مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال

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11-13-2010, 09:30 PM

Magdi Is'hag

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1986

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال

    مقال يقطر بمفردات الرقة والإنسانية التي تحاول جاهدة ولكن هيهات أن تستطيع أن تخفي مساحيقها الباهتة الظلم وقبح التعالي علي جدار العنصرية المتجذرة في المسام
    ثقتي في أن الكاتبة صادقة في مشاعرها وهي تعتقد أن سلوكها وأسرتها كان حضاريا ولا تشوبه شائبة لذا تحكي عن مأساة ماركو وقلبها العطوف الذي لم يذق مرارة إستيقاظ الوعي المؤلم الناقد لكل موروث سلبي.وهنا تكمن أزمة شعب وحاجز سايكولوجي يجعل الإنفصال واقعا لا محالة
    لكم الود

    Quote: Can we heal the rift in Sudan?Secession would be no panacea for southerners like Marco, who worked for my family. But it is right that they have the choice

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    Nesrine Malik guardian.co.uk, Friday 12 November 2010 09.00 GMT Article historyMarco joined our household in Khartoum at the age of 17. A well-built boy from the south of Sudan, he had fled the war and sought work in the north. His cousin, Augustine, worked as a house boy at my uncle's house and was asked to recommend someone to help around ours, as my mother was expecting another child and the maid was going to be occupied with nursing duties.

    One hot April day, three weeks before my sister was born, Marco turned up, stern-faced and quiet, was duly assigned a room and installed on the top floor of the house.

    He took to his duties silently and with meticulous perfectionism. He got on his knees and wiped the floors clean with a hand cloth, so that the marble shone like never before. He hand-washed and ironed the entire household's clothes, delivering them in neatly folded piles every Thursday night.

    The first time I saw him break into a smile was on the day my little sister was born. When he heard the ululations from the house he ran down and asked, grinning widely, whether it was a boy or a girl. He stayed with us for 10 years – a stable constant, the regular sweep of his broom strokes brushing reassuringly in the background.

    He took one day off each week when he showered, perfumed himself, dressed smartly and lit a cigarette on his way out of the house. It was the harbinger of the weekend: the vision of Marco walking out in his pressed dress shirt followed by billows of cigarette smoke and the odour of cologne.

    Sometimes I would go up to his room, a small bare space with a roof of corrugated iron, and feed our pet rabbits with whom he shared his quarters. He responded to all my questions monosyllabically as he ironed or lay on his bed in the stifling heat. He received no guests, had no TV, could not read or write and would, when he finished his duties, take a bed out on to the flat roof of the house and gaze at the clear starry sky.

    He wasn't a slave, wasn't abducted by Arab militias and installed in an affluent northern household and mistreated. He had simply fled his village with his family and come to Khartoum. But that was all we knew. He socialised with other house maids and house boys, all treated and paid marginally well, in an entirely separate world of moonshine parties and local church events.

    He disappeared for a few days once, and I was told that he had got married, and had been given a cash supplement as a wedding gift. Sometimes, but only rarely, his unflappable exterior would crumble and he would argue – still in restrained apologetic tones – with my mother about his workload or salary.

    Once he shocked us by quitting suddenly, only to return with as little explanation. We couldn't cope in his absence and never found a substitute. The doorbell rang a few weeks later and his face emerged from behind the door. We were delighted to see him, and he reciprocated with a bashful smile and an unfussy return to work. But he had lost a lot of weight and seemed to walk less tall.

    Our relationship with him ended abruptly and tragically. Some items went missing, and he was the only suspect, even though he had opportunities to empty the house and abscond many times over during his tenure. He was bundled into a car and ordered to guide my father and the police to his house, which turned out to be a makeshift hut on the outskirts of the city. They found some unrelated miscellanea, pots, pans and some of my father's clothes – enough to indict him. He was thrown into prison and we never saw him again. To this day I do not know his last name.

    As Sudan gears up for a referendum in January where the people of the south will vote on their future, deciding whether to split away, there has been a concerted campaign to reach out to the people of the south with the express purpose of avoiding secession.

    Amid the maelstrom of political cant and partisan agendas, both within and outside Sudan, I have thought a lot about Marco and the other community of southern Sudanese with whom I have had limited interaction when living there.

    Southern independence will certainly not be a panacea; a new state would be a delicate fledgling in the crosshairs of Africa's most endemic problems. I would like to keep the faith that we can transcend differences and find what we have in common but having witnessed what I have, I cannot expect the aggrieved party to share this magnanimity.

