الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين

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08-27-2010, 00:45 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين

    Addis Journal

    Ethiopian music legend Tilahun Gessesse died last night at the age of 68.

    Tilahun passed away on Sunday night in Addis after returning from the United States to join his families for Easter celebration, it was reported.

    When relatives, friends and fellow musicians welcomed him at Bole Airport last night at 8.30, Tilahun was said to be in fairly good shape. After reaching home, he was enjoying the company of friends and family members who came to welcome him. But few hours after he went to bed, he started complaining about pain in the heart and was taken to hospital almost immediately. He died on the way.

    Tilhaun who has been hailed as an immortal legend of Ethiopian music sold millions of albums in a career that spanned five decades. Born in Addis around Temenja Yaz sefer in 1940, Tilahun spent much of his childhood in Wolisso town. He begun singing professionally at Hager Fikir Theatre in 1953 and alter joined Kibur Zebegna music band where he has done most of his hits.

    His death prompted waves of tributes from fans, fellow musicians and prominent personalities. Athlete Haile Gebre Selassie described him as a national monument and his death as a serious blow to the nation. Musician Dawit Yifru told Sheger Fm that Tilhan is someone who has accomplished a lot and has a left an everlasting legacy. Sport journalist Demissie Damte said Tillhan was no mere musician, but a figure who instilled in many a love for the country and flag.

    All FMs in Addis are playing his songs and re-running old interviews with the singer. People from all parts of the country are calling to express their sorrow.One caller said Black Monday has come true.

    Funeral services are planned for Wednesday and public memorial are also planned.


08-27-2010, 01:45 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    خبر مؤسف وحزين
    ورحيل مفجع
    رحمة الله عليه

08-27-2010, 02:02 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Elmosley)

    عزيزنا الموسيقار الكبير الموصلى
    ورمضان كريم .
    يا موصلى . الشامخ تيلاهون أذكره صيف عام 1978
    أذكره يغنى فى ليالى الخرطوم . وأذكر دخول الأثيوبيات الجميلات
    ينكعن شعورهن على الأكتاف . وأذكر كيف كانت تلك الموسيقى الحالمة
    تتوحد فى الأفئدة السودانية والأثيوبية .
    عليه الرحمة .
    تحياتى أخى يوسف

08-27-2010, 02:30 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    يا أستاذ يوسف .
    البنت الأثيوبية قمراتا . تقول هى من
    مواليد 1974 الديوم الشرقية الخرطوم .
    تعمل PHARAMCY TECHNICIAN فى نيويورك .
    تحب أغنية عازة فى هواك عند تيلاهون .
    قابلتها يا يوسف بعد 3 أيام من رحيل تيلاهون وهى حزينة حزينة .
    قالت : كنا نستمد من أغانى تيلاهون خيوط النور الرهيفة الى القلب والعين .
    .. عليك الرحمة

08-27-2010, 03:45 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    الكرام أحباب تيلاهون
    أرجو التكرم بوضع أغنية محمد وردى ( الحنين يا فؤادى )
    بصوت Tilahun Gessesse . كتير الشكر

08-27-2010, 03:56 AM

عبد العظيم احمد
<aعبد العظيم احمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 3558

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

08-27-2010, 04:19 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: عبد العظيم احمد)

    ( من منتديات عكس الريح )

