congress and say,
    me $200 million and we're just going to give it to Liberians to do what
    want with it. So we will watch where the money's going.

    But this is a country that, at the moment, almost has no income. The
    bureaucracy, you know, they're in buildings that have no desks, offices
    no phones. So a lot of money is required right now to get Liberia up
    started, and I'm very impressed by Chairman Bryant and his commitment to
    this going. We knew it would be difficult.

    We, in our foreign policy, are making it clear to all of the nations
    that we
    work with that we will start holding them to higher standards of
    accountability, not just in Africa -- the Eastern European nations that
    to see me, the Central Asian nations, the nations from my own
    hemisphere, in
    the western hemisphere, we say to them, "If you want to have good
    with us, but more importantly, if you want us to help you, you have to
    us the rule of law, you have to show us fair elections, you have to show
    the end of corruption."

    Corruption destroys democracy. You cannot have a democracy if the
    see that their money is thrown away. And one important tool we're going
    have is the new Millennium Challenge Account. Everybody now wants to be
    line to receive money from the Millennium Challenge Account.

    I'm going to have a billion dollars this year, and every year it's going
    go up so that when it's fully funded -- in about three years, I think it
    -- $5 billion every year will be available. And guess what? You don't
    the rule of law, you can't convince us that you are running your country
    a non-corrupt manner, or you are throwing the media in jail, or you are
    allowing companies to operate openly and freely and with some
    that their property and their investment will be protected, you won't be


    I've already had many countries come to us and say, "We know we're not
    eligible now. What, what do we have to do? Tell us what we have to do
    get eligible." We tell them. "This is what you have to do. Let me see
    commercial code. Let me see you protecting human rights. Let me see
    protecting women's rights. Let me see you getting rid of trafficking in

    persons. We want to see if you have any child soldiers on your side.
    you allowing terrorists to use your country," all the things that are
    destructive and corrosive to democracy, we will be measuring that.

    QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, just generally to -- how do you make the case
    Africa as a continent that, with the amount of money that's being spent
    the rebuilding of Iraq that you can now say, "I'm sorry. We can't
    afford X
    number of thousand peacekeepers in your country," whether it's Ivory
    or elsewhere on the continent? How do you make that case?

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, it's not a hard case to make because it is not
    if there are not peacekeepers around. It is not hard to find
    in a number of countries in the world if they can be equipped and
    and transported and sustained in the field. You don't need American
    soldiers to do this. American soldiers are peacekeepers right now in
    American soldiers have been helping to keep the peace in Korea for the
    almost 50 years.

    But for the kinds of peacekeeping missions that are taking place in
    right now, we find countries that are anxious to do it and willing to do
    And we provide assistance, and as you know, some of the Nigerian troops
    initially went into Liberia were trained by American programs, where we
    helped these countries that are willing to provide peacekeepers to gain
    capability and the training needed, and the equipment needed and we are
    looking at expanding those programs to help other nations.

    But we don't believe that it is the -- it's always the correct choice to
    Americans to do the peacekeeping when others are ready, willing and
    We have peacekeepers in Bosnia. We have peacekeepers in Kosovo. So we
    doing a fair share.

    QUESTION: Specifically, as regards to the numbers of the Ivory Coast?

    SECRETARY POWELL: Yeah, there's an issue. Some people think as many as

    6,400 to 7,000 might be needed and others think a lower number might be
    adequate. That's the debate that's taking place. It's a financing
    of course.

    QUESTION: But the French would love to switch from what, you know,
    (inaudible) to the UN --

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, I understand that. I mean, it's -- the United
    States has an armed force and France has an armed force that is
    expeditionary in nature. It has to be stationed in certain places like
    Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq, but it has to be ready to go other places. And
    can't tie it down for long periods of time in peacekeeping activities.

    Troops are also expensive, and for this reason, I'm sure that the French
    anxious to spread the burden in Cote d'Ivoire. But I'm pleased that the

    French took the lead in solving the problem initially. And of course,
    the United States has historic connections to Liberia, France has
    connections to the nations in Francophone Africa.

    QUESTION: Talking about corruption, Mr. Secretary, an American company
    Haliburton, but as just (inaudible) the Nigerian Government about its
    (inaudible). How do you think this affects the kind of image that
    is showing (inaudible) Nigeria, the way that other people look to
    as they once did. And we have a situation where an African company has
    cheated the government of (inaudible).

    SECRETARY POWELL: Has what? Cheated?

    QUESTION: Yes. (Inaudible) about $2.5 million. How do you think that,
    know, reconciles with the (inaudible) U.S. (inaudible)?

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, we don't want to see any of our countries*
    by a country in which they're investing. And we don't want to see any
    our companies take advantage of a government of a country in which they
    invested or located. We want to see no corruption and total
    not only for the government, but for our companies as well.

    And so in this case, I don't know what the facts are, and because it is
    case that is in litigation, I won't comment on it. I don't know who's
    or who's wrong. Our Justice Department handles such matters. But we do
    want -- we will not tolerate bad behavior on the part of American
    just as we would not want to see bad behavior on the part of the

    In this particular case of Haliburton, I'm not making that judgment
    I don't know anything about the facts and it's for our Justice

    QUESTION: What does the U.S. think should now happen to former Liberian

    leader, Charles Taylor? Do you think he should face sanctions? Should
    go straight to trial? And do you think it's more important for him, for

    example, to face justice rather than (inaudible)?

