إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس

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10-28-2010, 06:52 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس

    اجبر وزير الخارجيه الكيني Moses Wetang’ula علي الاستقاله وطالبت لجنه
    تحقيق برلمانيه بتنحي الوزير وخضوعه للتحقيق في شبهة فساد شراء
    اراضي للسفارات الكينيه بالخارج.
    الجدير بالذكر ان هذا الوزير هو الشخص الذي كان يقف خلف زيارة البشير الي
    كينيا في اغسطس الماضي للمشاركه في الاحتفال بالدستور الجديد.

    Internal Security minister Prof George Saitoti has been appointed as minister for Foreign Affairs in an acting capacity October 28, 2010. FILE

    Posted Thursday, October 28 2010 at 17:01
    President Kibaki has named George Saitoti as Foreign Affairs minister in an acting capacity.
    Prof Saitoti will handle the new responsibility in addition to his Internal Security docket.
    "Following consultations with the Right Hon. Prime Minister Raila Odinga, His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki has today appointed Prof. George Saitoti as the acting Minister for Foreign Affairs.
    "Prof. Saitoti will also continue serving in his current capacity of Minister for Internal Security and Provincial Administration," said a statement from the President's office.
    Prof Saitoti's appointment came just a day after Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang'ula stepped aside to allow investigations into the saga surrounding the purchase of land for Kenya embassies abroad.
    Mr Wetang'ula and his permanent secretary Thuita Mwangi left office Wednesday with the message that they would come back stronger after the probe vindicates their names.
    Parliament's departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations investigation into the purchase or sale of embassies in Japan, Nigeria, Belgium and Pakistan and concluded that some of the transactions were fraudulent, corrupt or irregular.
    “I will be back,” said Mr Wetang’ula
    “I want to tell Kenyans with a clear conscience that I have this afternoon made the decision to step aside from my responsibility and appointment as minister for Foreign Affairs to give room and pleasure to those who have been tormenting and haunting me for three to four weeks, to give room to the very able arms of investigations to carry out their investigations,” he said.
    Hours after they quit, the House adopted the damning report that recommended that the two officials step aside.
    Mr Wetang'ula attributed his troubles to the parliamentary committee, whose report he dismissed as laced with malice, rumours, innuendo, conjecture and crafted “in the most unprofessional character”.

    (عدل بواسطة جلال نعمان on 10-28-2010, 06:54 PM)


10-28-2010, 07:01 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    Kenya Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang'ula has stepped aside to pave way for probe into the Sh1.1bn Tokyo embassy scandal
    “I want to tell Kenyans with a clear conscience that I have this afternoon made the decision to step aside from my responsibility and appointment as the Minister of Foreign Affairs to give room and pleasure to those who have been tormenting and haunting me for three four weeks and give room to the very able arms of investigations to carry out their investigations,” he said during a news conference at the Ministry's office in Nairobi.
    He, however, maintained his innocence over the mega scandal that had threatened to end his career.
    Mr Wetang'ula move comes just hours before Parliament was set to conclude debate on a report by the Defence and Foreign Relations Committee, which recommended that the minister and his permanent secretary step aside to facilitate investigations
    He attributed his troubles over the past four weeks to the Parliamentary committee, whose report he said was laced with malice, rumours, innuendo, conjecture and was crafted “in the most unprofessional character".
    But he vowed to come back after the investigations now being conducted by the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission are complete, quoting a Luhya saying.
    “Where I come from they say, a bedbug told his kids, whatever is hot will always cool down. I have no doubt this will. When am vindicated I’ll be back,” he said.
    “Those who carry daggers against others should know that the forces of evil will never last. In God we trust,” he added grimly, and looking genuinely angry.
    The minister cast a sarcastic tone as he thanked the journalists for the adverse publicity he has had over the past four weeks as the debate on the committee’s report raged.
    “I want to thank you because you’ve given me the publicity I have never had in my whole life, perhaps I will never have… the publicity that every politician desires to have. Even those who didn’t know me do so now,” he said.
    He said he had given in to the “court of public opinion and the court of the Fourth Estate which have found the minister of Foreign Affairs culpable".
    President Kibaki was reported to have held a long meeting with Mr Wetang’ula, who is also the Sirisia MP, before he announced his decision.
    “The only thing I must do is to step aside and give my appointing authority, the President... an opportunity to have a free hand to address this issue. I’m sure he does not want to have a corrupt minister in his fold.”
    Earlier, PS Thuita Mwangi had communicated to President Kibaki his decision to leave office temporarily.
    "I have consciously taken this decision as an expression of my confidence that at the conclusion of the on-going investigations by the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission, the appropriateness of my engagement with all aspects of the operations pertaining to this matter will undoubtedly be established," he said in a statement.
    "I step aside purely as a matter of personal dignity and professional integrity – indeed, the very same dignity and integrity I have upheld in the performance of my duties for more than twenty-two years of public service at various levels in the Government."
    A host of leaders reacted to the news.
    Foreign Affairs assistant minister Richard Onyonka termed Wednesday “a sad day for the ministry”.
    “It’s a matter that should never have happened. But, in a way, it is something that was inevitable. When accusations are made against a leader, it’s time that they come out and step aside, so that if investigations are done and you’re innocent, you come in better and people respect you,” Mr Onyonka told journalists at Kenya’s Parliament, within half-an-hour of the minister’s resignation..
    He said that Kenyans now wanted leaders to change their leadership style and take responsibility in the way the manage public affairs

