محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN

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07-27-2010, 00:57 AM

Mohamad Shamseldin
<aMohamad Shamseldin
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-17-2006
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محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN

    قال المحاميان البريطانيان السير جيفري نايس و رودني ديكسون أن أمر القبض علي البشير غير شرعي و يجب أن يلغي
    Munyonyo, Uganda (CNN) -- Arrest warrants issued for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for allegations of war crimes and genocide are illegal and should be revoked, according to two British attorneys.

    The issue of immunity for a sitting president has never been resolved, and can only be dealt with by the International Court of Justice, according to Sir Geoffrey Nice and Rodney Dixon.

    "There is a provision in the ICC (International Criminal Court) charter that states should observe their obligations to other states in terms of immunity even where there is an indictment by the ICC," Nice told reporters late Saturday at the AU summit, held just outside the Ugandan capital of Kampala. The two attorneys attended the summit as part of their work with non-governmental organizations.

    The International Court of Justice, based at The Hague, Netherlands, is the principal judicial arm of the United Nations to settle disputes between U.N. member nations, but it has no jurisdiction to try people for war crimes or crimes against humanity.

    The International Criminal Court, also based at The Hague, is an independent treaty-based organization set up in 2002 by by countries to decide cases of alleged genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. According to the ICC's website, 111 nations have signed the treaty.

    The ICC has issued two warrants for al-Bashir's arrest for his alleged role in a five-year campaign of violence in Darfur in western Sudan.

    The original warrant, the first ever issued by the court against a serving head of state, included five counts of crimes against humanity, including murder, extermination, forcible transfer, torture and rape. It also included two charges of war crimes for intentionally directing attacks against civilians and for pillaging.

    Earlier this month, the ICC issued a second arrest warrant for al-Bashir, adding three new counts of genocide. The court said the new charges were in addition to the earlier ones.

    Al-Bashir did not attend the summit, although his case is part of the agenda, and thereby did not risk arrest.

    The AU earlier this year urged the court to delay war crimes proceedings against al-Bashir, saying a decision to allow the genocide charges harms efforts to bring peace to Darfur.

    Al-Bashir has traveled to several countries since the warrant was issued, even though any country that is party to the ICC has an obligation to hand him over to the ICC, the court maintains.

    Leaders from several African countries have said the ICC has been unfair to Africa and have threatened to pull out of the court.

    According to the Sudan Tribune, Nice and Dixon represent two groups -- the Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation and the Sudan International Defense Group. The attorneys have filed a motion with the ICC judges asking them to reject the prosecutor's application to issue an arrest warrant for al-Bashir, the newspaper reported Sunday.

    The London, England-based attorneys urged AU leaders to appeal to the IJC to have the arrest warrants revoked, saying the issue could result in unfavorable consequences for the organization. They questioned whether a serving president could be vulnerable to arrest when attending events such as the summit out of obligation.

    Nice said the AU should express the same solidarity as when it hosted al-Bashir in its last summit, and also should follow the example of Chad, which hosted him last week.

    "The government of Chad took a clear position that their immunity is in place and hosted Bashir," Nice said. "Unless all other states take this clear stand, this situation will remain a legal black hole and can potentially affect the other states."

    They said al-Bashir's case was referred to the court by a non-state party, although a case against a sitting president can only be referred by a state party.

    Some NGOs backed the attorneys, saying Africa is being unfairly targeted.

    "We are not against international law, but against the biases of the ICC closing its eyes on atrocities in Gaza, Afghanistan and Iraq, but indicting only African leaders," said Mohammed Ansari, who claims to head an association of 42 non-governmental organizations aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Sudan crisis. "If African leaders stand together and say 'No,' they would have done a great job since the ICC is focusing only on Africa."

    He accused prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo of asking presidents to arrest one of their own, and wondered whether sitting ######### of state in Europe would receive the same treatment.

    Al-Bashir was re-elected president of Sudan this year in controversial but historic elections. He has appeared to thumb his nose at the charges, appearing in public dancing and singing at a rally in Khartoum after the original arrest warrant last year. His information minister has dismissed the ICC as a "white man's tribunal."