    الشعب الاثيوبى تربطنا به علاقة وحدوية فى تاريخنا القديم فالتاريخ يقول ان اثيوبيا هى اسم يطلق على المنطقة جنوب مصر .. وفى عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ربطتنا علاقة الاسلام منذ ان بعث صلى الله عليه وسلم اوائل المسلمين للهجرة الى النجاشى .. ومن هذه الهجرة توطن الاسلام فيها الى يومنا هذا .. ففيها من المسلمين اربعون مليوناً من البشر هم نصف سكانها .. تربطنا بهم علاقة الجوار ، فتفصل بيننا حدود وهمية لا وجود لها الا على الخريطة السياسية فقط .. تربطنا بهم علاقات ثقافية فكلانا يغنى على السلم الخماسى .. ويعزف الطنبور وأم كيكى " الأزمرى فى أثيوبيا " ونضرب معاً ايقاع النحاس فى السراء والضراء منذ آلاف السنين .. وبيننا الكثير من العلاقات غير هذا .. أذكر هذه المقدمة بدافع حزن ودموع لم تذرفها عيناى بقدر كاف على فقيد الفن الافريقى .. فتى اثيوبيا الاسمر الدكتور تيلاهون قسسى Tilahun Gessesseالذى رحل عن دنيانا قبل ايام قلائل فى التاسع عشر من شهر ابريل سنة 2009 م بعد ان صدح فى اركان المعمورة بصوته الحبشى الغريد الفريد .. الدكتور تيلاهون قسسى .. ظل يصارع مرض السكرى طيلة السنوات الاخيرة من حياته وكان مقعداً على كرسى بسبب عدم قدرته على السير وبسبب فقده لاحد ساقيه .. وكان التاسع عشر من ابريل نهاية تلك المعاناة .. وقف الرئيس ميليس زناوى وبطريرك الكنيسة الحبشية صاحب القداسة أبون بولس أمام مليون شخص أثيوبى فى حديقة المسرح القومى بأديس اببا مودعين رفاة دكتور تيلاهون مؤكدين له انهم يقرون بفضله على نقل الموسيقى الاثيوبية للعالم ونشرها لتحتل المكانة التى هى فيها الآن .. وقال صاحب القداسة : عندما يقال عن الانسان انه مات فذلك يعنى انه لم يخلف شئ ذو قيمة وراءه .. تيلاهون ترك وراءه تراثاً دائماً ليعيش بعده لاجيال قادمة .. وبعد رحيله أقر المؤرخين له على صفحات المواقع العالمية ان أول شخص قدم اليه المعونة الفنية ونصحه بالاهتمام بقدراته الفنية هو سودانى الجنسية وهوالاستاذ شداد الذى كان مشرفاً على المدرسة التى كان يدرس فيها د. تيلاهون فى مدينة ووليسو وطلب اليه ان يذهب الى السودان لتنمية تلك الموهبة .. ولم يتمكن تيلاهون من الذهاب الى السودان ولكن بقيت نصيحة استاذه شداد نصب عينيه وكما كان يذكر دائماً ان هذه النصيحة هى بدايته الفنية .. حاولت جاهداً ان ابحث وراء شداد هذا ومن يكون .. وهل يكون هو والد الدكتور شداد ! ولكن وكما هو معلوم فان انعدام مثل هذه المعلومات حتى لدى الاثيوبيين حال دون التوصل لنتيجة .. سافر تيلاهون فى محاولته الاولى الفاشلة من ووليسو الى اديس اببا سيراً على الاقدام ولكن اعيد قسراً قبل ان يصل اليها .. ويخال لى ان العرفان الذى ظل تيلاهون يحفظه للاستاذ شداد هو الذى جعله الحبشى الاول من قبيلة الاورومو الذى يتغنى برائعة الخليل .. عزة فى هواك .. وان السودان ظل حلمه الاول منذ ان ذاع صيته كفنان فى الستينات من القرن الماضى .. ولذلك كانت اول رحلة فنية له صوب السودان ، وكان بصحبته الفنان منليك الصديق الشخصى للفنان المرحوم خوجلى عثمان والذى رحل بدوره قبل فترة من الزمن ليست بالطويلة .. وكانا فى ذلك الوقت هما نجوم الغناء فى اثيوبيا .. وغرد فى مدنه المختلفة فى الستينات ايضاً .. ويرجع اليه الفضل أيضاً وهذا نعترف به نحن انه هو الذى لفت انتباه الفنان الاثيوبى للفن السودانى للاغنية السودانية .. الدكتور تيلاهون حركته الفنية تشبه كثيراُ حركة الفنان عبد الكريم الكابلى فى محيط فن شعبه ، فهذا كرمته جامعة الخرطوم بمنحه شهادة الدكتوراه الفخرية عرفاناً بما قدمه للفن السودانى وهذا كرمته جامعة أديس أببا بمنحه الدكتوراه الفخرية أيضاً .. وداعاً تيلاهون ولتهنأ روحك تحت رحمة الله ..


    (عدل بواسطة Osman Musa on 08-27-2010, 04:22 AM)


08-27-2010, 08:50 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-22-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    "THE KING FARE WELL" Tilahun Gessesse

    TILAHUN GESSESSE,we love you.