10-28-2010, 07:04 PM

محمد حسن العمدة

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-31-2004
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Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    يكون اشتروهو ولا نحسوه ؟؟!!

10-29-2010, 11:16 AM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: محمد حسن العمدة)

    Quote: يكون اشتروهو ولا نحسوه ؟؟!!

    شكرا محمد

    طبعا الكيزان ديل شغالين بنظرية
    Every man has his price
    لكل رجل سعر
    ولكن عندما تفشل هذه النظريه مع بعض الرجال
    راسهم قاعد يضرب ويقوموا يتهموا ليك ذلك الشخص او الاشخاص
    بنظرية المؤامره او انه عميل للغرب او اسرائيل
    راجع كتابات حسن مكي والافندي واسحق فضل الله وغيرهم
    من الموتورين
    تحاياي وشكرا لمرورك

10-28-2010, 07:08 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    Findings that forced minister and PS to leave under a cloud
    By SAMUEL SIRINGI, [email protected]
    Posted Wednesday, October 27 2010 at 21:3
    The damning report that forced Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang’ula and permanent secretary Thuita Mwangi to step aside made serious accusations against them
    It not only called on them to resign, but also proposed that they be barred from holding public offices if found guilty.
    The Report on the Procurement, Disposal and Construction of Properties of Kenya’s Diplomatic Missions called for further investigations by the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC).
    The report by Parliament’s Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations also indicted deputy head of mission at the embassy in Japan, Mr Allan Mburu
    Moses Wetang’ula, Foreign Affairs minister
    He is accused of deliberately misleading the House by claiming there was value for money while the government actually lost about Sh1.1 billion.
    The minister, too, said that hiring a lawyer was expensive and would have cost Sh45 million when the fee was Sh3.4 million.
    He told the committee that a lawyer called Shihoshoshi drafted the agreement when, in fact, he was not a lawyer and had only facilitated the registration of the property.
    Mr Wetang’ula also said the shape of the plot offered by the Japanese government was irregular, rendering it unsuitable for embassy premises.
    This contradicted an architect’s report that the plot allowed more floor space and that a tall structure could be built to cater for other diplomats.
    He said the government of Japan had put a caveat on the plot allowing it to excavate, at any time, for archaeological materials. Yet, the team established that the whole of Tokyo was an archaeological area.
    Mr Wetang’ula told the team that ambassador Dennis Awori chaired a meeting that decided to buy the premises, but Mr Awori said he was attending a conference when the deal was sealed. The committee recommended that Mr Wetang’ula takes political responsibility and step aside for investigations.
    It further proposed that the minister be barred from holding public office and be reprimanded for misleading the committee.
    Thuita Mwangi, Foreign Affairs, PS
    The PS who stepped aside on Wednesday failed to ensure that the provisions of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act were complied with in the purchase of the Tokyo embassy.
    In particular, he did not ensure that valuation was conducted on the properties by an independent firm in Japan, despite being warned by his juniors that the property was overvalued.
    The report said Mr Mwangi failed to institute investigations after a fire gutted part of the embassy.
    Mr Mwangi also failed to insure the property after the purchase price and transfer it to the government of Kenya
    It says he authorised payment before making adequate arrangements to guarantee that the transfer of the property shall be done, exposing the government to risk of financial loss.
    He also purported to have signed a sale agreement in Tokyo while he was actually in Nairobi

