عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية

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02-21-2010, 08:11 AM

زهرة حيدر ادريس
<aزهرة حيدر ادريس
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1139

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية

    عبدالعزيز خالد مرشح التحالف لرئاسة الجمهورية
    أرسلت في 6-3-1431 هـ بواسطة admin

    يطرح برنامجه عبر التلفزيون الرسمى و«أخبار اليوم» تنشر نصه

    العميد عبدالعزيز خالد: نطرح عدم أبدية الرئاسة للحزب والدولة ورد الحقوق ودولة الرعاية لا الجباية

    الخرطوم : رصد : أخبار اليوم

    قدم العميد (م) عبدالعزيز خالد مرشح التحالف الوطني السوداني لرئاسة الجمهورية جزء من ملامح برنامجه الانتخابي للانتخابات القادمة.

    وفيما يلي تنشر (أخبار اليوم) نص الحديث.

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم .. التحية للمشاهدين الكرام، سنقدم خلال العشرين دقيقة ملامح للتحالف الوطني السوداني وبرنامجه، تحية الحرية والتجديد للشهداء السودانيين منذ القرن الماضي وشهداء ثورة اللواء الابيض 1924م وحتى يومنا هذا ونمر ايضا بشهداء الاستقلال حتى 1956م وكل شهداء الديمقراطية والحرية وشهداء (28) رمضان 1990م وشهداء كجبار وامري والعليفون وبورتسودان وكل الشهداء الذين قدموا انفسهم لمسيرة الحرية والتجديد.
    ولقد قدمنا اكثر من اربعمائة شهيد فداء للشعب وثورته وفداء لوحدته، لتواجدنا ومخاطبة

    جماهيرنا عبر التلفزيون والاذاعة معاني كثيرة اليوم بعد مشوار طويل.
    نخاطب جماهيرنا بعد مشوار طويل والانتقال من الدولة الشمولية القابضة الى رحاب الدولة الديمقراطية الموحدة، ونحن كذلك انتقلنا من مرحلة ثورة الحرية والتجديد في الغابة الى هيئة التلفزيون ومن الانتفاضة الشعبية المسلحة الى وسيلة الحل السلمي الديمقراطي، اعزائي المشاهدون :
    نقدم لكم خيار ديمقراطي جديد في السودان وسنتعرض معكم جزء من ملامح من البرنامج ونبدأ بخلفية تاريخية عن التحالف الذي نشأ من الصراع الثقافي والاجتماعي في السودان وكل مكوناته تستند على المكونات الثقافية السودانية وهو صراع طويل عميق الجذور.
    والتحالف منذ بدايته تناول الخلفية التاريخية والفكرية والاعتراف بالتنوع الثقافي الاجتماعي ولم يجلب افكار من الخارج او مشاريع خارج البيئة السودانية او حتى افكار متقدمة تجد صعوبة النمو في السودان والتحالف ليست له ايدولوجية بل له اهداف سياسية منها بناء الدولة الديمقراطية الموحدة وله وسائل لتحقيقها احد وسائله حديثنا هذا ويعترف التحالف بالتنوع الذي خلق اشكالية بالسودان بسبب عدم وجود اعتراف عملي بالتنوع فقط كانت هنالك رؤية آحادية وهذه مشكلة، فالتنوع مهم مثل الحرية والديمقراطية وما حدث في امريكا من فوز للرئيس اوباما هو نتاج حركة التنوع، كذلك نحن اعترفنا بالمكون الثقافي للاسلام الشعبي الصوفي وقد انحزنا الى الاسلام الشعبي الصوفي كمكون ثقافي، وكذلك لتعدد الاديان واحترامها وهذا مهم لمسيرة التحالف.

    المرجعية الفكرية التاريخية
    ان المرجعية الفكرية التاريخية للتحالف السوداني هي ثورة 1924م وهي مدرجة في ادبياتنا لانها حركة ديمقراطية وحدوية شعبية، واستخدمت الانتفاضة الشعبية المسلحة كوسيلة ضد المستعمر وحددت بشكل حاسم موضوع الهوية السودانية.

