لماذا صمت مناصرى الانقاذ على الحكم بالاعدام رميا بالرصاص على مندوبى المرشح بونا ملوال ؟؟؟؟

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04-12-2010, 08:46 PM

Nazar Yousif
<aNazar Yousif
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 12465

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
لماذا صمت مناصرى الانقاذ على الحكم بالاعدام رميا بالرصاص على مندوبى المرشح بونا ملوال ؟؟؟؟

    ذكر مساعد الرئيس البشير بونا ملوال فى حيثيات انسحابه أو تجميد مشاركته أنه تمت محاكمة مندوبيه ميدانيا وحكم
    عليه بالاعدام رميا بالرصاص وتم اقتيادهم لتنفيذ الحكم " و ولكن لحسن حظهما أطلق سراحمها أحد أقاربهما "
    هذا اتهام خطير يستدعى التحقيق من قبل الحكومة المركزية ، حكومة الجنوب ، مفوضية الانتخابات ، الحركة الشعبية ومنظمات
    المجتمع المدنى فضغوط أمريكا على الحركة الشعبية لاقامة الانتخابات باى ثمن سيفجر الوضع الأمنى الهش فى السودان عامة
    وجنوب البلاد خاصة وما ذكر أعلاه من حكم بالاعدام على مناصرى بونا ملوال حادث خطيرة ندينها اذا ثبتت صحتها ونطالب بالتحيق
    فى صحتها .
    نذكر هذا الحديث لآنه اتهام خطير للجيش الشعبى لتحرير السودان والذى أصبح جيشا معترفا به وفقا للدستور الانتقالى ووفق
    وضعه قانوينا ويشرف على شئونه السياسى المخضرم نيال دينق . وفى نفس الوقت نطالب السيد بونا ملوال أن يدبج خطابا بنفس
    اللغة الى رئيسه عمر البشير بشأن قوانين الأمن الوطنى وضحاياعنف الانقاذ قبل وبعد اتفاقية السلام الشامل حتى لا يكيل بمكيالين

    Quote: Manyin Mangok Ajing,
    were subjected to a mock trial and sentenced to execution by firing squat, by a certain Deng Manyin Madut, an apparent SPLM relative of the two agents. He is said to have been angered by the fact that the two elections agents had joined the South Sudan Democratic Forum and not the SPLM. The executioner of our party's two elections agents was to be a certain Chan Goc Mabuoc, another SPLA operative.

    Our two elections agents were each hand cuffed and chain tied to each other by the neck, an act that is reminisce of the old slavery era. They were then driven away from Riau Polling Station, to be executed. Luckily for our two agents, they met another kind hearted SPLA operative, relative of theirs, by the name Ajing Nyuol Chol Manyin, who released them and told them to get away by a different route, as their supposed executioners were still waylaying for them. They came directly to my home, to
    report this horrendous incident to me.

04-12-2010, 08:49 PM

Nazar Yousif
<aNazar Yousif
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 12465

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: لماذا صمت مناصرى الانقاذ على الحكم بالاعدام رميا بالرصاص على مندوبى المرشح بونا ملوال ؟؟؟؟ (Re: Nazar Yousif)

    Warrap State, Twic County -Turalei, 11 April 2010.

    National Election Commission, Khartoum.

    Subject: Withdrawal of my Candidature for The National Parliamentary Elections, for Geographical Constituency N0. 8 Warrap State.

    This is to notify you that, I, Bona Malwal Madut Ring, Candidate for the National Assembly, for the above Geographical Constituency N0. 8- Warrap State, have decided to withdraw or freeze my candidature in the on going parliamentary elections for the following reasons:

    1. In Warrap State and Twic County in particular, the election there is a total farce. The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) operatives, the so called army of South Sudan, is a tool of elections rigging by The Sudan People's Liberation Movement ( SPLM), the ruling Party in South Sudan.
    The SPLM has manned, both state and the local elections committees, all over South Sudan, with its military, security and civil operatives. These SPLM personnel, have denied elections contesting candidates of other political parties of South Sudan any access to the polling stations, at least in Warrap State and particularly Twic County, where I have a first hand and up to date information about the behaviour of the SPLM/SPLA operatives.

