المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان

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04-12-2010, 05:49 AM

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان (Re: Elfatih Noureldayem)

    With Outcome Foretold, Sudanese Elections BeginBy JEFFREY GETTLEMAN
    KHARTOUM, Sudan — This country’s first multiparty elections in more than 20 years finally began Sunday, hampered by accusations of fraud, a boycott by some opposition parties, and 108-degree heat. Still, some polling stations in the capital were sweatily packed with supporters of the incumbent president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir.

    Mr. Bashir has been vilified in the West and blamed over the years for cozying up to Osama bin Laden, abusing human rights and unleashing death squads in Darfur, the war-racked region of western Sudan. Last year, he was charged by the International Criminal Court with crimes against humanity.

    But in central Khartoum, the capital, where the streets are smooth, the streetlights work and the dusty skyline is silhouetted by dozens of construction cranes, thousands of Sudanese enthusiastically rallied behind him.

    They wore Bashir stickers on their shirts and eagerly squeezed into polling stations to scratch an X next to his name. There was a festive, collegial air. The lines stretched hundreds of people long, with men in white turbans and women in colorful veils fanning themselves and sharing cool cups of water.

    “Ninety-nine percent of the people here are going to vote for Bashir,” said Haj Mohamed Babekir, the manager of a paper factory.

    “Without him,” he said, “this country would turn into a Somalia. He’s the only one who can hold it together. No Bashir, no Sudan.”

    Overhearing that, a passerby shouted in affirmation, “God is great!”

    It was a different picture in the mud-brick outskirts of town, where the only water comes by donkey cart, children are thin and shoeless, and many of the homes are made from fabric and sticks.

    People grumbled that the elections meant nothing because several of the leading opposition parties had dropped out and that the government had manipulated the state-controlled media, the printing of ballots and the election rules to ensure it would not lose.

    “Election? We don’t consider this an election,” said Augustino Juma, a retired tailor who hails from the southern Sudan. He said he was not going to vote, and he had only bitter words for the government.

    “Around here,” he said, “people are still treated like slaves.”

    At a nearby school, poll workers in bright orange vests sat behind empty tubs. Thinking they would be besieged by voters, they had divided the school’s courtyard into lanes, with yellow and black tape neatly marking where all the people should wait. But on Sunday afternoon, there was nobody there.

    The voting will continue for two more days, to allow Sudanese in far-flung areas time to get to the polls. There are thousands of candidates in total, competing for state, regional and national positions. In Khartoum, it took each voter about 15 minutes to go through the eight different ballots, which looked like rebus puzzles, with all their different party symbols — an elephant, a tractor, a train, a tree, a spoon and so on.

    But no matter the outcome, these elections are likely to disappoint. They were supposed to herald a much-needed new day for the 40 million people of Sudan, where over the past two decades hundreds of thousands have been killed in several simultaneous rebellions. And the vote was seen as a warm-up for a much more important one next year: the referendum on southern Sudan’s independence.

    Instead, the vote is turning into the election that wasn’t. And all sides seem to lose.

    The southern Sudanese political leaders, by mostly boycotting the national elections, are giving up on their dream of reforming all of Sudan. They had spent years trying to position themselves as the spearhead of national resistance, connecting with rebels in the west, north and east.

    But now it seems the southerners are focused solely on getting their independence. That will likely split into two this vast land, which encompasses strikingly different ethnic groups, including the Arabs of the north and the many tribes of the east, south and west.

    The northern opposition, too, loses out. Some of the biggest political parties there, like the Umma, made a strategic decision this month to withdraw from the election, because either they truly feared the government would rig the results, or they were concerned about losing badly. Their pressure tactics did not succeed in delaying the vote, as they had wanted. Now they will spend more years with little representation.

    Even Mr. Bashir, who seized control in a 1989 military coup, suffers. He was never worried about losing power. He has much too tight a grip on the country — at least in the north — for that.

    That was clear in the streets on the outskirts of Khartoum on Sunday. Dozens of young men from Darfur, their faces dripping with sweat, blocked the road and shouted “Bashir, Bashir, he is a killer!”

    “We don’t want an election,” said one of the rally organizers, Mohamed Yacob. “There’s no real democracy. There’s no real peace.”

    Just as he was saying that, a squad of riot police officers stormed into the road with sticks, shields and shotguns. The Darfurians scattered. The police thumped their shields and cried out war chants, slashing their sticks at pedestrians whose only crime seemed to be standing on the sidewalk.

    But Mr. Bashir desperately wanted legitimacy, especially in light of the International Criminal Court indictment. And because the opposition is so divided, and because Sudan’s economy has been doing well, he may not have needed a heavy hand to win this election.

    Now, however, with several of the leading opposition parties maligning the election and many voters staying home, Mr. Bashir’s likely victory will be tainted.

    “These elections have been manipulated from the beginning,” said E. J. Hogendoorn, of the International Crisis Group, which studies conflict. If the voting had been handled properly, he said, they could have helped ease the longstanding and dangerous tensions between Sudan’s center and its periphery.

    “Everyone recognizes that this is the root cause of conflict in Sudan,” he said.

    But, he added, “this election is not going to address that.”

العنوان الكاتب Date
المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 01:12 PM
  Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 01:17 PM
    Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 01:24 PM
      Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 01:38 PM
        Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 01:43 PM
          Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 01:52 PM
            Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 01:56 PM
              Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 02:00 PM
                Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 02:04 PM
                  Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 02:08 PM
                    Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان عبدالمجيد الكونت04-11-10, 02:57 PM
                      Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Abdelmoniem ALHAJ04-11-10, 04:45 PM
                        Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 09:00 PM
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                                Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-11-10, 09:28 PM
                                  Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-11-10, 09:31 PM
                                    Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-11-10, 09:36 PM
                                      Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-11-10, 09:44 PM
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                                        Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-11-10, 09:47 PM
                      Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 09:59 PM
                        Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-11-10, 10:17 PM
                          Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Amani Al Ajab04-11-10, 10:52 PM
                            Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان متوكل بحر04-11-10, 11:52 PM
                              Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان عاطف مكاوى04-11-10, 11:58 PM
                                Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Amani Al Ajab04-12-10, 00:51 AM
                                  Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 03:12 AM
                                  Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 03:13 AM
                                    Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 03:13 AM
                                      Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 03:14 AM
                                        Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 03:15 AM
                                          Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 04:09 AM
                                          Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 04:10 AM
                                          Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 04:10 AM
                                            Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Elfatih Noureldayem04-12-10, 05:12 AM
                                              Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان Nagi Ahmed04-12-10, 05:49 AM
                                                Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودان سعد مدني04-12-10, 08:59 PM
                                                  Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-12-10, 09:04 PM
                                                    Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-12-10, 09:12 PM
                                                      Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-12-10, 09:18 PM
                                                        Re: المركز الموحد لنشر خروقات الانتخابات في السودانhttp://www.sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2b سعد مدني04-12-10, 09:21 PM
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