    The entrenched de facto separation between north and south, and deep fissures precipitated over decades, cannot be resolved overnight. But I'm glad that for people like Marco, at least there will be a choice.


11-13-2010, 10:49 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-20-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 7226

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال (Re: Magdi Is'hag)

    الأخ مجدي
    تحياتي و سلامي
    أعتقد أن الكاتبة لم ترد أن تعفي نفسها أو أسرتها بل أشارت بذكاء في ثنايا مقالها إلى المأساة الحقيقية التي عاشها الجنوبيون في ظل السودان الموحد... مع تثبيت مسئولية سياسيينا و أنظمتنا المتعاقبة عن ما آل إليه حالنا. و مع التأكيد على أن نظام الإنقاذ يتحمل المسئولية الكبرى في كل ذلك... لكن يجب أن نعترف بأننا كلنا مذنبون يا عزيزي. عار عنصريتنا و استعلائنا سيظل يلاحقنا و لا مفر لنا غير الاعتراف و التوبة عن كل ذلك.

11-13-2010, 10:53 PM

زهير عثمان حمد
<aزهير عثمان حمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-07-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 8273

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال (Re: Elawad)

    أخي مجدي
    مقالة يستحق القراءة لك كل الشكر

11-13-2010, 11:12 PM

Dr Abdelazim Abdelrahman

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-30-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 311

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال (Re: زهير عثمان حمد)

    مجدي سلام :
    مقال جدير بالقراءة ولا أدري هل الكاتبة كتبته بدافع من تأنيب الضمير أم بسذاجة من لم يستطيع إخفاء النزعات العنصرية فيها....ولكنني أؤمن إيمانآ قاطعآ بأن العنصرية والتعالي الذي يمارسه معظم الشماليون ضد الجنوبيين وغيرهم من العرقيات الأخري سيكون هو السكين التي ستمزق السودان هذا بالأضافة إلي حماقة السياسيين منذ الأستقلال . 

11-13-2010, 11:24 PM

Magdi Is'hag

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1986

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال (Re: Dr Abdelazim Abdelrahman)

    Quote: Sometimes I would go up to his room, a small bare space with a roof of corrugated iron, and feed our pet rabbits with whom he shared his quarters.

11-13-2010, 11:51 PM

Magdi Is'hag

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1986

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال (Re: Magdi Is'hag)

11-14-2010, 05:18 PM

Magdi Is'hag

تاريخ التسجيل: 12-12-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1986

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال (Re: Magdi Is'hag)

    أعدت القراءة فلم أجد أي إشارات ذكية رافضة لإرثنا العنصري لك الود

11-15-2010, 03:32 AM

اْسامة اْباّرو
<aاْسامة اْباّرو
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-13-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 966

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: مقال في القارديان...... لوكنت جنوبيا..... بسببه كنت سأصوت للإنفصال (Re: Magdi Is'hag)

    Our relationship with him ended abruptly and tragically.
    Some items went missing, and he was the only suspect
    even though he had opportunities to empty the house
    \and abscond many times over during his tenure. He was
    bundled into a car and ordered to guide my father and the
    police to his house, which turned out to be a makeshift hut
    on the outskirts of the city. They found some unrelated
    miscellanea, pots, pans and some of my father's clothes –
    enough to indict him. He was thrown into prison and we
    never saw him again. To this day I do not know his last name.
    الأخ \ مجدى ..
    غايتو ما عارف الواحد يقول شنو!! رغم محاولات تقمص الكاتبة التلاقآئية
    وحرية تداعى المشاعر يعنى ما عايزين نظلم إحساسها.. ولكن .. نظرة خاطفة
    الى ما آل إليه مصير ماركو كان الفشل ومن ثمّ السجن ...الأسباب ..
    أو ماذا أرادت الكاتبة القول !!
    Quote: He disappeared for a few days
    once, and I was told that he had got
    married, and had been given a cash supplement as a wedding gift.
    هل هى الوصاية أم التخويف الإستباقى؟ ونحن مقبلون على عرس جنوبى
    آخر بحسب إرادة وإحساس الإخوة الجنوبيين .. فهل ياترى سيعجز الإخوة عن
    الإيفاء بإلتزامات الإنفصال أم ذات مصير ماركو ينتظرهم لتشبه الليلة البارحة ؟
    فى المحصلة يمكننا إيجاد العذر لكاتبة المقال وأن نعزى ذلك لإنعدام خبرة
    الإستقراء .
    لك الود

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