منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون

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Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون (Re: Kostawi)

    Mr. Suliman Baldo from International Crisis Group

    I want to make a comment that will have an impact on strategies for the Prosecutor and the level of cooperation the OTP should expect from states in Africa . In all three ICC investigations on the continent there is a strong organic link between state actors and non-state actors, between government armies and militias responsible for committing massive human rights violations. This is well known of the Janjaweed militiamen in Sudan who were trained and armed by the Sudanese army. But there is less acknowledgement of the roles of the Ugandan and Rwandan armies in Congo during their presence in that country. As occupying powers in eastern and northeastern DR Congo between 1998 and 2002, these two national armies trained many equally abusive militias. The Ugandan People ' s Defence Force (UPDF) trained both Hema and Lendu militiamen in the strife torn Ituri region, thus stoking the deadly ethnic conflict there. The UPDF continued supporting and manipulating these militias in Congo even after the end of the war, when the Ugandan army had withdrawn from the country in 2003. UN investigations have established links between the highest powers in Uganda and militias in the Congo . The Rwandan ' s army ' s support of the mainstream faction of the rebel Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD-Goma) and several local militias affiliated with the RCD should receive equal attention from the Prosecutor.

    We have a situation where States extend only selective cooperation to the ICC. The Ugandan government cooperates fully with the ICC investigation of the northern Uganda case, but would not be inclined to cooperate on its own role in Congo during 2002/2003 and to date. The Congolese government is willing to share information on Uganda ' s role in eastern Congo but not on national rebel and militia leaders who rose to prominence during the transitional period and are poised to play prominent roles in national politics in the post electoral period. Likewise, the Sudanese government is willing to go out of its way to facilitate the northern Uganda investigation, but is not at all cooperating with the Darfur investigation. The close connection between Sudan ' s national army and the LRA should also be investigated.

    The ongoing ICC investigations should therefore take into account the duplicity of the national actors in these cases. Investigators should subject the conduct of national armies and power structures in all three countries to close scrutiny, particularly in relation to events on which they are less inclined to cooperate.


العنوان الكاتب Date
منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-06-10, 09:15 PM
  Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-06-10, 09:45 PM
    Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-06-10, 10:25 PM
      Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Adil A. Salih10-07-10, 02:42 AM
        Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-07-10, 04:10 PM
          Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-07-10, 05:51 PM
            Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 03:22 PM
              Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 06:58 PM
                Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 08:55 PM
                  Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 09:05 PM
                    Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 09:23 PM
                      Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 09:32 PM
                        Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 09:46 PM
                          Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-08-10, 10:48 PM
                            Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Adil A. Salih10-09-10, 04:01 PM
                              Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Mannan10-09-10, 05:14 PM
                            Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Kostawi10-09-10, 10:41 PM
                              Re: منبر السودان الديمقراطى يستضيف الدكتور سليمان بلدو فى واشنطون Mohamed Elgadi10-10-10, 06:44 AM

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