    (عدل بواسطة abubakr on 08-27-2010, 08:51 AM)


08-27-2010, 09:05 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-22-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: abubakr)


08-27-2010, 10:27 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 04-22-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: abubakr)

    فقط تفاديا للخلط :

    تلاهون قسيسي غادر الدنيا في 2009 (ابريل )...يبدو ان تلاهون لم يزر السودان رغم ان من شجعه ليغني كان ناظر مدرسته السوداني (شداد) لكنه كان معجبا بالاغاني السودانية والسودانيون معجبون بغنائه ....

08-27-2010, 12:46 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: abubakr)

08-27-2010, 01:28 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: jini)

    العزيز عبدالعظيم
    ورمضان كريم
    ألف شكر يا عزيزى عبدالعظيم .
    الفنان الكبير تيلاهون لا نذكره الا بما يوقظ الجمال .
    عليه الرحمة

08-27-2010, 01:37 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    Tilahun Gessesse

    Tilahun Gessesse (March 2006)
    Background information
    Born September 29, 1940(1940-09-29)
    Origin Addis Adaba, Ethiopia
    Died April 19, 2009 (aged 68)
    Genres World music
    Instruments Singer
    Years active 1955-2009
    Labels Ethio Grooves

    Tilahun Gessesse (Amharic: ጥላሁን ገሠሠ) (also spelled Telahun Gesesse or Tlahoun Gèssèssè) (September 29, 1940-April 19, 2009) was an Ethiopian singer regarded as one of the most popular of his country's "Golden Age" in the 1960s. During the 1960s he became famous throughout the country, nicknamed "The Voice". He raised money for aid during the famines of the 1970s and 1980s and earned the affection of the nation, being awarded a doctorate by the University of Addis Ababa and also winning a lifetime achievement award from the Ethiopian Fine Art and Mass Media Prize Trust.

    In his later years he suffered from diabetes. He died on 19 April 2009 in Addis Adaba shortly after returning from America. Tilahun was honoured with a state funeral attended by tens of thousands of his fellow citizens.

    Contents [hide]
    1 Biography
    1.1 Early life
    1.2 Professional career
    1.3 Death and funeral
    2 Partial discography
    3 See also
    4 References
    5 External links

    [edit] Biography
    [edit] Early life
    Tilahun was born to Mrs. Gete Gurmu and Mr. Ayyaano Guddata (Woliso Awrajja), on 29 September 1940. His given name was thus Dandana Ayano Gudata.[1] When his mother remarried Gessesse Negussie, Tilahun was baptized and took his stepfather's name as his second name. As time went by, his interest in music became increasingly clear, although his grandfather urged him to concentrate on his academic studies. The Ras Gobena School Principal Mr. Shedad (who was from Sudan), encouraged Tilahun's interest in music and urged him to go to Sudan to pursue his music career. Although Tilahun did not go to Sudan, he took Mr. Shedad's advice very seriously. When Weyzero Negatwa Kelkai, Ato Eyoel Yohanes and other artists from the Hager Fikir Theatre came to his school to perform, Tilahun took the opportunity to discuss his interest in music with Ato Eyoel. He was told to go to Addis Ababa if he wanted to pursue a career in the field.[citation needed]

    Tilahun left school to go to Addis Ababa, a journey he began on foot without his grandfather's consent. When his grandfather realized that Tilahun was no longer in Woliso, he informed Tilahun's great-aunt in Tulu Bolo. After Tilahun traveled fifteen kilometers on foot, he was caught in Tulu Bolo and stayed overnight with his great-aunt Woizero Temene Bantu. The next day, he was forced to return back to his grandfather in Woliso. Since his interest in music lay deep in his heart, Tilahun chose not to stay at his grandfather's house in Woliso. After staying only one night at his grandfather’s house, he again began his journey to Addis Ababa, this time hiding himself in the back of a loaded truck.[citation needed]

    [edit] Professional career

    Tilahun at the Washington, DC Ethiopian Soccer Tournament (Summer 2008)In Addis Ababa, Tilahun was first hired by the Hager Fikir Association, which is now known as Hager Fikir Theater. After a few years at the Hager Fikir Theater, he joined the Imperial Bodyguard Band where he became a leading star singer.[2] During his time with the band, Tilahun ran afoul of the government after the attempted coup d'état of December 1960 by the Imperial Bodyguard. He was arrested and put in prison for a time.[citation needed]

