جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا

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01-20-2009, 09:09 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا

    Quote: The pride of a people: Barack Obama, the Luo
    By PHILIP OCHIENGPosted Saturday, January 17 2009 at 16:24
    In Summary
    - For a patriarchal people like the Luo, the 44th President of the United States is their own, and his feat has boosted his people’s pride to the utmost

    On Tuesday, a “Luo�� individual will become the most powerful man in the world. A Luo? Of course. Why else would Kenya’s lakeland community which goes by that name be so electrified by Barack Obama’s impending anointment as the commander-in-chief of the world’s only superpower?

    Yet the question is stark: Is Obama a Luo? To answer “yes�� or “no�� , one would first have to define a Luo. There are at least two possibilities. There is, first, what the Luo themselves may imagine as their blood heritage.

    There is, secondly, what Paul Mboya called Luo Kitgi Gi Timbegi, a book in Dholuo which describes the character and customs of “Jokowiny�� . For the character and customs of a tribal community need not coincide with its blood composition.

    Language and culture

    We should stress the term ‘‘Jokowiny’’ because, although it is almost forgotten now, that is the correct name of the Luo of Kenya and Tanzania, a people whose language and culture are almost uniform from the Luhya border to Tanzania’s Mara.

    The attitude by Jokowiny that we are the Luo alienates many pedigree Luo communities, such as the Padhola, Lang’o, Kumam, Acholi and Karamojong of Uganda, the Alur of Congo, and the Nuer, Anuak Nuer, Dinka and Shilluk of the Sudan.

    Indeed, the Sudanese and northern Ugandan Luo are more genuinely Luo than we because they are less removed from the original home of dispersal and, therefore, less influenced by non-Nilotic elements.

    But yes, by a certain definition, the 44th President of the United States is JAKOWINY – JAKOWINY (with an “A�� ) being the singular form of JOKOWINY (with an “O�� ). It means “descendant of Owiny�� .

    Owiny was a brother of Adhola, the eponymous ancestor of Charles Onyango Obbo’s Jopadhola. The PA in “JOPADHOLA�� and in other Ugandan and Sudanese Luo languages is their equivalent of KA among Jokowiny (and means “of�� , or “offspring of�� or “homestead of�� ).

    The celebrated name OKOT P’BITEK is really “Okot PA Bitek�� (“Okot of Bitek�� or “Okot son of Bitek�� ). In both pronunciation and writing, the “a�� in PA and KA is usually dropped when the next word begins with a vowel. That is why we say JAKOWINY, and not JA-KA-OWINY.

    The PA in Padhola means the same thing as the KA in such Kowiny place names as KARACHUONYO (“home of Rachuonyo�� ), KAMAGAMBO (“land of Magambo�� ) and KANYIDOTO (“where the daughters of Doto are married�� ).

    The word element KA was common to all Nilotes, including the ancient Egyptians. The word “EGYPT�� itself is only a European corruption of HEKAPTAH (“home of the god Ptah�� ). The KAPTAH part of HEKAPTAH is what has come down to us as “COPT�� .

    The same word appears in such place-names among the Kalenjin – a Nilotic people – as Kabartonjo (“land of Bartonjo�� ), Kabianga (“dwelling place of Bianga�� ) and Kabarnet (“Barnet’s base�� – named after a colonial Anglo-Saxon missionary).

    For the Luo belong to the culturo-linguistic super-community that anthropologists call Nilotic or Nilo-Saharan – which includes the Maasai, Kalenjin and Teso – and who now spread from Tanzania to Egypt and from Ethiopia and Eritrea to Darfur and Nigeria.

    Barack Obama Senior belonged to KOGELO (“homestead of Ogelo�� ). He was Jakogelo (“offspring of Ogelo’s home�� ). Jokogelo (“people of Ogelo�� ) are a clan of the Alego. That is significant.

    In his book History of the Southern Luo, B.A. Ogot – the eminent Luo historian – suggests that the Alego (and the professor’s own Gem people) are the quintessence of Jokowiny.

    They were the first to arrive in what is now Kenya. Adhola and Owiny were leaders of an advance detachment of the Luo as they drifted along the Nile – fish being their staple. On hitting Lake Victoria, they exchanged words, and Owiny was forced to move ahead.

    It was after wandering through what are now Manyala, Samia, Imbo and Sakwa – driving the autochthonous Luhya (a Bantu cluster) from their homes – that Owiny and his followers finally settled in what we now call Alego.

