نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!!

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07-02-2010, 12:13 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!!

    نعم...مع الأسف أطفالكم في خطر داهم مما يسمي بال social services أو الرعاية الإجتماعية

    فكل يوم تظهر قوانين جديدة وتعطي (الرعاية الإجتماعية) سلطات واسعة للتدخل وقلع الأطفال

    من والديهم بالقوة وبأمر المحكمة التي أصبحت هي الأخري لا تترد ولو لثانية واحدة لإصدار

    الأمر بقلع الأطفال وإعطائهم لأسرة غريبة تعتني بهم...

    وأثناء تصفحي لإحدي الصحف في المنزل وهي صحيفة ال guarian البريطانية وجدت فيها خبر

    جديد ينتقد (الرعاية الإجتماعية) لعدم التدخل لحماية الأطفال بصورة كافية , بل ويشجعهم

    علي التدخل مبكرآ لخلعهم من والديهم إذا وجد هنالك أي إهمال .

    المشكلة أن الإهمال يتمثل حتي وإن وقع طفلك وإنجرح أو حصل خدش وذلك طبعآ من متابعتي

    ك (إعلامي) في هذا الأمر , بل وقد صدر قانونآ يرغم المستشفيات بالإتصال (بالرعاية الإجتماعية)

    فور وصول أي طفل تعرض للجرح والبحث في أجسام الأطفال لأي آثار ضرب قد تبدو علي جسمه..

    والمشكلة الكبري في تداخل (الرعاية الإجتماعية) في شئؤن الأسر : أنهم لن يخرجوا بسهولة

    من حياة الأسرة , كما أنه بسهولة جدآ يمكن أن تفقد أطفالك في رمشة عين..


    بحثت عن الخبر في النت فوجدته , برغم تعديل الصحيفة لأحد السطور به

07-02-2010, 12:18 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 11543

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    Quote: Barnardo's boss says more children need to be placed in care

    More children should be taken into care but are being left
    with inadequate parents, says chief executive of children's charity

    (8)Tweet this (16)Randeep Ramesh, social affairs editor The Guardian, Monday 28 June 2010 Article history
    Martin Narey, chief executive of children's charity Barnardo's, says there needs to be more fostering and residential care. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian

    Children who should be taken into care in greater numbers and at an earlier age are being left with inadequate or neglectful parents, only for the state to have to intervene later, the chief executive of the children's charity Barnardo's said.

    Martin Narey, who formerly worked as director general of the Prison Service, said there are currently 62,000 "looked-after" children in Britain. "Twenty-five years ago this was nearer 90,000. We were determined to reduce this because we thought care damages children. We do not need to return to a care population of 90,000, but it [the number of children in care] does need to rise."

    Narey said the conventional wisdom of social services was outdated and placed "too much premium on keeping the birth family together". The extra cost of failing to act early places a burden on children's services of up to an extra £33,000 per child each year, said Narey.

    He said that once the decision had been made to take a child away from their family, there should be greater use of residential care, as an alternative to placing challenging children with a succession of foster families. "I recently met a girl of 15 in Belfast who was on her 42nd foster placement. This ricocheting around the system has to stop. Changing carer means changing home, area and schoolfriends," he said. "It's very destabilising".

    Almost three-quarters of looked-after children are in foster care, compared to 13% in residential settings. This is in stark contrast to the recent past, where even in the 1980s the majority of looked-after children would have been in a residential placement.

    Narey acknowledges that there will be resistance from both "left and right", but believes there is an urgent need to "destigmatise care". He points out that in Germany, children leaving care homes performed better academically than those in untroubled families.

    Fifty-five children in England, per every 10,000 are looked after by authorities, meaning the country's rate of care is lower than most European countries – and approximately half that of Denmark and France. "When I used to run prisons I was guilty of thinking that care was a gateway to crime, because so many young people in prisons spent time in care. But what kids wanted was stability. I now accept that is the problem rather than care itself. In the long term we have to think about ways of stopping them bouncing around the system. That means more fostering and residential care."

    A report commissioned for Barnardo's by the thinktank Demos is published today backing Narey's call for greater early intervention, fewer family placements and longer stays in care. Demos reports that "delays in removing the most vulnerable children from birth families at an earlier stage show an association with poor mental health and behaviour".

    The thinktank also said the age of leaving care should be raised to 18 from 16. Nearly four-fifths of young people leave care before their 18th birthday. Demos says the state needs to offer a "right to return" to care up to the age of 24 – the average age of young people leaving home in the general population.

    It also warns that care services face budget cuts at a time when referrals have surged due to headline cases such as Baby Peter. "The temptation to intervene later and cut frontline spending for vulnerable children would be a counter-productive cost-cutting exercise," said Demos.