    يرتكز البرنامج على بناء المستقبل ورد الحقوق، وهذا مرتكز اساسي، وشعارنا منذ 1995م هو الامل موجود التغيير قادم، وهذا لم يات من فراغ فقد كانت الجماهير محبطة في التسعينات ولكن التحالف منحها الامل ورفع روحها المعنوية، وبما ان هناك نضال يوجد الامل، وبما ان هناك جهة ضد الظلم والظالمين اذن في امل ومدام هناك ظلم فالظلم يولد الوعي وينتج التغيير.
    نؤكد ان التحالف الوطني السوداني ملتزم بكل الاتفاقيات الموقعة مع نظام الانقاذ وحكومة الوحدة الوطنية، ونشير لاتفاقيات نيفاشا، ابوجا اسمرا والقاهرة وهي اتفاقيات مهمة يجب البناء عليها وتطويرها.

    نحن نركز على وحدة السودان وقد قدمنا اكثر من اربعمائة شهيد من اجل وحدة السودان وتناولنا للوحدة عملي وليس تنظيرا، وبرنامجنا كله يرسخ لوحدة السودان ويعتبر ضمانه وتنفيذه يصب في الوحدة، والبرنامج يركز على دولة المؤسسات ودولة القانون ودولة التنوع.
    ونطرح في البرنامج عدم ابدية الرئاسة وهذا مهم جدا عدم ابدية الرئاسة داخل الحزب وعدم ابدية الرئاسة داخل الدولة، فالشخص الذي يقضي الفترة الاولى والثانية يكتفي، وقد طبقنا ذلك في التحالف فبعد اكتمال فترتي في الرئاسة انتخب المؤتمر الوطني العام للتحالف رئيس جديد هو امير بابكر.

    نحي اهل دارفور تحية من التحالف الوطني السوداني ونحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية وفي نهاية المطاف الحل سيقود لدولة السودان المدنية، والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية كان يمكن الاتفاق عليها وتنفيذها، وندعو حكومة الوحدة الوطنية لتهيئة المناخ لسلام دارفور باطلاق سراح المعتقلين.

    شرق السودان من افقر الاقاليم وهو غني بالذهب فلا بد من معالجة الفقر والتعليم ونحن نركز على ذلك بجانب المياه والكهرباء فقد عشنا في الشرق.

    في العلاقات الخارجية
    العلاقات الخارجية وفقا للسياسات كانت سياسية مصدامة ولكن التحالف سينتهي من هذه وله استراتيجية في هذه المسألة.

    رد الحقوق
    الحريات و الديمقراطية

    ولابد من رد الحقوق ودولة الرعاية لا الجباية والحقوق والتعليم والصحة والعلاج والتنمية ورد الحقوق للقوات المسلحة والامن يجب تنظيفه ولكن لا يحل لكننا سنحل الشرطة الشعبية والدفاع الشعبي و لن تكون هناك مؤسسة موازية للقوات النظامية، ونعاهد باننا سنحافظ على نظافة القلب والحفاظ على الحقوق وان لا يطرد تلميذ او تلميذة بسبب الرسوم.

    القوات المسلحة تعرضت لضرر والتدمير الذي لحق بها لم يلحق بأية مؤسسة هناك (30 الف) ضابط صف وجندي وسبعة الف ضابط (والجيش والأمن والشرطة) وبنشر القوات النظامية (الجيش والشرطة والمعاشيين فانا اعرف هذه المؤسسة وقانونها، ستمنع المراقبة الداخلية ولن يفصل احد بدوافع سياسية ونعاهد بالحفاظ على نظافة القلب واليد واللسان ونعتز بها وسأظل مناضل من اجل الحقوق وكما لم نخذل الناس وقت الشدة لن نخذلهم في الحكم.. والمثل يقول : (الما بحس بفقركم ما تولوه امركم). شعارنا هو الربابة وهي جامعة يطرق بها كل السودان .. برنامجنا موجود بصورة كاملة في دار التحالف ببحري وفي الموقع الرقمي للتحالف الوطني السوداني.
    اختم بأن :
    التحالف سيحقق مفاجآت والانتخابات القادمة فيها مفاجأت وسيكون التحالف السوداني فاكهة الانتخابات وندعو الجميع للتصويت للتحالف – رمزه الربابة- .

