ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    International Court Tribunal for genocides: do execute!
    Posted by: adonis49 on: November 17, 2008

    In: Political Articles| Social Articles| politics/finance Today Comment!

    International Court Tribunal for genocides: do execute! (November 17, 200

    We need to discriminate among the categories of mass murderers in genocide cases; those who gave orders to kill and maim, those who followed ordered under duress of being executed on the spot, those who followed order under duress of facing court martial and execution, and those who followed orders simply for fear of career, material and financial losses. I would like all those who gave orders to kill and maim, from the highest to the lowest ranking, politicians and military men, to be executed. I would like the last category of murderers, who had choices not to follow orders, but did it for material benefits, to be executed in the International Tribunal. The two categories of murderess of those who barely had choices unless they die need to serve prison terms; the confinement in special prisons is for their own benefit: they would be able to focus on their deeds and then pay their dues to society and thus avoiding personal revenge from a “legitimate” point of view.

    Sure, no prison terms would eliminate the nagging conscious for the rest of a life but it might be helpful to permit convicts of moving on, change behavior and participate within society instead of living on the fringes. Of the four categories of murderers I am inclined to select the first category as the most vile and degraded human beings; at least instead of giving orders the officer should do the killing or maiming then he could be included in the prison terms categories and he would have avoided spreading cowardice and immoral behavior among his soldiers and subordinates.

    In just the last two decades, over one hundred military conflicts were being waged around the world; most of them were hate conflicts among tribes, races, ethnic groups and sectarian sects. Over 30 millions were displaced and more on the run. Famine and diseases and under-development followed, killing millions more. The European States and the USA have enacted stringent regulations to limit the flow of political refugees. Lebanon was a prime example in the eighties, Cambodia, Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Algeria, Kashmir, Yugoslavians, Bosnians and Croatians in Eastern Europe, and then Rwanda in Africa, Congo, Chechnya, Armenia, then Nigeria, Liberia, Sera Leon, then Ivory Coast, then Chad, then Afghanistan, then Iraq and now Pakistan and the cycle returns with Lebanon, Georgia, Congo, Somalia, Sudan, and Turkey against the Kurds.

    All the militias in all these conflicts harbor the same behavior and attitudes; they raise high their Kalashnikov, they show their cigarettes in the same manner, they take nonchalant breaks, and then they are up to resume their dirty immoral killing and maiming as regular jobs. They all claim to follow orders from superiors and they are not that worried of being persecuted in justice. Most of the militias are barely over 16 and in Africa 10-year old were recruited (the most lethal and scary midget assassins). In some countries almost a fifth of the population participated in the war, directly or indirectly, and they all got used to observing the massacres and blood shed and humiliations.

    Gunter Grass mentioned that over 20,000 German deserters were executed because they refused to follow orders for the mass killing. Why these real heroes have been forgotten and not commemorated every year? Ironically, these heroes are still considered as cowards and traitors by the German Army and most German civilians! Why only a sample, if any, of the perpetrators of genocides are brought to trial?

    I can comprehend the example of South Africa for general amnesty as long as the guilty admits and clarify his deeds: you cannot imprison the fifth of the population because they willingly and ideologically participated in the apartheid system. Argentina followed suit so did Chili but they should not have voted amnesty because only select circles in the army performed the genocides. Lebanon voted amnesty to all, except those who killed clergymen, but went much further in the ignominy: the militia leaders were all appointed ministers for recompense and their subordinates elected deputies in the Parliament!

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ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 05:30 PM
  Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 05:32 PM
    Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 05:36 PM
      Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 05:41 PM
        Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 05:45 PM
          Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 06:08 PM
            Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 06:21 PM
              Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-01-09, 06:31 PM
                Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-02-09, 10:27 AM
                  Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-02-09, 03:39 PM
                    Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-02-09, 09:33 PM
                      Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ lana mahdi02-02-09, 09:42 PM
                        Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ Adam Omer02-02-09, 11:19 PM
                          Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ عصمت العالم02-03-09, 10:12 AM

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