    The report says the long-term bill for poor care to the taxpayer is considerable. Demos calculated the costs of a child who enters the care system early, has one long-term foster family and leaves care fully qualified at 18, which represents the top 5% of the current system. This was contrasted with the costs of those at the bottom of the system, who have three placements in care, 10 foster families and a number of failed family reunions. They are also likely to leave care at 16 with no home to go to, "no qualifications and poor mental health".

    The best care journey would last 15 years, but Demos calculates the cost to be £23,000 a year. However, the worst journey would last seven years and cost £56,000. "As these figures demonstrate, higher expenditure alone does not necessarily generate a better care experience," says the report.

    • This article was amended on 28 June 2010. In the original, part of a quote from Martin Narey was missing, so that he seemed to be saying: "We need to return to a care population of 90,000" - meaning that one in three children who should be taken into care are being left with inadequate or neglectful parents. The quotation has been corrected and the one-in-three reference deleted.


07-02-2010, 12:29 PM

mayada kamal
<amayada kamal
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    أشرف مصطفى
    جمعة مباركة يااااخ
    طمنا على اولاد اخوك
    ان شاء الموضوع اتعالج لصالحكم

07-02-2010, 12:31 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    هنالك قصص كثيرة أخبرني بها السودانيين المتضامنين مع قضية (الرشيد)

    في الإجتماعات التضامنية برعاية د. (بابكر إسماعيل) رئيس مجلس الجاليات السودانية

    التي يقيمها بإستمرار (وقد سمع العديد منها في الإجتماع السابق) وهي تحكي عن معاناة

    الجالية السودانية والجاليات العربية والأفريقية مع (الرعاية الإجتماعية) وقد حكي

    البعض عن حالات يعرفونها تم أخذ أبنائهم منهم دون وجه حق..

    جزي الله د. (بابكر إسماعيل) خير الجزاء لوقفته الصلبة معنا ومع جميع الأسر السودانية

    في بريطانيا , وبالمناسبة المحكمة هي اليوم وعفوآ لعدم إخباركم , وإنشاء الله

    سأحاول أن أحضرها وأعتذر ل (تراجي) لإنشغالي الشديد وسأتصل بها اليوم أو الغد بإذن الله.

07-02-2010, 07:39 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 11543

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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    تم تأجيل المحكمة ليوم:

    الخميس 29 يوليو 2010

    سأوافيكم بالتفاصيل لاحقآ

07-02-2010, 08:51 PM

Galaleldin Abdalla

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-06-2009
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    Quote: ايها المغتصبون قوموا الى اغتصاباتكم يرحمكم الله

07-02-2010, 09:41 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: Galaleldin Abdalla)

    Galaleldin Abdalla

    يعني شنو الكلام ده؟؟؟

07-02-2010, 09:44 PM

Hassan Makkawi
<aHassan Makkawi
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-27-2008
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

07-03-2010, 01:07 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: Hassan Makkawi)

    شكرآ ميادة كمال علي مرورك الكريم والسؤال

    شكرآ محمد جلال الدين وقد وجدت بوست بإسم إقتباسك وفعلآ أمر محزن والأمران يخصان الأطفال

    شكرآ صديقي حسن مكاوي علي الرابط

    وفعلآ شيئ مدهش تلك العقوبة المخزية
    وارجوا ان نتمكن من فعل شيئ في سودانيز اون لاين لمحاولة تغيير قانون معاقبة معتديي الاطفال

07-03-2010, 01:43 PM

almogira alemam
<aalmogira alemam
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    يعنى لو الواحد نهر ولدوا ساكت يقوموا يشيلوهوا منوا والله عوجه ربنا يعينكم

07-04-2010, 01:01 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: almogira alemam)

    almogira alemam

    السلام عليكم وشكرآ علي المرور

    Quote: يعنى لو الواحد نهر ولدوا ساكت يقوموا يشيلوهوا منوا والله عوجه ربنا يعينكم

    ممكن تنهر طفلك لكن ما قدام الناس لانو ممكن يفتكروا انك انسان عصبي
    وهذا يعني ان هنالك خطورة علي اطفالك منك (بكل بساطة)

    الموضوع أعلاه تلخيصه أنه تحريض لناس الرعاية الإجتماعية ألا يتوانوا في أخذ الطفل من والديه مبكرآ
    إذا ما إستخلصوا أنهم غير مناسبين له وأن هنالك أسر أخري تستطيع رعايتهم أفضل من والديهم..

