صدر الأمر .. المحكمة أقرت محاكمة البشير

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02-12-2009, 02:26 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
صدر الأمر .. المحكمة أقرت محاكمة البشير

    Court Approves Warrant for Sudan’s President Bashir

    Article Tools Sponsored By

    Published: February 11, 2009

    THE HAGUE — Judges at the International Criminal Court have
    decided to issue an arrest warrant for President
    Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan, brushing aside
    diplomatic requests to allow more time for peace negotiations
    in the conflict-riddled Darfur region of his country,
    according to court lawyers and diplomats.

    It is the first time the court has sought the detention
    of a sitting head of state, and it could further
    complicate the tense, international debate
    over how to solve the crisis in Darfur.

    Ever since international prosecutors began seeking an
    arrest warrant last year, opponents have pressed the United
    Nations Security Council to use its power to suspend the
    proceedings. But a majority of Council members have argued
    that the case should go forward, saying Mr. Bashir has not
    done enough to stop the bloodshed to deserve a reprieve.

    Many African and Arab nations counter that issuing a
    warrant for Mr. Bashir’s arrest could backfire,
    diminishing Sudan’s willingness to compromise for
    the sake of peace. Others, including some United
    Nations officials, worry that a warrant could inspire reprisal
    attacks against civilians, aid groups or the
    thousands of international peacekeepers deployed there.

    The precise charges cited by the judges against Mr. Bashir
    have not been disclosed. But when the court’s chief
    prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, first requested an arrest
    warrant in July, he said he had evidence to support
    charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity
    and genocide related to a military campaign that
    “purposefully targeted civilians” and had been
    “masterminded” by Mr. Bashir.

    Lawyers familiar with the case said the court had already
    sought to freeze the president’s assets but had found his
    possessions to be hidden behind other names.

    The decision to issue a warrant against him, reached by
    a panel of judges in The Hague, has been conveyed to the
    United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, and is
    expected to be formally announced at the court,
    officials at the United Nations said.

    The prosecutor became involved in the case after
    the Security Council asked him to investigate the
    conflict in Darfur, where massacres, disease and starvation
    have led to the deaths of up to
    300,000 people and driven millions from their homes.

    Although there has been sporadic fighting in Darfur for decades,
    the conflict significantly intensified in 2003, when rebel groups
    demanding greater autonomy for the region attacked
    Sudanese forces. The Arab-led government responded with
    a ferocious counterinsurgency campaign, which the court’s
    prosecutor called a genocidal strategy against Darfur’s
    black African ethnic groups.

    Relations between Mr. Ban and Mr. Bashir continue to be
    strained by Sudanese government actions in Darfur and
    by Mr. Ban’s refusal to deal with Mr. Bashir directly.

    But on Sunday the two men had an unscheduled encounter
    at a summit meeting in Ethiopia. Diplomats described it
    as “a stormy meeting” and “a shouting match”
    in which Mr. Bashir vented his anger at the court,
    though it is independent of the United Nations.
    Mr. Ban, in turn, insisted on the safety of United Nations
    staff members and peacekeepers,
    and demanded that Mr. Bashir stop the attacks on civilians.

    The prospect of an arrest warrant for Mr. Bashir has already
    caused a diplomatic rift, with the African Union and members
    of the Arab League asking the Security Council to exercise
    its right to postpone any moves against the president for a year,
    arguing that he might still help bring a settlement in Darfur.
    Once an arrest warrant is issued, the Council can request that it be postponed.

    There is broad concern that removing Mr. Bashir from power
    could threaten a landmark peace treaty between the Sudanese
    government and rebels in the southern part of the country.
    The treaty was signed in 2005 to end a civil war in which
    2.2 million people died, far more than in Darfur.

    Mr. Bashir fought members of his own party to approve that peace deal,
    and it is widely seen as critical to holding the country together.

    On Wednesday, the Sudanese ambassador to the United Nations,
    Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem, dismissed the court’s
    decision as “not deserving the ink used to print it.”
    The ambassador accused the court of being a political tool
    of mostly Western powers that want to fragment Sudan.

    Mr. Abdalhaleem contended that in separate talks
    at the United Nations last fall with Secretary of State
    Condoleezza Rice and top European officials,
    Sudan was promised that Western powers would
    support a suspension of the prosecution if the country
    cooperated with United Nations peacekeeping efforts,
    pursued peace talks and more aggressively pursued war criminals.

    “We are moving on all those tracks,” he said,
    though human rights groups and diplomats disagree.

    A top United Nations official said Mr. Ban’s advisers were now
    struggling to forge a policy that supports the court’s pursuit
    of justice but avoids wrecking
    Sudanese cooperation with the complex missions there.

    The court has issued two other arrest warrants in connection
    with the Darfur conflict, one for a former government minister,
    Ahmad Harun, and another for Ali Kushayb, a leader of a
    government-backed militia. Neither has been arrested.

    The prosecutor has also accused three rebel leaders of the
    killing of 12 African Union peacekeepers. They have
    said publicly that they will surrender to the court.

    Marlise Simons reported from The Hague,
    and Neil MacFarquhar from the United Nations.
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    (عدل بواسطة Elbagir Osman on 02-12-2009, 03:30 AM)


02-12-2009, 02:29 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: صدر الأمر .. المحكمة أقرت محاكمة البشير (Re: Elbagir Osman)

    من أجل أرواح ملايين السودانيين

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    وكل "الكبداتن في ولادن طابقة"

    الباقر موسى

02-12-2009, 03:38 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: صدر الأمر .. المحكمة أقرت محاكمة البشير (Re: Elbagir Osman)

    ترجمتي لأجزاء من المقال
    Quote: قررت قاضيات المحكمة الجنائية الدولية إصدار أمر قبض على الرئيس السوداني
    عمر حسن البشير، مزيحات جانبا الإلتماسات الدبلوماسية لمنح وقت
    أضافي لمفاوضات السلام بخصوص إقليم دارفور السوداني الذي مزقته النزاعات،
    حسب رواية محامي المحكمة وبعض الديبلوماسيين.