10-28-2010, 07:12 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    PS declines to resign over embassy scandal
    By SAMUEL SIRINGI, [email protected]
    Posted Wednesday, October 13 2010 at 20:45

    Mr Mwangi argued the Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Foreign Affairs that made the recommendation was “biased and bent on faulting him and Cabinet minister Moses Wetang’ula”.
    In its report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, the team accused Mr Mwangi of failing to ensure there was a valuation on the Kenya mission property in Tokyo by an independent local firm in Japan leading to the loss of Sh1.1 billion in its purchase.
    “This led to the property being bought at a price higher than the market value,” the report said.
    The MPs also accused Mr Mwangi of failing to institute investigations after a fire a the mission
    “If prosecuted and found guilty, the permanent secretary should be barred from holding any state office,” the report recommended.
    But on Wednesday, Mr Mwangi scoffed at the recommendations and said: “It is quite clear the report is out to achieve an ulterior motive,” he said.
    “The report does not clearly show how the alleged Sh1.1 billion was lost.”
    Mr Mwangi said the Foreign Affairs ministry provided sufficient information to the committee, most of which it ignored.
    “Every bit of information in the report was twisted to fit in a premeditated inclination to find fault with the ministry,” he said.
    It was wrong, he said, for the team to recommend that Mr Wetang’ula and him step aside based on the “inconclusive” report.
    He said an earlier investigation by auditors from the Treasury had concluded that the government got value for its money in the deal

10-28-2010, 07:20 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    Quote: Wetang'ula put on defence over embassy deals

    Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang'ula has been put on his defence over irregularities in procurement of Kenya’s missions abroad where tax-payers allegedly lost millions of shillings. October 21, 2010. FILE
    Posted Thursday, October 21 2010 at 18:54

    Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang'ula has been put on his defence over irregularities in procurement of Kenya’s missions abroad where tax-payers allegedly lost millions of shillings
    Moving a motion of no confidence on Mr Wetang'ula, Defence and Foreign Relations Committee chairman gave shocking revelations of purchases of Kenya’s missions in Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, Belgium and Tokyo and called for Mr Wetang'ula and Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi to be removed from office.
    Mr Keynan said Parliament had already set precedents where Cabinet ministers including David Mwiraria, Amos Kimunya and Kiraitu Murungi who were implicated in graft were forced to step aside until they were cleared.
    “There must be something abnormal in our missions we want the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate,” Mr Keynan said, adding that since Mr Wetang'ula wants to vie for presidency in 2012 he should be a person of unquestioned moral standing
    The debate, however, ended prematurely after National Assembly Speaker Kenneth Marende adjourned to Tuesday.
    The House remained calm as Mr Keynan poked holes on Mr Wetang'ula, Mr Mwangi and other Foreign Affairs officials leadership adding that tax-payers were also saved between Sh800 million and Sh1 billion when his committee raised eyebrows over plans by the Ministry to construct presidential villas in Nairobi “during these days of insecurity".
    Mr Keynan said there has been a deliberate attempt by the Ministry to overvalue things it attempted to buy and undervalue those to be sold while conniving with senior officials.
    In Tokyo, he said, Kenya acquired an embassy without necessary departments, including valuation, being involved leading to purchase of property that could have cost Sh450 million at Sh1.75 billion.
    The building, Mr Keynan said is located in remote area like in Nairobi’s Ruai while the country had a chance to buy one in CBD where 80 other key missions are located.
    The MP accused Mr Wetang'ula of lying that it was Kenya’s former ambassador to Japan, Dennis Awori who signed the deal yet it was a Mr Allan Mburu.
    “We don’t have a valid agreement. The title we have is a product of fraudulent means,” Mr Keynan said.
    He said 80 percent of the Sh1.75 billion was paid in cash through an account of a private company owned by Mr Mburu without an agreement.
    In Cairo, Egypt, he said, some money said to have been used to buy Kenya’s embassy could not be accounted for.
    In Islamabad, Pakistan, the construction cost that was slated to be Sh366 million has been varied twice to Sh523 million yet the contractor had only done 40 percent and was not on site.
    In Brussels, Belgium, although Kenyan valuation put the property at three million euros, 850 more was paid for second hand furniture for a building constructed in 1920 “which we cannot use as we want".
    In Nigeria, Kenya sold its premises in a prime place in Lagos after the headquarters was moved to Abuja.
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was to use the money to build a chancery in Abuja but this was not done. The country now wants to rent an office as it is now housed by Kenya Airways in Lagos