07-27-2010, 02:29 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: Mohamad Shamseldin)

    من دفع اتعابهما؟

    وتذاكر سفرهما؟


07-27-2010, 04:02 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-04-2002
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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: Elbagir Osman)

    Quote: Nice and Dixon represent two groups -- the Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation and the Sudan International Defense Group

    حسي اتحاد العمال دا
    دخلو شنو بتوكيل محاميين و برطانيين للدفاع عن البشير في الاي سي سي
    دا كلام شنو دا يا خوانا
    ثم المحامين يقولو اليقولو
    هم اساساً موكلينهم للدفاع عن الراجل دا فكنتو منتظرين منهم يقولو شنو يعني
    قولهم دا لا يعني اي شي و لا بيزيد ولا بينقص

07-27-2010, 05:46 AM

Mohamad Shamseldin
<aMohamad Shamseldin
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-17-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 3074

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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: Amjed)

    الباقر و أمجد
    أتعابهم غالبا إتحاد العمال دفعها (تخمين)
    عملت قوقل ليهو.... يبدو أن السير / جيفري نايس كان نائب المدعي في قضية سلوبدان ميلسوفيتش (الصربي) و هو من إفتتح لائحى الاتهام..يعني خبرة في النوع ده من القضايا..
    إذا كان هو نفس الشخص ...لا أعتقد أنه يخاطر بقضية إذا رأي أنها خاسرة... هذه يفعلها المحامون الصغار...
    علي هو و أوكامبو الاثنان عندهم نفس المرض....كلهم بتاعين ... حاجة غريبة

07-29-2010, 01:47 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: Mohamad Shamseldin)



    المجموعة دفاع السودان العالمية

    مع إتحاد العمال السوداني

    (بأموال العمال وأموال الشعب السوداني)

    يباشران التحرك القانوني لصالح المتهم عمر البشير أمام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية

    والمحاميان مستأجران من قبلهما

    وذلك منذ عدة سنوات

    SIDG & SWTUF Granted Amici Status in Bashir Genocide Appeal

    Sudan International Defence Group [SIDG] and Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation [SWTUF] have won the right to file legal observations on the Appeal lodged by Luis Moreno-Ocampo in the case of the Prosecutor against President Bashir.

    Moreno-Ocampo is appealing the decision of the pre-trial chamber to execlude charges of genocide from the arrest warrant issued in March.

    Despite stiff resistance from Moreno-Ocampo, the ICC’s appeal chamber ruled that the two groups can act as amici curiae and invited them to submit their observations. The decision gave the prosecutor one week to respond to the filing by the groups.

    “It is a small, but an important victory for our groups. The prosecutor tried and failed to stop us from being heard. This time he will have to face counter arguments in court.” said the president of SIDG, Rasheed Gadir, whose group earlier attempt to intervene before the pre-trial chamber was rejected.

    Sir Geoffrey Nice QC and Rodney Dixon, representing SIDG and SWTUF filed a 22 pages document containing legal observations to the appeal chamber on Friday, 25 Sept 2009.


07-29-2010, 02:02 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: Elbagir Osman)

08-19-2010, 03:32 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: Elbagir Osman)


08-19-2010, 04:01 AM

عبد المنعم سليمان
<aعبد المنعم سليمان
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-02-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 12158

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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: Elbagir Osman)

    قبل كدا جابو ليهم جزار سوداني من لندن واسموه بدكتور الانصاري شكل لجنة قابلت المجرم
    وقال نفس الكلام .. لهف المال ثم اختفى
    وهؤلاء كذلك ..
    دخل محامي اكل حبه وخرج

08-19-2010, 04:17 AM

معاوية عبيد الصائم
<aمعاوية عبيد الصائم
تاريخ التسجيل: 06-09-2010
مجموع المشاركات: 22458

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: عبد المنعم سليمان)

    يا جماعة

    عليكم بفتحى خليل

    هييييييييييييييع الاسد النتر فى خطر

08-19-2010, 04:43 AM

Wasil Ali
<aWasil Ali
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-29-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 9415

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: محاميان بريطانيان : أمر القبض علي البشير غير قانوني – CNN (Re: معاوية عبيد الصائم)

    المحاميين الأثنين هم نفسهما اللذان تم التعاقد معهما من قبل الحكومة السودانية بشكل غير مباشر منذ 2008 عن طريق اتحاد العمال و منظمة (صدق) الني امينها العام الأنصاري وقابلت الوزير كمال عبد اللطيف في حينها التي وعدها بتقديم كل الدعم.

    دأب الأثنان على تقديم مذكرات قانونية منذ ذلك الحين لقضاة المحكمة الجنائية الدولية وقد قرأت كل الذي قدماه وكان مستواها القانوني - للأمانة الشديدة - ضعيف جدا وكانت عبارة عن استجداء سياسي وصل الى مرحلة طلب استخدام توقيعات رافضة لتوقيف الرئيس البشير كدليل والتحدث عن ابعاد سياسية ليست ذات صلة بالقضية. وفي أكثر من مرة وضح جهلهم بميثاق روما والية عمل المحكمة خاصة فيما يختص بال(leave to appeal) ومراحل التقاضي الثلاثة وال Rule 10

    على اي حال رفض القضاة اغلب الطلبات التي قدماها واعتبروا بعضها باطل من الأساس

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