الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث

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04-17-2010, 03:35 PM

Nazar Yousif
<aNazar Yousif
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Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث (Re: عبد المنعم سليمان)

    Northern Sector

    The Third Version of Ingaz
    On Wednesday March 31st 2010 SPLM leadership announced the withdrawal of its candidate, Comrade Yasir Saeed Arman, from the presidential race.
    Any fair objective observation and honest monitoring of the ongoing elections in the Sudan cannot fail to notice the massive irregularities and well-designed rigging practices accompanying the whole electoral process taking place with full knowledge and complicity of the National Election Commission (NEC).
    The recent waves of widespread acts of intense protests, rejection and subsequent withdrawals and boycotts of the entire electoral process, even by the political parties that have initially decided to participate in the elections have proven, beyond any reasonable doubts, that the process was indeed flawed and fraudulent.
    Based on correct prior examination of the situation and objective scientific analysis of the facts, information and all available data linked to election process, the SPLM Political Bureau (PB) unanimously decided to withdraw its presidential candidate, Cde Yasir Saed Arman.
    The apparently sudden, but well thought out withdrawal decision caught many people by surprise, both inside and outside the Country. The public reaction and response to the PB's decision was generated and unlined by the fact that, Cde Arman had excellent chances to win elections against the incumbent president, Omer Al-Bashe,r given the fact that Cde. Arman enjoyed overwhelming popular support of millions of voters in the South, North, East and West of the country as was evident by the tremendous popular upsurge his campaign generated, while visiting various parts of the country.
    However, before knowing the real reasons and circumstances leading to the withdrawal of the SPLM presidential candidate, many circles and quarters inside and outside Sudan started making speculations and advancing many forms of conspiracy theories, implying that SPLM leadership had concluded a deal with the National Congress Party (NEC) at the expense of the CdeYasir Arman in order to open the way for the NCP's candidate, Omer Al-Basheer to swipe the presidential elections and there after gain legitimacy he could use to resist and battle the International Criminal Court's (ICC) indictment order. Such a deal, the rumours claimed, was to enable Southern Sudan receive in return some fundamental gains, albeit facilitation by the NCP of the referendum process, leading to succession and establishment of a new independent state in South Sudan on Jan 2011. It was also asserted that the deal was predicated on the SPLM participation in elections in northern Sudan at all levels to insure the success of Al- Basher and to complete the circle of legitimacy Al-Basher badly needs as a protection against all the odds, including the ICC indictment.
    However, the celebrations of NCP and its parrots were short lived as they were taken by complete surprise and an intense shock, when the SPLM further decided to boycott elections, not only in the presidential race, but at all other levels in all 13 States of northern Sudan, except in Southern Kordofan and Southern Blue Nile States as it was officially announced by SPLM Secretary- General (SG), Cde. Pagan Amum Okich, on Tuesday April 6th 2010.
    On the basis of its long experiences and engagement with NCP on matters related to the implementation of the CPA and having gathered credible information over the last five years about the practices and plans of NCP, the SPLM is totally convinced that the NCP by no means, can carry out transparent, credible and fair elections that will ensure a democratic transformation in the country as stated in the CPA.
    Since the population census in 2008, the SPLM and many other major political parties have stated their observations and reservations about the whole process and the final rejection of its results. Given the fact that NCP planned to use the population census results as a base to prepare for a complete rigging process of elections, the census result was adopted as a blue print for the demarcation of the constituencies in a manner favourable to NCP.
    On the basis of the obvious fraudulent census, constituency demarcation was made. The NCP demarcated more constituencies in areas of its overwhelming support (real or imagine) and less constituencies in areas where its support dwindles. For instance the population of Haya town (a small town in Eastern Sudan) with an estimated population of 70,000 was given a population of 198,000, whereas a big city like Port-Sudan with an estimated population of one million was given 120,000, less than that of Haya town. This was also the case in South Kordofan, where peripheries were given more constituencies than Kadugli city, the capital of the State. This has eventually led to the postponement of elections in south Kordufan and redesigning of the boundaries of the geographical constituencies, as the leadership of SPLM in South Kordofan refused to participate in elections if a redesigning of constituencies was not approved. Faced with this scandal, the NCP eventually agreed to reschedule the legislative elections and re-design constituencies.
    Despite, objections of the SPLM and other political parties, the NCP managed, using its mechanical majority in the parliament to pass the resolution that allowed the NCP to appoint in the NEC many persons known for their allegiance to the NCP. The NEC was later on to become the main tool the NCP used to coach elections in its favour.
    Due to accumulation of irregularities, the SPLM and other political parties have been over many weeks watching the procedures of NEC with reservation and suspicions. The situation forced all political parties, except the NCP, delivered a written memo to the institution of the Presidency, drawing its attention to this serious breach of electoral law. At this point, the NCP - as expected - managed by different ways and means to ensure that the institution of the Presidency does not hold a meeting to discuss the memo. Consequently the memo was never discussed.
    On 4th of March 2010, in a follow up effort to mount further pressure on the NEC and to create a healthy and conducive environment for the elections, all presidential candidates, except Al-Basher, participated in a public protest and submitted a memo to NEC, stating all issues relating to the electoral process; and again there was no reply from the NEC.