    وهذه أول مرة تسعى فيها المحكمة للقبض على رئيس دولة في الحكم،

    غالبية أعضاء مجلس الأمن تمسكوا بالاستمرار في القضية ،
    قائلين أن البشير لم يفعل ما يكفي لوقف سفك الدماء ليستحق التأجيل.
    لم يفصح عن التهم المحددة التي تبنتها المحكمة ضد البشير .
    ولكن كان مدعي المحكمة الرئيسي لويس مورينو أوكامبو قد قال عندما طلب
    أمر القبض في يوليو، إن لديه أدلة تدعم تهم جرائم الحرب، وجرائم ضد
    الإنسانية وجرائم إبادة أرتكبت في حملة عسكرية " أستهدفت المدنيين عمدا"
    وأن البشير كان "الرأس المدبر" لها.

    وقال محامون ممن لديهم معرفة بالقضية أن المحكمة قد سعت فعلا لتجميد
    أرصدة الرئيس ولكنها وجدت أن ممتلكاته مخبأة خلف أسماء أخرى.

    صرح موظفون بالأمم المتحدة أنه قد تم أطلاع الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون
    على القرار الذي توصلت له القاضيات في لاهاي بإصدار أمر القبض،
    ويتوقع أن يعلن رسميا في المحكمة.

02-12-2009, 05:07 AM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: صدر الأمر .. المحكمة أقرت محاكمة البشير (Re: Elbagir Osman)

    وأوردت رويترز
    Quote: ICC to indict Sudan's Bashir over Darfur: diplomats
    Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:14pm EST

    By Louis Charbonneau

    UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Judges at the International Criminal
    Court have decided to indict Sudan's president for war crimes
    in Darfur and issue a warrant for his arrest, U.N.
    diplomats and officials said on Wednesday.

    "The ICC decided it wants him arrested," a diplomat at the
    United Nations told Reuters on condition of anonymity,
    referring to Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.

    Some U.N. officials also said they understood that to be
    the decision by the ICC, based in The Hague.
    They said it had been widely expected and would be made
    public later this month.

    Last year, chief ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo
    asked the court's judges to indict Bashir for orchestrating
    what he described as a campaign of genocide in Sudan's
    western Darfur region that killed 35,000 people in 2003
    and at least 100,000 more through starvation and disease.

    Khartoum rejects the term genocide and says 10,000
    people died in the conflict. U.N. officials say at least 2.5 million
    were left homeless and put the death toll as high as 300,000.

    Sudan has ruled out handing over Bashir or two other
    Sudanese citizens previously indicted by the court for
    suspected war crimes in Darfur. But Bashir's ability
    to travel outside Sudan will likely become difficult once an
    international arrest warrant is issued.

    An ICC spokeswoman declined to comment,
    saying the decision was in the hands of the judges.
    It was not immediately clear whether Bashir had been
    indicted on all 10 counts of genocide and other war
    crimes listed by the prosecutor or just some of them.

    U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's office has not been
    notified by the ICC of its decision, although he expects
    to receive some form of official notification before
    the end of the month, diplomats and U.N. officials said.

    Khartoum has said it would continue cooperating with
    U.N. peacekeepers in Sudan even if Bashir is indicted,
    but has warned there may be widespread
    demonstrations of public outrage.


    Britain's Africa minister, Mark Malloch Brown,
    spoke to reporters on Tuesday as if an ICC indictment
    of Bashir had already been decided.
    He also expressed the hope the fragile peace process
    would continue.

    "We will face a very difficult situation after this indictment,
    and I just hope people of goodwill will go on trying to
    find ways forward," Malloch Brown said.

    Sudan's U.N. ambassador, Abdalmahmoud Abdalhaleem,
    dismissed the decision of the court.

    "It will mean nothing to us and doesn't deserve ink with
    which it is written," he told Reuters. "We will never be
    shaken by this criminal attempt to pollute our political life
    and sabotage our efforts for development and peace."

    Some U.N. officials worry the Sudanese
    government might encourage reprisals against international
    peacekeepers. Ban said on Tuesday that Bashir
    and his government must "react very responsibly
    and ensure safety of (U.N.) peacekeepers."
    The secretary-general met Bashir on the sidelines of an
    African Union summit in Addis Ababa last week.

    U.N. officials said blue helmet peacekeepers in Darfur had no
    mandate to act on ICC arrest warrants in Sudan but
    would go about their business of protecting civilians there.

    The Save Darfur Coalition of over 180 organizations and
    activist groups issued a statement saying it was time for the
    world to shun Bashir.

    "A regime led by an indicted war criminal cannot possibly be
    treated as a full member of the community of nations," it said.
    "The international community must press Sudanese
    authorities to comply with their obligations to cooperate with
    the ICC, including executing all outstanding warrants."

    (Editing by Peter Cooney)


02-12-2009, 12:09 PM

Elbagir Osman
<aElbagir Osman
تاريخ التسجيل: 07-22-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 21469

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: صدر الأمر .. المحكمة أقرت محاكمة البشير (Re: Elbagir Osman)

    إن ما أهلك أهل الإنقاذ

    إنهم أذا أجرم فيهم الكبير تركوه

    وإذا أجرم المسكين

    أقاموا عليه الحد


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