    بعدين لاحظ التعديل الأنا إتحدثت عنه :
    النص المعدل في الجريدة عندي في البيت بالشكل ده:

    Quote: We need to return to a care population of 90,000" - meaning that one in three children
    who should be taken into care are being left with inadequate or neglectful parents

    لكن طبعآ إكتشفوا إنه خطأ يكشفوا عنصريتهم بوضوح وتم تعديل النص في النت إلي:

    Quote: We were determined to reduce this because we thought care damages children. We do not need to return
    to a care population of 90,000, but it [the number of children in care] does need to rise

    وطبعآ صاحب التصريح والحكومة بيكونوا تعرضوا لإنتقادات كثيرة لذلك تم تدارك الأمر بسرعة
    ولكن هذا لا يعني أن السياسة ستتغير خصوصآ في ظل هذه الحكومة الجديدة , فالسياسة العدائية
    موجهة للأجانب والمهاجرين لإستهدافهم في فلزات أكبادهم حتي تنفذ فيهم العنصرية بإصولها
    دون أن ينتبه لها أحد.

    سأعود للبوست لنقاش ما جري في المحكمة , ولكن قبل ذلك سأتحدث عن بعض التجارب التي سردها
    بعض الذين مروا بها في إحتفالات وإجتماعات التضامن التي يقوم بها مجلس الجاليات السودانية
    وما قد يهم الكثيرين هنا حديث لبعض أفراد الرعاية الإجتماعية أنفسهم ونصائح تقدموا بها في
    آخر إجتماع (قبل حوالي إسبوع)..

07-05-2010, 10:06 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 11543

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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

07-05-2010, 10:15 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 11543

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    Quote: Monday 05 July 2010

    Mother whose children were taken for adoption joins class action

    More than 100 British families who say they have been treated unfairly by social services departments and the family courts are preparing to launch an unprecedented case at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, arguing that their human rights have been breached.

    When 'Alison' developed post natal depression she pleaded for help from those she thought were there to assist her.
    But instead of gaining support she ended up losing custody of her three beloved daughters.

    Social workers said the children were at risk of suffering "emotional abuse", even though they conceded that she cared deeply for them and had worked hard to be a better parent.

    Now the 22-year-old, whose real name cannot be used for legal reasons, is pregnant for a fourth time and is terrified that social workers will refuse to give her the chance of caring for the new baby once it is born.

    This week the mother, from the north of England, became one of hundreds of parents who have joined an unprecedented class action, suing the family courts and local authority social services departments.

    The claimants hope the action will lead to greater transparency and accountability in the family court system, as well as the possibility of being reunited with the children they believe have been taken unfairly.

    More than 100 families have now signed up to the claim, which will be lodged on July 1 at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, where political leaders are tried for genocide.

    Alison, who is 15 weeks pregnant, said: "I'm pleased someone's taken action, because they've taken my children.

    "It's about showing that they're using claims like 'emotional abuse' when they've got nothing left to put against you.

    "You have to prove it 150 per cent that you're a perfect parent, and there's no such thing as 150 per cent. I don't know what would be good enough for them."

    There were no problems with Alison's first baby, but after the birth of her second child she suffered from post natal depression and was not able to care for the baby properly.

    She said she asked social services for help and support, but instead officials decided she was unfit to be a mother. Both Alison's baby and her 18-month-old toddler were taken into care.

    The judge at the family court hearing which decided the fate of Alison's first two daughters, in September 2008, recorded in her judgement that the mother had turned up for appointments, assessments and all her court hearings, adding: "She loves her children and has shown a commitment to them in contact."

    The judge also praised Alison for enrolling on a health and social care course, and staying on top of her finances. Nevertheless, her judgement concluded that the girls should be taken away from their mother because if they were left with her they would be "at risk of emotional harm and physical harm, as a result of her neglectful and poor parenting".

    The two girls were first put into foster care, then put up for adoption. After the decision Alison received counselling and took a series of courses which, she now says, made her a better parent. When she had a third daughter, and fought to keep the baby, she had the testimony of a psychologist who said she had improved greatly. But again social services said there was a "risk" that harm could come to the child, and again a family court ruled against her.

    Now Alison is only allowed to receive a letter and picture of her three girls once a year.

    The first three girls shared the same father, with whom Alison had a volatile relationship. She has now split up with the man and is in a more settled relationship with a new partner, the 26-year-old father of unborn baby.

    "I'm petrified about being pregnant just because I think they'll take the baby away," she said.

    "I'm scared of them coming for it, I don't know what to do and I'm constantly thinking of ways I can help myself. Sometimes I think about running away.

    "No one's perfect, but I've been trying so hard and I've done so much, but they don't even seem to care.

    "There are some awful mothers out there who hurt their babies, and I've never done anything like that."

    The court action Alison is now part of is being brought by Freedom, Advocacy and Law, which claims that parents have suffered "constant denial of freedoms" which ought to be protected under the Human Rights Act.

    The action alleges that British courts and local authorities have breached the legislation, which gives the right to a fair trial and the right to respect for private and family life.