    It was from Alego that Jokowiny spread out, northwards to Gem and Ugenya, eastwards to Seme, Kisumu and Winam and southwards to Asembo, Uyoma and across the string of water – Nyanza Gulf — which intrudes into and divides Kowiny-land into two parts.

    Yet it is appropriate that the term “Jokowiny�� is now in disuse, except among Adhola’s people. They retain in folk memory the bitter quarrel that forced their brother Owiny eastwards. So they know all the Luo to the east of them as Jokowiny.

    Completely swallowed

    But since then other Luo and even non-Luo branches have arrived to commingle with Jokowiny. Among these are my own group – Abasuba – who, although completely swallowed by the Luo, were originally not even Nilo-Saharan, but a composite of Bantu refugees, mostly from Buganda.

    A culturally imperious community, its ethnic arrogance has been heightened manifold by the colonially created ethnic rivalry that characterises Kenya’s politics. But I repeat that the arrogance cannot be explained by any “ethnic purity�� .

    The Kenya Luo are so influenced by other communities that they are a mind-boggling heterogeneity of blood, culture and language. One reason is that they adopted exogamy (the taking of wives from other tribes) very early in their Southward Ho.

    They shared with the ancient Hellenes the habit of waylaying foreign women and literally pulling them into bed as wives. So for Senior to grab wives from as far away as Hawaii and Massachusetts – and Caucasian ones to boot – was no big deal.

    Given time, he might even have grabbed an Afghan, a Cherokee, an Eskimo, a Fijian, an Iraqi, a Lithuanian, a Mongolian, a Pole, a Shona, a Vietnamese, a Wolof, a Yoruba and a Zaramo – not to mention hundreds from Luoland, apart from Kezia.

    The Luo would have noted his “he-man-ship�� with complete approval. That is what makes them such a “bloody�� heterogeneity. But that, too, is why, in their view, Senior’s son, the 44th President of the United States, cannot be anything but a Luo.

    They are fiercely patriarchal, thus the offspring belong strictly to the father’s tribe, clan or what the Luo call THUR and DHOOT. THUR refers to the ridge that rises between two streams and is often identified with a clan.

    DHOOT (the two “o�� s pronounced separately) is the word for “door�� . It literally means “mouth of the house�� – from DHOK, “mouth�� , and OT, “house�� . The “mouth�� element can be seen also in the term DHOLUO, the name of Jokowiny’s language, literally: “mouth of the Luo�� .

    Jokowiny assume that people speak with their mouths. But not all Luo communities think so. The Acholi know their language as LEPLUO (“tongue of the Luo�� ). However, used away from real doors, the word DHOOT refers to the immediate genealogical “house�� , namely, the gentile clan.

    Person of my house

    All Nilotes had the habit of calling a spouse a “house�� . In polite society, a Luo speaks of JAODA (“my wife�� or “my husband�� ), a word which translates literally as “person of my house�� . When, in Genesis, Joseph says he has found favour in “Pharaoh’s house�� , he is resorting to the Nilotic euphemism for “wife�� , here the queen.

    Barack Obama is 50 per cent Caucasian, but as far as the Luo are concerned, only a Luo is capable of deeds as heroic as Barack’s. In tradition, the Luo divided humanity into three categories – Joluo (the noblest), Jolang’o and Jomwa. The rest of mankind were Mwa, worse than useless.

    But, of course, a shameless Mwa people called Britons punctured gaping holes into this bloated arrogance just by hurling a magical spear known as the gun.

    Nevertheless, because he has done those deeds a whole continent away from Luoland, Barack outshines Adhola, Aeneas, Ausonius, Cadmus, Cain, Danaos, Delphos, Hesy, Imhotep, Luanda Magere, Gor Mahia, Tom Mboya, Memnon, Menes, Nyikang’o, Jaramogi Odinga, Owiny and Pelasgus among other Nilotic heroes.

    In short, his mother does not enter into the equation, even though she contributed 50 per cent of his biological make-up and almost 100 per cent of his cultural upbringing.

    As far as the Luo are concerned, Barack Obama is 200 per cent Luo.

    That is the point you miss by dismissing Barack Obama as a mere American who will not give priority to Kenya, Luoland and Nyangoma-Kogelo. A people does not live by bread alone. By pulling off a feat like that and boosting their pride to the utmost, Barack has already delivered.

    The Post-2009 REVOLUTION in Kenya, will be SMS'ed, but not televised. Where will you be when it happens? Dont miss IT!!!