10-28-2010, 07:35 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    لاحظ تورط وزارة الخارجيه الكينيه في دعوة البشير (بالاحمر)
    لا حظ ايضا تصريحات الرجل عن دعوة البشير ( بالاحمر)

    Obama criticizes Kenya over Bashir’s visit, local divisions emerge in NairobiSaturday 28 August 2010 Send
    August 27, 2010 (WASHINGTON) –

    The United States president Barack Obama and the European Union (EU) today criticized the decision of the Kenyan government to receive Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and genocide he allegedly masterminded in Darfur during the seven years conflict.

    Bashir returned today from Nairobi after a short visit where he attended the ceremony of signing Kenya’s new constitution and swearing in of president Mwai Kibaki and prime minister Raila Odinga. Hypothetically Kenya as a signatory to the ICC’s founding treaty has an obligation to arrest Bashir once he entered its territory.

    Following Bashir’s return to Khartoum, Sudan’s foreign minister Ali Karti said that “Kenya had invited A-Bashir to the summit in adherence with the African Union’s decision and it had shunned all the calls it received from many quarters and activists who stand behind the ICC and whose hopes were dissipated when Kenya welcomed Al-Bashir, especially that Kenya is a signatory of the ICC membership.”
    The Kenyan government kept the visit under tight wraps and foreign ministry attendees list included only the First Vice President of Sudan and the president South Sudan Salva Kiir. Sudan official news agency (SUNA) released a statement on Thursday of Bashir’s planned visit.
    This is not the first time Bashir risked arrest by travelling to a member state of The Hague-based court. Last month, he visited Chad after a thaw in relations between the two countries.

    Bashir arrived on Friday accompanied by his adviser Mustafa Ismail, foreign minister Ali Karti and intelligence chief Mohamed Atta. The wanted president stood in a front-row position alongside other regional leaders during the ceremony. However, he later skipped a luncheon with Kibaki and returned home.

    The presence of the Sudanese president took many by surprise including members of the Kenyan coalition government.
    Al-Bashir was invited by the Kenyan foreign ministry in his capacity "as the head of a friendly, neighbouring country," the spokesman for Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga told CNN. He said that he was "shocked" at al-Bashir’s presence and that his attendance was "out of the blue." He also said that he had not spoken to Odinga but described the situation that developed as "impossible."
    The Deputy Defence Minister David Musila said Kenya had "brought shame to itself" adding that Bashir should be "arrested immediately and handed to the ICC."

