الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!!

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10-16-2009, 05:26 PM

Wasil Ali
<aWasil Ali
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Re: الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! (Re: Wasil Ali)

    Quote: From Monitor Online

    Uganda must arrest Gen. Bashir, says ICC
    Posted in: News
    By Richard Wanambwa
    Oct 16, 2009 - 1:35:28 PM


    The International Criminal Court yesterday insisted that Uganda must arrest Sudanese President Gen. Omar El Bashir if he dares visit Uganda next week.

    The statement comes a day after President Museveni said Uganda will not execute the international arrest warrant in the event that Gen. Bashir attends next week’s African Union meeting in Kampala.

    But according to Ms Maria Kamara, the ICC country coordinator, the ICC stand has not changed regarding the indicted Sudan President.
    She said not all African Union (AU) countries are signatories to the ICC statute and therefore the responsibility of arresting Gen. Bashir lies solely with ICC member countries like Uganda.
    President Bashir

    “It’s not African Union to decide on how to arrest him but the responsibility lies with those African countries that are members of the United Nations (UN) and ICC. It is the UN that referred Gen. Bashir to ICC. The ICC does not have the police or army but it’s upon Uganda to do so like it has been done in many other countries because Uganda is member,” Ms Kamara told Daily Monitor last evening.

    Uganda is a signatory to the Rome Statute that established the ICC.Ms Kamara said: “We are very optimistic that Uganda being a member will implement the arrest like we [ICC] are implementing the arrest on LRA leader Joseph Kony on allegations of atrocities committed in northern Uganda.”

    Uganda has invited Gen. Bashir to the AU summit in Kampala.
    Ms Kamara insists that Gen. Bashir must be arrested by the Ugandan authorities as stipulated in the Rome statute.
    “No matter who will be indicted, all member countries to the Rome statute have the mandate to arrest that person and so the ball is in Uganda’s hands,” she said.

    The warrant for the arrest of Gen. Bashir was based on allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. He is suspected of being criminally responsible for attacks against civilians in Darfur.

    Internal Affairs State Minister Matia Kasaija refused to comment on the issue, saying; “Those matters are easily understood by Foreign Affairs”

    When contacted, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in charge of International Relations, Mr Okello Oryem said President Museveni’s stand was in line with that of the African Union and Uganda would honour it.


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الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! Wasil Ali10-16-09, 05:24 PM
  Re: الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! Wasil Ali10-16-09, 05:26 PM
    Re: الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! محمد عمر الفكي10-16-09, 09:32 PM
      Re: الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! Abureesh10-16-09, 11:44 PM
        Re: الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! Muna Khugali10-16-09, 11:50 PM
          Re: الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! بدر الدين اسحاق احمد10-17-09, 10:41 AM
            Re: الرئيس الأوغندي يوجه الدعوة للبشير لحضور قمة خاصة عن اللاجئين الأسبوع القادم!!! Wasil Ali10-18-09, 05:36 PM

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