    #2 2009-01-18 13:29:07

01-20-2009, 09:13 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    Quote: The pride of a people: Barack Obama, the Luo
    By PHILIP OCHIENGPosted Saturday, January 17 2009 at 16:24
    In Summary
    - For a patriarchal people like the Luo, the 44th President of the United States is their own, and his feat has boosted his people’s pride to the utmost

    On Tuesday, a “Luo�� individual will become the most powerful man in the world. A Luo? Of course. Why else would Kenya’s lakeland community which goes by that name be so electrified by Barack Obama’s impending anointment as the commander-in-chief of the world’s only superpower?

    Yet the question is stark: Is Obama a Luo? To answer “yes�� or “no�� , one would first have to define a Luo. There are at least two possibilities. There is, first, what the Luo themselves may imagine as their blood heritage.

    There is, secondly, what Paul Mboya called Luo Kitgi Gi Timbegi, a book in Dholuo which describes the character and customs of “Jokowiny�� . For the character and customs of a tribal community need not coincide with its blood composition.

    Language and culture

    We should stress the term ‘‘Jokowiny’’ because, although it is almost forgotten now, that is the correct name of the Luo of Kenya and Tanzania, a people whose language and culture are almost uniform from the Luhya border to Tanzania’s Mara.

    The attitude by Jokowiny that we are the Luo alienates many pedigree Luo communities, such as the Padhola, Lang’o, Kumam, Acholi and Karamojong of Uganda, the Alur of Congo, and the Nuer, Anuak Nuer, Dinka and Shilluk of the Sudan.

    Indeed, the Sudanese and northern Ugandan Luo are more genuinely Luo than we because they are less removed from the original home of dispersal and, therefore, less influenced by non-Nilotic elements.

    But yes, by a certain definition, the 44th President of the United States is JAKOWINY – JAKOWINY (with an “A�� ) being the singular form of JOKOWINY (with an “O�� ). It means “descendant of Owiny�� .

    Owiny was a brother of Adhola, the eponymous ancestor of Charles Onyango Obbo’s Jopadhola. The PA in “JOPADHOLA�� and in other Ugandan and Sudanese Luo languages is their equivalent of KA among Jokowiny (and means “of�� , or “offspring of�� or “homestead of�� ).

    The celebrated name OKOT P’BITEK is really “Okot PA Bitek�� (“Okot of Bitek�� or “Okot son of Bitek�� ). In both pronunciation and writing, the “a�� in PA and KA is usually dropped when the next word begins with a vowel. That is why we say JAKOWINY, and not JA-KA-OWINY.

    The PA in Padhola means the same thing as the KA in such Kowiny place names as KARACHUONYO (“home of Rachuonyo�� ), KAMAGAMBO (“land of Magambo�� ) and KANYIDOTO (“where the daughters of Doto are married�� ).

    The word element KA was common to all Nilotes, including the ancient Egyptians. The word “EGYPT�� itself is only a European corruption of HEKAPTAH (“home of the god Ptah�� ). The KAPTAH part of HEKAPTAH is what has come down to us as “COPT�� .

    The same word appears in such place-names among the Kalenjin – a Nilotic people – as Kabartonjo (“land of Bartonjo�� ), Kabianga (“dwelling place of Bianga�� ) and Kabarnet (“Barnet’s base�� – named after a colonial Anglo-Saxon missionary).

    For the Luo belong to the culturo-linguistic super-community that anthropologists call Nilotic or Nilo-Saharan – which includes the Maasai, Kalenjin and Teso – and who now spread from Tanzania to Egypt and from Ethiopia and Eritrea to Darfur and Nigeria.

    Barack Obama Senior belonged to KOGELO (“homestead of Ogelo�� ). He was Jakogelo (“offspring of Ogelo’s home�� ). Jokogelo (“people of Ogelo�� ) are a clan of the Alego. That is significant.

    In his book History of the Southern Luo, B.A. Ogot – the eminent Luo historian – suggests that the Alego (and the professor’s own Gem people) are the quintessence of Jokowiny.

    They were the first to arrive in what is now Kenya. Adhola and Owiny were leaders of an advance detachment of the Luo as they drifted along the Nile – fish being their staple. On hitting Lake Victoria, they exchanged words, and Owiny was forced to move ahead.

    It was after wandering through what are now Manyala, Samia, Imbo and Sakwa – driving the autochthonous Luhya (a Bantu cluster) from their homes – that Owiny and his followers finally settled in what we now call Alego.