    Tilahun moved to the National Theater where his success continued. His tenor singing was regarded as the best Ethiopian pop voice of the 1960s. His popularity was such that he appeared three times in front of Emperor Haile Selassie I.[3] During a visit, the Emperor advised him not to abuse his talent.[citation needed]

    Recordings made by Tilahun during the 1970s and 1980s helped raise large sums of money to aid famine victims.[4] The majority of his recordings were in Amharic, but he did also record in Oromo.[3] He received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Addis Ababa University, in appreciation of his contribution to Ethiopian music. He also received an award for his lifetime achievements from the Ethiopian Fine Art and Mass Media Prize Trust.[5] [6]

    [edit] Death and funeral
    Tilahun Gessesse died on April 19, 2009 in Addis Ababa as he was being taken to hospital by his wife. He had just returned to Ethiopia from the United States. He had been in poor health for several years due to diabetes.[7] "Tilahun stood out as an artist of great renown with his lifetime contributions to Ethiopia's modern music, which he popularized across the world", said Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.[8] The Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, His Holiness Abune Paulos said "that whoever is said dead is he who leave[s] nothing worthwhile behind. Tilahun left numerous, though secular, legacies behind to survive the mortal body for generations to come." United States Ambassador Donald Yamamoto stated that "Ethiopians owe a great deal to the late Tilahun Gessesse, who promoted Ethiopian music across the world."[9]

    A candlelit vigil was held by friends and family in the garden of the National Theatre in Addis Ababa on the night of Wednesday 22 April.[10] On Thursday April 23 2009 a state funeral was held. About one million Ethiopians, including government officials, and entertainers,[11] gathered in Mesquel Square, Addis Ababa and heard messages of condolence from the Prime Minister and President Girma Wolde-Giorgis. A funeral mass was held in Holy Trinity Cathedral Church.[12] Messages of condolence from fans all over the world were posted on a memorial web site.[13]

    [edit] Partial discography
    (2000) Greatest Hits – Ethio Sound ES-116
    (2003) Ethiopiques Volume 17 – Buda Musique 82266-2
    [edit] See also
    Music of Ethiopia
    [edit] References
    1.^ "Redressing the Disabuse of Tilahun Gessesse's Biography by the Abyssinian Corner". Ayyaantuu Oromiyaa Portal. 27 April 2009. http://www.ayyaantuu.com/Oromiyaa/NewsBlog/tabid/36/Ent...yssinian-Corner.aspx. Retrieved 2009-04-27.
    2.^ "Tilahun Gessesse laid to rest". Ethiopian News Agency. 23 April 2009. http://www.ena.gov.et/EnglishNews/2009/Apr/23Apr09/85824.htm. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    3.^ a b Dacks, David (21 April 2009). "R.I.P. Tilahun Gessesse". Exclaim News. http://www.exclaim.ca/articles/generalarticlesynopsfull...csid2=844&fid1=37997. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    4.^ "Ethiopia bids farewell to legendary singer". EthioMedia. 22 April 2009. http://www.ethiomedia.com/adroit/2173.html. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    5.^ "Tilahun Gesesse passes away". Zethiopia. 21 April 2009. http://zethiopianewspaper.blogspot.com/2009/04/tilahun-...-passes-away_20.html. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    6.^ "Tilahun Gessesse - ESFNA Guest of Honor". Ethiola. http://www.ethiola3.com/tilahun_gessesse.html. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    7.^ "Ethiopian emperor's singer dies". BBC.com (BBC). 20 April 2009. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8008205.stm. Retrieved 20 April 2009.
    8.^ "Meles pays homage to Tilahun Gesesse, dubs him epitome of Ethiopia's modern music". Ethiopian News Agency. 21 April 2009. http://www.ena.gov.et/EnglishNews/2009/Apr/21Apr09/85679.htm. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    9.^ "Patriarch comforts Tilahun's family, Ambassador Yamamoto expresses deep sorrow". Ethiopian News Agency. 22 April 2009. http://ena.gov.et/EnglishNews/2009/Apr/22Apr09/85735.htm. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    10.^ "Vigil for Tilahun". Addis Journal. 23 April 2009. http://arefe.wordpress.com/2009/04/22/vigil-for-tilahun/. Retrieved 2009-04-24.
    11.^ "Nation bids Tilahun farewell". Addis Journal. 24 April 2009. http://arefe.wordpress.com/2009/04/23/tilahun/. Retrieved 2009-04-24.
    12.^ "Ethiopia holds state funeral for ‘legendary’ vocalist". EthioPolitics. 23 April 2009. http://ethiopolitics.com/news_1/20090423880.html. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    13.^ "Tilahun Gesesse's Memorial Web Site". tilahungesesse.org (Tilahun Gesesse Memorial Web site). 23 April 2009. http://www.tilahungesesse.org. Retrieved 2009-04-23.
    [edit] External links
    BBC World Service tribute to Tilahun Gessesse
    Redressing the Disabuse of Tilahun Gessesse's Biography by the Abyssinian Corner
    Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilahun_Gessesse"
    Categories: 1940 births | 2009 deaths | People from Addis Ababa | Ethiopian male singers | Amharic-language singers | Oromo-language singers | Buda Musique artists


