اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا

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10-18-2010, 02:44 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
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Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا (Re: Osman Musa)

    ArticleComments (76)Share.Teresa Lewis executed by lethal injection in Virginia for conspiring in murders of husband, stepson
    BY Meena Hartenstein AND Michael Sheridan

    Originally Published:Thursday, September 23rd 2010, 9:31 PM
    Updated: Thursday, September 23rd 2010, 10:02 PM

    Helber/APThe Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, Va., where Teresa Lewis was scheduled to be executed Thursdsay.
    VA Dept. of Corrections/GettyTeresa Lewis
    VA Dept. of Corrections/APThe execution chamber where Teresa Lewis was scheduled to die by lethal injection. Related NewsExpert: Evidence doesn't support death penalty for Teresa LewisTeresa Lewis' last supper: fried chicken, peasSupreme Court denies stay of execution for Virginia womanTeresa Lewis remains on death row in VirginiaFirst woman to be executed in VA in 100 years begs Gov. to interveneVirginia may execute its first woman in almost a century
    Teresa Lewis died by lethal injection on Thursday night, the first woman in Virginia to be executed in nearly a century.

    Lewis was prounounced dead at 9:13 p.m. as a small crowd of supporters stood outside in protest.

    Though lawyers for Lewis waged a public campaign for the Gov. of Virginia to intervene, there was no 11th hour reprieve for the 41-year-old woman, who was sentenced to death for plotting the 2002 murders of her husband and stepson.

    Lewis reportedly spent her last day meeting with her immediate family, a spiritual adviser, and supporters at the prison where she was executed.

    For her last supper, she requested a meal of fried chicken breasts, peas with butter, a slice of German cake or a piece of apple pie, and a Dr. Pepper, according to SkyNews.

    As the date of her execution drew near, Lewis' lawyers argued that the courts had ignored critical evidence, including an exam that showed she was borderline mentally challenged, and a confession by one of the other men convicted in the murders that he had manipulated her to go along with the crime.

    Deborah Denno, a professor at Fordham Law School and one of the nation's leading death penalty experts, said Lewis' role in the slayings was undeniable but the death penalty was "disproportionate" compared to the sentences her co-conspirators received.

    "Her two male co-conspirators, who actually carried out the murders, got life sentences," Denno told the Daily News.

    Lewis pled guilty to plotting with those two men, Matthew Shallenberger and Rodney Fuller, to murder her husband, Julian Clifton Lewis Jr.

    Julian's son Charles entered the reserves in 2002 and obtained a $250,000 life insurance policy when he was put on active duty.

    Julian was named the beneficiary, but according to the policy, Teresa would receive the money if both men died.

    In October of 2002, using weapons Lewis purchased for them, Shallenberger and Fuller entered her home and shot both her husband and stepson multiple times.

    "Well the night of my crime I had Jesus telling me not to let this happen and then the Devil telling me to do it," Lewis wrote in a statement read during a religious ceremony at the prison in August.

    Lewis was denied a stay by the Supreme Court, and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell twice declined to intervene, despite receiving over 7,300 appeals to stop her execution.

    In the days leading up to her death, lawyers for Lewis expressed dismay at their inability to halt the process.

    "We are deeply disappointed," Jim Rocap, Lewis' lawyer said Wednesday. "A good and decent person is about to lose her life because of a system that is badly broken."

    Julian's daughter, Kathy Clifton Jr., who was slated to be in the room at the time of the execution, said she believes in redemption but doesn't know if her stepmother will find it.

    "I can't say one way or the other with her," she told The Associated Press. "She did a crime and now she has to pay for it."

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    .RECENT COMMENTS FROM DAILY NEWS READERS76 comments | See All Comments » To comment, Register or Log In
    [Discussion guidelines] .beowulf39565
    6:54:42 PM
    Sep 24, 2010
    After seeing a picture of her for the first time I believe the prosecutions case was supported by a lie and she may very well have been innocent. I do not believe for one moment that any man would have accepted partial payment for murder from her in the form of sex.

    Report Offensive Post.Little Girl
    7:38:58 PM
    Sep 24, 2010
    I can name many other countries that have the death penalty and it worked for them. If you can't improve the DNA of people (as in USA) the you have to work WITH it. People's instict to kill is as natural as an instinct to have sex, to eat or to procreate. You fight instinct with insctinct. You may not even realize how much is governed by INSTICT - from the shape of your car's headlights to the shape of your house. From the shape of an airplane to the color of your shirt. Most of it is subconscious, just like when you see a beautiful girl walking down the street, you immediately realize that she is good looking without thinking. I can go on and on

    Report Offensive Post.bubbadaking

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/09/23/201..._.html#ixzz12fbcM4UD

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اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-18-10, 01:23 AM
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    Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا خالد العبيد10-18-10, 04:28 AM
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          Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-19-10, 01:29 PM
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  Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-18-10, 05:32 PM
    Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا شعبان شريف10-19-10, 02:11 AM
      Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-19-10, 03:06 AM
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  Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-19-10, 04:51 PM
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  Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-21-10, 05:25 PM
    Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-22-10, 01:38 PM
  Re: اعدام أول امرأة بفرجينيا Osman Musa10-22-10, 04:30 PM

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