    It was from Alego that Jokowiny spread out, northwards to Gem and Ugenya, eastwards to Seme, Kisumu and Winam and southwards to Asembo, Uyoma and across the string of water – Nyanza Gulf — which intrudes into and divides Kowiny-land into two parts.

    Yet it is appropriate that the term “Jokowiny�� is now in disuse, except among Adhola’s people. They retain in folk memory the bitter quarrel that forced their brother Owiny eastwards. So they know all the Luo to the east of them as Jokowiny.

    Completely swallowed

    But since then other Luo and even non-Luo branches have arrived to commingle with Jokowiny. Among these are my own group – Abasuba – who, although completely swallowed by the Luo, were originally not even Nilo-Saharan, but a composite of Bantu refugees, mostly from Buganda.

    A culturally imperious community, its ethnic arrogance has been heightened manifold by the colonially created ethnic rivalry that characterises Kenya’s politics. But I repeat that the arrogance cannot be explained by any “ethnic purity�� .

    The Kenya Luo are so influenced by other communities that they are a mind-boggling heterogeneity of blood, culture and language. One reason is that they adopted exogamy (the taking of wives from other tribes) very early in their Southward Ho.

    They shared with the ancient Hellenes the habit of waylaying foreign women and literally pulling them into bed as wives. So for Senior to grab wives from as far away as Hawaii and Massachusetts – and Caucasian ones to boot – was no big deal.

    Given time, he might even have grabbed an Afghan, a Cherokee, an Eskimo, a Fijian, an Iraqi, a Lithuanian, a Mongolian, a Pole, a Shona, a Vietnamese, a Wolof, a Yoruba and a Zaramo – not to mention hundreds from Luoland, apart from Kezia.

    The Luo would have noted his “he-man-ship�� with complete approval. That is what makes them such a “bloody�� heterogeneity. But that, too, is why, in their view, Senior’s son, the 44th President of the United States, cannot be anything but a Luo.

    They are fiercely patriarchal, thus the offspring belong strictly to the father’s tribe, clan or what the Luo call THUR and DHOOT. THUR refers to the ridge that rises between two streams and is often identified with a clan.

    DHOOT (the two “o�� s pronounced separately) is the word for “door�� . It literally means “mouth of the house�� – from DHOK, “mouth�� , and OT, “house�� . The “mouth�� element can be seen also in the term DHOLUO, the name of Jokowiny’s language, literally: “mouth of the Luo�� .

    Jokowiny assume that people speak with their mouths. But not all Luo communities think so. The Acholi know their language as LEPLUO (“tongue of the Luo�� ). However, used away from real doors, the word DHOOT refers to the immediate genealogical “house�� , namely, the gentile clan.

    Person of my house

    All Nilotes had the habit of calling a spouse a “house�� . In polite society, a Luo speaks of JAODA (“my wife�� or “my husband�� ), a word which translates literally as “person of my house�� . When, in Genesis, Joseph says he has found favour in “Pharaoh’s house�� , he is resorting to the Nilotic euphemism for “wife�� , here the queen.

    Barack Obama is 50 per cent Caucasian, but as far as the Luo are concerned, only a Luo is capable of deeds as heroic as Barack’s. In tradition, the Luo divided humanity into three categories – Joluo (the noblest), Jolang’o and Jomwa. The rest of mankind were Mwa, worse than useless.

    But, of course, a shameless Mwa people called Britons punctured gaping holes into this bloated arrogance just by hurling a magical spear known as the gun.

    Nevertheless, because he has done those deeds a whole continent away from Luoland, Barack outshines Adhola, Aeneas, Ausonius, Cadmus, Cain, Danaos, Delphos, Hesy, Imhotep, Luanda Magere, Gor Mahia, Tom Mboya, Memnon, Menes, Nyikang’o, Jaramogi Odinga, Owiny and Pelasgus among other Nilotic heroes.

    In short, his mother does not enter into the equation, even though she contributed 50 per cent of his biological make-up and almost 100 per cent of his cultural upbringing.

    As far as the Luo are concerned, Barack Obama is 200 per cent Luo.

    That is the point you miss by dismissing Barack Obama as a mere American who will not give priority to Kenya, Luoland and Nyangoma-Kogelo. A people does not live by bread alone. By pulling off a feat like that and boosting their pride to the utmost, Barack has already delivered.