08-27-2010, 01:53 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    عزيزنا أبوبكر
    ورمضان كريم
    ألف شكر يا أخى على جلب صورة وصوت الفنان تيلاهون .
    تيلاهون الصوت الذى نفخ الحياة فى جسد الشرق الأفريقى . رأيت أحباب
    تيلاهون فى أمريكا أيديهم ترتعش من الحزن يوم رحيل تيلاهون .
    تحياتى وجزيل شكرى

08-27-2010, 02:17 PM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    عزيزى جنى
    ورمضان كريم
    ألف شكر أخى على الدعم
    صوت تيلاهون أصبح من الاصوات الرموز .
    مثل أصوات الحكماء والهداة الروحيين .
    تحياتى وجزيل شكرى

08-28-2010, 00:38 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    " As all Ethiopians mourn the loss of a truly legendary musician, let us
    honor what he stood for by coming together, simply as fellow humans,
    to grieve together in one tent that stretches over all of Ethiopia,
    welcoming others from all different backgrounds
    as Tilahun would have done."

08-28-2010, 00:45 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    By Fekade Shewakena

    SHOCKING: 2010 Honda Civic for $1,732.092010 Honda Civic for $1,732.09SPECIAL REPORT: High ticket items are being auctioned for 90% off! Register yourself now! It is Monday morning after Ethiopian Easter Sunday. I was driving to work in a juicy Washington spring weather. It was raining heavily and I was in a crowded traffic when the ring tone of my cellular phone, a Teddyi Afro’s song that I have set up to use until he gets out of prison, was playing off the hook. One call was from my daughter. “Hi Fekadye it is a sad day in Ethiopia today, have you heard that Tilahun Gesesse passed away? It is sad. I know you will cry but cry not too much ok” and she hung up. Then a friend and then another confirmed the sad new to me. It was a surreal feeling. Alone, in a far away land on a highway; not an ideal place to hear stunning news of the death of a man that I love, admire and consider my country’s treasure and icon. These are some of the times where you hate “sidet”, a time you hate to live away from the people you want to be in the middle of, and share pain and grief together.

    Tilahun has many times made me uncontrollably emotional while listening to his songs and watch him sing. I never imagined he would lead me to uncontrollable tears at the news of his passing away too. I parked on a shoulder and cried profusely. It was a good time and place to cry. Everyone was rushing to work and no one was looking, but who the damn cares even if anybody looks at you. They are passerby and I was crying for something larger than whatever a ferenji passerby may be thinking I was crying about. I felt like I was crying not for Tilahun alone but for an entire era that he takes away with him. From where I was, I saw my country coiling in sadness, so sad as if she doesn’t have enough of sadness already. I even imagined that the mountains of Ethiopia that echoed Tilahun’s songs through the flutes of sheep and goat herders were silent in sadness.

    Five full decades of failure to replace one super star, I often joked, is a sign of the slow sociocultural dynamism in Ethiopia. I am probably wrong on this one. Tilahun was simply unsurpassable.

    There was everything from Tilahun’s beautiful voices for all times and generations of Ethiopians. His gift straddles the generations of my daughter, me and my father and probably beyond. There was also everything for every humanly feeling in those voices. Just tell me what you need and I will pick a song for you from Tilahun. Whether you are sad, you are in love, happy, or raved up by patriotism, there was something for you in the voices of Tilahun. He was, after all, the soundtrack of all our lives for so many years. It is hard to stop traveling in memory lane back in our lives and remember songs like “engudaye neshi”, “Yegeter Temir nesh” and who would forget that 1974 song “waay Waay silu” about the famine victims which he sang along with a river of tears flooding his face. That was something that tells you that Tilahun not only had a wonderful voice but also a wonderful heart too.

