آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate

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10-26-2009, 09:38 AM

Elawad Eltayeb
<aElawad Eltayeb
تاريخ التسجيل: 09-01-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 5319

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate (Re: Elawad Eltayeb)

    A lack of adequate office space, the consequence of perceived weak demand on the part of prospective developers, has led to businesses and international NGOs either converting residential villas into office space or settling for secondary grade office space due to the conversion expense incurred. Current annual vacancy rates of primary grade properties are estimated at 5%, reflecting the shortage discussed above, with average monthly rental rates
    ranging between US$15-30 per m². Rentals for converted villas in Khartoum II and Al Amarat, previously considered primary grade office space, average at US$22 per m², while the Heglieg Commercial Tower, is leased at a monthly rate of US$37.50 per m², which is inclusive of US$12.50service charge, (apremium attached to international standard office space). Trends of employment growth, foreign direct investment and the increased presence of international organisations indicate that demand will continue to outstrip supply beyond the release of the
    Wahat Al Khartoum and Sudan Tower developments, reaching an equilibrium once Phase I of Almogran nears completion. Forthcoming supply of office space is concentrated primarily within the forthcoming Almogran CBD, Blue Nile City, and Al Noor City, which will bring over 1,500,000m² of commercial space into the market with the construction of in excess of 60 commercial towers. A visit to the Almogran site by Colliers International, suggests that completion of the CBD is more likely to be achieved closer to 2013 than the envisaged 2010 date, with the supply of office space dispersed throughout this period.

    The only confirmed office development in Khartoum outside the Almogran CBD that will be available to international tenants is the Wahat Al Khartoum office complex, located in downtown Khartoum off United Nations Square. It is being built over 27,000m2 of land and will comprise of four interconnected towers. With a total net leasable area of 42,020m², the office complex will be offered for sale to local and international tenants upon completion at a rate of US$2,200 per m², overriding a previous decision to lease the space. Nevertheless, the historic absence of adequate office supply, both in size and grade, has driven some potential primary
    grade occupiers to construct properties for their own use.

العنوان الكاتب Date
آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 09:28 AM
  Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 09:34 AM
    Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 09:38 AM
      Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 09:47 AM
        Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 09:53 AM
          Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Tabaldina10-26-09, 10:00 AM
          Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 10:01 AM
            Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 10:04 AM
              Re: آخر التقارير عن سوق العقار في الخرطوم Real Estate Elawad Eltayeb10-26-09, 10:18 AM

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