    The Post-2009 REVOLUTION in Kenya, will be SMS'ed, but not televised. Where will you be when it happens? Dont miss IT!!!

    #2 2009-01-18 13:29:07
    By Bruno Gaston

    International Editor

    ATLANTA, Sept. 3, 2008, 12 a.m. - As Barack Obama's lineage continues to be investigated and linked to persons around the world, Southern Sudanese are beginning to lay claim to the first black nominee for a major U.S. political party though his paternal ancestry.
    "Obama is a Nilote and his father is a Luo tribe," said Emmanuel Jal, a Sudanese ex-child soldier turned rapper. "The Luos came from the upper Nile in the 1500s A.D."

    Nilote is a term referring to people of indigenous tribes from Sudan along the upper Nile Valley.

    Jal hopes that by exposing the link that a properly informed Obama may form a stronger stance against the Khartoum government if elected.

    "I think the only person who would understand the situation in Sudan and try to make a move would be Obama because the descendants of his father were from Sudan," he said.

    The news about Obama's Nilotic roots comes as the media have recently delved into his father's writings and discovered two of Obama's half brothers living abroad.

    The Luo are Kenya's third largest ethnic group and largely concentrated in the western province of Nyanza. According to renowned Luo historian Bethwell Ogot's book, "History of the Southern Luo: Volume 1 Migration and Settlement," Luos probably originated at Wau in Southern Sudan. This might place Obama close to celebrities like Sudanese supermodel Alek Wek and NBA star Luol Deng, both of whom were born there. Jok Madut Jok, who is a professor of African studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, thinks Obama's Luo heritage paints a small portrait of early migration from Sudan.

    "The Nilotes are generally one people with the Luo being part of it including the Nuer where Jal comes from and the Dinka where I come from, but now the Luo are speaking about the similarities amongst themselves separate from the Nilotic group," Jok said. "In current geopolitics, people are referring to these groups as Greater Luo including the Luo in Kenya themselves, the Acholi in Uganda, and many other Nilotes. These classifications are primarily linguistic and have nothing to do with larger social or racial differences."

    The Luo community in Kenya has its own political following. The country's prime minister, Raila Odinga, is an ethnic Luo and hosted Obama during his August 2006 Africa tour after being elected U.S. senator of Illinois. Odinga's father, Jararamgi Oginga Odinga, was the first vice president of independent Kenya.

    Linguistically, "Barack" is derived from "Baraka" meaning "blessing" in Arabic and Swahili which is widely spoken in Eastern and Central Africa. Luo elders say "Obama" does not have a solid translation in their Dholuo language, but is similar to the word "Obam" meaning "crooked" or "bending."

01-20-2009, 09:20 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    Quote: The Luo originated at Wau in southern Sudan, near the confluence of the Meride and Sue Rivers. The Kenya Luo migrated into western Kenya via today's eastern Uganda, the first wave arriving sometime around 1500 AD. Arrivals came in at least five waves arriving at different times

01-20-2009, 09:34 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    Quote: This includes peoples who share Luo ancestry and/or speak a Luo language.

    Shilluk (Sudan)
    Pari (Sudan)
    Thur (Sudan)
    Alur (Uganda and DRC)
    Acholi (Sudan and Uganda)
    Lango (Uganda)
    Kumam (Uganda)
    Jopadhola (Uganda)
    JoLuo (Kenya and Tanzania)
    Jo-Luo or Jurchol (Sudan)

01-20-2009, 09:37 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    الاميركان انتخبوا واحد كينى من اصول سودانية و ضاربين النوم!!!
    انا اعرف السبب شنو و ما بقول لكم.

01-21-2009, 04:45 AM

salah elamin
<asalah elamin
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-07-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 1423

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Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

01-21-2009, 01:15 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 11481

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Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

01-21-2009, 12:10 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-28-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 52577

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Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)


01-21-2009, 05:44 PM

Zakaria Joseph
<aZakaria Joseph
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-27-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 9005

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: جورشول, رئيسا لاميركا (Re: Zakaria Joseph)

    صالح الامين
    King Anwar
    شكرا على المساهمة.
    الغريب فى الامر ان الرجل يكتب عن اصول ابيه الجنوبية من السودان بينما الصحافة السودانية تنقل اقصوصة البدو فى الاردن و مصر و إدعاءهم ان اوباما ابنهم. مشكلتنا مشكلة.

    (عدل بواسطة Zakaria Joseph on 01-21-2009, 05:44 PM)


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