الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي

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05-15-2003, 00:44 AM

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Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي (Re: Abdel Aati)

    سلام جميعا
    هذه هي ممارسات نظامنا و تغيراته الديمقرطية المزعومة
    الاجهزة الامنية لم تتراجع قيد انملة عن سيطرتها و هي ترخي قبضتها عن اعناق السودانيين لانها مشغولة بالضغوط الخارجية، لكنها لا تزال تتطوق العنق السودانية تماما، والادلة كثيرة و المقال ادناه احد هذه الادلة فعن اية تطورات ايجابية يتحدث الصادق المهدي و قتلة خوجلي عثمان وعبد المنعم سلمان و غيرهم يتجولون في العاصمة القومية دون رقيب او حسيب

    Sudanese English-language daily closed, editor jailed


    [ Latest News From Sudan At Sudan.Net ]


    News Article by AFP posted on May 11, 2003 at 09:39:56: EST (-5 GMT)

    Sudanese English-language daily closed, editor jailed

    KHARTOUM, May 11 (AFP) -- A Sudanese court has ordered an English-language daily closed for two months and jailed its top editor after finding them guilty of inciting religious discord, the paper's lawyer said Sunday.

    Ngor Kolang Ngor, lawyer for the Khartoum Monitor, told AFP that he would file an appeal Monday against the sentences imposed Saturday on his clients by the North Khartoum criminal court.

    The lawsuit was filed by the religious guidance and endowments ministry against the newspaper and its managing editor Nhial Bol for publishing articles deemed abusive to Islam, Ngor said.

    Bol was placed in jail immediately on Saturday and "will be freed only when we get the money," said the defence lawyer.

    The court presided by Judge Mohamed Sir al-Khatim Gharbawe ordered Bol to pay a fine of one million Sudanese pounds (400 dollars) or stay in prison for four months after finding him guilty of inciting hatred against the state and inciting religious discord.

    The newspaper was ordered closed from May 10 until July 10, and ordered to pay a fine of 500,000 pounds or be closed down for another two months, Ngor said.

    The lawsuit singled out three articles including one about a priest who was imprisoned for refusing to demolish a church he had built in an area outside of Khartoum frequented by people who have been displaced by the civil war.

    Another run under the headline, "Are Muslims afraid of Christians?", while a third alleged that Islam allows people to drink locally brewed alcohol.

    The Monitor has effectively been closed since Thursday when its assets were seized for its failure to pay a fine of 15 million pounds (6,000 dollars) imposed last year for an article alleging slavery was practiced in Sudan.

    Sudan has been locked in a 20-year civil war pitting successive Arab and Muslim governments in Khartoum against rebels representing African animists and Christians in the south.

    African tribes have alleged that Arabs have kidnapped and enslaved many of their tribal members.

العنوان الكاتب Date
الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي Abdel Aati05-14-03, 11:11 PM
  Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي Abdel Aati05-14-03, 11:13 PM
    Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي zahgandeema05-15-03, 01:25 PM
      Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي Abdel Aati05-15-03, 07:45 PM
  Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي AbuAla05-14-03, 11:43 PM
  Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي Deng05-14-03, 11:47 PM
  Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي حسن الجزولي05-15-03, 00:10 AM
  Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي Amjad ibrahim05-15-03, 00:44 AM
  Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي محمد حلا05-15-03, 01:28 AM
    Re: الصادق المهدي .. مسؤول العلاقات العامة لنظام الانقاذ الدموي الشمولي Abdel Aati05-15-03, 10:14 AM

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