    I have been in my Constituency since Tuesday, April 6, to follow the election process first hand. My party, The South Sudan Democratic Forum, has candidates at all levels in this State, including Governor. My party has been a special target of the ruling party in the South, The Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), and its armed wing, the (SPLA), for reasons that are not too difficult to notice:

    2. Since April 7, at least five of my personal elections agents have been arrested and remain in detention. All these agents are issued with elections agency cards by the local elections committee in Kuajok, the state capital, to represent me. They remain in detention until the time of writing this withdrawal notice:

    The five detainees are:

    1. Makuc Madut Deng Akuei
    2. Adhar Gitjok Koleng
    3. Majok Gitjok Koleng
    4. Mabuoc Deng Guot and
    5. Abur Ayuel Chol.
    3. Today, on the first day of the polling in the general elections, I and my party candidates for the various levels of these elections have been denied any representation at the polling stations of Twic County of Warrap State. Our agents have been not only turned away from the polling stations to which they are assigned to represent the party candidates, but they were abused and manhandled. Two of them:
    1. Marko Manyin Chol Manyin and
    2. Manyin Mangok Ajing,
    were subjected to a mock trial and sentenced to execution by firing squat, by a certain Deng Manyin Madut, an apparent SPLM relative of the two agents. He is said to have been angered by the fact that the two elections agents had joined the South Sudan Democratic Forum and not the SPLM. The executioner of our party's two elections agents was to be a certain Chan Goc Mabuoc, another SPLA operative.

    Our two elections agents were each hand cuffed and chain tied to each other by the neck, an act that is reminisce of the old slavery era. They were then driven away from Riau Polling Station, to be executed. Luckily for our two agents, they met another kind hearted SPLA operative, relative of theirs, by the name Ajing Nyuol Chol Manyin, who released them and told them to get away by a different route, as their supposed executioners were still waylaying for them. They came directly to my home, to report this horrendous incident to me.

    Throughout the first day of voting today, 11 April, I have been receiving similar reports from all over my constituency and from candidates of my party in their various electoral constituencies. The picture was the same- denial of access to the polling station; no security protection of the polling material, with the SPLA operatives ticking only the election symbols of the SPLM candidates without restrain. From our point of view and the point of view of the other parties’ candidates, rigging the 2010 general elections at all levels was completed today- the first day of the polling process. I have, therefore, decided, in my own Constituency, to withdrawal my candidature, rather than give this farce of an election by the SPLM any political and legal legitimacy. The SPLM can take the empty pride of a winner in an election that it did not win legitimately, but it cannot get the privilege that it has defeated me.

    There is absolutely no shame in an election defeat, but it has to be legitimate and not rigged in such a crude way as the Twic Community witnessed today from the SPLM, the first day of voting in the first multiparty elections in our country in nearly three decade.

    As the rigging reports purred into my home in Turalei throughout today, 11 April 2010, I had no choice but to give all the candidates of the South Sudan Democratic Forum the freedom to each decide whether to withdraw from the elections today and tomorrow, the second day of polling. This is, so that the SPLM and its army, The SPLA, do not pretend that they have won a legitimate poll.

    It appears that the decision to rig the election in my Constituency in such a crude and blatant way, was decided by the SPLM leadership from on high, sometime ago. At the beginning of this election campaign, in late March, the leader of the SPLM, Salva Kiir Mayardit, in person, came to my constituency with his entire political bureau. While campaigning by leaders of political parties in constituencies that they regard crucial, or campaign to defeat individuals like myself, whose guts they do not like is normal, getting the entire political bureau of the party out to one constituency was very unusual.

    The leader of the SPLM was known to have been very close to another SPLM luminary from my constituency, late Dr. Justin Yac Arop, who died in a plane crash nearly two years ago. So close was the leader of the SPLM to the late Dr. Yac Arop, that many from the Twic community expected the leader of the SPLM to turn up for the funeral of his late friend, who died while still serving as a member of The SPLM's leader's cabinet. The SPLM leader did not show. Again, surprisingly, the leader of the SPLM led it be known, at another point, that he would attend the first annual commemoration of his late friend, Dr. Justin Yac Arop's death. He again did not turn up for the occasion, on 27 December 2008. Now, to choose the graveyard of late Justin Yac, to make a political point against me, as the political opponent of the SPLM, was a very cheap political shot, to say the least. It is now not easy to assess what support the SPLM leader achieved in the area, by performing a political requiem at the grave of his late friend, since the SPLM decided to rig the elections in my constituency and in Twic County in general, in such a blatantly crude manner.

    The decision to rig the elections in all the constituencies in South Sudan, must have been made in Juba earlier on, but the executioner of yesterday's rigging in my constituency was no other than one of the senior commanders of the SPLA, the army of South Sudan. Never has a serving army commander ever gone on such an extensive election campaign as did Lt. General Pieng Deng Kuol yesterday, Saturday, in my constituency – on the eve of the beginning of polling today. General Pieng did not mince his words in campaigning against me yesterday.