    As a member of the generation raised by his songs I have tons of memories of Tilahun. I have not yet had grasped the fact that he died. I know he is mortal, but I looked like a little foolish to think that he will never die. But then again, I may probably am half right. Tilahun may never die. He is going to be physically absent no doubt. But he will continue to live in our households. I have the treasures he left in my library.

    There is some lesson for all of us in the life of this great legend. Any one of us making significant contributions to positively affect the lives of our people and country and still die physically can continue to live as Tilahun definitely will. People who do something greater than themselves live forever. Work for our people, fight for their freedom and change their lives. You will live long after you died. That is the moral of Tilahun’s life and story. I am still crying but some half of me tells me the right thing to do now is to celebrate Tilahun’s wonderful life and gift to all of us.

    Goodbye Tilahun! Thank you for the wonderful gift you left us behind! It has been such a long time of hard work. Now take a break from singing and rest in peace! Goodbye my dear! Goodbye!!

    من أجمل ما كتب عن رحيل الفنان تيلاهون

08-28-2010, 00:59 AM

Tragie Mustafa
<aTragie Mustafa
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 49964

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    الله يا عثمان
    خبر فاجع فعلا.

    جميعا تمتعنا بحنجرته القويه وهو يغني بلغته عزة في هواك.

    بكاهو شعبه فعلا كما يبكي العظماء.

    فالترقد روحه بسلام....وليرحمه الله.

    منظر مؤثر انه كان لازال يغني رغم الكرسي المتحرك!!

08-28-2010, 02:04 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Tragie Mustafa)

    Tilahun Gessesse

    Editor's Note: Ethiopia mourns the death of Tilahun Gessesse and we understand that several of our readers would like to pay tributes by posting comments here. We have disabled comment moderation to have your tributes posted with out delay, we ask that you show respect and avoid posting inappropriate comments. This website offers its deepest condolences to Tilahun's family and the entire Ethiopian people.
    Dear readers, please include your location as you post your tributes here.

    Tilahun Gessesse, Ethiopia's greatest singer of all time, dies

    WIC - The renowned and veteran Ethiopian vocalist, Tilahun Gessesse, passed away late on Sunday. Tilahun, before he came back home few days ago for Easter holiday, was receiving medical treatment abroad. Tilahun, 68, passed away when he was being taken to hospital after he felt sick on Sunday April 19, 2009.

    More from Walta

    Ethiopian emperor's singer dies

    BBC News

    The popular Ethiopian singer, Tilahun Gessesse, has died at the age of 68.

    More from BBC News


    Legendary singer Tilahun Gessesse passes away


    Addis Ababa, April 20, 2009 (Addis Ababa) - The legendary Ethiopian singer Tilahun Gessesse, 68, passed away at midnight on Sunday.

    The late Tilahun passed away while he was being taken to hospital feeling serious pain. He had arrived later on same day from New York, USA, according to the artist’s family members.

    In appreciation of his contribution to Ethiopian music, Tilahun received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Addis Ababa University. He has also received an award for his lifetime achievements from the Ethiopian Fine Art and Mass Media Prize Trust.

    Born on September 1940, in Addis Ababa to his mother Woizero Gete Gurmu and his father Ato Gessesse Gebrekidan, Tilahun attended primary school at Ras Gobena Elementary School in Woliso town of Oromia State.

    The late artist was first hired by the Hager Fikir Association, which is now known as Hager Fikir Theater. After a few years at the Hager Fikir Theater, he joined the Imperial Bodyguard Band where he became a leading star singer.Tilahun moved to the National Theater where his success continued.

    The majority of Tilahun's recordings are in Amharic, though he has recorded a number of songs in Oromifa

08-28-2010, 03:48 AM

Osman Musa
<aOsman Musa
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 23082

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الفنان تيلاهون الرحيل الحزين (Re: Osman Musa)

    عزيزتنا تراجى
    ورمضان كريم .
    تيلاهون يا تراجى كانت له
    حياته الملأى بالكفاح من أجل نقل صورة
    الفن الأفريقى الى الخارج .
    تحياتى وجزيل شكرى

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