    اخبار اليوم

02-21-2010, 08:17 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 01-06-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 9694

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية (Re: زهرة حيدر ادريس)

    عبد العزيز خالد ده شايت وين يا زهرة ؟؟

02-21-2010, 08:20 AM

زهرة حيدر ادريس
<aزهرة حيدر ادريس
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1139

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية (Re: Elhadi)

    الهادي ازيك

    شايت وين كيف ؟

02-22-2010, 10:10 AM

عبداللطيف محجوب
<aعبداللطيف محجوب
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-13-2008
مجموع المشاركات: 753

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية (Re: Elhadi)

    فوق ..

02-21-2010, 08:18 AM

زهرة حيدر ادريس
<aزهرة حيدر ادريس
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1139

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية (Re: زهرة حيدر ادريس)

    1239.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

02-21-2010, 11:35 AM

زهرة حيدر ادريس
<aزهرة حيدر ادريس
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1139

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية (Re: زهرة حيدر ادريس)

    Future Building and Restoration of Rights
    (Hope and Change)

    The Sudan National Alliance (SNA) presents its electoral program (Future Program and Restoration of Rights) under the slogan of (Hope and Change). It is a democratic program for change attempts to find radical solutions for national problems and threats through adaptation of scientific approaches to address the demerits of policies in various sectors. On the top of these are the demerits of development policies that result in persistent imbalanced socio-economic development. Our electoral program includes restoration of citizenship rights and provision of basic social services in order to reverse the deteriorating social and livelihoods situation of the Sudanese citizen. This electoral program stands on two fundamental pillars: The public issues and restoration of rights.
    Public Issues:
    Peace Agreements
    Implementation of the entire provisions of peace agreements: the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the East Sudan Peace Agreement (ESPA), Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) and Cairo Agreement. This mission can only be accomplished by a government committed to democratic transformation to free these agreements from political haggling and narrow political interests to broad national aggregate interests.
    Cause of Darfur:
    Settlement of Darfur crisis is connected to resolution of the crisis of the whole country. This requires addressing its historical roots, regional dimensions and environmental impacts away from partial solutions and political parties’ initiatives that led to defragmentation of the social fabric of Darfur. The keys for restoration peace and stability in Darfur include adherence to immediate cease-fire, responding to the fair demands of people of Darfur in regards to power and wealth sharing, prosecution of war criminals, repatriation of internally displaced people and refugees and compensation of affected populations.

