ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟

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02-01-2009, 05:30 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟

    انه سقف يوم محدد.وموعود..
    يحمل حزمة..من انباء..
    ويتضمن..فى احشائه.قدر...موعود..
    ترى.,ماذا يعنى..كل ذلك...؟.؟


02-01-2009, 05:32 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    يا ترى..هنا..ام..هناك....؟؟


02-01-2009, 05:36 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    International Court Tribunal for genocides: do execute!
    Posted by: adonis49 on: November 17, 2008

    In: Political Articles| Social Articles| politics/finance Today Comment!

    International Court Tribunal for genocides: do execute! (November 17, 200

    We need to discriminate among the categories of mass murderers in genocide cases; those who gave orders to kill and maim, those who followed ordered under duress of being executed on the spot, those who followed order under duress of facing court martial and execution, and those who followed orders simply for fear of career, material and financial losses. I would like all those who gave orders to kill and maim, from the highest to the lowest ranking, politicians and military men, to be executed. I would like the last category of murderers, who had choices not to follow orders, but did it for material benefits, to be executed in the International Tribunal. The two categories of murderess of those who barely had choices unless they die need to serve prison terms; the confinement in special prisons is for their own benefit: they would be able to focus on their deeds and then pay their dues to society and thus avoiding personal revenge from a “legitimate” point of view.

    Sure, no prison terms would eliminate the nagging conscious for the rest of a life but it might be helpful to permit convicts of moving on, change behavior and participate within society instead of living on the fringes. Of the four categories of murderers I am inclined to select the first category as the most vile and degraded human beings; at least instead of giving orders the officer should do the killing or maiming then he could be included in the prison terms categories and he would have avoided spreading cowardice and immoral behavior among his soldiers and subordinates.

    In just the last two decades, over one hundred military conflicts were being waged around the world; most of them were hate conflicts among tribes, races, ethnic groups and sectarian sects. Over 30 millions were displaced and more on the run. Famine and diseases and under-development followed, killing millions more. The European States and the USA have enacted stringent regulations to limit the flow of political refugees. Lebanon was a prime example in the eighties, Cambodia, Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Algeria, Kashmir, Yugoslavians, Bosnians and Croatians in Eastern Europe, and then Rwanda in Africa, Congo, Chechnya, Armenia, then Nigeria, Liberia, Sera Leon, then Ivory Coast, then Chad, then Afghanistan, then Iraq and now Pakistan and the cycle returns with Lebanon, Georgia, Congo, Somalia, Sudan, and Turkey against the Kurds.

    All the militias in all these conflicts harbor the same behavior and attitudes; they raise high their Kalashnikov, they show their cigarettes in the same manner, they take nonchalant breaks, and then they are up to resume their dirty immoral killing and maiming as regular jobs. They all claim to follow orders from superiors and they are not that worried of being persecuted in justice. Most of the militias are barely over 16 and in Africa 10-year old were recruited (the most lethal and scary midget assassins). In some countries almost a fifth of the population participated in the war, directly or indirectly, and they all got used to observing the massacres and blood shed and humiliations.

    Gunter Grass mentioned that over 20,000 German deserters were executed because they refused to follow orders for the mass killing. Why these real heroes have been forgotten and not commemorated every year? Ironically, these heroes are still considered as cowards and traitors by the German Army and most German civilians! Why only a sample, if any, of the perpetrators of genocides are brought to trial?

    I can comprehend the example of South Africa for general amnesty as long as the guilty admits and clarify his deeds: you cannot imprison the fifth of the population because they willingly and ideologically participated in the apartheid system. Argentina followed suit so did Chili but they should not have voted amnesty because only select circles in the army performed the genocides. Lebanon voted amnesty to all, except those who killed clergymen, but went much further in the ignominy: the militia leaders were all appointed ministers for recompense and their subordinates elected deputies in the Parliament!

02-01-2009, 05:41 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    فى منصوص التشريع الالهى..ان اساس الحكم هو العدل..
    ترى هل رعى حكامنا تلك الحكمه والتزموا بها....؟؟


02-01-2009, 05:45 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    لو رعى حكامنا حقوق مواطنيهم..
    واتقوا الله فيهم...
    كانوا تجنب كل المزالق..اوربيه.او دوليه..
    وحكموا بعدل..وصفاء..وسلام...!!


02-01-2009, 06:08 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    هل كنا نحتاج الى كل ذلك الاستجداء والتوسل...
    اذا التزم حكامنا بامانة المهمه.وشرفها...؟؟[/B

    AU urges international court to suspend indictment against Sudan president
    By ANITA POWELL | Associated Press Writer
    11:08 AM EST, January 30, 2009
    ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — The African Union urged the International Criminal Court Friday to suspend its indictment of Sudan's president on genocide charges, saying it could jeopardize any peace process in Darfur.