    Musila was quoted by ’The Standard’ newspaper as saying that Kenya "has suffered irreparable damage internationally" adding that it was incomprehensible for Kenya which he said was emerging from impunity with a new constitution "to allow Bashir to attend our ceremony."
    But the Kenyan foreign minister Moses Wetangula dismissed the crictiscism saying that Bashir was invited as one of the country’s good neighbours.
    "He [Bashir] was here today because we invited all neighbours and he is a neighbour." "There are no apologies to make about anybody we invited to this function because I am sure we are enhancing peace and security and stability of this region more than anything else," Wetangula said.
    The top Kenyan diplomat also recalled the African Union (AU) decisions instructing its members not to arrest Bashir regardless of their obligations. He asserted that his country will not allow "anyone to make friends and enemies" for it, revealing that Kibaki himself extended the invitation to Bashir.
    The chairman of the Parliamentarians for Global Action-Kenya Chapter (PGA) Musa Sirma echoed Musila’s position saying that "it was an ambush to us that a person of the nature of al-Bashir comes to Kenya for a function of democracy and human rights".
    ’The Standard’ said that other Kenyan MP’s including Abdul Bahari and David Were will seek a ministerial statement from the government on the circumstances that led to al-Bashir’s invitation and why he was not arrested.
    In protest at Bashir’s presence, some European Union envoys and human rights activists boycotted Kibaki’s state luncheon.
    The US Ambassador Michael Rannenberger declined to comment on the surprise visit, only stating, "Today I will only talk about the ceremony and nothing else." When Bashir entered the scene, the US envoy was reportedly was seen in animated conversation with Sudan ambassador in Nairobi Majok Guandong before walking back to his seat.
    Dutch Ambassador Laetitia Van Assum said the government had hidden information of Bashir’s visit from the international community, therefore, pulling a fast one on them.
    "We had been told that Salva Kiir was the one coming. But we were surprised and the atmosphere became quite strange when Bashir arrived," she said.
    A source in New York told Sudan Tribune that Kenyan civil society tried their best to exert immense pressure on their government to arrest Al Bashir "but the odds were against them".
    "Al Bashir’s visit to the country was well orchestrated by his hosts the Kenyan government who made sure that no one knew of his visit. Consequently, many civil society activists were caught off guard by his visit," said the source.
    "They ensured that there would be no magistrates to receive an application or applications for the arrest of Al Bashir on the day that he arrived this is because Kenyan magistrates and judges were taking a new oath today" he added.
    The U.S. president released a statement on Friday congratulating Kenya on the new constitution but directed criticism at it for allowing Bashir to attend.
    "I am disappointed that Kenya hosted Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in defiance of International Criminal Court arrest warrants for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide," Obama’s statement read.
    "The Government of Kenya has committed itself to full cooperation with the ICC, and we consider it important that Kenya honour its commitments to the ICC and to international justice, along with all nations that share those responsibilities. In Kenya and beyond, justice is a critical ingredient for lasting peace".
    But some Sudan advocacy groups in Washington indirectly blamed Obama for Kenya’s decision not to arrest Bashir.
    “This is a clear challenge for U.S. diplomacy at a critical moment. It’s incumbent upon the Obama administration to strongly support both justice and peace in Sudan and ensure accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. It seems clear that countries in the region see U.S. support for justice as little more than rhetoric at this point” said David Sullivan of the Enough Project.
    "There can be little doubt that the United States, Brazil, and major European governments knew about Bashir’s trip in advance. Had they wanted to expend significant diplomatic capital, they likely could have stopped it. But here Bashir is on to something important: he knows that governments supportive of the ICC probably won’t have the patience and focus to maintain that effort" wrote American University’s School of International Service professor David Bosco in Foreign Policy magazine.
    In Brussels, the European Union’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton urged Kenya to arrest Mr. Bashir and ensure its own cooperation with the ICC over the 2008 violence.
    “She urges Kenya to respect its obligations under international law to arrest and surrender those indicted by the ICC,” an Ashton spokesman said. “She calls upon Kenya to continue to cooperate with the ICC in its investigation into the 2007-2008 post-election violence.”
    In a less direct statement, U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon “urges all states party to the Rome Statute to cooperate with the court” in line with their obligations under a Security Council resolution.
    In The Hague, Netherlands, where the ICC is based, the judges said in a written order that Kenya "has a clear obligation to cooperate" in enforcing arrest warrants. The court also ordered its registrar to inform the U.N. Security Council of al-Bashir’s presence in Kenya "in order for them to take any measure they may deem appropriate."
    The Hague-based ICC has no police force and relies on member states to enforce its arrest warrants.
    They issued a similar order with regard to Chad as well which is also an ICC member that received the Sudanese president last month.
    The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) called in a statement released today on the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute as well as on the United Nations Security Council to take the necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of ICC decisions, including the execution of all pending warrants of arrest.
    “The failure of Kenyan authorities to arrest Al-Bashir constitutes a serious breach of Kenya’s international obligations under not only the ICC Statute and the United Nations Charter, but also under its national legislation, including its new constitution, which recognizes the direct applicability of international law,” said CICC Convenor William R. Pace. “What should have been a day of celebration of Kenya’s commitment to human rights, democracy and rule of law is now marred by welcoming an international fugitive and disregarding the plight of the thousands of victims in Darfur.