    Sam Hallimond, of Freedom, Advocacy and Law, said: "Families have been destroyed by the actions of family courts, and no one has been held to account.

    "Considering what's at stake at these hearings we need to see some sort of definition of the criteria under which action should be taken by social services.

    "The possibility of future emotional neglect and abuse is not good enough, unless courts have a crystal ball I don't know how they can justify that."

    He said he hoped the class action could result in financial payouts to some claimants, but the main purpose was to expose the flaws families saw in the system.


07-05-2010, 10:30 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 11543

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Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    Quote: Fassit was founded in 2005. A non-governmental voluntary organisation independent of Local Authority Social Services Departments. Fassit provides a website containing information and advice for families with children experiencing frustration in working with Social Services in Child protection Proceedings.

    Initially a organisation looking to change views over the legitimacy and ethics of ‘forced adoption’ the organisation has grown to encompass support for individuals at any point in the investigative processes operated by Children's Social Services.

    Fassit are trying to protect all children where massive legal resources and support can be better used on keeping children at home with their families and not completely wasted on unnecessary court proceedings. [Children in care cost the taxpayer an average of £2,500 per child, per week-more than four times what it would cost to send a child to Eton.]

    Fassit are finding that social workers are removing hundreds of children from innocent parents each year through sheer incompetence and organisational failure what could best be described as blatant discrepancies between the evidence presented at Court by expert witnesses (social services; health; education etc) and the actual events or material facts of the case.

    We do not condone any action by any individual that threatens the safety, wellbeing or emotional development of a child, this includes actions taken by Social Services Departments, Local Education Authorities, Child and Adolescent Health Services and Local Authorities.

    Where our views diverge from the prevailing political and statutory services view is in the belief that many of the problems we, as a society, face today are avoidable if social care agencies were given proper funding and were scrutinised more and held accountable for their methods and actions.

    The health and welfare of families, children and young people is not something that can be made ‘cost effective’ – the benefits of intervention are most often long term and the savings, in the long run, are less crime and more productive individuals with health pro-social skills

    Fassit's belief is that the role of Social Services as providers of social care is incompatible with the duties they discharge as investigators of alleged or likely abuse. There is no separation of powers, indeed many social services departments have dispensed with specialist child protection teams in favour of multi-tasking roles for individual social workers. Families are increasingly being faced not with allegations of abuse but of the potential to abuse, how such potential is quantified remains a complete mystery.

    From its early days Fassit has campaigned against ‘forced adoption’ where there is no recourse, in law, to return children home after an adoption order is granted if the grounds for the adoption are found not to have existed. Such situations do occur and on a more regular basis than social services would want the general public to know.

    If social care agencies continue along the road of being seen as indifferent, unapproachable and ‘out of control’ then you can be assured that families will withdraw form any attempt to seek help with their problems.

07-05-2010, 10:54 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 08-04-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 11543

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: نصيحة إلي السودانيين في بريطانيا...أطفالكم في خطر !!! (Re: ASHRAF MUSTAFA)

    Quote: 'Justice for Families'

    Chaired by John Hemming MP

    Reforming the Area of Children in Public Family Law

    John Hemming MP

    Liberal Democrat MP for Birmingham Yardley


    Justice for Families is the Public Family Law Reform Coordinating Campaign. It is chaired by John Hemming MP. It campaigns for a just system of Public Family Law where the right decisions are taken through due process and with proper evidence.

    Liberal Democrat MP for Birmingham Yardley

    Justice for Families Coordinating Campaign

    There are a number of UK strands of campaigning that are happening in this area of public law. I am working with people in a number of different areas with the objective of ensuring that effective campaigning is coordinated. These are my reports identifying any campaigning issues, what is happening in those areas. Please note that I am happy to work with any organisation looking to improve procedures in the area of Public Family Law. (The law relating to Child Protection and Adoption).

    Please Ask your MP? EDM's relating to Child Protection issues EDMs (Early Day Motions)

    Family Court Secrecy
    Many people will know of the difficulties that have historically been caused by secrecy in the Family Courts. There have been three recent changes that are of significance in this area. I would ask that they email me at: [email protected] and explain their interest in the subject. Justice for Families Coordinating Campaign.

    Adoption Targets: The government's plan to in-crease adoptions was flawed from the start. It is very difficult to successfully adopt a child older than 5. Hence the pressure to increase adoptions applies mainly on younger children.

    In 1995 2,870 children under 5 were taken into care and 910 children under five adopted from care (32%). In 2006 4,160 children under 5 were taken into care and 2,190 children under 5 adopted which is over 60%. For the government to achieve their target almost all of the children taken into care under 5 have to be adopted a ludicrous objective.

    Justice for Families Campaign and Reports

    Justice for Families Website

    Campaign Reports

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