    The court's chief prosecutor has accused Omar al-Bashir of masterminding attempts to wipe out African tribes in western Sudan's Darfur region with a campaign of murder, rape and deportation.

    The ICC still must decide whether to issue a warrant for al-Bashir. There have been no rulings on the warrant yet and a court decision is expected early this year. The UN has the power to grant a one-year suspension.

    Up to 300,000 people have died and 2.5 million have been forced from their homes in five years of fighting in Darfur. Al-Bashir is also accused of unleashing militia allied with the government to target civilians, rather than rebels, in villages and camps[/

02-01-2009, 06:21 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    اذا هربنا من حساب الدنيا...لا مهرب من
    حساب الاخره..مهما طال الزمن...!!

    والقاتل يقتل.ولو بعد حين...!!

    'A Tremendous Day for International Justice'
    How the International Court pieced together its case against Sudan's Bashir.

    By Travis Wentworth | Newsweek Web Exclusive
    Jul 18, 2008 | Updated: 7:26 p.m. ET Jul 18, 2008
    From the Editors (2) Luis Moreno-Ocampo: The Global Lawman
    Sudan president charged with genocide in Darfur
    See All Recommended (6) UN: Arrest of Sudan's Bashir Could Mar Aid Effort
    Surviving Darfur: An African Doctor's Memoir
    Big Business: Wildlife Trafficking
    Luis Moreno-Ocampo: The Global Lawman
    A ‘New Model’ to Fight War Crimes
    Darfur Experts Debate Conflict
    See All Topics (5) Omar al-Bashir
    International Criminal Court
    Janjaweed Militia
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    With the controversial indictment of Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, earlier this week, the International Criminal Court is putting its reputation on the line. The court has taken years to assemble its case against Bashir, in large part because it is by design a passive institution: it can neither conduct its own investigations, nor make arrests. Perhaps more significantly, international reaction to the move is divided, with Russia and China complaining that it violates Sudan's sovereignty and NGOs worrying that the charges will endanger peacekeepers and aid workers in the country.

    War-crimes investigator Tom Parker served as a special adviser on transitional justice for the United Kingdom during the trial of Saddam Hussein before going to Chad in 2004 for the U.S. State Department's Genocide Assessment Team to investigate crimes in Darfur. He talked with NEWSWEEK's Travis Wentworth about the evidence against Bashir and what it will mean for Sudan's troubled region. Excerpts:

    NEWSWEEK: How will the ICC go about proving a link between Bashir and the crimes in Darfur?
    Tom Parker: The ICC has been operating with the major handicap that it doesn't have investigators on the ground. But there are plenty of organizations, both international and indigenous, that collect information. There are plenty of refugees who can tell about their experience [and] you've got African Union and U.N. peacekeepers on the ground, as well. They write reports which are certainly going to be made available to the ICC. Google had that Google Earth project, where they were monitoring the genocide from the air. So there are all these quite innovative attempts by the nongovernmental community to help the ICC overcome its shortcomings.

    Do you think the ICC has a strong case?
    Logistical stuff can tell you a whole lot about who's controlling what. [For example if] the Sudanese Air Force--as is often the case, or used to be the case with some of the village attacks--[is] flying an Antonov over a village and dropping explosives out the back three minutes before the Janjaweed [militia] turn up to assault the village, it's a pretty good bet that it's a coordinated assault and that the Sudanese Air Force and the Janjaweed are working in cahoots.

    One of the things we found in the Bosnia conflict is a lot of the military communications were recorded by the other people in the conflict: rebel groups might well be writing down what they hear on the radio. Often when you're dealing with a relatively unsophisticated military, as in the case of Sudan, they're not encrypting a lot of the communications. So anybody with a radio tuned into the same frequency can hear what's going on.

    Won't Bashir have to be out of power before these links can really be uncovered?
    There will be scraps of information out there that illustrate evidence of a chain of command. Who's paying the salaries of these people, where are they getting their ammunition from, where are they shipping the spoils? When I was there, there was talk that the Janjaweed would steal cattle and camels and send them to Egypt or to Libya to sell. In a command-oriented economy like Sudan, If you're shipping booty by rail, the state's in on it.

    Interactions the Janjaweed have with the authorities prove widespread cooperation between them and different aspects of government. If everybody's involved, from the state railways to the Air Force to the police to the arms manufacturers, there's really only one place all those strands meet, and that's at the top. You can start inferring the degree of political direction at a high level. So the way in which daily operations are run, snippets of information, eyewitness testimony, all can build a powerful circumstantial case that leaves no reasonable
    doubt that the government is behind it.