    Elimination of the impacts of war: Elimination of war impacts in all war-affected areas comes on the top of SNA’s national agenda. Rehabilitation of these areas will depend on design and endorsement of comprehensive development programmes including rehabilitation of the basic infrastructures such as roads and social services (Security, clean drinking water, health and education); improvement of livelihoods; careful tackling of displaced and refugees issues and execution of voluntary disarmament programme of combatants of all parties and reintegrating them into the civil society.
    Democratic Transformation:
    SNA will collaborate with other democratic forces to promote the democratic transformation. This process includes ending state of emergency all over the country, reform of all existing laws and cancelling all laws that contravene basic freedoms, such as freedom of expression, organization and press, in order to ensure its conformity with international conventions and treaties that ratified by Sudan. The democratization process also includes development of new laws and policies for promotion of justice and conduction of free and fair elections and all forms of political practice.
    Culture of Peace and Peaceful Coexistence:
    Culture of peace is central to democratic transformation. It is built on tolerance and abandoning of violence and pursuance of dialogue for resolving disputes and conflicts. Culture of peace should be promoted through adaptation of realistic plans that participatory implemented. Such plans include fostering culture of peace, peaceful religious coexistence, forgiveness and tolerance, and awareness-raising through incorporation of culture of peace in the curricula of different phases of education and mass media.
    Impartiality of Public Institutions:
    SNA undertakes to transform and free the public institutions from dependency to and influence of the governing political party to autonomous institutions that serve the citizens equally. This includes reform of the judiciary to be more autonomous and neutral, national civil service and military forces and other official forces besides the national security and intelligence.
    Defense Strategy:
    The SNA defense strategy based on establishment of an integrated defense function made up of national modern military force, suitable for Sudan defense requirements and organically linked to the constitution and subsequent laws. The main role of the defense force is to guard the country and the constitution and the democratic regime.
    The SNA calls for immediate dissolving and disarmament of all militias and reintegrate some of their members into the military forces.
    Free and autonomous mass media and press:
    The SNA electoral programme adopts the freedom, autonomous and neutrality of national mass media and protects them from the influence of the governing parties and executive authorities. Independent and neutral board of trustees will be constituted to run the mass media bureaus and will be subject to supervision by legislative authorities at the centre and state levels. The SNA programme supports absolute freedom for the press to access, analyze and publish information. Alleviate all constraints from the press to enhance its watchdog and reformatory roles as a forth authority.
    External Policy:
    Generally, the SNA opts for implementing a balanced external policy that aims at serving the highest national interest and based on establishment of relationships with all countries within the framework of treaties and principles that guide and govern the bilateral, regional and international collaboration.
    The SNA programme emphasizes the principles of international peace and fighting all forms of terrorism. At the neighborhood level the SNA will strive for making the external policy of Sudan to supportive to the ethnic overlapping and strategic interests with the neighboring countries. It will also make every effort to pave the way for east and central Africa confederation.
    Poverty Eradication Strategy:
    The SNA strategy for eradicating rampant poverty includes understanding of its economic causes and confessing the social dimensions of its impacts, working hard to mitigate the poverty and addressing it root causes through appropriate social development plans. The economic and development policies must devote a considerable portion of the resources and investments to the poorest community strata. This requires stretching the banking services to finance small producers, and outreaching the productive households in remote rural areas and development of rural markets.
    Restoration of Rights:
    Rights restoration programme of the SNA depends on retrieving basic citizenship rights those include free education and free medical treatment and reduce its costs through reducing the costs of basic services such as electricity and water. These measures will ensure dignified life for the low income groups and realize the principle of social welfare State. This is an integral part of the general electoral programme of the party.
    Fighting Corruption:
    The SNA will work for the following
    a. The presidential institution shoulders the responsibility for fighting corruption through an independent national judicial bureau.
    b. Endorsement of firm and transparent laws to prohibit and combat corruption and money laundry to protect and regain public money and assets that eligibly taken. Enforcement of the monetary oath law and enhancing the authority of the Ministry of Finance on public finance.
    c. The national legislative assembly supports the fighting corruption policies by endorsing firm and transparent legislations to protect the wealth and assets of the State. To ratify the UN convention for fighting corruption. Supervision, follow up and accountability to be on the top of its priorities.
    Alleviation of injustice, preventing …. and comprehensive national reconciliation:
    The SNA believes that any efforts for comprehensive national reconciliation and national consensus must prioritize alleviation of injustice and preventing of … that occurred during the totalitarian regime. The SNA will adopt and make every effort to achieve the following: -
    a. Formation of a national committee to be responsible for alleviating injustice and ward off harm, and review through its affiliate committees all individual and group cases country wide.
    b. Declaration of fair and prompt decisions for the benefit of those who have been affected by dismissal for “public interest” for political reasons; either by re-employing every one proved to be dismissed for political reasons; by acceptable compromise or by fair financial compensation.
    c. Employing the concept of “the truth and reconciliation” for bringing justice to victims of injustice that happened during al-Ingaz regime by regaining rights and prosecute the perpetrators.
    Alleviate Livelihood destitution off the people:
    The main cause that must be put on the top of priorities for immediate and radical solutions is the alleviation of destitution off the Sudanese citizen who lacks his/her basic rights to lead a dignified life; and who is smashed by high prices, fees and taxes. This can be achieved through the following: -
    a. Reduction of prices of petroleum products and energy to the lowest possible level, because their high prices have implications on prices of all other products. This entails encouragement of domestic industries and improvement of transportation infrastructure, particularly, the railway as it is the cheapest mode of transport.
    b. Reduction of electricity rates to be affordable for the low income group and to support the productive sectors.
    c. Reduction of drinking water rates in all States and banning the prepaid method in all urban and rural housing areas.
    d. Increase the minimum wage level and systematic improvement of retires that tally with the inflation rates.
    e. Cancelling indirect taxes and set up a scientific taxation policy that compromises between the income and expenditure and avoid taxation dualism.
    Economic and Development Rights:
    Pursuance of a mix economic system that comprises the free economy and controlled economy, in order to maintain the balance between the need of the domestic economy for incorporation into the international economy and at the same time grasps the State interference in a number of sectors essential for the citizen’s livelihoods.
    SNA will work for:
    • Rehabilitation of the banking system to conform to development requirements and contribute to poverty alleviation.
    • Review the existing privatization policies and stop selling of successful economic institutions and rehabilitating them and building their capacities, and protect employees from being jobless.
    • Optimum utilization of oil revenue for constructing basic infrastructure and development projects, particularly, the agricultural schemes and intermediate industries.
    • Cancelling Jazeera Scheme law 2005 and rehabilitate and re-incorporate it into the cycle of the domestic production and national income.
    • Rehabilitation of all irrigated agricultural schemes (Al-Gash, Toker, Nuba Mountains, White Nile, Blue Nile … etc).
    • Support the farmers in the rain-fed agricultural sector through capacity building and increase the productivity through modernization of means of production and provision of inputs.
    • Encouraging local industries and mining by reduction of customs duties and taxes and subsidizing energy and inputs of production. The programme emphasizes on quality control to compete with imported goods with simultaneous rehabilitation of strategic industries.
    • Building the capacities of the pastoral sector to increase its proceeds. This includes opening of pastoral corridors and providing them with security, water supply and veterinary services. An integral part to this process is combating effects of drought and desertification and restoration of vegetative cover in natural pastures.
    • Attracting investment and expansion in manufacturing of veterinary drugs.
    • Supporting and protecting producers and protect their rights and interests through their trade unions.