10-28-2010, 07:56 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    المبالغ موضع التهم تصل الي 13.9 مليون دولار
    واغرب ما في هذه القضيه هو ان الوزير رفض قطعة ارض مجانيه
    في وسط طوكيو قدمتها له الحكومه اليابانيه وقرر ان يشتري اخري
    في طرف المدينه

    The Kenya Anti Corruption Commission (KACC) is now also investigating embassies in Islamabad (Pakistan), Brussels (Belgium) , Lagos (Nigeria) and Cairo (Egypt).

    The parliamentary committee said under Wetangula's watch, the Foreign Affairs Ministry illegally withheld money from the sale of Kenya's property in Nigeria, and used it to buy the Tokyo mission, then waged a campaign of lies to conceal crimes in the matter.

    The committee said Wetangula also lied about the cost of hiring lawyers involved in the Tokyo deal, and the role by immediate former High Commissioner Aggrey Awori.

    The mission now lies in an old neighborhood outside Tokyo, alongside Rwanda's, after the ministry rejected a free plot to build a new property in a more fashionable part of the city.

    The committee said the ministry rejected the plot in the center of Tokyo on false grounds that the one bought was spacious, and that the earlier plot was on a historical site

10-28-2010, 08:03 PM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    البتعجبني في ناس الانقاذ انهم
    شراء الذمم دا بجودوهوا تماما
    سواء داخل السودان او خارجه

    طبعا بدوهوا جوه السودان ومن ثم
    انطلقوا للعالميه الرحيبه
    والمسكين بتاع كينيا اتباع ولا بواكي عليه
    هسي يقوموا يعينوه ليك في الاتحاد الافريقي
    ( ملجاء كبار المفسدين في افريقيا)

10-29-2010, 11:38 AM

جلال نعمان
<aجلال نعمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-13-2009
مجموع المشاركات: 1094

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: إستقالة او (إقالة) وزير خارجية كينيا الذي كان خلف زيارة البشير في اغسطس (Re: جلال نعمان)

    Quote: نفى نقل قمة (إيقاد) إلى أديس بسبب ضغوط من المحكمة

    وزير الخارجية الكيني : لا سلطة لـ «الجنائية» علينا ولسنا جهة اعتقال لها
    الصحافه 28 اكتوبر 2010
    نيروبي :وكالات: نفى وزير خارجية كينيا، موسى ويتانجولا بشدة، أن يكون نقل الاجتماع الطارئ لقمة (ايقاد) ،بشأن مستقبل السودان، من نيروبي الى العاصمة الإثيوبية اديس ابابا بسبب ضغوط من المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، قائلاً انه « لا سلطة للمحكمة على كينيا،و نحن وقعنا معاهدة لانشاء المحكمة ولا يمكننا ان نعيش في خوف بسبب معاهدة شاركنا فيها.»
    وقال وزير الخارجية الكيني أمس، انه من المنطقي ان يعقد الاجتماع الاقليمي في العاصمة الاثيوبية اديس ابابا مقر الاتحاد الافريقي،واضاف «نحاول ان نرى ما اذا كان من الممكن عقده في أديس ابابا مقر الاتحاد الافريقي حتى يمكن لجهازي ايقاد والاتحاد الافريقي التعامل مع القضايا تمهيدا لاستفتاء التاسع من يناير في السودان».
    وكشف ويتانجولا أن إثيوبيا عبرت عن استعدادها لاستضافة الاجتماع، ونفى رضوخ حكومته لضغوط في الداخل والخارج لتوقيف الرئيس عمر البشير،وقال «لم نتلق مطالب من المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ولسنا جهة اعتقال للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية، وهذه ليست هي القضية، انما القضية اننا نريد حضورا كبيرا.»
    وشدد وزير الخارجية الكيني بالقول»لم نحول ولن نحول اي اجتماع الى خارج نيروبي بسبب المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، لا سلطة للمحكمة على كينيا،و نحن وقعنا معاهدة لانشاء المحكمة ولا يمكننا ان نعيش في خوف بسبب معاهدة شاركنا فيها.»وأكد ويتانجولا أن مصالح بلاده تأتي دوما اولا، واستطرد « مصالحنا الاستراتيجية أهم من انتقادات لا أساس لها يوجهها لنا الناس.»

    الخبر الفوق دا (بايت) من صحيفة الصحافه
    الصحيفه طبعا كالعاده لم تشير الي المشاكل التي كان يواجهها الوزير
    بسبب الفساد وقادت في النهايه الي اجباره علي الاستقاله

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