    SECRETARY POWELL: I think he is still subject to justice of the type
    expected by the international tribunal. We supported the international
    tribunal and he's under charges, and it's a matter now between him and

    Because of the crisis we were facing last year, Nigeria was willing to
    Mr. Taylor with the understanding that Nigeria would then not find
    itself in
    difficulty from the international community or from the tribunal. And
    everybody accepted that at the time because we needed to end the
    violence in
    Liberia and it worked. And Mr. Taylor is isolated in Nigeria but he has
    escaped the desire of the court to see him stand before the court. But
    right now, it's a matter between Mr. Taylor and the court.

    QUESTION: What about sanctions?

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, I don't -- the sanction of him?

    QUESTION: Sanctions against Taylor, exactly.

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, I know that the Liberian Government and other
    governments are checking into his, his well -- his wherewithal, and to
    extent that we can be helpful to the transitional government, we will do

    QUESTION: But would you say that -- this is just a follow-up, sir.
    you say that you agree then with Mr. Klein that the rebuilding can go
    without too much trouble, even if he isn't brought to justice?

    SECRETARY POWELL: I think Mr. Taylor is a spent force, and we want to
    him a spent force in isolation in Nigeria. He is still subject to the
    and there are occasional reports that he might be meddling in Liberia
    politics. And every now and then, you'll read a report that he's trying
    raise forces in Nigeria. But I have no reason to believe that that's an

    accurate report.

    And so I don't see any reason why the rebuilding can't go ahead. It
    must go
    ahead. The rebuilding and the reconstruction and the disarmament will
    be held hostage to Mr. Taylor's personal fortune, or lack thereof.

    QUESTION: Secretary Powell, talking about NEPAD, you know, had a lot of

    comments on (inaudible) in NEPAD. What is it that you don't support?

    SECRETARY POWELL: We support -- we think NEPAD is a good program, and
    have tried to demonstrate in every way we can that we will provide the
    political support and as it, as it structures itself and gets further
    its work, there will be other forms of support we can provide. But I
    that we've tried to express to the originators of NEPAD, especially the
    South Africans and President Mbeki, our support of NEPAD.

    QUESTION: Do you think -- talking about -- talking about (inaudible) in
    conflict, do you believe that the two-year mandate is not (inaudible)
    the economy, (inaudible) with nonmilitary (inaudible) elections; in
    word, to put the country in the right track, it is not easily going to

    SECRETARY POWELL: Well, you know, you have to put deadlines on things.
    have to have action-forcing deadlines. And two years is not a long
    of time, but in my conversations with Chairman Bryant today he did not
    for more time. He is anxious to move. And he is anxious to have that
    deadline out there so that he can generate support for what he's doing
    and the kind of support that's being generated here at this meeting

    Okay. Thank you.

    QUESTION: Thank you.


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الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 06:20 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي james02-10-04, 06:36 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 06:49 PM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 06:55 PM
        Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 06:59 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي kamalabas02-10-04, 07:07 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-10-04, 07:12 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 07:17 PM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 07:19 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Imad El amin02-10-04, 07:19 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 07:25 PM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي sultan02-10-04, 08:04 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Imad El amin02-10-04, 07:34 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-10-04, 07:40 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي kamalabas02-10-04, 07:53 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي rani02-10-04, 08:45 PM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-11-04, 07:52 AM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-11-04, 07:47 AM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Nada Amin02-10-04, 09:14 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Outcast02-11-04, 02:26 AM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-11-04, 02:44 AM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-11-04, 08:03 AM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-11-04, 07:58 AM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-11-04, 11:25 AM
        Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي shammashi02-11-04, 12:44 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي sari_alail02-11-04, 12:24 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي abuguta02-11-04, 02:05 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خضر حسين خليل02-11-04, 08:22 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي sharnobi02-11-04, 08:38 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي ASAAD IBRAHIM02-11-04, 09:11 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي مراويد02-11-04, 09:08 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-12-04, 02:20 AM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 02:38 AM
        Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-12-04, 07:56 AM
          Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-12-04, 09:21 AM
            Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Shinteer02-12-04, 09:44 AM
            Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 11:35 AM
              Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي abuguta02-12-04, 11:50 AM
                Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 11:59 AM
                Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-12-04, 12:06 PM
                  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 12:09 PM
                    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي اساسي02-12-04, 12:15 PM
                      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 12:26 PM
        Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-12-04, 03:24 PM
          Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 03:46 PM
            Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 00:37 AM
              Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-13-04, 01:25 AM
                Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 07:09 AM
                  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-13-04, 11:42 AM
                    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-13-04, 12:30 PM
                    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 11:00 PM
                      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 11:02 PM
                        Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 11:04 PM
                          Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 11:05 PM
                            Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 11:06 PM
                              Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي Abdel Aati02-13-04, 11:07 PM
                                Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-13-04, 11:49 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي samo02-12-04, 12:27 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي mohamed osman bakry02-12-04, 03:03 PM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 03:07 PM
        Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي mohamed osman bakry02-12-04, 03:54 PM
          Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي خالد الحاج02-12-04, 04:02 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي ASAAD IBRAHIM02-12-04, 04:45 PM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي مراويد02-12-04, 12:41 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي EXORCIST702-12-04, 02:50 PM
      Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي ASAAD IBRAHIM02-12-04, 05:39 PM
        Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي معتصم ود الجمام02-13-04, 07:16 AM
  Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي samo02-13-04, 12:40 PM
    Re: الشيوعيون باعوا القضية وفضحونا من اجل عيون خالد الحاج نستدل بشرنوبي ASAAD IBRAHIM02-13-04, 05:58 PM

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