    Health Services:
    a. The SNA proposes setting up national comprehensive strategic plan to reverse the deterioration of the health sector. Free provision of primary health care, emergency care and life saving medicines to all citizens. Health care will be put on the top of the public budget priorities.
    b. Improve the efficiency of medical and public health personnel and plan the academic qualifications in conformity to the actual demand for health services. Setting a joint plan between the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Higher Education to limit the number of faculties of medicine and health and merging those lacking required capacities. Rehabilitation, furnishing and equipping of public health and sanitation offices at urban and rural Localities.
    c. The SNA will dedicate its efforts to provide sufficient healthy drinking water in cities and villages, and improve the quality control laboratories. Banning use of unsafe chemicals for water filtration, nevertheless, all necessary measures will be taken to prevent water pollution. In addition to expanding central drainage networks to avoid polluting ground water.
    Issues of studentship:
    The party program confirms the importance of structuring & founding associations of studentship trade unions/unities on new basis, which is capable of preserving the rights of students of diversified destinies & contribute to boosting & developing the capabilities of students' associations. The party program focuses on maintaining the students' freedom in practicing the entire political, cultural; sports and other related activities in order to increase their knowledge & their interaction with reality phenomena as well as increasing the rate of employing their capabilities & capacities. The party program also focuses on respecting & maintaining the freedom of universities', national & private colleges' students and denies the entire laws & regulations, which are intended to violate such freedom.
    Housing issues:
    The alliance confirms the necessity of conducting scientific research on housing crises to conclude effective housing policies capable of rationalizing land use and forming effective planning process capable of providing limited income groups with suitable residential facilities as well as standardizing & systemizing sale & purchase of real estates in a way that avoids risking the state's economy and minimize their role in increasing inflationary rates.
    Minimization of unemployment & provision of employment opportunities
    The Sudanese National Alliance Party visions that unemployment crises has become a national crises, which threatens explosion & might lead to security hazard as well as unacceptable social code of conduct. Therefore, the party will establish a solid base of human resource development compliant with the requirements of sustainable development in order to enhance performance through allocating considerable resources for qualifying, training & supporting the existing human resource centers. The party will also reconsider selection systems, standards of job dynamics and performance enhancement. Moreover the state will adopt policies of positive distinction to encourage & support projects & sectors that absorb human resources, provide employment opportunities, support professionals & craftsmen and eliminate all obstacles, which handicap their performance.
    Issues of woman, child & family:1. The Sudanese National Alliance Party confirms that the Sudanese woman has basic role in accomplishing peace, democracy and development and also confirms her equal right to enjoy all civil, political, social, cultural & economic rights. Nevertheless the party calls for her participation in decision making process at the entire federal & estate levels. The alliance also visions the importance of applying exceptional policies of positive impact on Sudanese woman and will adopt the following program:
    2. The importance of achieving national compromise on applying woman related policies of positive distinction in order to guarantee that woman electoral representation should not be less than 30% of party candidacy.
    3. The state will endeavor to issue appropriate legislations and apply security & protection procedures of tackling the phenomena of violence against woman in the regions of disputes and call off the entire laws, which degrade her dignity and restrict her development as well as signing the entire international agreements that have advocated woman rights.
    4. Provide free services of maternity, motherhood and childhood health and increase availability rates of qualified mid-wives in rural areas. Support woman related projects and help woman ownership of means of production in agricultural and pastoral fields, particularly in war impacted regions.
    In the field of childhood, the SNA party visions the importance of applying the following:
    1. Effective application of laws preventing exploitation & violence against children and maintain their constitutional rights in education & integrated health services as well as state adoption of talented children in all fields.
    2. To designate plans of eliminating street kids & vulgarism phenomena and extend accommodation facilities, vocational training institutes and plan for their return to their families as well as to reintegrate them in their societies.
    Family issues:
    The SNA confirms that the interactive family is the back-bone of the Sudanese society formation and the safety valve of sustaining good code of conduct & loyalty to the country and to that effect offers the following program:
    1. State sponsorship of families returning from refuge & displacement regions and respond to the requirements of reintegrating them in their societies.
    2. To develop judiciary system of family issues in terms of laws & procedures in order to achieve the spirit of compromise & justice that restores family solidarity.
    3. To work with woman & civil society organizations in order to seize damaging traditions, which restrict marriage and help family formation through provision of soft mortgage loans as well as services of marriage funds.
    4. To support and sponsor special needs groups and to reintegrate them in the society as well as the national production cycle.
    Youth sponsorship:
    Youth segment/section in the Sudanese society is the back-bone of future investment and the mechanism of building & development in the Sudan. Eventually youth issues should be considered as a national issue, which requires collaborative efforts of political forces, organizations of civil society and independent democratic youth associations. Therefore, the state should initiate the related policies and provide means of youth sponsorship in a way that guarantees democracy & independence of related youth associations
    SNA visions that plans of youth sponsorship & developing their capabilities should comprise extension of establishing youth sponsorship centers in urban & rural areas. Moreover, sufficient budget allocations at federal & estate levels should be considered to provide means & mechanisms of development, specifically logistics of culture, sports & information technology.
    Issues of Sudanese working abroad (immigrants):
    Sudanese working abroad represent vital & influential force in terms of the economy as well as the society. In addition to their economic role at the levels of the extended family & the country, they represent a real wealth of scientific & expertise skills as well as important channels of communication with the countries & societies in which they live. Eventually they should not only be considered as a source of tax collection, but the state (together with their contribution) should initiate appropriate policies & establish infrastructural elements that achieve their sponsorship, enhance their positioning in where they live, strengthen their relationship with their country and incentivizing them to significantly participate in sustainable development .
    Culture, arts & heritage:
    SNA adopts the issues of culture, arts as well as preserving heritage and undertakes to achieve the following basic elements:
    1. The state will support inputs of culture, arts, printing & editing industries as well as developing & sponsoring numerous cultures of the Sudan. Moreover, SNA will support & encourage the development of dialectical languages & local cultures in different regions of Sudan.
    2. The state will develop different fields of arts as well as capabilities of arts institutes and will also develop the sectors of cinema, music, theatre and will provide sponsorship to artists & innovators.
    3. Coupled to the integrated tourism industry, SNA will adopt the plans & programs of protecting Sudanese heritage, rehabilitation & conservation of archeology as well as historical sites.
    4. Preserving & taking care of cultural heritage and enhance its role in ending disputes and peaceful coexistence.
    5. Support public libraries and enhance their role in individual & society formation.
    Auspices and Development of Sport:
    The SNA perceives sport as an educational process that has a positive impact on community development and enhancing of peaceful coexistence among communities. The SNA adopts the following programme for inculcating sport values:
    a. Setting plans for sport renaissance including expansion in construction of playgrounds, centers and ‘open sport halls’ in urban and rural areas and adequately equipping them.
    b. Ensure independence and democracy of sport unions.
    c. Making sport compulsory subject in the curricula of all education levels for both boys and girls and providing them will necessary requirements.
    d. Sport awareness-raising and linking sport exercises to physical health and women participation in as many as possible sport activities.
    Environment Issues:
    a. The SNA party believes in overall care taking for environment, on top of which is the environment of the Sudanese citizen. Setting up of rehabilitation plans at national levels is essential for removing environmental damages. Endorsement of policies for forestry rational usage that consider sustainability through systematic replanting and expansion, particularly, around the agricultural schemes.
    b. Importance of rationalization of energy consumption and utilization of alternatives such as organic and petroleum gas. Encourage use of improved stoves that consume less charcoal this will lead to saving fire-wood and, in turn, to conservation of natural parks.
    c. Planning for maintaining a balance between population growth and healthy water supply and treatment of hard and soft wastes e.g. use of drainage water for irrigation of trees and cultivation of fodder. This is to reduce the burden on the clean water reduce pollution. This process includes screening and recycling of hard wastes.
    d. Protection of fisheries from illegal fishing and resolving the problem of the wild water grasses, and removing the negative impacts of the dams on the fisheries. The SNA programme also includes conducting studies on the oil pollution at Red Sea coast on the environment.
    Civil Society Organizations:
    The CSOs constitute a principal pillar of building a civil State, therefore, the government must ensures them the freedom of work and independence without restrictions. In accordance with the UN and HAC’s reports the Sudan is disasters area and classified as the greatest displacement country.
    The SNA believes that the government should provide utmost support to all humanitarian organizations and lift from them all bureaucratic and security restrictions that hinder their work. The SNA will stand and remain supportive to freedom of CSOs and its full independence.

    We present this electoral programme, at this critical time of our history, to the masses of our people and the good forces, hopefully, the democratic forces will collaborate in a broad government and play a positive role to dismantle the existing totalitarian regime. Then open up to the world and support friendship and cooperation between countries after a long cut off of relationships with the world and our neighbors. By such a coalition we can take care of our people in the urban and marginalized areas and protect the dignity of the Sudanese citizen and strengthening the peaceful coexistence in order to bypass the grievances of wars. Thus we can play a unique role in the world as a diversified united nation and promote cooperation of mankind in the era of alliances and coalitions.


02-22-2010, 09:43 AM

زهرة حيدر ادريس
<aزهرة حيدر ادريس
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 1139

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02-22-2010, 12:12 PM

مريم عزالدين صديق
<aمريم عزالدين صديق
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-26-2004
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Re: عبدالعزيز خالد: نحي الانتفاضة الدارفورية والمطالب المطروحة مشروعة وقانونية (Re: زهرة حيدر ادريس)

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