02-01-2009, 06:31 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    والقاتل..يقتل..ولو بعد حين....!!!!!!![/

    Prosecutor to present third Sudan case within weeks 17 Oct 2008 23:24:35 GMT
    Source: Reuters
    By Michelle Nichols

    NEW YORK, Oct 17 (Reuters) - The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said on Friday he will present a case within weeks for the indictment of some rebel commanders accused of attacking peacekeepers in Sudan's Darfur region.

    The court is currently considering chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo's case for the indictment of Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir and has already indicted a Sudanese minister and an allied militia leader for war crimes.

    "In a couple of weeks I will present my third case against some rebel commanders who were attacking African Union peacekeepers," Moreno-Ocampo told a Council on Foreign Relations symposium, sponsored by Hollywood actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

    Moreno-Ocampo has been investigating a 2007 attack on an AU base in Haskanita, Darfur which killed 12 peacekeepers and was blamed on rebels. A U.N. report said vehicles used in the attack bore the initials "JEM," which could have stood for the Justice and Equality Movement, a powerful rebel group.

    Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the group, said in July that if any of his guerrillas was indicted they would be handed over to the international court for trial.

    Sudan, which has signed but not ratified the treaty establishing the Hague-based ICC to try suspected war criminals, has refused to hand over the Sudanese minister or the militia leader indicted last year.

    Asked how confident he was that the court would approve an arrest warrant for Bashir, Moreno-Ocampo said: "The case is in the hands of the judges, I have requested before 12 arrest warrants -- I got 12. I am pretty confident I have a solid case."

    Bashir is accused of orchestrating a campaign of genocide in Darfur, a desolate region of western Sudan, from 2003.

    International experts say more than five years of fighting there has killed 200,000 people and driven 2.5 million from their homes. Sudan puts the death toll at 10,000.

    Jolie, a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, told the symposium that "peace is placed before justice, often instead of justice.

    "We let those who destroyed their countries decide the future for their countries," she said. "There is no enduring peace without justice." (Editing by Chris Wilson[/

02-02-2009, 10:27 AM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    هذه ..صور تحكى..عن مدى تفشى الظلم..
    ونتسال...اين حدود مسئولية الحاكم..
    المسلم.الذى يدعى .بانه يحكم بشرع الله...
    وانه يقيم .العدل...؟؟
    اين العدالة..والعدل...هنا...؟؟

    (عدل بواسطة عصمت العالم on 02-02-2009, 10:27 AM)


02-02-2009, 03:39 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...
    انك لن تخرق الارض.ولن تبلغ الجبال طولا..

    صدق الله الحق


02-02-2009, 09:33 PM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    ومهما كنت...يا سلطان.زمانك..!!
    بكره تمشى..ذى ما مشى..جعفر نميرى.قبالك..
    وتبقى العزه للسودان..
    والمجد للشعب..


02-02-2009, 09:42 PM

lana mahdi
<alana mahdi
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-07-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 16049

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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: عصمت العالم)

    Quote: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟

    يحمل صباح يوم 12 فبراير للسودان يا أخي الحبيب (فأل) الذكرى 124 لدخول الإمام المهدي لأم درمان بعد تحرير الخرطوم و لعله يحمل (سعادة واقع) تحرير جديد للخرطوم و خلاص جديد لام در و لسائر الوطن..

02-02-2009, 11:19 PM

Adam Omer
<aAdam Omer
تاريخ التسجيل: 03-14-2007
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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: lana mahdi)

    Quote: لو رعى حكامنا حقوق مواطنيهم..
    واتقوا الله فيهم...
    كانوا تجنب كل المزالق..اوربيه.او دوليه..
    وحكموا بعدل..وصفاء..وسلام...!!

    و كل هذا باسم الدين و الدين بريى من أفعال شياطين الانس

    تجار الدين تيوس الدين

    أكيد القادم أفضل

02-03-2009, 10:12 AM

عصمت العالم
<aعصمت العالم
تاريخ التسجيل: 04-03-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 3656

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: ترى ما الذى يحمله.. .صباح 12 فبراير من انباء ..للسودان...؟؟ (Re: Adam Omer)

    الاخت الحبيبه لنا..

    ذكرى دخول الامام محمد احمد المهدى عليه السلام الى امدرمان..ذلك القائد الذى جمع الامه ووحد الصف.وقاتل وانتصر على الاستعمار..ورفع الرايه
    هذه ذكرى وصدى عميق..
    وشتان ما بين من استولوا على سدنة الحكم..وتاجروا بشرع الله..وفسدوا وافسدوا الناس..
    وكانهم هم المبعثون..
    كلهم ظواهر النفاق وتالافك والضلال..
    خسئوا وبارت تجارتهم..
    والله اكبر ولله الحمد

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