    The SPLM, as a signatory to the CPA and the only political party capable of filling nominations in both the executive and legislative seats across the country, was conscious of its leading role in promoting a healthy political environment and initially took a firm decision to participate in the elections.
    While carrying out its elections campaign throughout the country, the SPLM was very alert to the situation in Darfur and its presidential candidate visited Darfur, accompanied by the SPLM deputy chairman, Cde James Wani Iga and the Secretary General, Pagan Amum. The SPLM leadership made an assessment of the situation in Darfur with regard to elections heand t assessment was negative, given the fact that Darfur is still under martial law.
    This position was later confirmed by the withdrawal of international observers, besides the Carter Centre (CC), all stating that elections in Dar-Fur were not possible. Despite this, NEC decided to go ahead with elections in Dar-Fur.
    In Northern Sudan, many SPLM candidates reported, during the Campaign, that the voter registration was still going on and many people were being registered, despite the expiration of the registration period. The SPLM deputy chairman, Dr. Riak Machar, discussed this matter with the Vice President, Ali Osman Taha, in an official meeting; Taha accepted that a new registration was ongoing on their part.
    While the SPLM was committed to participation in the elections, however, facts on the ground, reflected in reports from its members and complaints by its candidates about the registration and other issues urged the SPLM to hold a meeting to reassess whether to contest the election or not.
    Reports from 13 states in Northern Sudan confirmed that wide scale rigging process was taking place and the upcoming elections will neither be transparent nor credible.
    On the basis of the factual and material evidence presented it its internal meetings, the SPLM decided to withdraw its presidential candidate and boycott elections at all levels in the 13 states of Northern Sudan.
    Before making the decision to boycott the elections, and taking into account, the proven incompetence and inefficiency of the NEC, the SPLM leadership proposed to the NCP the postponement of the elections, but this proposal was rejected instantly.
    Now with the start of the election, the following irregularities, which constitute deliberate rigging measures, it is understood that the results of these elections will be null and void and therefore lack legitimacy. These irregularities have been summed up as follows:
    •Due to confusion in symbols of two independent candidates in Berber National constituency of the Nile State, namely Abubakr Abdulatif and Sulaiman Ahmed Agied, the elections for the National parliament have been postponed for 60 days. This is despite the fact that the elections law stipulates that in such cases elections to all levels should be postponed. Yet, the NEC decided that elections for the position of the presidency, Governors and parliamentary seats go ahead.
    •Candidates were thrown to confusion in the 25 states, whereas symbols of various candidates were either missing or mixed.
    •Up to now elections have been postponed at different levels in more than 28 constituencies.
    •In White Nile State the symbol of the presidential Candidate, Mrs. Fatma Abdul Mahmoud was missing.
    •In White Nile State and other states, elections did not start on the first day of voting.
    •In Tandalty, North Kordufan state, 5 out of 8 symbols were missing.
    •In many states including Khartoum, names of voters were shifted from one constituency to another within and across the states. This situation frustrated many partisan and independent candidates to withdraw from the race as well as discouraging huge numbers of voters to abandon the exercise of voting.
    •The NCP affiliated local residential committees were issuing residential permits to individuals within the polling stations to enable them vote which is a violation of the electoral rules and procedures.
    •Tens of thousands of names were dropped from the voter registry in many constituencies across the country.
    •In almost all the polling stations all over the country the residing officers and members of the staff were known as NCP operatives.
    •It was noticed that, most polling cards, which were printed in a government controlled printing facility, had no S/No. It is worth mentioning that the manager of the facility is a senior officer in the National security organ.
    •Incidences of bribery of voters and other forms of corruptions carried out by known NCP operatives were reported in many areas all over the country.
    •The ink used to mark fingers of voters did not tally with the scientific specifications required.

    Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM)
    Northern Sector
    Khartoum April 15th 2010

العنوان الكاتب Date
الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث عبد المنعم سليمان04-05-10, 11:32 AM
  Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Nazar Yousif04-05-10, 12:12 PM
    Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Tragie Mustafa04-05-10, 12:21 PM
      Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث سيف اليزل الماحي04-05-10, 12:49 PM
    Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث علي الكرار هاشم04-05-10, 12:30 PM
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      Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Mustafa Shogar04-05-10, 01:41 PM
      Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Bushra Elfadil04-05-10, 01:46 PM
  Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Adil Osman04-05-10, 02:10 PM
    Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Hussein Mallasi04-05-10, 02:30 PM
  Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Azhari Nurelhuda04-05-10, 11:16 PM
    Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Mustafa Shogar04-06-10, 00:17 AM
      Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Elawad Eltayeb04-06-10, 08:54 AM
  Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث Nazar Yousif04-17-10, 03:35 PM
  Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث النوراني عمر أحمد04-17-10, 10:03 PM
    Re: الحاج وراق يكتب عن عرمان : القائد الحق لا يتحول الى ديوث محمد غلامابي04-18-10, 11:30 AM

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