    Addressing the war disabled soldiers of the SPLA in Turalei, the main town centre of my constituency and the capital of Twic County, General Pieng did not mention me by name, but left no doubt in the mind of any army voter in the constituency about who he meant: " There is a big and dangerous snake here, which we must kill," he said. But this is a powerful snake and we must be careful about how we kill it".

    General Pieng went on to say that the elections have been imposed by the Americans on the SPLM and that the SPLM must win these elections. The general went on to say that all the seats must be won by the SPLM. He then went on a tour of a show of force in my constituency, parading nearly thirty military trucks in the entire stretch of my constituency. No wonder, the SPLA army was out in the constituency today, lynching and manhandling citizens on the first day of polling.

    Efforts to rig my constituency have been long coming. Some of it is known to the National Election Commission itself. The first decision by the election commission in my constituency earlier seems to have been a deliberate appeasement of the SPLM by the election commission. At the time of constituency demarcation, the national election commission made an inexcusable mistake- indeed a mistake that such a legally learned commission should never have made. One chieftainship of my constituency, which happens to be my family ruled section of the constituency, was annexed to Abyei, to form a separate constituency. Everyone knows that Abyei is part of Southern Kordofan and should remain as such until next year, when it will vote to join South Sudan.

    Under the CPA, Abyei has a separate protocol. That protocol provides that Abyei's political representation in Kordofan, in Northern Sudan and in Warrap State of South Sudan, will be decided by the Presidency of the republic and not by the elections commission. The elections law further provides that no territorial constituency should overlap the borders of two states, particularly states of South and North Sudan. How come then, the elections commission allowed my constituency to overlap Abyei and Twic, annexing parts of Abyei in Northern Sudan, to Twic in South Sudan? Both protocols of the CPA are so clear on this. When the citizens of Twic challenged this kind of constituency, the elections commission over ruled them, in what is so clearly an illegal ruling. It would seem that the election commission, by their ruling, had encouraged the rigging of the elections in my constituency. Now, the SPLM, as a party and its army, the SPLA, have perfected the rigging of this constituency, where no elections monitor, local or international, has set foot.

    Bona Malwal,

    Turalei, Sunday, 11 April 2010

04-15-2010, 11:37 AM

Nazar Yousif
<aNazar Yousif
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 12465

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: لماذا صمت مناصرى الانقاذ على الحكم بالاعدام رميا بالرصاص على مندوبى المرشح بونا ملوال ؟؟؟؟ (Re: Nazar Yousif)

    Quote: ذكر مساعد الرئيس البشير بونا ملوال فى حيثيات انسحابه أو تجميد مشاركته أنه تمت محاكمة مندوبيه ميدانيا وحكم
    عليه بالاعدام رميا بالرصاص وتم اقتيادهم لتنفيذ الحكم " و ولكن لحسن حظهما أطلق سراحمها أحد أقاربهما "
    هذا اتهام خطير يستدعى التحقيق من قبل الحكومة المركزية ، حكومة الجنوب ، مفوضية الانتخابات ، الحركة الشعبية ومنظمات
    المجتمع المدنى فضغوط أمريكا على الحركة الشعبية لاقامة الانتخابات باى ثمن سيفجر الوضع الأمنى الهش فى السودان عامة
    وجنوب البلاد خاصة وما ذكر أعلاه من حكم بالاعدام على مناصرى بونا ملوال حادث خطيرة ندينها اذا ثبتت صحتها ونطالب بالتحيق
    فى صحتها .
    نذكر هذا الحديث لآنه اتهام خطير للجيش الشعبى لتحرير السودان والذى أصبح جيشا معترفا به وفقا للدستور الانتقالى ووفق
    وضعه قانوينا ويشرف على شئونه السياسى المخضرم نيال دينق . وفى نفس الوقت نطالب السيد بونا ملوال أن يدبج خطابا بنفس
    اللغة الى رئيسه عمر البشير بشأن قوانين الأمن الوطنى وضحاياعنف الانقاذ قبل وبعد اتفاقية السلام الشامل حتى لا يكيل بمكيالين .

04-15-2010, 11:59 AM

Nazar Yousif
<aNazar Yousif
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 12465

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: لماذا صمت مناصرى الانقاذ على الحكم بالاعدام رميا بالرصاص على مندوبى المرشح بونا ملوال ؟؟؟؟ (Re: Nazar Yousif)

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